
604 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Version 1.0 * NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`. * NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`. * NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell. * NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html. * NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`. * FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly. * FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\` * FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page. * FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells. * FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column. * FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`. * NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers). * NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders. * NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command. * NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode. * FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`. * NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items. * NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options. * FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html. * FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table. * FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html. * FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line. * FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap. * FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`. * FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc. * FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'. * FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page. * FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items. * FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
2010-05-12 02:00:00 +02:00
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" GetLatestVimScripts: 2226 1 :AutoInstall: vimwiki
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki") || &cp
let g:loaded_vimwiki = 1
let s:old_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
" Logging and performance instrumentation "{{{
let g:VimwikiLog = {}
let g:VimwikiLog.path = 0 " # of calls to VimwikiGet with path or path_html
let g:VimwikiLog.path_html = 0 " # of calls to path_html()
let g:VimwikiLog.normalize_path = 0 " # of calls to normalize_path()
let g:VimwikiLog.subdir = 0 " # of calls to vimwiki#base#subdir()
let g:VimwikiLog.timing = [] " various timing measurements
let g:VimwikiLog.html = [] " html conversion timing
function! VimwikiLog_extend(what,...) "{{{
call extend(g:VimwikiLog[a:what],a:000)
endfunction "}}}
" HELPER functions {{{
function! s:default(varname, value) "{{{
if !exists('g:vimwiki_'.a:varname)
let g:vimwiki_{a:varname} = a:value
endfunction "}}}
function! s:find_wiki(path) "{{{
" XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext
let path = vimwiki#path#path_norm(vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(a:path))
let idx = 0
while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list)
let idx_path = expand(VimwikiGet('path', idx))
let idx_path = vimwiki#path#path_norm(vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(idx_path))
if vimwiki#path#path_common_pfx(idx_path, path) == idx_path
return idx
let idx += 1
return -1
" an orphan page has been detected
endfunction "}}}
function! s:path_html(idx) "{{{
let path_html = VimwikiGet('path_html', a:idx)
if !empty(path_html)
return path_html
let g:VimwikiLog.path_html += 1 "XXX
let path = VimwikiGet('path', a:idx)
return substitute(path, '[/\\]\+$', '', '').'_html/'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:normalize_path(path) "{{{
let g:VimwikiLog.normalize_path += 1 "XXX
" resolve doesn't work quite right with symlinks ended with / or \
let path = substitute(a:path, '[/\\]\+$', '', '')
if path !~# '^scp:'
return resolve(expand(path)).'/'
return path.'/'
endfunction "}}}
function! Validate_wiki_options(idx) " {{{
call VimwikiSet('path', s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('path', a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('path_html', s:normalize_path(s:path_html(a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('template_path',
\ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('template_path', a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('diary_rel_path',
\ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path', a:idx)), a:idx)
endfunction " }}}
function! s:vimwiki_idx() " {{{
if exists('b:vimwiki_idx')
return b:vimwiki_idx
return -1
endfunction " }}}
function! s:setup_buffer_leave() "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom "Setup_buffer_leave g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
if &filetype == 'vimwiki'
" cache global vars of current state XXX: SLOW!?
call vimwiki#base#cache_buffer_state()
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_leave g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
let &autowriteall = s:vimwiki_autowriteall
" Set up menu
if g:vimwiki_menu != ""
exe 'nmenu disable '.g:vimwiki_menu.'.Table'
endfunction "}}}
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
function! s:setup_filetype() "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom "Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
let time0 = reltime() " start the clock "XXX
" Find what wiki current buffer belongs to.
let path = expand('%:p:h')
" XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext
let idx = s:find_wiki(path)
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." find_idx=".idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
if idx == -1 && g:vimwiki_global_ext == 0
"XXX when idx = -1? (an orphan page has been detected)
"TODO: refactor (same code in setup_buffer_enter)
" The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does* want his wiki
" extension(s) to be global -- Add new wiki.
if idx == -1
let ext = '.'.expand('%:e')
" lookup syntax using g:vimwiki_ext2syntax
if has_key(g:vimwiki_ext2syntax, ext)
let syn = g:vimwiki_ext2syntax[ext]
let syn = s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
call add(g:vimwiki_list, {'path': path, 'ext': ext, 'syntax': syn, 'temp': 1})
let idx = len(g:vimwiki_list) - 1
call Validate_wiki_options(idx)
" initialize and cache global vars of current state
call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx)
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (reset_wiki_state) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
unlet! b:vimwiki_fs_rescan
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
set filetype=vimwiki
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set ft=vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX
call VimwikiLog_extend('timing',['plugin:setup_filetype:time1',time1])
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
endfunction "}}}
function! s:setup_buffer_enter() "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom "Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
let time0 = reltime() " start the clock "XXX
if !vimwiki#base#recall_buffer_state()
" Find what wiki current buffer belongs to.
" If wiki does not exist in g:vimwiki_list -- add new wiki there with
" buffer's path and ext.
" Else set g:vimwiki_current_idx to that wiki index.
let path = expand('%:p:h')
" XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext
let idx = s:find_wiki(path)
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." find_idx=".idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
" The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does NOT* want his wiki
" extension to be global -- Do not add new wiki.
if idx == -1 && g:vimwiki_global_ext == 0
"TODO: refactor (same code in setup_filetype)
" The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does* want his wiki
" extension(s) to be global -- Add new wiki.
if idx == -1
let ext = '.'.expand('%:e')
" lookup syntax using g:vimwiki_ext2syntax
if has_key(g:vimwiki_ext2syntax, ext)
let syn = g:vimwiki_ext2syntax[ext]
let syn = s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax
call add(g:vimwiki_list, {'path': path, 'ext': ext, 'syntax': syn, 'temp': 1})
let idx = len(g:vimwiki_list) - 1
call Validate_wiki_options(idx)
" initialize and cache global vars of current state
call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx)
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (reset_wiki_state) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
" If you have
" au GUIEnter * VimwikiIndex
" Then change it to
" au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex
if &filetype == ''
set filetype=vimwiki
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set ft vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
elseif &syntax == 'vimwiki'
" to force a rescan of the filesystem which may have changed
" and update VimwikiLinks syntax group that depends on it;
" b:vimwiki_fs_rescan indicates that setup_filetype() has not been run
if exists("b:vimwiki_fs_rescan") && VimwikiGet('maxhi')
set syntax=vimwiki
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set syntax=vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
let b:vimwiki_fs_rescan = 1
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX
" Settings foldmethod, foldexpr and foldtext are local to window. Thus in a
" new tab with the same buffer folding is reset to vim defaults. So we
" insist vimwiki folding here.
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
if g:vimwiki_folding == 'expr'
setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldLevel(v:lnum)
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'list' || g:vimwiki_folding == 'lists'
setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldListLevel(v:lnum)
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'syntax'
setlocal fdm=syntax
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
setlocal fdm=manual
exe "normal zE"
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 02:00:00 +02:00
" And conceal level too.
if g:vimwiki_conceallevel && exists("+conceallevel")
let &conceallevel = g:vimwiki_conceallevel
" Set up menu
if g:vimwiki_menu != ""
exe 'nmenu enable '.g:vimwiki_menu.'.Table'
"let time2 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX
call VimwikiLog_extend('timing',['plugin:setup_buffer_enter:time1',time1])
endfunction "}}}
function! s:setup_buffer_reenter() "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom "Setup_buffer_reenter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
if !vimwiki#base#recall_buffer_state()
" Do not repeat work of s:setup_buffer_enter() and s:setup_filetype()
" Once should be enough ...
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_reenter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
if !exists("s:vimwiki_autowriteall")
let s:vimwiki_autowriteall = &autowriteall
let &autowriteall = g:vimwiki_autowriteall
endfunction "}}}
function! s:setup_cleared_syntax() "{{{ highlight groups that get cleared
" on colorscheme change because they are not linked to Vim-predefined groups
hi def VimwikiBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
hi def VimwikiItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
hi def VimwikiBoldItalic term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold,italic
hi def VimwikiUnderline gui=underline
if g:vimwiki_hl_headers == 1
for i in range(1,6)
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold'
endfunction "}}}
" OPTION get/set functions {{{
" return complete list of options
function! VimwikiGetOptionNames() "{{{
return keys(s:vimwiki_defaults)
endfunction "}}}
function! VimwikiGetOptions(...) "{{{
let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
let option_dict = {}
for kk in keys(s:vimwiki_defaults)
let option_dict[kk] = VimwikiGet(kk, idx)
return option_dict
endfunction "}}}
" Return value of option for current wiki or if second parameter exists for
" wiki with a given index.
" If the option is not found, it is assumed to have been previously cached in a
" buffer local dictionary, that acts as a cache.
" If the option is not found in the buffer local dictionary, an error is thrown
function! VimwikiGet(option, ...) "{{{
let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
if has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option)
let val = g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option]
elseif has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option)
let val = s:vimwiki_defaults[a:option]
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = val
let val = b:vimwiki_list[a:option]
" XXX no call to vimwiki#base here or else the whole autoload/base gets loaded!
return val
endfunction "}}}
" Set option for current wiki or if third parameter exists for
" wiki with a given index.
" If the option is not found or recognized (i.e. does not exist in
" s:vimwiki_defaults), it is saved in a buffer local dictionary, that acts
" as a cache.
" If the option is not found in the buffer local dictionary, an error is thrown
function! VimwikiSet(option, value, ...) "{{{
let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
if has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option) ||
\ has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option)
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = a:value
elseif exists('b:vimwiki_list')
let b:vimwiki_list[a:option] = a:value
let b:vimwiki_list = {}
let b:vimwiki_list[a:option] = a:value
endfunction "}}}
" Clear option for current wiki or if second parameter exists for
" wiki with a given index.
" Currently, only works if option was previously saved in the buffer local
" dictionary, that acts as a cache.
function! VimwikiClear(option, ...) "{{{
let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
if exists('b:vimwiki_list') && has_key(b:vimwiki_list, a:option)
call remove(b:vimwiki_list, a:option)
endfunction "}}}
" }}}
" }}}
" CALLBACK functions "{{{
" User can redefine it.
if !exists("*VimwikiLinkHandler") "{{{
function VimwikiLinkHandler(url)
return 0
endif "}}}
if !exists("*VimwikiWikiIncludeHandler") "{{{
function! VimwikiWikiIncludeHandler(value) "{{{
" Return the empty string when unable to process link
return ''
endfunction "}}}
endif "}}}
" DEFAULT wiki {{{
let s:vimwiki_defaults = {}
let s:vimwiki_defaults.path = '~/vimwiki/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.path_html = '' " '' is replaced by derived path.'_html/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.css_name = 'style.css'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.index = 'index'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.ext = '.wiki'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.maxhi = 0
let s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax = 'default'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_path = ''
let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_default = ''
let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_ext = ''
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
let s:vimwiki_defaults.nested_syntaxes = {}
let s:vimwiki_defaults.automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1
let s:vimwiki_defaults.auto_export = 0
let s:vimwiki_defaults.auto_toc = 0
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 02:00:00 +02:00
" is wiki temporary -- was added to g:vimwiki_list by opening arbitrary wiki
" file.
let s:vimwiki_defaults.temp = 0
" diary
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_rel_path = 'diary/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_index = 'diary'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_header = 'Diary'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_sort = 'desc'
Version 1.0 * NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`. * NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`. * NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell. * NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html. * NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`. * FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly. * FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\` * FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page. * FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells. * FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column. * FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`. * NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers). * NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders. * NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command. * NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode. * FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`. * NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items. * NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options. * FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html. * FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table. * FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html. * FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line. * FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap. * FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`. * FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc. * FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'. * FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page. * FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items. * FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
2010-05-12 02:00:00 +02:00
" Do not change this! Will wait till vim become more datetime awareable.
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_link_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
" NEW! in v2.0
" custom_wiki2html
let s:vimwiki_defaults.custom_wiki2html = ''
let s:vimwiki_defaults.list_margin = -1
" DEFAULT options {{{
call s:default('list', [s:vimwiki_defaults])
call s:default('use_mouse', 0)
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
call s:default('folding', '')
call s:default('menu', 'Vimwiki')
call s:default('global_ext', 1)
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
call s:default('ext2syntax', {}) " syntax map keyed on extension
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
call s:default('hl_headers', 0)
call s:default('hl_cb_checked', 0)
call s:default('list_ignore_newline', 1)
call s:default('listsyms', ' .oOX')
call s:default('use_calendar', 1)
call s:default('table_mappings', 1)
call s:default('table_auto_fmt', 1)
call s:default('w32_dir_enc', '')
Version 1.0 * NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`. * NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`. * NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell. * NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html. * NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`. * FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly. * FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\` * FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page. * FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells. * FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column. * FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`. * NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers). * NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders. * NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command. * NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode. * FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`. * NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items. * NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options. * FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html. * FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table. * FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html. * FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line. * FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap. * FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`. * FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc. * FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'. * FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page. * FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items. * FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
2010-05-12 02:00:00 +02:00
call s:default('CJK_length', 0)
call s:default('dir_link', '')
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
call s:default('valid_html_tags', 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr,div,center,strong,em')
call s:default('user_htmls', '')
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
call s:default('autowriteall', 1)
call s:default('toc_header', 'Contents')
Version 1.0 * NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`. * NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`. * NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell. * NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html. * NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`. * FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly. * FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\` * FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page. * FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells. * FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column. * FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`. * NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers). * NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders. * NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command. * NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode. * FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`. * NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items. * NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options. * FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html. * FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table. * FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html. * FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line. * FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap. * FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`. * FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc. * FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'. * FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page. * FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items. * FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
2010-05-12 02:00:00 +02:00
call s:default('html_header_numbering', 0)
call s:default('html_header_numbering_sym', '')
call s:default('conceallevel', 2)
call s:default('url_maxsave', 15)
call s:default('debug', 0)
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
call s:default('diary_months',
\ {
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
\ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March',
\ 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June',
\ 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September',
\ 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December'
\ })
call s:default('map_prefix', '<Leader>w')
call s:default('current_idx', 0)
" Scheme regexes should be defined even if syntax file is not loaded yet
" cause users should be able to <leader>w<leader>w without opening any
" vimwiki file first
" Scheme regexes {{{
call s:default('schemes', 'wiki\d\+,diary,local')
call s:default('web_schemes1', 'http,https,file,ftp,gopher,telnet,nntp,ldap,'.
\ 'rsync,imap,pop,irc,ircs,cvs,svn,svn+ssh,git,ssh,fish,sftp')
call s:default('web_schemes2', 'mailto,news,xmpp,sip,sips,doi,urn,tel')
let s:rxSchemes = '\%('.
2013-04-19 05:46:58 +02:00
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes2, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').
\ '\)'
call s:default('rxSchemeUrl', s:rxSchemes.':.*')
call s:default('rxSchemeUrlMatchScheme', '\zs'.s:rxSchemes.'\ze:.*')
call s:default('rxSchemeUrlMatchUrl', s:rxSchemes.':\zs.*\ze')
" scheme regexes }}}
for s:idx in range(len(g:vimwiki_list))
call Validate_wiki_options(s:idx)
" AUTOCOMMANDS for all known wiki extensions {{{
augroup filetypedetect
" clear FlexWiki's stuff
au! * *.wiki
augroup end
augroup vimwiki
for s:ext in vimwiki#base#get_known_extensions()
exe 'autocmd BufEnter *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_reenter()'
exe 'autocmd BufWinEnter *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_enter()'
exe 'autocmd BufLeave,BufHidden *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_leave()'
exe 'autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead, *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_filetype()'
exe 'autocmd ColorScheme *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_cleared_syntax()'
" Format tables when exit from insert mode. Do not use textwidth to
" autowrap tables.
if g:vimwiki_table_auto_fmt
exe 'autocmd InsertLeave *'.s:ext.' call vimwiki#tbl#format(line("."))'
exe 'autocmd InsertEnter *'.s:ext.' call vimwiki#tbl#reset_tw(line("."))'
augroup END
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
command! VimwikiUISelect call vimwiki#base#ui_select()
" XXX: why not using <count> instead of v:count1?
" See Issue 324.
command! -count=1 VimwikiIndex
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
\ call vimwiki#base#goto_index(v:count1)
command! -count=1 VimwikiTabIndex
\ call vimwiki#base#goto_index(v:count1, 1)
command! -count=1 VimwikiDiaryIndex
\ call vimwiki#diary#goto_diary_index(v:count1)
command! -count=1 VimwikiMakeDiaryNote
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
\ call vimwiki#diary#make_note(v:count1)
command! -count=1 VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote
\ call vimwiki#diary#make_note(v:count1, 1)
command! VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks
\ call vimwiki#diary#generate_diary_section()
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 02:00:00 +02:00
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiIndex')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'w <Plug>VimwikiIndex'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiIndex :VimwikiIndex<CR>
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 02:00:00 +02:00
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiTabIndex')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'t <Plug>VimwikiTabIndex'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiTabIndex :VimwikiTabIndex<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiUISelect')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'s <Plug>VimwikiUISelect'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiUISelect :VimwikiUISelect<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiDiaryIndex')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'i <Plug>VimwikiDiaryIndex'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiDiaryIndex :VimwikiDiaryIndex<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'<Leader>i <Plug>VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks'
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks :VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiMakeDiaryNote')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'<Leader>w <Plug>VimwikiMakeDiaryNote'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiMakeDiaryNote :VimwikiMakeDiaryNote<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote')
exe 'nmap <silent><unique> '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'<Leader>t <Plug>VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote'
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
nnoremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote
\ :VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote<CR>
" MENU {{{
function! s:build_menu(topmenu)
let idx = 0
while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list)
let norm_path = fnamemodify(VimwikiGet('path', idx), ':h:t')
let norm_path = escape(norm_path, '\ \.')
execute 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.Open\ index.'.norm_path.
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
\ ' :call vimwiki#base#goto_index('.(idx + 1).')<CR>'
execute 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.Open/Create\ diary\ note.'.norm_path.
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
\ ' :call vimwiki#diary#make_note('.(idx + 1).')<CR>'
let idx += 1
function! s:build_table_menu(topmenu)
exe 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.-Sep- :'
exe 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Create\ (enter\ cols\ rows) :VimwikiTable '
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Format<tab>gqq gqq'
Version 1.0 * NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`. * NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`. * NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell. * NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html. * NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`. * FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly. * FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\` * FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page. * FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells. * FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column. * FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`. * NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers). * NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders. * NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command. * NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode. * FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`. * NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items. * NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options. * FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html. * FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table. * FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html. * FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line. * FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap. * FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`. * FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc. * FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'. * FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page. * FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items. * FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
2010-05-12 02:00:00 +02:00
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Move\ column\ left<tab><A-Left> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft<CR>'
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Move\ column\ right<tab><A-Right> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight<CR>'
exe 'nmenu disable '.a:topmenu.'.Table'
"XXX make sure anything below does not cause autoload/base to be loaded
if !empty(g:vimwiki_menu)
call s:build_menu(g:vimwiki_menu)
call s:build_table_menu(g:vimwiki_menu)
" }}}
" CALENDAR Hook "{{{
if g:vimwiki_use_calendar
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 02:00:00 +02:00
let g:calendar_action = 'vimwiki#diary#calendar_action'
let g:calendar_sign = 'vimwiki#diary#calendar_sign'
let &cpo = s:old_cpo