pull in vimwiki 2.1 from vim.org
This commit is contained in:
@ -166,9 +166,9 @@ function! vimwiki#base#validate_wiki_options(idx) " {{{ Validate wiki options
" update normalized path & path_html
call VimwikiSet('path', s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('path', a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('path_html', s:normalize_path(s:path_html(a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('template_path',
call VimwikiSet('template_path',
\ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('template_path', a:idx)), a:idx)
call VimwikiSet('diary_rel_path',
call VimwikiSet('diary_rel_path',
\ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path', a:idx)), a:idx)
" XXX: It's too early to update global / buffer variables, because they are
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
" vimwiki#base#mkdir
" If the optional argument 'confirm' == 1 is provided,
" vimwiki#base#mkdir will ask before creating a directory
" vimwiki#base#mkdir will ask before creating a directory
function! vimwiki#base#mkdir(path, ...) "{{{
let path = expand(a:path)
if !isdirectory(path) && exists("*mkdir")
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#file_pattern(files) "{{{ Get search regex from glob()
" names that are compatible with any external restrictions that they
" encounter (e.g. filesystem, wiki conventions, other syntaxes, ...).
" See: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/issues/detail?id=316
" Change / to [/\\] to allow "Windows paths"
" Change / to [/\\] to allow "Windows paths"
" TODO: boundary cases ...
" e.g. "File$", "^File", "Fi]le", "Fi[le", "Fi\le", "Fi/le"
" XXX: (remove my comment if agreed) Maxim: with \V (very nomagic) boundary
@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(lnk, as_html) " {{{ Resolve scheme
let lnk = a:lnk
let is_schemeless = lnk !~ g:vimwiki_rxSchemeUrl
let lnk = (is_schemeless ? 'wiki'.g:vimwiki_current_idx.':'.lnk : lnk)
" Get scheme
let scheme = matchstr(lnk, g:vimwiki_rxSchemeUrlMatchScheme)
" Get link (without scheme)
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(lnk, as_html) " {{{ Resolve scheme
let idx = -1
" do nothing if scheme is unknown to vimwiki
if !(scheme =~ 'wiki.*' || scheme =~ 'diary' || scheme =~ 'local'
if !(scheme =~ 'wiki.*' || scheme =~ 'diary' || scheme =~ 'local'
\ || scheme =~ 'file')
return [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, scheme.':'.lnk]
@ -441,10 +441,10 @@ function! vimwiki#base#system_open_link(url) "{{{
execute '!open ' . shellescape(a:url, 1)
function! s:linux_handler(url)
execute 'silent !xdg-open ' . shellescape(a:url, 1)
call system('xdg-open ' . shellescape(a:url, 1).' &')
let success = 0
if vimwiki#u#is_windows()
call s:win32_handler(a:url)
@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
" vimwiki#base#open_link
function! vimwiki#base#open_link(cmd, link, ...) "{{{
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
\ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(a:link, 0)
if url == ''
@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ function! vimwiki#base#open_link(cmd, link, ...) "{{{
let update_prev_link = (
\ scheme == '' ||
\ scheme =~ 'wiki' ||
\ scheme == '' ||
\ scheme =~ 'wiki' ||
\ scheme =~ 'diary' ? 1 : 0)
let use_system_open = (
\ scheme == '' ||
\ scheme =~ 'wiki' ||
\ scheme == '' ||
\ scheme =~ 'wiki' ||
\ scheme =~ 'diary' ? 0 : 1)
let vimwiki_prev_link = []
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#generate_links() "{{{only get links from the current dir
" change to the directory of the current file
let orig_pwd = getcwd()
lcd! %:h
" all path are relative to the current file's location
" all path are relative to the current file's location
let globlinks = glob('*'.VimwikiGet('ext'),1)."\n"
" remove extensions
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext').'\ze\n', '', 'g')
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#base#backlinks() "{{{
execute 'lvimgrep "\%(^\|[[:blank:][:punct:]]\)'.
\ expand("%:t:r").
\ '\([[:blank:][:punct:]]\|$\)" '.
\ '\([[:blank:][:punct:]]\|$\)\C" '.
\ escape(VimwikiGet('path').'**/*'.VimwikiGet('ext'), ' ')
endfunction "}}}
@ -560,7 +560,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#get_links(pat) "{{{ return string-list for files
let time1 = reltime() " start the clock
" XXX:
" XXX:
" if maxhi = 1 and <leader>w<leader>w before loading any vimwiki file
" cached 'subdir' is not set up
@ -575,18 +575,18 @@ function! vimwiki#base#get_links(pat) "{{{ return string-list for files
" if current wiki is temporary -- was added by an arbitrary wiki file then do
" not search wiki files in subdirectories. Or it would hang the system if
" wiki file was created in $HOME or C:/ dirs.
if VimwikiGet('temp')
if VimwikiGet('temp')
let search_dirs = ''
let search_dirs = '**/'
" let globlinks = "\n".glob(VimwikiGet('path').search_dirs.a:pat,1)."\n"
"save pwd, do lcd %:h, restore old pwd; getcwd()
" change to the directory of the current file
let orig_pwd = getcwd()
" calling from other than vimwiki file
" calling from other than vimwiki file
let path_base = vimwiki#u#path_norm(vimwiki#u#chomp_slash(VimwikiGet('path')))
let path_file = vimwiki#u#path_norm(vimwiki#u#chomp_slash(expand('%:p:h')))
@ -596,7 +596,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#get_links(pat) "{{{ return string-list for files
lcd! %:p:h
" all path are relative to the current file's location
" all path are relative to the current file's location
let globlinks = "\n".glob(invsubdir.search_dirs.a:pat,1)."\n"
" remove extensions
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks,'\'.VimwikiGet('ext').'\ze\n', '', 'g')
@ -613,7 +613,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#get_links(pat) "{{{ return string-list for files
" for directories: add ./ (instead of now empty) and invsubdir (if distinct)
if a:pat == '*/'
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks, "\n\n", "\n./\n",'')
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks, "\n\n", "\n./\n",'')
if invsubdir != ''
let globlinks .= invsubdir."\n"
@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#edit_file(command, filename, ...) "{{{
" then
" [[test*file]]...
" you'll have E77: Too many file names
let fname = escape(a:filename, '% *|')
let fname = escape(a:filename, '% *|#')
let dir = fnamemodify(a:filename, ":p:h")
if vimwiki#base#mkdir(dir, 1)
execute a:command.' '.fname
@ -755,9 +755,9 @@ function! s:update_wiki_links_dir(dir, old_fname, new_fname) " {{{
let old_fname_r = old_fname
let new_fname_r = new_fname
let old_fname_r = vimwiki#base#apply_template(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate1,
let old_fname_r = vimwiki#base#apply_template(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate1,
\ '\zs'.old_fname.'\ze', '.*', '').
\ '\|'. vimwiki#base#apply_template(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate2,
\ '\|'. vimwiki#base#apply_template(g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate2,
\ '\zs'.old_fname.'\ze', '.*', '')
let files = split(glob(VimwikiGet('path').a:dir.'*'.VimwikiGet('ext')), '\n')
@ -801,7 +801,7 @@ function! s:update_wiki_links(old_fname, new_fname) " {{{
while idx < len(dirs_keys)
let dir = dirs_keys[idx]
let new_dir = dirs_vals[idx]
call s:update_wiki_links_dir(dir,
call s:update_wiki_links_dir(dir,
\ new_dir.old_fname, new_dir.new_fname)
let idx = idx + 1
@ -872,12 +872,12 @@ function! vimwiki#base#nested_syntax(filetype, start, end, textSnipHl) abort "{{
" regular one.
" Perl syntax file has perlFunctionName which is usually has no effect due to
" 'contained' flag. Now we have 'syntax include' that makes all the groups
" included as 'contained' into specific group.
" included as 'contained' into specific group.
" Here perlFunctionName (with quite an angry regexp "\h\w*[^:]") clashes with
" the rest syntax rules as now it has effect being really 'contained'.
" Clear it!
if ft =~ 'perl'
syntax clear perlFunctionName
syntax clear perlFunctionName
endfunction "}}}
@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#find_prev_link() "{{{
endfunction " }}}
" vimwiki#base#follow_link
function! vimwiki#base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at cursor and pass
function! vimwiki#base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at cursor and pass
" to VimwikiLinkHandler, or failing that, the default open_link handler
if exists('*vimwiki#'.VimwikiGet('syntax').'_base#follow_link')
" Syntax-specific links
@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at cursor and pas
if a:0 > 0
execute "normal! ".a:1
call vimwiki#base#normalize_link(0)
@ -1051,7 +1051,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#rename_link() "{{{
if url != ''
let new_link = url
let new_link = subdir.new_link
let new_fname = VimwikiGet('path').new_link.VimwikiGet('ext')
@ -1134,7 +1134,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
if !search('^\(=\+\).\+\1\s*$', 'bcW')
let sel_start = line("'<")
let sel_end = line("'>")
let block_start = line(".")
@ -1142,7 +1142,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
let level = vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(getline('.'))
let is_header_selected = sel_start == block_start
let is_header_selected = sel_start == block_start
\ && sel_start != sel_end
if a:visual && is_header_selected
@ -1374,7 +1374,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#AddHeaderLevel() "{{{
call setline(lnum, line)
let line = substitute(line, '^\s*', '&'.rxHdr.' ', '')
let line = substitute(line, '^\s*', '&'.rxHdr.' ', '')
if g:vimwiki_symH
let line = substitute(line, '\s*$', ' '.rxHdr.'&', '')
@ -1427,7 +1427,7 @@ function! vimwiki#base#apply_template(template, rxUrl, rxDesc, rxStyle) "{{{
let magic_chars = '.*[\^$'
let lnk = escape(a:template, magic_chars)
if a:rxUrl != ""
let lnk = substitute(lnk, '__LinkUrl__', '\='."'".a:rxUrl."'", '')
let lnk = substitute(lnk, '__LinkUrl__', '\='."'".a:rxUrl."'", '')
if a:rxDesc != ""
let lnk = substitute(lnk, '__LinkDescription__', '\='."'".a:rxDesc."'", '')
@ -1492,7 +1492,7 @@ function! s:normalize_link_syntax_n() " {{{
" try WikiIncl
let lnk = vimwiki#base#matchstr_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl)
if !empty(lnk)
@ -1567,7 +1567,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
" Load syntax-specific Wiki functionality
for syn in vimwiki#base#get_known_syntaxes()
execute 'runtime! autoload/vimwiki/'.syn.'_base.vim'
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -4,7 +4,15 @@
" Author: Maxim Kim <habamax@gmail.com>
" Home: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/
" XXX: This file should be refactored!
" TODO: We need vimwiki abstract syntax tree. If properly designed it wourld
" greatly symplify different syntax to HTML generation.
" vimwiki -- --> PDF
" \ /
" markdown -----> AST -----> HTML
" / \
" mediawiki -- --> Latex
" Load only once {{{
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_html_auto") || &cp
@ -137,22 +145,12 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:safe_html(line) "{{{
" escape & < > when producing HTML text
" uses variables s:lt_pattern, s:gt_pattern that are
" set in vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML() according to g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags
"" htmlize symbols: < > &
" s:lt_pattern, s:gt_pattern depend on g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags
" and are set in vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML()
let line = substitute(a:line, '&', '\&', 'g')
" the following depends on g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags
let line = substitute(line,s:lt_pattern,'\<', 'g')
let line = substitute(line,s:gt_pattern,'\>', 'g')
"let tags = join(split(g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags, '\s*,\s*'), '\|')
"let line = substitute(line,'<\%(/\?\%('
" \.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?>\)\@!',
" \'\<', 'g')
"let line = substitute(line,'\%(</\?\%('
" \.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?\)\@<!>',
" \'\>', 'g')
return line
endfunction "}}}
@ -379,8 +377,8 @@ function! vimwiki#html#linkify_link(src, descr) "{{{
let src_str = ' href="'.a:src.'"'
let descr = substitute(a:descr,'^\s*\(.*\)\s*$','\1','')
let descr = (descr == "" ? a:src : descr)
let descr_str = (descr =~ g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl
\ ? s:tag_wikiincl(descr)
let descr_str = (descr =~ g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl
\ ? s:tag_wikiincl(descr)
\ : descr)
return '<a'.src_str.'>'.descr_str.'</a>'
endfunction "}}}
@ -415,7 +413,7 @@ function! s:tag_wikiincl(value) "{{{
let descr = matchstr(str, vimwiki#html#incl_match_arg(1))
let verbatim_str = matchstr(str, vimwiki#html#incl_match_arg(2))
" resolve url
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
\ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(url_0, 1)
" generate html output
" TODO: migrate non-essential debugging messages into g:VimwikiLog
@ -448,7 +446,7 @@ function! s:tag_wikilink(value) "{{{
let descr = (substitute(descr,'^\s*\(.*\)\s*$','\1','') != '' ? descr : url)
" resolve url
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
\ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(url, 1)
" generate html output
@ -456,11 +454,10 @@ function! s:tag_wikilink(value) "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug > 1
echom '[[idx='.idx.', scheme='.scheme.', path='.path.', subdir='.subdir.', lnk='.lnk.', ext='.ext.']]'
let url = escape(url, '#')
let line = vimwiki#html#linkify_link(url, descr)
return line
endfunction "}}}
"}}} v1.3 links
function! s:tag_remove_internal_link(value) "{{{
@ -511,7 +508,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:make_tag(line, regexp, func) "{{{
" Make tags for a given matched regexp.
" Exclude preformatted text and href links.
let patt_splitter = '\(`[^`]\+`\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart.'.\+'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd.'\)\|'.
\ '\(<a href.\{-}</a>\)\|'.
@ -612,7 +609,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_table(table, ldest) "{{{
" The first element of table list is a string which tells us if table should be centered.
" The rest elements are rows which are lists of columns:
" ['center',
" ['center',
" [ CELL1, CELL2, CELL3 ],
" [ CELL1, CELL2, CELL3 ],
" [ CELL1, CELL2, CELL3 ],
@ -623,7 +620,7 @@ function! s:close_tag_table(table, ldest) "{{{
let table = a:table
" Get max cells
let max_cells = 0
let max_cells = 0
for row in table[1:]
let n_cells = len(row)
if n_cells > max_cells
@ -669,14 +666,14 @@ function! s:close_tag_table(table, ldest) "{{{
function! s:close_tag_row(row, header, ldest) "{{{
call add(a:ldest, '<tr>')
" Set tag element of columns
" Set tag element of columns
if a:header
let tag_name = 'th'
let tag_name = 'td'
" Close tag of columns
" Close tag of columns
for cell in a:row
if cell.rowspan == 0 || cell.colspan == 0
@ -859,7 +856,7 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
" let completion = match(g:vimwiki_listsyms, '\C' . chk[1])
let completion = s:get_completion_index(chk[1])
if completion >= 0 && completion <=4
if completion >= 0 && completion <=4
let st_tag = '<li class="done'.completion.'">'
@ -1028,7 +1025,7 @@ function! s:process_tag_h(line, id) "{{{
let h_text = vimwiki#u#trim(matchstr(line, g:vimwiki_rxHeader))
if g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering
let num = matchstr(h_number,
let num = matchstr(h_number,
\ '^\(\d.\)\{'.(g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering-1).'}\zs.*')
if !empty(num)
let num .= g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym
@ -1352,13 +1349,17 @@ endfunction " }}}
function! vimwiki#html#CustomWiki2HTML(path, wikifile, force) "{{{
call vimwiki#base#mkdir(a:path)
execute '!'.VimwikiGet('custom_wiki2html'). ' '
echomsg system(VimwikiGet('custom_wiki2html'). ' '.
\ a:force. ' '.
\ VimwikiGet('syntax'). ' '.
\ strpart(VimwikiGet('ext'), 1). ' '.
\ a:path. ' '.
\ a:wikifile. ' '.
\ s:default_CSS_full_name(a:path)
\ shellescape(a:path, 1). ' '.
\ shellescape(a:wikifile, 1). ' '.
\ shellescape(s:default_CSS_full_name(a:path), 1). ' '.
\ (len(VimwikiGet('template_path')) > 1 ? shellescape(expand(VimwikiGet('template_path')), 1) : '-'). ' '.
\ (len(VimwikiGet('template_default')) > 0 ? VimwikiGet('template_default') : '-'). ' '.
\ (len(VimwikiGet('template_ext')) > 0 ? VimwikiGet('template_ext') : '-'). ' '.
\ (len(VimwikiGet('subdir')) > 0 ? shellescape(s:root_path(VimwikiGet('subdir')), 1) : '-'))
endfunction " }}}
function! vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
@ -1369,7 +1370,7 @@ function! vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
let wikifile = fnamemodify(a:wikifile, ":p")
let path_html = expand(a:path_html).VimwikiGet('subdir')
let path_html = expand(a:path_html).VimwikiGet('subdir')
let htmlfile = fnamemodify(wikifile, ":t:r").'.html'
if s:use_custom_wiki2html()
@ -1415,8 +1416,8 @@ function! vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
let s:gt_pattern = '>'
if g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags != ''
let tags = join(split(g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags, '\s*,\s*'), '\|')
let s:lt_pattern = '<\%(/\?\%('.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?>\)\@!'
let s:gt_pattern = '\%(</\?\%('.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?\)\@<!>'
let s:lt_pattern = '\c<\%(/\?\%('.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?>\)\@!'
let s:gt_pattern = '\c\%(</\?\%('.tags.'\)\%(\s\{-1}\S\{-}\)\{-}/\?\)\@<!>'
for line in lsource
@ -1487,7 +1488,7 @@ function! vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
call map(html_lines, 'substitute(v:val, "%encoding%", "'. enc .'", "g")')
let html_lines = s:html_insert_contents(html_lines, ldest) " %contents%
"" make html file.
call writefile(html_lines, path_html.htmlfile)
let done = 1
@ -1499,7 +1500,7 @@ function! vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
" measure the elapsed time
" measure the elapsed time
let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(starttime) "XXX
call VimwikiLog_extend('html',[htmlfile,time1])
"if g:vimwiki_debug
@ -1566,7 +1567,7 @@ function! vimwiki#html#WikiAll2HTML(path_html) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:file_exists(fname) "{{{
return !empty(getftype(a:fname))
return !empty(getftype(expand(a:fname)))
endfunction "}}}
" uses VimwikiGet('path')
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ function! s:get_child_items(lnum) "{{{
call add(result, lnum)
let lnum = s:next_list_item(lnum)
return result
endfunction "}}}
@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ function! s:get_sibling_items(lnum) "{{{
let lnum = s:prev_list_item(lnum)
return result
endfunction "}}}
@ -407,12 +407,12 @@ function s:get_list_nesting_level(lnum) "{{{
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media'
if getline(a:lnum) !~ s:rx_list_item()
let level = 0
let level = vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(getline(a:lnum)) - 1
let level = level < 0 ? 0 : level
let level = indent(a:lnum)
let level = indent(a:lnum)
return level
endfunction "}}}
@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ function! vimwiki#lst#change_level(...) "{{{
let li_bullet_and_content = strpart(line, n_nesting + n_indent)
" list bullet and checkbox
let cb_bullet = matchstr(li_bullet_and_content, s:rx_list_item()).
let cb_bullet = matchstr(li_bullet_and_content, s:rx_list_item()).
\ matchstr(li_bullet_and_content, s:rx_cb_list_item())
" XXX: it could be not unicode proof --> if checkboxes are set up with unicode syms
@ -505,18 +505,18 @@ function! vimwiki#lst#change_level(...) "{{{
" change level
if cmd == '--'
if cmd == '--'
let cb_bullet = s:compose_cb_bullet(cb_bullet, sym)
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media'
let sym_nest = sym
elseif cmd == '>>'
elseif cmd == '>>'
if cb_bullet == ''
let cb_bullet = sym
let n_nesting = n_nesting + list_sw
elseif cmd == '<<'
elseif cmd == '<<'
let n_nesting = n_nesting - list_sw
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media'
if n_nesting < 0
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ function! vimwiki#markdown_base#scan_reflinks() " {{{
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E480/ " No Match
"Ignore it, and move on to the next file
for d in getqflist()
let matchline = join(getline(d.lnum, min([d.lnum+1, line('$')])), ' ')
let descr = matchstr(matchline, g:vimwiki_rxMkdRefMatchDescr)
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ endfunction " }}}
" vimwiki#base#find_prev_link
" vimwiki#base#follow_link
function! vimwiki#markdown_base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at cursor and pass
function! vimwiki#markdown_base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at cursor and pass
" to VimwikiLinkHandler, or failing that, the default open_link handler
" echom "markdown_base#follow_link"
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ function! vimwiki#markdown_base#follow_link(split, ...) "{{{ Parse link at curso
if a:0 > 0
execute "normal! ".a:1
call vimwiki#base#normalize_link(0)
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ function! s:normalize_link_syntax_n() " {{{
" try WikiLink1: replace with WikiLink0
let lnk = vimwiki#base#matchstr_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1)
if !empty(lnk)
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ function! s:normalize_link_syntax_n() " {{{
" try Weblink
let lnk = vimwiki#base#matchstr_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWeblink)
if !empty(lnk)
@ -16,10 +16,13 @@ let g:loaded_vimwiki_tbl_auto = 1
let s:textwidth = &tw
let s:rxSep = g:vimwiki_rxTableSep
" Misc functions {{{
function! s:rxSep() "{{{
return g:vimwiki_rxTableSep
endfunction "}}}
function! s:wide_len(str) "{{{
" vim73 has new function that gives correct string width.
if exists("*strdisplaywidth")
@ -43,36 +46,36 @@ function! s:wide_len(str) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:cell_splitter() "{{{
return '\s*'.s:rxSep.'\s*'
return '\s*'.s:rxSep().'\s*'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:sep_splitter() "{{{
return '-'.s:rxSep.'-'
return '-'.s:rxSep().'-'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_table(line) "{{{
return s:is_separator(a:line) || (a:line !~ s:rxSep.s:rxSep && a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep.'.\+'.s:rxSep.'\s*$')
return s:is_separator(a:line) || (a:line !~ s:rxSep().s:rxSep() && a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_separator(line) "{{{
return a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep.'\(--\+'.s:rxSep.'\)\+\s*$'
return a:line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'\(--\+'.s:rxSep().'\)\+\s*$'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_separator_tail(line) "{{{
return a:line =~ '^\{-1}\%(\s*\|-*\)\%('.s:rxSep.'-\+\)\+'.s:rxSep.'\s*$'
return a:line =~ '^\{-1}\%(\s*\|-*\)\%('.s:rxSep().'-\+\)\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_last_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), a:cnum - 1)
"echomsg "DEBUG is_last_column> ".(line =~ s:rxSep.'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep.'.*'.s:rxSep.'\s*$')
return line =~ s:rxSep.'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep.'.*'.s:rxSep.'\s*$'
"echomsg "DEBUG is_last_column> ".(line =~ s:rxSep().'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep().'\s*$')
return line =~ s:rxSep().'\s*$' && line !~ s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep().'\s*$'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_first_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), 0, a:cnum - 1)
"echomsg "DEBUG is_first_column> ".(line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep.'.*'.s:rxSep)
return line =~ '^\s*$' || (line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep.'.*'.s:rxSep)
"echomsg "DEBUG is_first_column> ".(line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep() && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep())
return line =~ '^\s*$' || (line =~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep() && line !~ '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep())
endfunction "}}}
function! s:count_separators_up(lnum) "{{{
@ -100,8 +103,8 @@ function! s:count_separators_down(lnum) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:create_empty_row(cols) "{{{
let row = s:rxSep
let cell = " ".s:rxSep
let row = s:rxSep()
let cell = " ".s:rxSep()
for c in range(a:cols)
let row .= cell
@ -111,8 +114,8 @@ function! s:create_empty_row(cols) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:create_row_sep(cols) "{{{
let row = s:rxSep
let cell = "---".s:rxSep
let row = s:rxSep()
let cell = "---".s:rxSep()
for c in range(a:cols)
let row .= cell
@ -274,10 +277,10 @@ function! s:cur_column() "{{{
" TODO: do we need conditional: if s:is_separator(line)
let curs_pos = col('.')
let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep, 0)
let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), 0)
let col = -1
while mpos < curs_pos && mpos != -1
let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep, mpos+1)
let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), mpos+1)
if mpos != -1
let col += 1
@ -301,7 +304,7 @@ function! s:fmt_cell(cell, max_len) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:fmt_row(line, max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
let new_line = s:rxSep
let new_line = s:rxSep()
let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(a:line)
for idx in range(len(cells))
if idx == a:col1
@ -310,12 +313,12 @@ function! s:fmt_row(line, max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
let idx = a:col1
let value = cells[idx]
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(value, a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(value, a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
let idx = len(cells)
while idx < len(a:max_lens)
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell('', a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell('', a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
let idx += 1
return new_line
@ -330,14 +333,14 @@ function! s:fmt_cell_sep(max_len) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:fmt_sep(max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
let new_line = s:rxSep
let new_line = s:rxSep()
for idx in range(len(a:max_lens))
if idx == a:col1
let idx = a:col2
elseif idx == a:col2
let idx = a:col1
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell_sep(a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell_sep(a:max_lens[idx]).s:rxSep()
return new_line
endfunction "}}}
@ -349,10 +352,10 @@ function! s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, goto_first) "{{{
let cmd .= "\<ESC>:call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= "\<ESC>0"
if a:goto_first
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep."\\)\\zs', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= (col('.')-1)."l"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= "a"
@ -361,16 +364,16 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:kbd_goto_next_row() "{{{
let cmd = "\<ESC>j"
let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= "a"
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
function! s:kbd_goto_prev_row() "{{{
let cmd = "\<ESC>k"
let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\<CR>"
let cmd .= "a"
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
@ -408,7 +411,7 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#goto_prev_col() "{{{
let newcol = s:get_indent(lnum)
let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum)
let prev_cell_len = 0
echom string(max_lens)
echom string(max_lens)
for cell_len in values(max_lens)
let delta = cell_len + 3 " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |<space>...<space>
if newcol + delta > curcol-1
@ -432,7 +435,7 @@ function! s:kbd_goto_prev_col(jumpup) "{{{
let cmd .= "$"
let cmd .= ":call vimwiki#tbl#goto_prev_col()\<CR>a"
" let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep."\\)\\zs', 'b', line('.'))\<CR>"
" let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'b', line('.'))\<CR>"
" let cmd .= "a"
"echomsg "DEBUG kbd_goto_prev_col> ".cmd
return cmd
@ -487,6 +490,9 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_shift_tab() "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#tbl#format(lnum, ...) "{{{
if !(&filetype == 'vimwiki')
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if !s:is_table(line)
@ -506,7 +512,7 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#format(lnum, ...) "{{{
let row = repeat(' ', indent).row
call setline(lnum, row)
let &tw = s:textwidth
endfunction "}}}
@ -541,7 +547,7 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#create(...) "{{{
for r in range(rows - 1)
call add(lines, row)
call append(line('.'), lines)
endfunction "}}}
@ -554,11 +560,14 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#align_or_cmd(cmd) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#tbl#reset_tw(lnum) "{{{
if !(&filetype == 'vimwiki')
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if !s:is_table(line)
let s:textwidth = &tw
let &tw = 0
endfunction "}}}
@ -581,17 +590,17 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_left() "{{{
if cur_col > 0
call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col-1, cur_col)
call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col-1, cur_col)
call cursor(line('.'), 1)
let sep = '\('.s:rxSep.'\).\zs'
let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs'
let mpos = -1
let col = -1
while col < cur_col-1
let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1)
if mpos != -1
let col += 1
@ -614,17 +623,17 @@ function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_right() "{{{
if cur_col < s:col_count(line('.'))-1
call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col, cur_col+1)
call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col, cur_col+1)
call cursor(line('.'), 1)
let sep = '\('.s:rxSep.'\).\zs'
let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs'
let mpos = -1
let col = -1
while col < cur_col+1
let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1)
if mpos != -1
let col += 1
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
|___| |___| |_| |_||__| |__||___| |___| |_||___| ~
Version: 2.0.1 'stu'
Version: 2.1
CONTENTS *vimwiki-contents*
@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ NORMAL MODE *vimwiki-local-mappings*
:nmap <Leader>wt <Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink
<Backspace> Go back to previous wiki page.
<Backspace> Go back to previous wiki page.
Maps to |:VimwikiGoBackLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wb <Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink
@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ NORMAL MODE *vimwiki-local-mappings*
:nmap -- <Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel
+ Create and/or decorate links. Depending on the
+ Create and/or decorate links. Depending on the
context, this command will: convert words into
Wikilinks; convert raw URLs into Wikilinks; and add
placeholder text to Wiki- or Weblinks that are missing
@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ INSERT MODE *vimwiki-table-mappings*
<CR> Go to the table cell beneath the current one, create
a new row if on the last one.
<Tab> Go to the next table cell, create a new row if on the
last cell.
@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ ic An inner column in a table.
Search for wikilinks to the [[current wiki page]]
Search for wikilinks to the [[current wiki page]]
in all files of current wiki.
To display all matches use |:lopen| command.
To display next match use |:lnext| command.
@ -497,10 +497,10 @@ ic An inner column in a table.
Create a table with 5 cols and 2 rows.
:VimwikiTable cols rows
Create a table with the given cols and rows
:VimwikiTable cols
Create a table with the given cols and 2 rows
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ ic An inner column in a table.
| value2 | value3 | value1 | value4 | value5 |
Commands are mapped to <A-Left> and <A-Right> respectively.
@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ ic An inner column in a table.
There are a lot of different wikies out there. Most of them have their own
syntax and vimwiki's default syntax is not an exception here.
syntax and vimwiki's default syntax is not an exception here.
Vimwiki has evolved its own syntax that closely resembles google's wiki
markup. This syntax is described in detail below.
@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ Raw URLs are also supported: >
Markdown Links~
These links are only available for Markdown syntax. See
Inline link: >
[Looks like this](URL)
@ -620,21 +620,21 @@ The URL can be anything recognized by vimwiki as a raw URL.
Reference-style links: >
a) [Link Name][Id]
a) [Link Name][Id]
b) [Id][], using the "implicit link name" shortcut
Reference style links must always include *two* consecutive pairs of
[-brackets, and field entries can not use "[" or "]".
NOTE: (in Vimwiki's current implementation) Reference-style links are a hybrid
of Vimwiki's default "Wikilink" and the tradition reference-style link.
of Vimwiki's default "Wikilink" and the tradition reference-style link.
If the Id is defined elsewhere in the source, as per the Markdown standard: >
[Id]: URL
then the URL is opened with the system default handler. Otherwise, Vimwiki
treats the reference-sytle link as a Wikilink, interpreting the Id field as a
treats the reference-style link as a Wikilink, interpreting the Id field as a
wiki page name.
Highlighting of existing links when |vimwiki-option-maxhi| is activated
@ -876,7 +876,7 @@ have two *alternative* options:
1. using the MathJax server for rendering (needs an internet connection).
Add to your HTML template the following line:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.mathjax.org/mathjax/latest/MathJax.js?config=TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML"></script>
2. installing MathJax locally (faster, no internet required). Choose a
folder on your hard drive and save MathJax in it. Then add to your HTML
@ -971,7 +971,7 @@ absolute paths and extensions: >
Schemeless URLs, which are the default, are treated internally as "wiki#:"
URLs in all respects except when converted to Html.
URLs in all respects except when converted to Html.
Schemeless links convert to plain relative path URLs, nearly verbatim: >
@ -990,12 +990,12 @@ as regular links even if the files to which they refer do not exist.
Transclusion (Wiki-Include) Links~
Links that use "{{" and "}}" delimiters signify content that is to be
included into the Html output, rather than referenced via hyperlink.
included into the Html output, rather than referenced via hyperlink.
Wiki-include URLs may use any of the supported schemes, may be absolute or
relative, and need not end with an extension.
The primary purpose for wiki-include links is to include images.
The primary purpose for wiki-include links is to include images.
Transclude from a local URL: >
@ -1005,19 +1005,19 @@ or from a universal URL: >
Transclude image with alternate text: >
in HTML: >
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
Transclude image with alternate text and some style: >
{{http://.../vimwiki_logo.png|cool stuff|style="width:150px; height: 120px;"}}
in HTML: >
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
alt="cool stuff" style="width:150px; height:120px"/>
Transclude image _without_ alternate text and with css class: >
{{http://.../vimwiki_logo.png||class="center flow blabla"}}
in HTML: >
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
<img src="http://vimwiki.googlecode.com/hg/images/vimwiki_logo.png"
alt="" class="center flow blabla"/>
A trial feature allows you to supply your own handler for wiki-include links.
@ -1042,9 +1042,10 @@ in HTML: >
6. Folding/Outline *vimwiki-folding*
Vimwiki can fold or outline headers and list items.
Vimwiki can fold or outline sections using headers and preformatted blocks.
Alternatively, one can fold list subitems instead.
Example for list folding:
= My current task =
* [ ] Do stuff 1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.1
@ -1186,19 +1187,19 @@ between [ ] depends on the percentage of toggled child items (see also
It is possible to toggle several list items using visual mode.
The indentation and bullet symbols for list items can be manipulated using
The indentation and bullet symbols for list items can be manipulated using
several mappings. Examples below demonstrate this behavior for the 'default'
syntax and with |vimwiki-option-list_margin| = 1. >
Mapping | Input | Output
Mapping | Input | Output
glm | ^item | ^ - item
glm | ^ item | ^ - item
gll | ^ - item | ^item
glm | ^ # item | ^ item
gl* | ^ item | ^ * item
gl- | ^ item | ^ - item
gl3 | ^ item | ^ # item
glm | ^item | ^ - item
glm | ^ item | ^ - item
gll | ^ - item | ^item
glm | ^ # item | ^ item
gl* | ^ item | ^ * item
gl- | ^ item | ^ - item
gl3 | ^ item | ^ # item
See |vimwiki_gll|, |vimwiki_glm|, |vimwiki_glstar|, |vimwiki_gl8|
|vimwiki_gl#|, |vimwiki_gl3|, |vimwiki_gl-|, |vimwiki_gl1|
@ -1207,7 +1208,7 @@ See |vimwiki_gll|, |vimwiki_glm|, |vimwiki_glstar|, |vimwiki_gl8|
Use the :VimwikiTable command to create a default table with 5 columns and 2
rows: >
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
@ -1281,7 +1282,7 @@ See |g:vimwiki_use_calendar| option to turn it off/on.
11. Options *vimwiki-options*
There are global options and local (per-wiki) options available to tune
Global options are configured via global variables. For a complete list of
them, see |viwmiki-global-options|.
@ -1339,7 +1340,7 @@ For clarity, in your .vimrc file you can define wiki options using separate
The creation of temporary wikis allows you to open files that would not
normally be recognized by vimwiki.
normally be recognized by vimwiki.
If a file with a registered wiki extension (see |vimwiki-register-extension|)
is opened in a directory that: 1) is not listed in |g:vimwiki_list|, and 2) is
@ -1438,7 +1439,7 @@ default, Markdown, and MediaWiki), but only vimwiki's default markup will be
converted to HTML at the moment.
To use Markdown's wiki markup: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
\ 'syntax': 'markdown', 'ext': '.md'}]
@ -1475,12 +1476,12 @@ Each template could look like: >
%title% is replaced by a wiki page name or by a |vimwiki-title|
%root_path% is replaced by a count of ../ for pages buried in subdirs:
if you have wikilink [[dir1/dir2/dir3/my page in a subdir]] then
%root_path% is replaced by '../../../'.
%content% is replaced by a wiki file content.
@ -1630,7 +1631,7 @@ custom_wiki2html ''
The full path to an user-provided script that converts a wiki page to HTML.
Vimwiki calls the provided |vimwiki-option-custom_wiki2html| script from the
command-line, using '!' invocation.
command-line, using '!' invocation.
The following arguments, in this order, are passed to the
|vimwiki-option-custom_wiki2html| script:
@ -1641,13 +1642,24 @@ The following arguments, in this order, are passed to the
4. output_dir : the full path of the output directory, i.e. 'path_html'
5. input_file : the full path of the wiki page
6. css_file : the full path of the css file for this wiki
7. template_path : the full path to the wiki's templates
8. template_default : the default template name
9. template_ext : the extension of template files
10. root_path : a count of ../ for pages buried in subdirs
if you have wikilink [[dir1/dir2/dir3/my page in a subdir]] then
%root_path% is replaced by '../../../'.
Options 7-10 are experimental and may change in the future. If any of these
parameters is empty, then a hyphen "-" is passed to the script in its place.
For an example and further instructions, refer to the following script:
To use the internal wiki2html converter, use an empty string (the default).
An alternative converter was developed by Jason6Anderson, and can
be located at http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/issues/detail?id=384
To use the internal wiki2html converter, use an empty string (the default).
@ -1659,7 +1671,7 @@ Width of left-hand margin for lists. When negative, the current |shiftwidth|
is used. This affects the behavior of the list manipulation commands
|VimwikiListChangeLevel| and local mappings |vimwiki_gll|, |vimwiki_glm|,
|vimwiki_glstar|, |vimwiki_gl8|, |vimwiki_gl#|, |vimwiki_gl3|,
|vimwiki_gl-| and |vimwiki_gl1|.
|vimwiki_gl-| and |vimwiki_gl1|.
@ -1714,7 +1726,7 @@ Value Description~
If your preferred wiki extension is .txt then you can >
let g:vimwiki_global_ext = 0
to restrict vimwiki's operation to only those paths listed in g:vimwiki_list.
to restrict vimwiki's operation to only those paths listed in g:vimwiki_list.
Other text files wouldn't be treated as wiki pages.
Default: 1
@ -1724,10 +1736,10 @@ Default: 1
*g:vimwiki_ext2syntax* *vimwiki-register-extension*
A many-to-one map between file extensions and syntaxes whose purpose is to
register the extensions with vimwiki.
register the extensions with vimwiki.
E.g.: >
let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.md': 'markdown',
let g:vimwiki_ext2syntax = {'.md': 'markdown',
\ '.mkd': 'markdown',
\ '.wiki': 'media'}
@ -1736,7 +1748,7 @@ An extension that is registered with vimwiki can trigger creation of a
|g:vimwiki_list| are automatically registered with vimwiki using the default
Default: {'.md': 'markdown'}
Default: {}
@ -1796,26 +1808,22 @@ Default: 0
Enable/disable vimwiki's folding/outline functionality. Folding in vimwiki
uses the 'expr' foldmethod which is very flexible but really slow.
Enable/disable vimwiki's folding (outline) functionality. Folding in vimwiki
can uses either the 'expr' or the 'syntax' |foldmethod| of Vim.
Value Description~
0 Disable folding.
1 Enable folding.
'' Disable folding.
'expr' Folding based on expression (folds sections and code blocks).
'syntax' Folding based on syntax (folds sections; slower than 'expr').
'list' Folding based on expression (folds list subitems; much slower).
Default: 0
Default: ''
Enable/disable folding of list subitems.
Value Description~
0 Disable list subitem's folding.
1 Enable list subitem's folding.
Default: 0
- Opening very large files may be slow when folding is enabled.
- 'list' folding is particularly slow with larger files.
- 'list' is intended to work with lists nicely indented with 'shiftwidth'.
- 'syntax' is only available for the default syntax so far.
@ -1849,17 +1857,17 @@ Default: 1
A customizable link handler, |VimwikiLinkHandler|, can be defined to override
Vimwiki's opening of links. Each recognized link, whether it is a wikilink,
wiki-include link or a weblink, is first passed to |VimwikiLinkHandler| to see
if it can be handled. The return value 1/0 indicates success.
wiki-include link or a weblink, is first passed to |VimwikiLinkHandler| to see
if it can be handled. The return value 1/0 indicates success.
If the link is not handled successfully, the behaviour of Vimwiki depends on
the scheme. Wiki:, diary: or schemeless links are opened in Vim. All others,
including local: and file: schemes, are opened with a system default handler;
i.e. Linux (!xdg-open), Mac (!open), and Windows (!start).
i.e. Linux (!xdg-open), Mac (!open), and Windows (!start).
You can redefine |VimwikiLinkHandler| function to do something else: >
function! VimwikiLinkHandler(link)
function! VimwikiLinkHandler(link)
let browser = 'C:\Program Files\Firefox\firefox.exe'
execute '!start "'.browser.'" ' . a:link
@ -1868,7 +1876,7 @@ You can redefine |VimwikiLinkHandler| function to do something else: >
echo "This can happen for a variety of reasons ..."
return 0
A second example handles two new schemes, 'vlocal:' and 'vfile:', which behave
similar to 'local:' and 'file:' schemes, but are always opened with Vim: >
@ -1883,7 +1891,7 @@ similar to 'local:' and 'file:' schemes, but are always opened with Vim: >
return 0
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
\ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(link, 0)
if g:vimwiki_debug
echom 'LinkHandler: idx='.idx.', scheme=[v]'.scheme.', path='.path.
@ -1915,7 +1923,7 @@ cannot otherwise convert the link. A customized handler might look like this: >
" complete URL
let url_0 = matchstr(str, g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclMatchUrl)
" URL parts
let [scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
let [scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
\ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(url_0, VimwikiGet('ext'))
let arg1 = matchstr(str, VimwikiWikiInclMatchArg(1))
let arg2 = matchstr(str, VimwikiWikiInclMatchArg(2))
@ -1974,7 +1982,7 @@ Default: ''
Use special method to calculate correct length of the strings with double-wide
characters (to align table cells properly).
characters (to align table cells properly).
Value Description~
0 Do not use it.
@ -2042,14 +2050,14 @@ Default: 0
Ending symbol for |g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering|.
Ending symbol for |g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering|.
Value Description~
'.' Dot will be added after a header's number.
')' Closing bracket will be added after a header's number.
let g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym = '.'
headers would look like: >
1. Header1
@ -2068,7 +2076,7 @@ Default: '' (empty)
Comma-separated list of HTML tags that can be used in vimwiki.
Case-insensitive comma separated list of HTML tags that can be used in vimwiki.
Default: 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr'
@ -2097,30 +2105,46 @@ a new tab or window, it would be set to default value.
Vimwiki sets |conceallevel| to g:vimwiki_conceallevel everytime vimwiki buffer
is entered.
With default settings, Vimwiki conceals one-character markers, shortens long
URLs and hides markers and URL for links that have a description.
Default: 2
The minimum number of characters that should be gained by concealing URLs. If
the length of the concealed part of the URL would be less than
|g:vimwiki_url_mingain|, the URL is not concealed at all.
The conceal feature works only with vim >= 7.3.
In vim |autowriteall| is a global setting. With g:vimwiki_autowriteall vimwiki
makes it local to its buffers.
Default: 12
Value Description~
0 autowriteall is off
1 autowriteall is on
Default: 1
The maximum number of characters that is retained at the end after concealing
URLs. At most there will be |g:vimwiki_url_maxsave| characters left at the end of the URL.
However, it could be less when one of /,#,? can be found at the end.
In that case the URL will be concealed right before the last occurrence of one
of these characters.
The conceal feature works only with vim >= 7.3. Beware: when using the default
'wrap' option, the effect is not always pleasing.
Setting the value of |g:vimwiki_url_maxsave| to 0 will prevent any link
shortening: you will see the full URL in all types of links, with no parts
being concealed. Concealing of one-character markers is not affected.
When positive, the value determines the maximum number of characters that
are retained at the end after concealing the middle part of a long URL.
It could be less: in case one of the characters /,#,? is found near the end,
the URL will be concealed up to the last occurrence of that character.
* The conceal feature works only with Vim >= 7.3.
* When using the default |wrap| option of Vim, the effect of concealed links
is not always pleasing, because the visible text on longer lines with
a lot of concealed parts may appear to be strangely broken across several
lines. This is a limitation of Vim's |conceal| feature.
* Many color schemes do not define an unobtrusive color for the Conceal
highlight group - this might be quite noticeable on shortened URLs.
Default: 15
@ -2137,6 +2161,7 @@ Value Description~
Default: 0
@ -2145,15 +2170,15 @@ uses it.
Redefine it in your .vimrc to get localized months in your diary:
let g:vimwiki_diary_months = {
\ 1: 'Январь', 2: 'Февраль', 3: 'Март',
\ 1: 'Январь', 2: 'Февраль', 3: 'Март',
\ 4: 'Апрель', 5: 'Май', 6: 'Июнь',
\ 7: 'Июль', 8: 'Август', 9: 'Сентябрь',
\ 10: 'Октябрь', 11: 'Ноябрь', 12: 'Декабрь'
\ }
let g:vimwiki_diary_months = {
\ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March',
\ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March',
\ 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June',
\ 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September',
\ 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December'
@ -2186,6 +2211,22 @@ Vim plugins: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2226
14. Changelog *vimwiki-changelog*
* Concealing of links can be turned off - set |g:vimwiki_url_maxsave| to 0.
The option g:vimwiki_url_mingain was removed
* |g:vimwiki_folding| also accepts value 'list'; with 'expr' both sections
and code blocks folded, g:vimwiki_fold_lists option was removed
* Issue 261: Syntax folding is back. |g:vimwiki_folding| values are
changed to '', 'expr', 'syntax'.
* Issue 372: Ignore case in g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags
* Issue 374: Make autowriteall local to vimwiki. It is not 100% local
* Issue 384: Custom_wiki2html script now receives templating arguments
* Issue 393: Custom_wiki2html script path can contain tilde character
* Issue 392: Custom_wiki2html arguments are quoted, e.g names with spaces
* Various small bug fixes.
2.0.1 'stu'~
* Follow (i.e. open target of) markdown reference-style links.
@ -2195,7 +2236,7 @@ Vim plugins: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2226
2.0 'stu'~
This release is partly incompatible with previous.
Summary ~
* Quick page-link creation.
@ -2221,7 +2262,7 @@ Summary ~
* Table syntax change. Row separator uses | instead of +.
* Fold multilined list items.
* Custom wiki to HTML converters. See |vimwiki-option-custom_wiki2html|.
* Conceal long weblinks. See |g:vimwiki_url_mingain|.
* Conceal long weblinks. See g:vimwiki_url_mingain.
* Option to disable table mappings. See |g:vimwiki_table_mappings|.
For detailed information see issues list on
@ -2250,7 +2291,7 @@ http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/issues/list
* Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad
symbols from filenames.
* Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly
highlighted when open wiki files.
highlighted when open wiki files.
* Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension.
* Issue 148: There are no mailto links.
* Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch
@ -12,18 +12,16 @@ let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
" Reset the following options to undo this plugin.
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal ".
\ "suffixesadd< isfname< comments< ".
\ "autowriteall< ".
\ "formatoptions< foldtext< ".
\ "foldmethod< foldexpr< commentstring< "
" UNDO }}}
setlocal autowriteall
setlocal commentstring=%%%s
if g:vimwiki_conceallevel && exists("+conceallevel")
let &conceallevel = g:vimwiki_conceallevel
let &l:conceallevel = g:vimwiki_conceallevel
" MISC }}}
@ -63,56 +61,8 @@ endif
" FOLDING for headers and list items using expr fold method. {{{
function! VimwikiFoldLevel(lnum) "{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
" Header folding...
if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
let n = vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(line)
return '>'.n
let base_level = s:get_base_level(a:lnum)
" List item folding...
if g:vimwiki_fold_lists
let nnline = getline(a:lnum + 1)
let rx_list_item = '\('.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.
\ '\)'
if line =~ rx_list_item
let [nnum, nline] = s:find_forward(rx_list_item, a:lnum)
let level = s:get_li_level(a:lnum)
let leveln = s:get_li_level(nnum)
let adj = s:get_li_level(s:get_start_list(rx_list_item, a:lnum))
if leveln > level
return ">".(base_level+leveln-adj)
" check if multilined list item
elseif (nnum-a:lnum) > 1
\ && nline =~ rx_list_item && nnline !~ '^\s*$'
return ">".(base_level+level+1-adj)
return (base_level+level-adj)
" process multilined list items
let [pnum, pline] = s:find_backward(rx_list_item, a:lnum)
if pline =~ rx_list_item
if indent(a:lnum) >= indent(pnum) && line !~ '^\s*$'
let level = s:get_li_level(pnum)
let adj = s:get_li_level(s:get_start_list(rx_list_item, pnum))
return (base_level+level+1-adj)
return base_level
endfunction "}}}
" Folding list items using expr fold method. {{{
function! s:get_base_level(lnum) "{{{
let lnum = a:lnum - 1
@ -177,23 +127,137 @@ function! s:get_start_list(rx_item, lnum) "{{{
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! VimwikiFoldText() "{{{
let line = substitute(getline(v:foldstart), '\t',
\ repeat(' ', &tabstop), 'g')
return line.' ['.(v:foldend - v:foldstart).']'
function! VimwikiFoldListLevel(lnum) "{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
"" XXX Disabled: Header/section folding...
"if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
" return '>'.vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(line)
"let nnline = getline(a:lnum+1)
"" Unnecessary?
"if nnline =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
" return '<'.vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(nnline)
"" Very slow when called on every single line!
"let base_level = s:get_base_level(a:lnum)
"FIXME does not work correctly
let base_level = 0
if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxListItem
let [nnum, nline] = s:find_forward(g:vimwiki_rxListItem, a:lnum)
let level = s:get_li_level(a:lnum)
let leveln = s:get_li_level(nnum)
let adj = s:get_li_level(s:get_start_list(g:vimwiki_rxListItem, a:lnum))
if leveln > level
return ">".(base_level+leveln-adj)
" check if multilined list item
elseif (nnum-a:lnum) > 1
\ && (nline =~ g:vimwiki_rxListItem || nnline !~ '^\s*$')
return ">".(base_level+level+1-adj)
return (base_level+level-adj)
" process multilined list items
let [pnum, pline] = s:find_backward(g:vimwiki_rxListItem, a:lnum)
if pline =~ g:vimwiki_rxListItem
if indent(a:lnum) >= indent(pnum) && line !~ '^\s*$'
let level = s:get_li_level(pnum)
let adj = s:get_li_level(s:get_start_list(g:vimwiki_rxListItem, pnum))
return (base_level+level+1-adj)
return base_level
endfunction "}}}
" Folding list items }}}
" Folding sections and code blocks using expr fold method. {{{
function! VimwikiFoldLevel(lnum) "{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
" Header/section folding...
if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
return '>'.vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(line)
" Code block folding...
elseif line =~ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart
return 'a1'
elseif line =~ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd.'\s*$'
return 's1'
return "="
endfunction "}}}
" Constants used by VimwikiFoldText {{{
" use \u2026 and \u21b2 (or \u2424) if enc=utf-8 to save screen space
let s:ellipsis = (&enc ==? 'utf-8') ? "\u2026" : "..."
let s:ell_len = strlen(s:ellipsis)
let s:newline = (&enc ==? 'utf-8') ? "\u21b2 " : " "
let s:tolerance = 5
" }}}
function! s:shorten_text_simple(text, len) "{{{ unused
let spare_len = a:len - len(a:text)
return (spare_len>=0) ? [a:text,spare_len] : [a:text[0:a:len].s:ellipsis, -1]
endfunction "}}}
" s:shorten_text(text, len) = [string, spare] with "spare" = len-strlen(string)
" for long enough "text", the string's length is within s:tolerance of "len"
" (so that -s:tolerance <= spare <= s:tolerance, "string" ends with s:ellipsis)
function! s:shorten_text(text, len) "{{{ returns [string, spare]
let spare_len = a:len - strlen(a:text)
if (spare_len + s:tolerance >= 0)
return [a:text, spare_len]
" try to break on a space; assumes a:len-s:ell_len >= s:tolerance
let newlen = a:len - s:ell_len
let idx = strridx(a:text, ' ', newlen + s:tolerance)
let break_idx = (idx + s:tolerance >= newlen) ? idx : newlen
return [a:text[0:break_idx].s:ellipsis, newlen - break_idx]
endfunction "}}}
function! VimwikiFoldText() "{{{
let line = getline(v:foldstart)
let main_text = substitute(line, '^\s*', repeat(' ',indent(v:foldstart)), '')
let fold_len = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
let len_text = ' ['.fold_len.'] '
if line !~ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart
let [main_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(main_text, 50)
return main_text.len_text
" fold-text for code blocks: use one or two of the starting lines
let [main_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(main_text, 24)
let line1 = substitute(getline(v:foldstart+1), '^\s*', ' ', '')
let [content_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(line1, spare_len+20)
if spare_len > s:tolerance && fold_len > 3
let line2 = substitute(getline(v:foldstart+2), '^\s*', s:newline, '')
let [more_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(line2, spare_len+12)
let content_text .= more_text
return main_text.len_text.content_text
endfunction "}}}
" Folding sections and code blocks }}}
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTML
\ silent w <bar>
\ silent w <bar>
\ let res = vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(expand(VimwikiGet('path_html')),
\ expand('%'))
\ if res != '' | echo 'Vimwiki: HTML conversion is done.' | endif
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse
\ silent w <bar>
\ silent w <bar>
\ call vimwiki#base#system_open_link(vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(
\ expand(VimwikiGet('path_html')),
\ expand('%')))
@ -455,7 +519,7 @@ nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel :
if VimwikiGet('auto_export')
" Automatically generate HTML on page write.
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePost <buffer>
au BufWritePost <buffer>
\ call vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(expand(VimwikiGet('path_html')),
\ expand('%'))
augroup END
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ function! s:setup_buffer_leave() "{{{
echom " Setup_buffer_leave g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
let &autowriteall = s:vimwiki_autowriteall
" Set up menu
if g:vimwiki_menu != ""
exe 'nmenu disable '.g:vimwiki_menu.'.Table'
@ -195,13 +197,17 @@ function! s:setup_buffer_enter() "{{{
" Settings foldmethod, foldexpr and foldtext are local to window. Thus in a
" new tab with the same buffer folding is reset to vim defaults. So we
" insist vimwiki folding here.
if g:vimwiki_folding == 2 && &fdm != 'expr'
" User-defined fold-expression, and fold-text
if g:vimwiki_folding == 1
if g:vimwiki_folding == 'expr'
setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldLevel(v:lnum)
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'list' || g:vimwiki_folding == 'lists'
setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldListLevel(v:lnum)
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'syntax'
setlocal fdm=syntax
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
" And conceal level too.
@ -228,6 +234,10 @@ function! s:setup_buffer_reenter() "{{{
if g:vimwiki_debug ==3
echom " Setup_buffer_reenter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx().""
if !exists("s:vimwiki_autowriteall")
let s:vimwiki_autowriteall = &autowriteall
let &autowriteall = g:vimwiki_autowriteall
endfunction "}}}
function! s:setup_cleared_syntax() "{{{ highlight groups that get cleared
@ -238,7 +248,7 @@ function! s:setup_cleared_syntax() "{{{ highlight groups that get cleared
hi def VimwikiUnderline gui=underline
if g:vimwiki_hl_headers == 1
for i in range(1,6)
execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold'
execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold'
endfunction "}}}
@ -288,7 +298,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! VimwikiSet(option, value, ...) "{{{
let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1
if has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option) ||
if has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option) ||
\ has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option)
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = a:value
elseif exists('b:vimwiki_list')
@ -372,12 +382,10 @@ let s:vimwiki_defaults.list_margin = -1
call s:default('list', [s:vimwiki_defaults])
call s:default('auto_checkbox', 1)
call s:default('use_mouse', 0)
call s:default('folding', 0)
call s:default('fold_trailing_empty_lines', 0)
call s:default('fold_lists', 0)
call s:default('folding', '')
call s:default('menu', 'Vimwiki')
call s:default('global_ext', 1)
call s:default('ext2syntax', {'.md': 'markdown'}) " syntax map keyed on extension
call s:default('ext2syntax', {}) " syntax map keyed on extension
call s:default('hl_headers', 0)
call s:default('hl_cb_checked', 0)
call s:default('list_ignore_newline', 1)
@ -390,17 +398,17 @@ call s:default('CJK_length', 0)
call s:default('dir_link', '')
call s:default('valid_html_tags', 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr,div,center,strong,em')
call s:default('user_htmls', '')
call s:default('autowriteall', 1)
call s:default('html_header_numbering', 0)
call s:default('html_header_numbering_sym', '')
call s:default('conceallevel', 2)
call s:default('url_mingain', 12)
call s:default('url_maxsave', 15)
call s:default('debug', 0)
call s:default('diary_months',
call s:default('diary_months',
\ {
\ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March',
\ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March',
\ 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June',
\ 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September',
\ 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December'
@ -418,9 +426,9 @@ call s:default('web_schemes1', 'http,https,file,ftp,gopher,telnet,nntp,ldap,'.
\ 'rsync,imap,pop,irc,ircs,cvs,svn,svn+ssh,git,ssh,fish,sftp')
call s:default('web_schemes2', 'mailto,news,xmpp,sip,sips,doi,urn,tel')
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes2, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').
\ '\)'
@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ execute 'runtime! syntax/vimwiki_'.VimwikiGet('syntax').'.vim'
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
let time0 = vimwiki#u#time(starttime) "XXX
let g:vimwiki_rxListItem = '\('.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.
\ '\)'
" LINKS: setup of larger regexes {{{
@ -57,15 +60,15 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix = '[['
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix = ']]'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSeparator = '|'
" [[URL]]
let g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix
let g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiLinkTemplate2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSeparator. '__LinkDescription__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix
let magic_chars = '.*[]\^$'
let valid_chars = '[^\\]'
let valid_chars = '[^\\\]]'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix = escape(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix, magic_chars)
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix = escape(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix, magic_chars)
@ -104,13 +107,15 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix = '}}'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSeparator = '|'
" '{{__LinkUrl__}}'
let g:vimwiki_WikiInclTemplate1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiInclTemplate1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix
" '{{__LinkUrl____LinkDescription__}}'
let g:vimwiki_WikiInclTemplate2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiInclTemplate2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
\ '__LinkDescription__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix
let valid_chars = '[^\\\}]'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix = escape(g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix, magic_chars)
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix = escape(g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix, magic_chars)
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSeparator = escape(g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSeparator, magic_chars)
@ -122,7 +127,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclArgs = '\%('. g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSeparator. g:vimwiki_r
" *. {{URL}[{...}]} - i.e. {{URL}}, {{URL|ARG1}}, {{URL|ARG1|ARG2}}, etc.
" *a) match {{URL}[{...}]}
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclUrl.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclUrl.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclArgs. g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix
" *b) match URL within {{URL}[{...}]}
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclMatchUrl = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix.
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclArgs.
" }}}
" LINKS: Setup weblink regexps {{{
" 0. URL : free-standing links: keep URL UR(L) strip trailing punct: URL; URL) UR(L))
" 0. URL : free-standing links: keep URL UR(L) strip trailing punct: URL; URL) UR(L))
" let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink = '[\["(|]\@<!'. g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkUrl .
" \ '\%([),:;.!?]\=\%([ \t]\|$\)\)\@='
" Maxim:
@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchDescr = ''
" LINKS: Setup anylink regexps {{{
let g:vimwiki_rxAnyLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.
let g:vimwiki_rxAnyLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink
" }}}
@ -249,8 +254,8 @@ call s:add_target_syntax_ON(g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, 'VimwikiLink')
" WikiLink
" All remaining schemes are highlighted automatically
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').
\ '\):'
@ -281,6 +286,8 @@ if g:vimwiki_symH
for i in range(1,6)
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_Template = repeat(g:vimwiki_rxH, i).' __Header__ '.repeat(g:vimwiki_rxH, i)
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i} = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.']'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_Start = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.']'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_End = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{1,'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.']'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{1,'.i.'}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '^\s*\('.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{1,6}\)\zs[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.']\ze\1\s*$'
@ -288,6 +295,8 @@ else
for i in range(1,6)
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_Template = repeat(g:vimwiki_rxH, i).' __Header__'
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i} = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_Start = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_End = '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{1,'.i.'}[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '^\s*\('.g:vimwiki_rxH.'\{1,6}\)\zs[^'.g:vimwiki_rxH.'].*\ze$'
@ -295,29 +304,53 @@ endif
" Header levels, 1-6
for i in range(1,6)
execute 'syntax match VimwikiHeader'.i.' /'.g:vimwiki_rxH{i}.'/ contains=VimwikiTodo,VimwikiHeaderChar,VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiCode,VimwikiLink,@Spell'
execute 'syntax region VimwikiH'.i.'Folding start=/'.g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_Start.
\ '/ end=/'.g:vimwiki_rxH{i}_End.'/me=s-1 transparent fold'
" }}}
" concealed chars " {{{
let cchar = ''
if exists("+conceallevel")
syntax conceal on
let cchar = ' cchar=~ '
" possibly concealed chars " {{{
let conceal = exists("+conceallevel") ? ' conceal' : ''
syntax spell toplevel
execute 'syn match VimwikiEqInChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_eqin.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiBoldChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_bold.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiItalicChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_italic.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiBoldItalicChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_bolditalic.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiItalicBoldChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_italicbold.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiCodeChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_code.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiDelTextChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_deltext.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiSuperScript contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_superscript.'/'.conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiSubScript contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_subscript.'/'.conceal
" }}}
" concealed link parts " {{{
if g:vimwiki_debug > 1
echom 'WikiLink Prefix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix1
echom 'WikiLink Suffix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix1
echom 'WikiLink Prefix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix
echom 'WikiLink Suffix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix
echom 'WikiLink Prefix1: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix1
echom 'WikiLink Suffix1: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix1
echom 'WikiIncl Prefix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix1
echom 'WikiIncl Suffix: '.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix1
" define the conceal attribute for links only if Vim is new enough to handle it
" and the user has g:vimwiki_url_maxsave > 0
let options = ' contained transparent contains=NONE'
" A shortener for long URLs: LinkRest (a middle part of the URL) is concealed
" VimwikiLinkRest group is left undefined if link shortening is not desired
if exists("+conceallevel") && g:vimwiki_url_maxsave > 0
let options .= conceal
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkRest `\%(///\=[^/ \t]\+/\)\zs\S\+\ze'
\.'\%([/#?]\w\|\S\{'.g:vimwiki_url_maxsave.'}\)`'.' cchar=~'.options
" VimwikiLinkChar is for syntax markers (and also URL when a description
" is present) and may be concealed
let options = ' contained transparent contains=NONE'
" conceal wikilinks
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkPrefix.'/'.options
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkSuffix.'/'.options
@ -329,24 +362,6 @@ execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix.'/'.options
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix.'/'.options
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclPrefix1.'/'.options
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkChar /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclSuffix1.'/'.options
" A shortener for long URLs: LinkRest (a middle part of the URL) is concealed
execute 'syn match VimwikiLinkRest `\%(///\=[^/ \t]\+/\)\zs\S\{'
execute 'syn match VimwikiEqInChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_eqin.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiBoldChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_bold.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiItalicChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_italic.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiBoldItalicChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_bolditalic.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiItalicBoldChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_italicbold.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiCodeChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_code.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiDelTextChar contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_deltext.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiSuperScript contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_superscript.'/'
execute 'syn match VimwikiSubScript contained /'.g:vimwiki_char_subscript.'/'
if exists("+conceallevel")
syntax conceal off
" }}}
" non concealed chars " {{{
@ -371,7 +386,7 @@ execute 'syntax match VimwikiTodo /'. g:vimwiki_rxTodo .'/'
" main syntax groups {{{
" Tables
syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
\ transparent contains=VimwikiCellSeparator,
\ VimwikiLinkT,
\ VimwikiNoExistsLinkT,
@ -387,7 +402,7 @@ syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
\ VimwikiCodeT,
\ VimwikiEqInT,
\ @Spell
syntax match VimwikiCellSeparator
syntax match VimwikiCellSeparator
\ /\%(|\)\|\%(-\@<=+\-\@=\)\|\%([|+]\@<=-\+\)/ contained
" List items
@ -476,20 +491,21 @@ if g:vimwiki_hl_headers == 0
execute 'hi def link VimwikiHeader'.i.' Title'
" default colors when headers of different levels are highlighted differently
" default colors when headers of different levels are highlighted differently
" not making it yet another option; needed by ColorScheme autocommand
let g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_light = ['#aa5858','#507030','#1030a0','#103040','#505050','#636363']
let g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_light = ['DarkRed','DarkGreen','DarkBlue','Black','Black','Black']
let g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_dark = ['#e08090','#80e090','#6090e0','#c0c0f0','#e0e0f0','#f0f0f0']
let g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_dark = ['Red','Green','Blue','White','White','White']
for i in range(1,6)
execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold'
execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold'
" syntax group highlighting "{{{
" syntax group highlighting "{{{
hi def link VimwikiMarkers Normal
@ -578,24 +594,28 @@ hi def link VimwikiNoExistsLinkCharT VimwikiNoExistsLinkT
execute 'runtime! syntax/vimwiki_'.VimwikiGet('syntax').'_custom.vim'
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" FIXME it now does not make sense to pretend there is a single syntax "vimwiki"
let b:current_syntax="vimwiki"
" EMBEDDED syntax setup "{{{
let nested = VimwikiGet('nested_syntaxes')
if !empty(nested)
for [hl_syntax, vim_syntax] in items(nested)
call vimwiki#base#nested_syntax(vim_syntax,
call vimwiki#base#nested_syntax(vim_syntax,
\ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart.'\%(.*[[:blank:][:punct:]]\)\?'.
\ hl_syntax.'\%([[:blank:][:punct:]].*\)\?',
\ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd, 'VimwikiPre')
" LaTeX
call vimwiki#base#nested_syntax('tex',
call vimwiki#base#nested_syntax('tex',
\ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxMathStart.'\%(.*[[:blank:][:punct:]]\)\?'.
\ '\%([[:blank:][:punct:]].*\)\?',
\ '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxMathEnd, 'VimwikiMath')
syntax spell toplevel
let timeend = vimwiki#u#time(starttime) "XXX
call VimwikiLog_extend('timing',['syntax:scans',timescans],['syntax:regexloaded',time0],['syntax:beforeHLexisting',time01],['syntax:afterHLexisting',time02],['syntax:end',timeend])
@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Suffix = ']'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Separator = ']['
" [URL][]
let g:vimwiki_WikiLink1Template1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Prefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiLink1Template1 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Prefix . '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Separator. g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Suffix
let g:vimwiki_WikiLink1Template2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Prefix . '__LinkDescription__'.
let g:vimwiki_WikiLink1Template2 = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Prefix . '__LinkDescription__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Separator. '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1Suffix
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkMatchDescr = ''.
" }}}
" LINKS: Setup weblink0 regexps {{{
" 0. URL : free-standing links: keep URL UR(L) strip trailing punct: URL; URL) UR(L))
" 0. URL : free-standing links: keep URL UR(L) strip trailing punct: URL; URL) UR(L))
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink0 = g:vimwiki_rxWeblink
" 0a) match URL within URL
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchUrl0 = g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchUrl
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Prefix = '['
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Suffix = ')'
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Separator = ']('
let g:vimwiki_Weblink1Template = g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Prefix . '__LinkDescription__'.
let g:vimwiki_Weblink1Template = g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Prefix . '__LinkDescription__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Separator. '__LinkUrl__'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Suffix
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Url = valid_chars.'\{-}'
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Descr = valid_chars.'\{-}'
" " 2012-02-04 TODO not starting with [[ or ][ ? ... prefix = '[\[\]]\@<!\['
" " 2012-02-04 TODO not starting with [[ or ][ ? ... prefix = '[\[\]]\@<!\['
" 1a) match [DESCRIPTION](URL)
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1 = g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1Prefix.
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchDescr = ''.
" LINKS: Setup anylink regexps {{{
let g:vimwiki_rxAnyLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.
let g:vimwiki_rxAnyLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink
" }}}
@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ call s:add_target_syntax_ON(g:vimwiki_rxWeblink1, 'VimwikiWeblink1')
" WikiLink
" All remaining schemes are highlighted automatically
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
let rxSchemes = '\%('.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'.
\ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').
\ '\):'
@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ endif
" main syntax groups {{{
" Tables
syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
\ transparent contains=VimwikiCellSeparator,
\ VimwikiLinkT,
\ VimwikiWeblink1T,
@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ syntax match VimwikiTableRow /^\s*|.\+|\s*$/
" syntax group highlighting "{{{
" syntax group highlighting "{{{
hi def link VimwikiWeblink1 VimwikiLink
hi def link VimwikiWeblink1T VimwikiLink
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