Version 1.0

* NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`.
* NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`.
* NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell.
* NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html.
* NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`.
* FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly.
* FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\`
* FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page.
* FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells.
* FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column.
* FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`.
* NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers).
* NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders.
* NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command.
* NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode.
* FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`.
* NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items.
* NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options.
* FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html.
* FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table.
* FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html.
* FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line.
* FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap.
* FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`.
* FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc.
* FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'.
* FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page.
* FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items.
* FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
This commit is contained in:
Maxim Kim 2010-05-12 00:00:00 +00:00 committed by Able Scraper
parent bb1f5b3c46
commit 8e53e53ffe
11 changed files with 1202 additions and 353 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
@ -17,20 +18,14 @@ let s:badsymbols = '['.g:vimwiki_badsyms.g:vimwiki_stripsym.'<>|?*:"]'
" MISC helper functions {{{
" This function is double defined.
" TODO: refactor common functions into new module.
function! s:chomp_slash(str) "{{{
function! vimwiki#chomp_slash(str) "{{{
return substitute(a:str, '[/\\]\+$', '', '')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_windows()
return has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95") || has("win16")
function! vimwiki#mkdir(path) "{{{
let path = expand(a:path)
if !isdirectory(path) && exists("*mkdir")
let path = s:chomp_slash(path)
let path = vimwiki#chomp_slash(path)
if s:is_windows() && !empty(g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc)
let path = iconv(path, &enc, g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc)
@ -53,7 +48,7 @@ function! vimwiki#subdir(path, filename)"{{{
let path = expand(a:path)
let filename = expand(a:filename)
let idx = 0
while path[idx] == filename[idx]
while path[idx] ==? filename[idx]
let idx = idx + 1
@ -79,7 +74,18 @@ function! vimwiki#open_link(cmd, link, ...) "{{{
let vimwiki_prev_link = [expand('%:p'), getpos('.')]
call s:edit_file(a:cmd, VimwikiGet('path').a:link.VimwikiGet('ext'))
if vimwiki#is_link_to_dir(a:link)
if g:vimwiki_dir_link == ''
call s:edit_file(a:cmd, VimwikiGet('path').a:link)
call s:edit_file(a:cmd,
\ VimwikiGet('path').a:link.
\ g:vimwiki_dir_link.
\ VimwikiGet('ext'))
call s:edit_file(a:cmd, VimwikiGet('path').a:link.VimwikiGet('ext'))
if exists('vimwiki_prev_link')
let b:vimwiki_prev_link = vimwiki_prev_link
@ -88,6 +94,71 @@ function! vimwiki#open_link(cmd, link, ...) "{{{
" }}}
function! vimwiki#select(wnum)"{{{
if a:wnum < 1 || a:wnum > len(g:vimwiki_list)
if &ft == 'vimwiki'
let b:vimwiki_idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = a:wnum - 1
" }}}
function! vimwiki#generate_links()"{{{
let links = s:get_links('*'.VimwikiGet('ext'))
" We don't want link to itself.
let cur_link = expand('%:t:r')
call filter(links, 'v:val != cur_link')
if len(links)
call append(line('$'), '= Generated Links =')
call sort(links)
for link in links
if s:is_wiki_word(link)
call append(line('$'), '- '.link)
call append(line('$'), '- [['.link.']]')
endfunction " }}}
function! s:is_windows() "{{{
return has("win32") || has("win64") || has("win95") || has("win16")
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_links(pat) "{{{
" search all wiki files in 'path' and its subdirs.
let subdir = vimwiki#current_subdir()
let globlinks = glob(VimwikiGet('path').subdir.'**/'.a:pat)
" remove .wiki extensions
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let links = split(globlinks, '\n')
" remove backup files (.wiki~)
call filter(links, 'v:val !~ ''.*\~$''')
" remove paths
let rem_path = escape(expand(VimwikiGet('path')).subdir, '\')
call map(links, 'substitute(v:val, rem_path, "", "g")')
" Remove trailing slashes.
call map(links, 'substitute(v:val, "[/\\\\]*$", "", "g")')
return links
endfunction "}}}
" Builtin cursor doesn't work right with unicode characters.
function! s:cursor(lnum, cnum) "{{{
exe a:lnum
exe 'normal! 0'.a:cnum.'|'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:filename(link) "{{{
let result = vimwiki#safe_link(a:link)
if a:link =~ '|'
@ -100,7 +171,7 @@ endfunction
" }}}
function! s:is_wiki_word(str) "{{{
if a:str =~ g:vimwiki_word1 && a:str !~ '[[:space:]\\/]'
if a:str =~ g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord && a:str !~ '[[:space:]\\/]'
return 1
return 0
@ -164,10 +235,20 @@ function! s:strip_word(word) "{{{
" }}}
function! s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(word) "{{{
" Check if word is link to a non-wiki file.
function! s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(link) "{{{
" Check if link is to a non-wiki file.
" The easiest way is to check if it has extension like .txt or .html
if a:word =~ '\.\w\{1,4}$'
if a:link =~ '\.\w\{1,4}$'
return 1
return 0
" }}}
function! vimwiki#is_link_to_dir(link) "{{{
" Check if link is to a directory.
" It should be ended with \ or /.
if a:link =~ '.\+[/\\]$'
return 1
return 0
@ -191,17 +272,6 @@ function! s:print_wiki_list() "{{{
" }}}
function! vimwiki#select(wnum)"{{{
if a:wnum < 1 || a:wnum > len(g:vimwiki_list)
if &ft == 'vimwiki'
let b:vimwiki_idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = a:wnum - 1
" }}}
function! s:update_wiki_link(fname, old, new) " {{{
echo "Updating links in ".a:fname
let has_updates = 0
@ -309,42 +379,38 @@ endfunction
" }}}
" SYNTAX highlight {{{
function! vimwiki#WikiHighlightWords() "{{{
" search all wiki files in 'path' and its subdirs.
let subdir = vimwiki#current_subdir()
let wikies = glob(VimwikiGet('path').subdir.'**/*'.VimwikiGet('ext'))
" remove .wiki extensions
let wikies = substitute(wikies, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let g:vimwiki_wikiwords = split(wikies, '\n')
" remove backup files (.wiki~)
call filter(g:vimwiki_wikiwords, 'v:val !~ ''.*\~$''')
" remove paths
let rem_path = escape(expand(VimwikiGet('path')).subdir, '\')
call map(g:vimwiki_wikiwords, 'substitute(v:val, rem_path, "", "g")')
function! vimwiki#WikiHighlightLinks() "{{{
let links = s:get_links('*'.VimwikiGet('ext'))
" Links with subdirs should be highlighted for linux and windows separators
" Change \ or / to [/\\]
let os_p = '[/\\]'
let os_p2 = escape(os_p, '\')
call map(g:vimwiki_wikiwords, 'substitute(v:val, os_p, os_p2, "g")')
call map(links, 'substitute(v:val, os_p, os_p2, "g")')
for word in g:vimwiki_wikiwords
for link in links
if g:vimwiki_camel_case &&
\ word =~ g:vimwiki_word1 && !s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(word)
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\%(^\|[^!]\)\@<=\<'.word.'\>/'
\ link =~ g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord && !s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(link)
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /!\@<!\<'.link.'\>/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\[\[\<'.
\ vimwiki#unsafe_link(word).
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\[\[\<'.
\ vimwiki#unsafe_link(link).
\ '\>\%(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\[\[\<'.
\ vimwiki#unsafe_link(word).
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\[\[\<'.
\ vimwiki#unsafe_link(link).
\ '\>\]\[.\+\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\[\[.\+\.\%(jpg\|png\|gif\)\%(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\[\[.\+\.\%(jpg\|png\|gif\)\]\[.\+\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\[\[.\+\.\%(jpg\|png\|gif\)\%(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\[\[.\+\.\%(jpg\|png\|gif\)\]\[.\+\]\]/'
" highlight dirs
let dirs = s:get_links('*/')
call map(dirs, 'substitute(v:val, os_p, os_p2, "g")')
for dir in dirs
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\[\[\<'.
\ vimwiki#unsafe_link(dir).
\ '\>[/\\]*\%(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
" }}}
@ -398,12 +464,12 @@ endfunction "}}}
" WIKI functions {{{
function! vimwiki#WikiNextWord() "{{{
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, '')
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, '')
" }}}
function! vimwiki#WikiPrevWord() "{{{
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, 'b')
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, 'b')
" }}}
@ -416,7 +482,7 @@ function! vimwiki#WikiFollowWord(split) "{{{
let cmd = ":e "
let link = s:strip_word(s:get_word_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord))
let link = s:strip_word(s:get_word_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink))
if link == ""
let weblink = s:strip_word(s:get_word_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWeblink))
if weblink != ""
@ -601,7 +667,7 @@ endfunction
" TEXT OBJECTS functions {{{
function! vimwiki#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
if !search('^\(=\+\)[^=]\+\1\s*$', 'bcW')
if !search('^\(=\+\).\+\1\s*$', 'bcW')
@ -618,7 +684,7 @@ function! vimwiki#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
if a:visual && is_header_selected
if level > 1
let level -= 1
call search('^\(=\{'.level.'\}\)[^=]\+\1\s*$', 'bcW')
call search('^\(=\{'.level.'\}\).\+\1\s*$', 'bcW')
let advance = 1
@ -630,7 +696,7 @@ function! vimwiki#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
call cursor(sel_end + advance, 0)
if search('^\(=\{1,'.level.'}\)[^=]\+\1\s*$', 'W')
if search('^\(=\{1,'.level.'}\).\+\1\s*$', 'W')
call cursor(line('.') - 1, 0)
call cursor(line('$'), 0)
@ -643,6 +709,184 @@ function! vimwiki#TO_header(inner, visual) "{{{
function! vimwiki#TO_table_cell(inner, visual) "{{{
if col('.') == col('$')-1
if a:visual
normal! `>
let sel_end = getpos('.')
normal! `<
let sel_start = getpos('.')
let firsttime = sel_start == sel_end
if firsttime
if !search('|\|\(-+-\)', 'cb', line('.'))
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] == '+'
normal! l
if a:inner
normal! 2l
let sel_start = getpos('.')
normal! `>
call search('|\|\(-+-\)', '', line('.'))
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] == '+'
normal! l
if a:inner
if firsttime || abs(sel_end[2] - getpos('.')[2]) != 2
normal! 2h
let sel_end = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', sel_start)
exe "normal! \<C-v>"
call setpos('.', sel_end)
" if blockwise selection is ended at | character then pressing j to extend
" selection furhter fails. But if we shake the cursor left and right then
" it works.
normal! hl
if !search('|\|\(-+-\)', 'cb', line('.'))
if a:inner
normal! 2l
normal! v
call search('|\|\(-+-\)', '', line('.'))
if !a:inner && getline('.')[virtcol('.')-1] == '|'
normal! h
elseif a:inner
normal! 2h
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#TO_table_col(inner, visual) "{{{
let t_rows = vimwiki_tbl#get_rows(line('.'))
if empty(t_rows)
" TODO: refactor it!
if a:visual
normal! `>
let sel_end = getpos('.')
normal! `<
let sel_start = getpos('.')
let firsttime = sel_start == sel_end
if firsttime
" place cursor to the top row of the table
call s:cursor(t_rows[0][0], virtcol('.'))
" do not accept the match at cursor position if cursor is next to column
" separator of the table separator (^ is a cursor):
" |-----^-+-------|
" | bla | bla |
" |-------+-------|
" or it will select wrong column.
if strpart(getline('.'), virtcol('.')-1) =~ '^-+'
let s_flag = 'b'
let s_flag = 'cb'
" search the column separator backwards
if !search('|\|\(-+-\)', s_flag, line('.'))
" -+- column separator is matched --> move cursor to the + sign
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] == '+'
normal! l
" inner selection --> reduce selection
if a:inner
normal! 2l
let sel_start = getpos('.')
normal! `>
if !firsttime && getline('.')[virtcol('.')] == '|'
normal! l
elseif a:inner && getline('.')[virtcol('.')+1] =~ '[|+]'
normal! 2l
" search for the next column separator
call search('|\|\(-+-\)', '', line('.'))
" Outer selection selects a column without border on the right. So we move
" our cursor left if the previous search finds | border, not -+-.
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] != '+'
normal! h
if a:inner
" reduce selection a bit more if inner.
normal! h
" expand selection to the bottom line of the table
call s:cursor(t_rows[-1][0], virtcol('.'))
let sel_end = getpos('.')
call setpos('.', sel_start)
exe "normal! \<C-v>"
call setpos('.', sel_end)
" place cursor to the top row of the table
call s:cursor(t_rows[0][0], virtcol('.'))
" do not accept the match at cursor position if cursor is next to column
" separator of the table separator (^ is a cursor):
" |-----^-+-------|
" | bla | bla |
" |-------+-------|
" or it will select wrong column.
if strpart(getline('.'), virtcol('.')-1) =~ '^-+'
let s_flag = 'b'
let s_flag = 'cb'
" search the column separator backwards
if !search('|\|\(-+-\)', s_flag, line('.'))
" -+- column separator is matched --> move cursor to the + sign
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] == '+'
normal! l
" inner selection --> reduce selection
if a:inner
normal! 2l
exe "normal! \<C-V>"
" search for the next column separator
call search('|\|\(-+-\)', '', line('.'))
" Outer selection selects a column without border on the right. So we move
" our cursor left if the previous search finds | border, not -+-.
if getline('.')[virtcol('.')] != '+'
normal! h
" reduce selection a bit more if inner.
if a:inner
normal! h
" expand selection to the bottom line of the table
call s:cursor(t_rows[-1][0], virtcol('.'))
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#count_first_sym(line) "{{{
let first_sym = matchstr(a:line, '\S')
return len(matchstr(a:line, first_sym.'\+'))

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Desc: Handle diary notes
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
@ -85,10 +86,10 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_links() "{{{
let rx = '\d\{4}-\d\d-\d\d'
let s_links = glob(VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path').'*.wiki')
let s_links = glob(VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path').
\ '*'.VimwikiGet('ext'))
"let s_links = substitute(s_links, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let s_links = substitute(s_links, '\.wiki', "", "g")
let s_links = substitute(s_links, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let links = split(s_links, '\n')
" remove backup files (.wiki~)
@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ function! vimwiki_diary#make_note(index, ...) "{{{
call vimwiki#open_link(':e ', link, s:diary_index())
endfunction "}}}
" Calendar.vim callback.
" Calendar.vim callback and sign functions.
function! vimwiki_diary#calendar_action(day, month, year, week, dir) "{{{
let day = s:prefix_zero(a:day)
let month = s:prefix_zero(a:month)
@ -214,3 +215,10 @@ function! vimwiki_diary#calendar_action(day, month, year, week, dir) "{{{
call vimwiki_diary#make_note(1, link)
function vimwiki_diary#calendar_sign(day, month, year) "{{{
let day = s:prefix_zero(a:day)
let month = s:prefix_zero(a:month)
let sfile = VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path').
\ a:year.'-'.month.'-'.day.VimwikiGet('ext')
return filereadable(expand(sfile))
endfunction "}}}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Export to HTML
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ function! s:syntax_supported() " {{{
endfunction " }}}
function! s:remove_blank_lines(lines) " {{{
while a:lines[-1] =~ '^\s*$'
while !empty(a:lines) && a:lines[-1] =~ '^\s*$'
call remove(a:lines, -1)
endfunction "}}}
@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ function! s:create_default_CSS(path) " {{{
call vimwiki#mkdir(fnamemodify(css_full_name, ':p:h'))
let lines = []
call add(lines, 'body {font-family: Arial, sans-serif; margin: 1em 2em 1em 2em; font-size: 100%; line-height: 130%;}')
call add(lines, 'body {font-family: Tahoma, sans-serif; margin: 1em 2em 1em 2em; font-size: 100%; line-height: 130%;}')
call add(lines, 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {font-family: Trebuchet MS, serif; margin-top: 1.5em; margin-bottom: 0.5em;}')
call add(lines, 'h1 {font-size: 2.0em; color: #a77070;}')
call add(lines, 'h2 {font-size: 1.6em; color: #779977;}')
@ -94,6 +95,7 @@ function! s:create_default_CSS(path) " {{{
call add(lines, '.justleft {text-align: left;}')
call add(lines, '.justright {text-align: right;}')
call add(lines, '.justcenter {text-align: center;}')
call add(lines, '.center {margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;}')
call writefile(lines, css_full_name)
echomsg "Default style.css is created."
@ -165,11 +167,15 @@ function! s:get_html_footer() "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:safe_html(line) "{{{
"" change dangerous html symbols: < > &
"" htmlize symbols: < > &
let line = substitute(a:line, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
" let line = substitute(line, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
" let line = substitute(line, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
" XXX: I believe there should be a much nicer way to do it.
let line = substitute(line, '<\(br\|hr\)\@!', '\&lt;', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '\(\(br\|hr\)\s*/\?\)\@<!>', '\&gt;', 'g')
return line
endfunction "}}}
@ -257,9 +263,18 @@ function! s:trim(string) "{{{
return res
endfunction "}}}
" toc_list is list of [level, header_text, header_id]
" ex: [[1, "Header", "toc1"], [2, "Header2", "toc2"], ...]
function! s:get_html_toc(toc_list) "{{{
" toc_list is list of [level, header_text, header_id]
" ex: [[1, "Header", "toc1"], [2, "Header2", "toc2"], ...]
function! s:close_list(toc, plevel, level) "{{{
let plevel = a:plevel
while plevel > a:level
call add(a:toc, '</ul>')
let plevel -= 1
return plevel
endfunction "}}}
if empty(a:toc_list)
return []
@ -271,15 +286,15 @@ function! s:get_html_toc(toc_list) "{{{
if level > plevel
call add(toc, '<ul>')
elseif level < plevel
call add(toc, '</ul>')
let plevel = s:close_list(toc, plevel, level)
call add(toc, '<li><a href="#'.id.'">'.text.'</a></li>')
let toc_text = s:process_tags_remove_links(text)
let toc_text = s:process_tags_typefaces(toc_text)
call add(toc, '<li><a href="#'.id.'">'.toc_text.'</a></li>')
let plevel = level
while level > 0
call add(toc, '</ul>')
let level -= 1
call s:close_list(toc, level, 0)
call add(toc, '</div>')
return toc
endfunction "}}}
@ -336,6 +351,70 @@ function! s:tag_pre(value) "{{{
return '<code>'.s:mid(a:value, 3).'</code>'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_internal_link(value) "{{{
" Make <a href="This is a link">This is a link</a>
" from [[This is a link]]
" Make <a href="link">This is a link</a>
" from [[link|This is a link]]
" Make <a href="link">This is a link</a>
" from [[link][This is a link]]
" TODO: rename function -- it makes not only internal links.
" TODO: refactor it.
function! s:linkify(src, caption, style) "{{{
if a:style == ''
let style_str = ''
let style_str = ' style="'.a:style.'"'
if s:is_img_link(a:caption)
let link = '<a href="'.a:src.'"><img src="'.a:caption.'"'.style_str.' />'.
\ '</a>'
elseif s:is_non_wiki_link(a:src)
let link = '<a href="'.a:src.'">'.a:caption.'</a>'
elseif s:is_img_link(a:src)
let link = '<img src="'.a:src.'" alt="'.a:caption.'"'. style_str.' />'
elseif vimwiki#is_link_to_dir(a:src)
if g:vimwiki_dir_link == ''
let link = '<a href="'.vimwiki#safe_link(a:src).'">'.a:caption.'</a>'
let link = '<a href="'.vimwiki#safe_link(a:src).
\ g:vimwiki_dir_link.'.html">'.a:caption.'</a>'
let link = '<a href="'.vimwiki#safe_link(a:src).
\ '.html">'.a:caption.'</a>'
return link
endfunction "}}}
let value = s:mid(a:value, 2)
let line = ''
if value =~ '|'
let link_parts = split(value, "|", 1)
let link_parts = split(value, "][", 1)
if len(link_parts) > 1
if len(link_parts) < 3
let style = ""
let style = link_parts[2]
let line = s:linkify(link_parts[0], link_parts[1], style)
let line = s:linkify(value, value, '')
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_external_link(value) "{{{
"" Make <a href="link">link desc</a>
"" from [link link desc]
@ -369,16 +448,39 @@ function! s:tag_external_link(value) "{{{
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_internal_link(value) "{{{
" Make <a href="This is a link">This is a link</a>
" from [[This is a link]]
" Make <a href="link">This is a link</a>
" from [[link|This is a link]]
" Make <a href="link">This is a link</a>
" from [[link][This is a link]]
" TODO: rename function -- it makes not only internal links.
" TODO: refactor it.
function! s:tag_wikiword_link(value) "{{{
" Make <a href="WikiWord">WikiWord</a> from WikiWord
if a:value[0] == '!'
return a:value[1:]
elseif g:vimwiki_camel_case
let line = '<a href="'.a:value.'.html">'.a:value.'</a>'
return line
return a:value
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_barebone_link(value) "{{{
"" Make <a href=""></a>
"" from
if s:is_img_link(a:value)
let line = '<img src="'.a:value.'" />'
let line = '<a href="'.a:value.'">'.a:value.'</a>'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_no_wikiword_link(value) "{{{
if a:value[0] == '!'
return a:value[1:]
return a:value
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_remove_internal_link(value) "{{{
let value = s:mid(a:value, 2)
let line = ''
@ -394,53 +496,31 @@ function! s:tag_internal_link(value) "{{{
let style = link_parts[2]
if s:is_img_link(link_parts[1])
let line = '<a href="'.link_parts[0].'"><img src="'.link_parts[1].
\ '" style="'.style.'" /></a>'
elseif len(link_parts) < 3
if s:is_non_wiki_link(link_parts[0])
let line = '<a href="'.link_parts[0].'">'.link_parts[1].'</a>'
let line = '<a href="'.vimwiki#safe_link(link_parts[0]).
\ '.html">'.link_parts[1].'</a>'
elseif s:is_img_link(link_parts[0])
let line = '<img src="'.link_parts[0].'" alt="'.
\ link_parts[1].'" style="'.style.'" />'
let line = link_parts[1]
if s:is_img_link(value)
let line = '<img src="'.value.'" />'
elseif s:is_non_wiki_link(link_parts[0])
let line = '<a href="'.value.'">'.value.'</a>'
let line = '<a href="'.vimwiki#safe_link(value).
\ '.html">'.value.'</a>'
let line = value
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_wikiword_link(value) "{{{
" Make <a href="WikiWord">WikiWord</a> from WikiWord
" if first symbol is ! then remove it and make no link.
if a:value[0] == '!'
return a:value[1:]
let line = '<a href="'.a:value.'.html">'.a:value.'</a>'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:tag_remove_external_link(value) "{{{
let value = s:mid(a:value, 1)
function! s:tag_barebone_link(value) "{{{
"" Make <a href=""></a>
"" from
if s:is_img_link(a:value)
let line = '<img src="'.a:value.'" />'
let line = ''
if s:is_web_link(value)
let lnkElements = split(value)
let head = lnkElements[0]
let rest = join(lnkElements[1:])
if rest==""
let rest=head
let line = rest
elseif s:is_img_link(value)
let line = '<img src="'.value.'" />'
let line = '<a href="'.a:value.'">'.a:value.'</a>'
" [alskfj sfsf] shouldn't be a link. So return it as it was --
" enclosed in [...]
let line = '['.value.']'
return line
endfunction "}}}
@ -472,13 +552,16 @@ function! s:make_tag(line, regexp, func) "{{{
return res_line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_inline_tags(line) "{{{
function! s:process_tags_remove_links(line) " {{{
let line = a:line
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[\[.\{-}\]\]', 's:tag_internal_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[.\{-}\]', 's:tag_external_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, 's:tag_barebone_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '!\?'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord,
\ 's:tag_wikiword_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[\[.\{-}\]\]', 's:tag_remove_internal_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[.\{-}\]', 's:tag_remove_external_link')
return line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:process_tags_typefaces(line) "{{{
let line = a:line
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxNoWikiWord, 's:tag_no_wikiword_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxItalic, 's:tag_em')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxBold, 's:tag_strong')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxTodo, 's:tag_todo')
@ -490,6 +573,21 @@ function! s:process_inline_tags(line) "{{{
\ 's:tag_pre')
return line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:process_tags_links(line) " {{{
let line = a:line
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[\[.\{-}\]\]', 's:tag_internal_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[.\{-}\]', 's:tag_external_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, 's:tag_barebone_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord, 's:tag_wikiword_link')
return line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:process_inline_tags(line) "{{{
let line = s:process_tags_links(a:line)
let line = s:process_tags_typefaces(line)
return line
endfunction " }}}
@ -518,17 +616,63 @@ function! s:close_tag_para(para, ldest) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_table(table, ldest) "{{{
if len(a:table)
call insert(a:ldest, "</table>")
return []
" The first element of table list is a string which tells us if table should be centered.
" The rest elements are rows which are lists of columns:
" ['center',
" ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'],
" ['col1', 'col2', 'col3'],
" ['col1', 'col2', 'col3']
" ]
let table = a:table
let ldest = a:ldest
if len(table)
if table[0] == 'center'
call add(ldest, "<table class='center'>")
call add(ldest, "<table>")
" Empty lists are table separators.
" Search for the last empty list. All the above rows would be a table header.
" We should exclude the first element of the table list as it is a text tag
" that shows if table should be centered or not.
let head = 0
for idx in range(len(table)-1, 1, -1)
if empty(table[idx])
let head = idx
if head > 0
for row in table[1 : head-1]
if !empty(filter(row, '!empty(v:val)'))
call add(ldest, '<tr>')
call extend(ldest, map(row, '"<th>".s:process_inline_tags(v:val)."</th>"'))
call add(ldest, '</tr>')
for row in table[head+1 :]
call add(ldest, '<tr>')
call extend(ldest, map(row, '"<td>".s:process_inline_tags(v:val)."</td>"'))
call add(ldest, '</tr>')
for row in table[1 :]
call add(ldest, '<tr>')
call extend(ldest, map(row, '"<td>".s:process_inline_tags(v:val)."</td>"'))
call add(ldest, '</tr>')
call add(ldest, "</table>")
let table = []
return a:table
return table
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_list(lists, ldest) "{{{
while len(a:lists)
let item = remove(a:lists, -1)
call insert(a:ldest, item[0])
call add(a:ldest, item[0])
endfunction! "}}}
@ -605,10 +749,15 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
return [st_tag, en_tag]
endfunction "}}}
" Do not process line that starts from *bold* text as list item.
let pos = match(a:line, g:vimwiki_rxBold)
if pos != -1 && strpart(a:line, 0, pos) =~ '^\s*$'
return [0, []]
let in_list = (len(a:lists) > 0)
" If it is not list yet then do not process line that starts from *bold*
" text.
if !in_list
let pos = match(a:line, g:vimwiki_rxBold)
if pos != -1 && strpart(a:line, 0, pos) =~ '^\s*$'
return [0, []]
let lines = []
@ -631,7 +780,6 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
let lstRegExp = ''
let in_list = (len(a:lists) > 0)
if lstSym != ''
" To get proper indent level 'retab' the line -- change all tabs
" to spaces*tabstop
@ -674,10 +822,7 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
let processed = 1
while len(a:lists)
let item = remove(a:lists, -1)
call add(lines, item[0])
call s:close_tag_list(a:lists, lines)
return [processed, lines]
endfunction "}}}
@ -744,6 +889,12 @@ function! s:process_tag_h(line, id) "{{{
let h_level = 1
if h_level > 0
let a:id[h_level] += 1
" reset higher level ids
for level in range(h_level+1, 6)
let a:id[level] = 0
let centered = 0
if a:line =~ '^\s\+'
let centered = 1
@ -751,8 +902,14 @@ function! s:process_tag_h(line, id) "{{{
let line = s:trim(line)
let h_text = s:trim(strpart(line, h_level, len(line) - h_level * 2))
let h_id = 'toc'.a:id
let h_number = ''
for l in range(1, h_level-1)
let h_number .= a:id[l].'.'
let h_number .= a:id[h_level]
let h_id = 'toc_'.h_number
let h_part = '<h'.h_level.' id="'.h_id.'"'
if centered
@ -760,6 +917,17 @@ function! s:process_tag_h(line, id) "{{{
let h_part .= '>'
let h_text = s:trim(strpart(line, h_level, len(line) - h_level * 2))
if g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering
let num = matchstr(h_number,
\ '^\(\d.\)\{'.(g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering-1).'}\zs.*')
if !empty(num)
let num .= g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym
let h_text = num.' '.h_text
let line = h_part.h_text.'</h'.h_level.'>'
let processed = 1
@ -777,54 +945,42 @@ function! s:process_tag_hr(line) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_table(line, table) "{{{
" XXX: This should be refactored!!!
function! s:table_empty_cell(value) "{{{
if a:value =~ '^\s*$'
return '&nbsp;'
return a:value
endfunction "}}}
function! s:table_add_row(table, line) "{{{
if empty(a:table)
if a:line =~ '^\s\+'
let row = ['center', []]
let row = ['normal', []]
let row = [[]]
return row
endfunction "}}}
let table = a:table
let lines = []
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^\s*|[-+]\+|\s*$' && len(table)
call add(table, [])
if a:line =~ '^\s*|[-+]\+|\s*$'
call extend(table, s:table_add_row(a:table, a:line))
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^\s*|.\+|\s*$'
if empty(table)
let table = [[]]
call add(table, [])
call extend(table, s:table_add_row(a:table, a:line))
let processed = 1
call extend(table[-1], split(a:line, '\s*|\s*'))
elseif len(table)
call add(lines, "<table>")
let head = 0
for idx in range(len(table))
if empty(table[idx])
let head = idx
if head > 0
for row in table[: head-1]
call add(lines, '<tr>')
call extend(lines, map(row, '"<th>".v:val."</th>"'))
call add(lines, '</tr>')
for row in table[head+1 :]
call add(lines, '<tr>')
call extend(lines, map(row, '"<td>".v:val."</td>"'))
call add(lines, '</tr>')
for row in table
call add(lines, '<tr>')
call extend(lines, map(row, '"<td>".v:val."</td>"'))
call add(lines, '</tr>')
call add(lines, "</table>")
let table = []
let cells = split(a:line, '\s*|\s*', 1)[1: -2]
call map(cells, 's:table_empty_cell(v:val)')
call extend(table[-1], cells)
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, lines)
return [processed, lines, table]
endfunction "}}}
@ -850,6 +1006,14 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) " {{{
let processed = 0
" nohtml -- placeholder
if !processed
if line =~ '^\s*%nohtml'
let processed = 1
let state.placeholder = ['nohtml']
" toc -- placeholder "{{{
if !processed
if line =~ '^\s*%toc'
@ -916,17 +1080,23 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) " {{{
let state.pre = s:close_tag_pre(state.pre, res_lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, res_lines)
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxTodo, 's:tag_todo')
let line = s:process_inline_tags(line)
call add(res_lines, line)
" gather information for table of contents
call add(state.toc, [h_level, h_text, h_id])
let state.toc_id += 1
" tables "{{{
if !processed
let [processed, lines, state.table] = s:process_tag_table(line, state.table)
call extend(res_lines, lines)
" quotes "{{{
if !processed
let [processed, lines, state.quote] = s:process_tag_quote(line, state.quote)
@ -952,16 +1122,6 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) " {{{
" tables "{{{
if !processed
let [processed, lines, state.table] = s:process_tag_table(line, state.table)
call map(lines, 's:process_inline_tags(v:val)')
call extend(res_lines, lines)
" horizontal rules "{{{
if !processed
let [processed, line] = s:process_tag_hr(line)
@ -1025,11 +1185,14 @@ function! vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
let wikifile = fnamemodify(a:wikifile, ":p")
let subdir = vimwiki#subdir(VimwikiGet('path'), wikifile)
let lsource = s:remove_comments(readfile(wikifile))
let ldest = s:get_html_header(wikifile, subdir, &fileencoding)
let path = expand(a:path).subdir
call vimwiki#mkdir(path)
let lsource = s:remove_comments(readfile(wikifile))
let ldest = s:get_html_header(wikifile, subdir, &fileencoding)
" nohtml placeholder -- to skip html generation.
let nohtml = 0
" for table of contents placeholders.
let placeholders = []
@ -1044,7 +1207,7 @@ function! vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
let state.lists = []
let state.placeholder = []
let state.toc = []
let state.toc_id = 1
let state.toc_id = {1: 0, 2: 0, 3: 0, 4: 0, 5: 0, 6: 0 }
for line in lsource
let oldquote = state.quote
@ -1053,40 +1216,47 @@ function! vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
" Hack: There could be a lot of empty strings before s:process_tag_quote
" find out `quote` is over. So we should delete them all. Think of the way
" to refactor it out.
if (oldquote != state.quote) && ldest[-1] =~ '^\s*$'
if oldquote != state.quote
call s:remove_blank_lines(ldest)
if !empty(state.placeholder)
call add(placeholders, [state.placeholder, len(ldest), len(placeholders)])
let state.placeholder = []
if state.placeholder[0] == 'nohtml'
let nohtml = 1
call add(placeholders, [state.placeholder, len(ldest), len(placeholders)])
let state.placeholder = []
call extend(ldest, lines)
let toc = s:get_html_toc(state.toc)
call s:process_placeholders(ldest, placeholders, 'toc', toc)
if !nohtml
let toc = s:get_html_toc(state.toc)
call s:process_placeholders(ldest, placeholders, 'toc', toc)
call s:remove_blank_lines(ldest)
call s:remove_blank_lines(ldest)
"" process end of file
"" close opened tags if any
let lines = []
call s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
call s:close_tag_para(state.para, lines)
call s:close_tag_pre(state.pre, lines)
call s:close_tag_list(state.lists, lines)
call s:close_tag_def_list(state.deflist, lines)
call s:close_tag_table(state.table, lines)
call extend(ldest, lines)
"" process end of file
"" close opened tags if any
let lines = []
call s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
call s:close_tag_para(state.para, lines)
call s:close_tag_pre(state.pre, lines)
call s:close_tag_list(state.lists, lines)
call s:close_tag_def_list(state.deflist, lines)
call s:close_tag_table(state.table, lines)
call extend(ldest, lines)
call extend(ldest, s:get_html_footer())
call extend(ldest, s:get_html_footer())
"" make html file.
let wwFileNameOnly = fnamemodify(wikifile, ":t:r")
call writefile(ldest, path.wwFileNameOnly.'.html')
"" make html file.
let wwFileNameOnly = fnamemodify(wikifile, ":t:r")
call writefile(ldest, path.wwFileNameOnly.'.html')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_html#WikiAll2HTML(path) "{{{

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Todo lists related stuff here.
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
@ -237,9 +238,9 @@ function! s:all_siblings_checked(lnum) "{{{
let cnt = 0
let siblings = s:get_sibling_items(a:lnum)
for lnum in siblings
let cnt += s:get_state(lnum)/100.0
let cnt += s:get_state(lnum)
let result = (cnt*100.0)/len(siblings)
let result = cnt/len(siblings)
return result
endfunction "}}}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Desc: Tables
" | Easily | manageable | text | tables | ! |
@ -18,7 +19,19 @@ let s:textwidth = &tw
" Misc functions {{{
function! s:wide_len(str) "{{{
return strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
if !g:vimwiki_CJK_length
let ret = strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
let savemodified = &modified
let save_cursor = getpos('.')
exe "norm! o\<esc>"
call setline(line("."), a:str)
let ret = virtcol("$") - 1
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
let &modified = savemodified
return ret
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_table(line) "{{{
@ -26,14 +39,31 @@ function! s:is_table(line) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_separator(line) "{{{
return a:line =~ '^\s*|\s*-\+'
return a:line =~ '^\s*[|+]\s*--[-|+]\+'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_last_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
return strpart(getline(a:lnum), a:cnum - 1) =~ '^[^|]*|\s*$'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:count_separators(lnum) "{{{
function! s:is_first_column(lnum, cnum) "{{{
let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), 0, a:cnum - 1)
return line =~ '^\s*|[^|]*$' || line =~ '^\s*$'
endfunction "}}}
function! s:count_separators_up(lnum) "{{{
let lnum = a:lnum - 1
while lnum > 1
if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum))
let lnum -= 1
return (a:lnum-lnum)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:count_separators_down(lnum) "{{{
let lnum = a:lnum + 1
while lnum < line('$')
if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum))
@ -78,19 +108,38 @@ function! s:create_row_sep(cols) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_values(line) "{{{
let cells = []
let cnt = 0
let idx = 0
while idx != -1 && idx < strlen(a:line) - 1
let cell = matchstr(a:line, '|\zs[^|]\+\ze|', idx)
let cell = substitute(cell, '^\s*\(.\{-}\)\s*$', '\1', 'g')
call add(cells, [cnt, cell])
let cnt += 1
let idx = matchend(a:line, '|\zs[^|]\+\ze|', idx)
return cells
return split(a:line, '\s*|\s*', 1)[1:-2]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:col_count(lnum) "{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if !s:is_separator(line)
return len(split(line, '\s*|\s*', 1)[1:-2])
return len(split(line, '-+-', 1))
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_indent(lnum) "{{{
if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum))
let indent = 0
let lnum = a:lnum - 1
while lnum > 1
let line = getline(lnum)
if !s:is_table(line)
let indent = indent(lnum+1)
let lnum -= 1
return indent
endfunction " }}}
function! s:get_rows(lnum) "{{{
if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum))
@ -131,29 +180,57 @@ function! s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum) "{{{
if s:is_separator(row)
for [idx, cell] in s:get_values(row)
let cells = s:get_values(row)
for idx in range(len(cells))
let value = cells[idx]
if has_key(max_lens, idx)
let max_lens[idx] = max([s:wide_len(cell), max_lens[idx]])
let max_lens[idx] = max([s:wide_len(value), max_lens[idx]])
let max_lens[idx] = s:wide_len(cell)
let max_lens[idx] = s:wide_len(value)
return max_lens
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_aligned_rows(lnum, max_lens) "{{{
function! s:get_aligned_rows(lnum, col1, col2) "{{{
let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum)
let rows = []
for [lnum, row] in s:get_rows(a:lnum)
if s:is_separator(row)
let new_row = s:fmt_sep(a:max_lens)
let new_row = s:fmt_sep(max_lens, a:col1, a:col2)
let new_row = s:fmt_row(row, a:max_lens)
let new_row = s:fmt_row(row, max_lens, a:col1, a:col2)
call add(rows, [lnum, new_row])
return rows
endfunction "}}}
" Number of the current column. Starts from 0.
function! s:cur_column() "{{{
let line = getline('.')
if !s:is_table(line)
return -1
if s:is_separator(line)
let sep = '[+|]'
let sep = '|'
let curs_pos = col('.')
let mpos = match(line, '|', 0)
let col = -1
while mpos < curs_pos && mpos != -1
let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1)
if mpos != -1
let col += 1
return col
endfunction "}}}
" }}}
" Format functions {{{
@ -169,14 +246,20 @@ function! s:fmt_cell(cell, max_len) "{{{
return cell
endfunction "}}}
function! s:fmt_row(line, max_lens) "{{{
function! s:fmt_row(line, max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
let new_line = '|'
let values = s:get_values(a:line)
for [idx, cell] in values
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(cell, a:max_lens[idx]).'|'
let cells = s:get_values(a:line)
for idx in range(len(cells))
if idx == a:col1
let idx = a:col2
elseif idx == a:col2
let idx = a:col1
let value = cells[idx]
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(value, a:max_lens[idx]).'|'
let idx = len(values)
let idx = len(cells)
while idx < len(a:max_lens)
let new_line .= s:fmt_cell('', a:max_lens[idx]).'|'
let idx += 1
@ -192,9 +275,14 @@ function! s:fmt_cell_sep(max_len) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:fmt_sep(max_lens) "{{{
function! s:fmt_sep(max_lens, col1, col2) "{{{
let sep = '|'
for idx in range(len(a:max_lens))
if idx == a:col1
let idx = a:col2
elseif idx == a:col2
let idx = a:col1
let sep .= s:fmt_cell_sep(a:max_lens[idx]).'+'
let sep = substitute(sep, '+$', '|', '')
@ -207,7 +295,7 @@ function! s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, goto_first) "{{{
let cmd = "\<ESC>o".s:create_empty_row(a:cols)
let cmd .= "\<ESC>:call vimwiki_tbl#format(line('.'))\<CR>"
if a:goto_first
let cmd .= "0f|T|a"
let cmd .= "\<ESC>0:call search('|', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>la"
let cmd .= "0".(col('.')-1)."lT|a"
@ -219,16 +307,27 @@ function! s:kbd_goto_next_row() "{{{
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
function! s:kbd_goto_prev_row() "{{{
let cmd = "\<ESC>jt|T|a"
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
function! s:kbd_goto_next_col(last) "{{{
if col('.') == 1
let cmd = "\<ESC>la"
if a:last
let seps = s:count_separators_down(line('.'))
let cmd = "\<ESC>".seps."j0:call search('|', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>la"
if a:last
let seps = s:count_separators(line('.'))
let cmd = "\<ESC>".seps."j0f|F|la"
let cmd = "\<ESC>f|la"
let cmd = "\<ESC>:call search('|', 'c', line('.'))\<CR>la"
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
function! s:kbd_goto_prev_col(first) "{{{
if a:first
let seps = s:count_separators_up(line('.'))
let cmd = "\<ESC>".seps."k$:call search('|', 'b', line('.'))\<CR>la"
let cmd = "\<ESC>2F|la"
return cmd
endfunction "}}}
@ -264,15 +363,37 @@ function! vimwiki_tbl#kbd_tab() "{{{
return s:kbd_goto_next_col(last)
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_tbl#format(lnum) "{{{
function! vimwiki_tbl#kbd_shift_tab() "{{{
let lnum = line('.')
if !s:is_table(getline(lnum))
return "\<S-Tab>"
let first = s:is_first_column(lnum, col('.'))
if first && !s:is_table(getline(lnum-1))
return ""
return s:kbd_goto_prev_col(first)
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_tbl#format(lnum, ...) "{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if !s:is_table(line)
let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum)
if a:0 == 2
let col1 = a:1
let col2 = a:2
let col1 = 0
let col2 = 0
for [lnum, row] in s:get_aligned_rows(a:lnum, max_lens)
let indent = s:get_indent(a:lnum)
for [lnum, row] in s:get_aligned_rows(a:lnum, col1, col2)
let row = repeat(' ', indent).row
call setline(lnum, row)
@ -332,4 +453,52 @@ function! vimwiki_tbl#reset_tw(lnum) "{{{
let &tw = 0
endfunction "}}}
" TODO: move_column_left and move_column_right are good candidates to be
" refactored.
function! vimwiki_tbl#move_column_left() "{{{
if !s:is_table(getline('.'))
let cur_col = s:cur_column()
if cur_col == -1
if cur_col > 0
call vimwiki_tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col-1, cur_col)
call cursor(line('.'), 1)
if !s:is_separator(getline('.'))
call search('\%(|[^|]\+\)\{'.(cur_col-1).'}| .', 'eW')
call search('|\%([^+]\++\)\{'.(cur_col-1).'}--', 'eW')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_tbl#move_column_right() "{{{
if !s:is_table(getline('.'))
let cur_col = s:cur_column()
if cur_col == -1
if cur_col < s:col_count(line('.'))-1
call vimwiki_tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col, cur_col+1)
call cursor(line('.'), 1)
if !s:is_separator(getline('.'))
call search('\%(|[^|]\+\)\{'.(cur_col+1).'}| .', 'eW')
call search('|\%([^+]\++\)\{'.(cur_col+1).'}--', 'eW')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_tbl#get_rows(lnum) "{{{
return s:get_rows(a:lnum)
endfunction "}}}

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
*vimwiki.txt* A Personal Wiki for Vim
__ __ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ~
/\ \/\ \/\__ _\ /'\_/`\/\ \ __/\ \/\__ _\ /\ \/\ \ /\__ _\ ~
\ \ \ \ \/_/\ \/ /\ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \/'/'\/_/\ \/ ~
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , < \ \ \ ~
\ \ \_/ \ \_\ \__\ \ \_/\ \ \ \_/ \_\ \ \_\ \__\ \ \\`\ \_\ \__ ~
\ `\___/ /\_____\\ \_\\ \_\ `\___x___/ /\_____\\ \_\ \_\ /\_____\~
`\/__/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/'\/__//__/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/~
__ __ ___ __ __ _ _ ___ ___ _ ___ ~
| | | || | | |_| || | _ | || | | | | || | ~
| |_| || | | || || || || | | |_| || | ~
| || | | || || | | _|| | ~
| || | | || || | | |_ | | ~
| | | | | ||_|| || _ || | | _ || | ~
|___| |___| |_| |_||__| |__||___| |___| |_||___| ~
Version: 0.9.9
Version: 1.0
CONTENTS *vimwiki-contents*
@ -34,13 +35,12 @@ CONTENTS *vimwiki-contents*
5.9. Comments |vimwiki-syntax-comments|
6. Folding/Outline |vimwiki-folding|
7. Placeholders |vimwiki-placeholders|
7.1 Table of Contents |vimwiki-table-of-contents|
8. Todo lists |vimwiki-todo-lists|
9. Tables |vimwiki-tables|
10. Diary |vimwiki-diary|
11. Options |vimwiki-options|
12. Help |vimwiki-help|
13. Author |vimwiki-author|
13. Developers |vimwiki-developers|
14. Changelog |vimwiki-changelog|
15. License |vimwiki-license|
@ -242,6 +242,13 @@ gqq Format table. If you did some changes to a table
or without swapping insert/normal modes this command
gww reformat it.
<A-Left> Move current table column to the left.
See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft|
<A-Right> Move current table column to the right.
See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight|
@ -267,6 +274,8 @@ INSERT MODE *vimwiki-table-mappings*
<Tab> Goto next table cell, create new row if on the last
<S-CR> Insert <br /> and a newline.
@ -278,6 +287,10 @@ ih Inner Header without leading empty lines.
You can 'vah' to select a header with its contents or 'dah' to delete it or
'yah' to yank it or 'cah' to change it.
a\ A cell in a table.
i\ Inner cell in a table.
ac A column in a table.
ic Inner column in a table.
4. Commands *vimwiki-commands*
@ -362,6 +375,37 @@ You can 'vah' to select a header with its contents or 'dah' to delete it or
:VimwikiTable cols
Create a table with a given cols and 2 rows
*:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft* , *:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight*
Move current column to the left or to the right:
Example: >
| head1 | head2 | head3 | head4 | head5 |
| value1 | value2 | value3 | value4 | value5 |
Cursor is on 'head1'.
| head2 | head1 | head3 | head4 | head5 |
| value2 | value1 | value3 | value4 | value5 |
Cursor is on 'head3'.
| head2 | head3 | head1 | head4 | head5 |
| value2 | value3 | value1 | value4 | value5 |
Commands are mapped to <A-Left> and <A-Right> respectively.
Insert all available links into current buffer.
5. Wiki syntax *vimwiki-syntax*
@ -370,13 +414,8 @@ There are a lot of different wikies out there. Most of them have their own
syntax and vimwiki is not an exception here. Default vimwiki's syntax is a
subset of google's wiki syntax markup.
As for MediaWiki's syntax -- it is not that convenient for non English
(Russian in my case :)) keyboard layouts to emphasize text as it uses a lot
of '''''' to do it. You have to switch layouts every time you want some bold
non English text. This is the answer to "Why not MediaWiki?"
Nevertheless, there is MediaWiki syntax file included in the distribution (it
doesn't have all the fancy stuff original MediaWiki syntax has though).
There is MediaWiki syntax file included in the distribution (it doesn't have
all the fancy stuff original MediaWiki syntax has though).
See |vimwiki-option-syntax|.
@ -500,18 +539,6 @@ You can center your headers in html by placing spaces before the first '=':
Note: before vimwiki 0.8.2, header's markup syntax used exclamation marks:
! Header level 1
!! Header level 2
If you upgrade from pre 0.8.2 you might find the next commands useful.
To change headers from !Header to =Header= in your wiki files do: >
:args .wiki
:argdo %s/^\(!\+\)\([^!].*$\)/\=substitute(submatch(1),'!','=','g').submatch(2).substitute(submatch(1),'!','=','g')
5.4. Paragraphs *vimwiki-syntax-paragraphs*
@ -619,6 +646,7 @@ In html the following part >
is higlighted as a table header.
If you indent table then it would be centered in html.
See |vimwiki-tables| for more details on how to manage tables.
@ -723,7 +751,7 @@ To turn folding on/off check |g:vimwiki_folding|.
7. Placeholders *vimwiki-placeholders*
7.1. Table of Contents *vimwiki-toc* *vimwiki-table-of-contents*
%toc Table of Contents *vimwiki-toc* *vimwiki-table-of-contents*
You can add 'table of contents' to your html page generated from wiki one.
Just place >
@ -740,6 +768,16 @@ or >
%toc Whatever
%nohtml *vimwiki-nohtml*
If you do not want a wiki page to be converted to html, place:
into it.
8. Todo lists *vimwiki-todo-lists*
@ -825,6 +863,8 @@ values: >
| James | Esfandiary | 27 | Istanbul | |
To indent table indent the first row. Then format it with 'gqq'.
@ -870,6 +910,8 @@ be created in default wiki's diary.
Get it from
See |g:vimwiki_use_calendar| option to turn it off/on.
@ -907,6 +949,20 @@ Empty |Dictionary| in the g:vimwiki_list is the wiki with default options: >
You can also create wikis as a separate |Dictionary|s. >
let wiki_1 = {}
let wiki_1.path = '~/my_docs/'
let wiki_1.html_header = '~/public_html/header.tpl'
let wiki_1.nested_syntaxes = {'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp'}
let wiki_2 = {}
let wiki_2.path = '~/project_docs/'
let wiki_2.index = 'main'
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki_1, wiki_2]
PER WIKI OPTIONS *viwmiki-local-options*
@ -1079,11 +1135,11 @@ nested_syntaxes {} pairs of highlight keyword and vim filetype
You can make preformatted text to be highlighted with a different syntaxes
available for vim.
For example the following setup: >
For example the following setup in your vimrc: >
let wiki = {}
let wiki.path = '~/my_site/'
let wiki.path = '~/my_wiki/'
let wiki.nested_syntaxes = {'python': 'python', 'c++': 'cpp'}
let vimwiki_list = [wiki]
let g:vimwiki_list = [wiki]
would give you python and c++ highlighting in: >
{{{class="brush: python"
@ -1152,8 +1208,8 @@ Description~
Number of maximum dated links placed on one line.
= Diary =
|| [[2010-01-30]] || [[2010-01-29]] || [[2010-01-28]] || [[2010-01-27]] ||
|| [[2010-01-26]] || [[2010-01-25]] ||
| [[2010-01-30]] | [[2010-01-29]] | [[2010-01-28]] | [[2010-01-27]] |
| [[2010-01-26]] | [[2010-01-25]] |
@ -1399,7 +1455,7 @@ Default: 1
Convert directory name from current |encoding| into 'g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc'
before it is created.
If have 'enc=utf-8' and you set up >
If you have 'enc=utf-8' and set up >
let g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc = 'cp1251'
then following the next link with <CR>: >
@ -1407,40 +1463,184 @@ then following the next link with <CR>: >
would convert utf-8 'привет' to cp1251 and create directory with that name.
Default value: ''
Default: ''
Use special method to calculate correct length of the strings with double wide
characters. (To align table cells properly)
Value Description~
0 Do not use it.
1 Use it.
Default: 0
This option is about what to do with links to directories -- [[directory/]],
[[papers/]], etc.
Value Description~
'' Open 'directory/' using standard netrw plugin.
'index' Open 'directory/', create if needed.
'main' Open 'directory/', create if needed.
Default: '' (empty string)
Set this option if you want headers to be auto numbered in html.
ex: >
1 Header1
1.1 Header2
1.2 Header2
1.2.1 Header3
1.2.2 Header3
1.3 Header2
2 Header1
3 Header1
Value Description~
0 Header numbering is off.
1 Header numbering is on. Headers are numbered starting from
header level 1.
2 Header numbering is on. Headers are numbered starting from
header level 2.
Example when g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering = 2: >
1 Header2
2 Header2
2.1 Header3
2.1.1 Header4
2.1.2 Header4
2.2 Header3
3 Header2
4 Header2
Default: 0
Ending symbol for |g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering|.
Value Description~
'.' Dot would be added to the end of header's number.
')' Closing bracket would be added to the end of header's number.
let g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering = '.'
headers would look like: >
1. Header1
1.1. Header2
1.2. Header2
1.2.1. Header3
1.2.2. Header3
1.3. Header2
2. Header1
3. Header1
Default: '' (empty)
12. Help *vimwiki-help*
As you could see I am not native English speaker (not a writer as well).
Please send me correct phrases instead of that incorrect stuff I have used
Your help in making vimwiki better is really appreciated!
Any help. Would it be spell correction or code snippet to patch -- everything
is welcomed.
Issues could be filled in at .
Any help is really appreciated!
13. Author *vimwiki-author*
13. Developers *vimwiki-developers*
I live in Moscow and you may believe me -- there are no polar bears (no brown
too) here in the streets.
- Maxim Kim <>
Original author.
- Mikhail Trishchenkov <kriomant(at)>
Joined in at Dec 2009.
I do not do programming for a living. So don't blame me for an ugly
ineffective code. Improvements are welcome.
Vimwiki's website:
Vim plugins website:
... afterword
Many thanks to all of you for voting vimwiki up on I do vimwiki
in my spare time I could use to dance argentine tango with beautiful women.
Your votes are kind of a good replacement. ;)
Sincerely yours,
Maxim Kim <>.
Maxim Kim.
Vimwiki's website:
Vim plugins website:
14. Changelog *vimwiki-changelog*
* NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See
* NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See
|:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight|.
* NEW: Issue 44: <S-Tab> should move cursor to the previous table cell.
* NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables
are centered in html.
* NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New
placeholder is added: %nohtml. See |vimwiki-nohtml|.
* FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly.
* FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as
* FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page.
* FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells.
* FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first
* FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters
are used (ie. Chinese). Check |g:vimwiki_CJK_length|.
* NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup
in Headers).
* NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders.
* NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See |g:vimwiki_dir_link| option and
|:VimwikiGenerateLinks| command.
* NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with <br />. Could be inserted with <S-CR>
in insert mode.
* FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from *.
* NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items.
* NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See |g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering|
and |g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym| options.
* FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html.
* FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the
* FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html.
* FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold
text on the start of next line.
* FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap.
* FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be
skipped for navigation with <tab>.
* FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc.
* FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry
file for extensions other than '.wiki'.
* FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar
date if it has corresponding diary page.
* FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner
todo list items.
* FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert WikiWord as a link in html when
`let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
* NEW: Diary. Help in making daily notes. See |vimwiki-diary|. Now you can
really easy add information into vimwiki that should be sorted out
@ -1819,7 +2019,7 @@ Vim plugins website:
The MIT Licence
Copyright (c) 2010 Maxim Kim
Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Maxim Kim
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki filetype plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
@ -41,6 +42,19 @@ inoremap <buffer> <expr> <CR> vimwiki_lst#insertCR()
nnoremap <buffer> o :call vimwiki_lst#insertOo('o')<CR>a
nnoremap <buffer> O :call vimwiki_lst#insertOo('O')<CR>a
if !empty(&langmap)
" Valid only if langmap is a comma separated pairs of chars
let l_o = matchstr(&langmap, '\C,\zs.\zeo,')
if l_o
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> '.l_o.' :call vimwiki_lst#insertOo("o")<CR>a'
let l_O = matchstr(&langmap, '\C,\zs.\zeO,')
if l_O
exe 'nnoremap <buffer> '.l_O.' :call vimwiki_lst#insertOo("O")<CR>a'
" FOLDING for headers and list items using expr fold method. {{{
@ -205,6 +219,8 @@ command! -buffer VimwikiVSplitWord call vimwiki#WikiFollowWord('vsplit')
command! -buffer -range VimwikiToggleListItem call vimwiki_lst#ToggleListItem(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer VimwikiGenerateLinks call vimwiki#generate_links()
exe 'command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiSearch vimgrep <args> '.
\ escape(VimwikiGet('path').'**/*'.VimwikiGet('ext'), ' ')
@ -215,6 +231,8 @@ exe 'command! -buffer -nargs=* VWS vimgrep <args> '.
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiTable call vimwiki_tbl#create(<f-args>)
command! -buffer VimwikiTableAlignQ call vimwiki_tbl#align_or_cmd('gqq')
command! -buffer VimwikiTableAlignW call vimwiki_tbl#align_or_cmd('gww')
command! -buffer VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft call vimwiki_tbl#move_column_left()
command! -buffer VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight call vimwiki_tbl#move_column_right()
@ -291,21 +309,39 @@ noremap <silent><script><buffer>
if g:vimwiki_table_auto_fmt
inoremap <expr> <buffer> <CR> vimwiki_tbl#kbd_cr()
inoremap <expr> <buffer> <Tab> vimwiki_tbl#kbd_tab()
inoremap <expr> <buffer> <S-Tab> vimwiki_tbl#kbd_shift_tab()
nnoremap <buffer> gqq :VimwikiTableAlignQ<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> gww :VimwikiTableAlignW<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <A-Left> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft<CR>
nnoremap <buffer> <A-Right> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight<CR>
" Misc mappings
inoremap <buffer> <S-CR> <br /><CR>
" Text objects {{{
omap <silent><buffer> ah :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(0, 0)<CR>
vmap <silent><buffer> ah :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ah :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ah :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(0, 1)<CR>
omap <silent><buffer> ih :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(1, 0)<CR>
vmap <silent><buffer> ih :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(1, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ih :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ih :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_header(1, 1)<CR>
nmap <silent><buffer> = :call vimwiki#AddHeaderLevel()<CR>
nmap <silent><buffer> - :call vimwiki#RemoveHeaderLevel()<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> a\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_cell(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> a\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_cell(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> i\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_cell(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> i\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_cell(1, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ac :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_col(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ac :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_col(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> ic :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_col(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> ic :<C-U>call vimwiki#TO_table_col(1, 1)<CR>
noremap <silent><buffer> = :call vimwiki#AddHeaderLevel()<CR>
noremap <silent><buffer> - :call vimwiki#RemoveHeaderLevel()<CR>
" }}}

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
@ -18,25 +19,22 @@ function! s:default(varname, value) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! Str_common_part(str1, str2)"{{{
" return longest common prefix of 2 given strings.
" 'Hello world', 'Hello worm' => 'Hello wor'
function! s:str_common_pfx(str1, str2) "{{{
let idx = 0
let minlen = min([len(a:str1), len(a:str2)])
while (idx < minlen) && (a:str1[idx] == a:str2[idx])
while (idx < minlen) && (a:str1[idx] ==? a:str2[idx])
let idx = idx + 1
return strpart(a:str1, 0, idx)
function! s:chomp_slash(str)"{{{
return substitute(a:str, '[/\\]\+$', '', '')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:find_wiki(path) "{{{
let idx = 0
while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list)
let path = s:chomp_slash(expand(VimwikiGet('path', idx)))
if Str_common_part(path, a:path) == path
let path = vimwiki#chomp_slash(expand(VimwikiGet('path', idx)))
if s:str_common_pfx(path, a:path) == path
return idx
let idx += 1
@ -214,7 +212,7 @@ let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_rel_path = 'diary/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_index = 'diary'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_header = 'Diary'
" Do not change this! Will wait till vim would be more datetime awareable.
" Do not change this! Will wait till vim become more datetime awareable.
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_link_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_link_count = 4
@ -265,6 +263,11 @@ endif
call s:default('use_calendar', 1)
call s:default('table_auto_fmt', 1)
call s:default('w32_dir_enc', '')
call s:default('CJK_length', 0)
call s:default('dir_link', '')
call s:default('html_header_numbering', 0)
call s:default('html_header_numbering_sym', '')
call s:default('current_idx', 0)
@ -275,14 +278,17 @@ let nup = low.oth
let nlo = upp.oth
let any = upp.nup
let g:vimwiki_word1 = '\C\<['.upp.']['.nlo.']*['.
\ low.']['.nup.']*['.upp.']['.any.']*\>'
let g:vimwiki_word2 = '\[\[[^\]]\+\]\]'
let g:vimwiki_word3 = '\[\[[^\]]\+\]\[[^\]]\+\]\]'
let wword = '\C\<['.upp.']['.nlo.']*['.low.']['.nup.']*['.upp.']['.any.']*\>'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord = '!\@<!'.wword
let g:vimwiki_rxNoWikiWord = '!'.wword
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1 = '\[\[[^\]]\+\]\]'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink2 = '\[\[[^\]]\+\]\[[^\]]\+\]\]'
if g:vimwiki_camel_case
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord = g:vimwiki_word1.'\|'.g:vimwiki_word2.'\|'.g:vimwiki_word3
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord.'\|'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink2
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord = g:vimwiki_word2.'\|'.g:vimwiki_word3
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink = g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink2
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink = '\%("[^"(]\+\((\([^)]\+\))\)\?":\)\?'.
@ -387,6 +393,8 @@ function! s:build_table_menu(topmenu)
exe 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.-Sep- :'
exe 'menu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Create\ (enter\ cols\ rows) :VimwikiTable '
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Format<tab>gqq gqq'
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Move\ column\ left<tab><A-Left> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft<CR>'
exe 'nmenu '.a:topmenu.'.Table.Move\ column\ right<tab><A-Right> :VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight<CR>'
exe 'nmenu disable '.a:topmenu.'.Table'
@ -399,6 +407,7 @@ endif
" CALENDAR Hook "{{{
if g:vimwiki_use_calendar
let g:calendar_action = 'vimwiki_diary#calendar_action'
let g:calendar_sign = 'vimwiki_diary#calendar_sign'

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki syntax file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" vim:tw=79:
" Quit if syntax file is already loaded
if version < 600
@ -14,17 +14,18 @@ endif
if VimwikiGet('maxhi')
" Every WikiWord is nonexistent
if g:vimwiki_camel_case
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsWord /\%(^\|[^!]\)\@<='.g:vimwiki_word1.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsLink /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word3.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsLink /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiNoExistsLink /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink2.'/'
" till we find them in vimwiki's path
call vimwiki#WikiHighlightWords()
call vimwiki#WikiHighlightLinks()
" A WikiWord (unqualifiedWikiName)
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /\%(^\|[^!]\)\@<=\<'.g:vimwiki_word1.'\>/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /\<'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord.'\>/'
" A [[bracketed wiki word]]
execute 'syntax match VimwikiWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink1.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink /'.g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink2.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiLink `'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink.'`'
@ -41,8 +42,8 @@ execute 'runtime! syntax/vimwiki_'.VimwikiGet('syntax').'.vim'
" Tables
" execute 'syntax match VimwikiTable /'.g:vimwiki_rxTable.'/'
syntax match VimwikiTableRow /\s*|.\+|\s*/
\ transparent contains=VimwikiCellSeparator,VimwikiWord,
\ VimwikiNoExistsWord,VimwikiEmoticons,VimwikiTodo,
\ transparent contains=VimwikiCellSeparator,VimwikiLink,
\ VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiEmoticons,VimwikiTodo,
\ VimwikiBold,VimwikiItalic,VimwikiBoldItalic,VimwikiItalicBold,
\ VimwikiDelText,VimwikiSuperScript,VimwikiSubScript,VimwikiCode
syntax match VimwikiCellSeparator
@ -79,11 +80,21 @@ execute 'syntax region VimwikiPre start=/'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart.
syntax match VimwikiCheckBox /\[.\?\]/
if g:vimwiki_hl_cb_checked
execute 'syntax match VimwikiCheckBoxDone /'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\].*$/'
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\].*$/'.
\ ' contains=VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiLink'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiCheckBoxDone /'.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\].*$/'
\ g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\].*$/'.
\ ' contains=VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiLink'
" placeholders
syntax match VimwikiPlaceholder /^\s*%toc\%(\s.*\)\?$/
syntax match VimwikiPlaceholder /^\s*%nohtml\s*$/
" html tags
syntax match VimwikiHTMLtag '<br\s*/\?>'
syntax match VimwikiHTMLtag '<hr\s*/\?>'
syntax region VimwikiComment start='<!--' end='-->'
if !vimwiki#hl_exists("VimwikiHeader1")
@ -116,10 +127,9 @@ hi def VimwikiBoldItalic term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold,italic
hi def link VimwikiItalicBold VimwikiBoldItalic
hi def link VimwikiCode PreProc
hi def link VimwikiWord Underlined
hi def link VimwikiNoExistsWord Error
hi def link VimwikiNoExistsLink Error
hi def link VimwikiPre SpecialComment
hi def link VimwikiPre PreProc
hi def link VimwikiLink Underlined
hi def link VimwikiList Function
hi def link VimwikiCheckBox VimwikiList
@ -132,6 +142,8 @@ hi def link VimwikiTodo Todo
hi def link VimwikiComment Comment
hi def link VimwikiCellSeparator SpecialKey
hi def link VimwikiPlaceholder SpecialKey
hi def link VimwikiHTMLtag SpecialKey
let b:current_syntax="vimwiki"

View File

@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki syntax file
" Default syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" vim:tw=78:
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
@ -16,20 +16,20 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
" let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '_[^_]\+_'
let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
" text: *_bold italic_* or _*italic bold*_
let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.
let g:vimwiki_rxItalicBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='.

View File

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79
" Vimwiki syntax file
" MediaWiki syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" vim:tw=78:
" text: '''strong'''
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = "'''[^']\\+'''"