" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79 " Vimwiki plugin file " Author: Maxim Kim " Home: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/ " GetLatestVimScripts: 2226 1 :AutoInstall: vimwiki if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_vimwiki = 1 let s:old_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Logging and performance instrumentation "{{{ let g:VimwikiLog = {} let g:VimwikiLog.path = 0 " # of calls to VimwikiGet with path or path_html let g:VimwikiLog.path_html = 0 " # of calls to path_html() let g:VimwikiLog.normalize_path = 0 " # of calls to normalize_path() let g:VimwikiLog.subdir = 0 " # of calls to vimwiki#base#subdir() let g:VimwikiLog.timing = [] " various timing measurements let g:VimwikiLog.html = [] " html conversion timing function! VimwikiLog_extend(what,...) "{{{ call extend(g:VimwikiLog[a:what],a:000) endfunction "}}} "}}} " HELPER functions {{{ function! s:default(varname, value) "{{{ if !exists('g:vimwiki_'.a:varname) let g:vimwiki_{a:varname} = a:value endif endfunction "}}} function! s:find_wiki(path) "{{{ " XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext let path = vimwiki#path#path_norm(vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(a:path)) let idx = 0 while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list) let idx_path = expand(VimwikiGet('path', idx)) let idx_path = vimwiki#path#path_norm(vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(idx_path)) if vimwiki#path#path_common_pfx(idx_path, path) == idx_path return idx endif let idx += 1 endwhile return -1 " an orphan page has been detected endfunction "}}} function! s:path_html(idx) "{{{ let path_html = VimwikiGet('path_html', a:idx) if !empty(path_html) return path_html else let g:VimwikiLog.path_html += 1 "XXX let path = VimwikiGet('path', a:idx) return substitute(path, '[/\\]\+$', '', '').'_html/' endif endfunction "}}} function! s:normalize_path(path) "{{{ let g:VimwikiLog.normalize_path += 1 "XXX " resolve doesn't work quite right with symlinks ended with / or \ let path = substitute(a:path, '[/\\]\+$', '', '') if path !~# '^scp:' return resolve(expand(path)).'/' else return path.'/' endif endfunction "}}} function! Validate_wiki_options(idx) " {{{ call VimwikiSet('path', s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('path', a:idx)), a:idx) call VimwikiSet('path_html', s:normalize_path(s:path_html(a:idx)), a:idx) call VimwikiSet('template_path', \ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('template_path', a:idx)), a:idx) call VimwikiSet('diary_rel_path', \ s:normalize_path(VimwikiGet('diary_rel_path', a:idx)), a:idx) endfunction " }}} function! s:vimwiki_idx() " {{{ if exists('b:vimwiki_idx') return b:vimwiki_idx else return -1 endif endfunction " }}} function! s:setup_buffer_leave() "{{{ if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom "Setup_buffer_leave g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif if &filetype == 'vimwiki' " cache global vars of current state XXX: SLOW!? call vimwiki#base#cache_buffer_state() endif if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_leave g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif let &autowriteall = s:vimwiki_autowriteall " Set up menu if g:vimwiki_menu != "" exe 'nmenu disable '.g:vimwiki_menu.'.Table' endif endfunction "}}} function! s:setup_filetype() "{{{ if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom "Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif let time0 = reltime() " start the clock "XXX " Find what wiki current buffer belongs to. let path = expand('%:p:h') " XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext let idx = s:find_wiki(path) if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." find_idx=".idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif if idx == -1 && g:vimwiki_global_ext == 0 return endif "XXX when idx = -1? (an orphan page has been detected) "TODO: refactor (same code in setup_buffer_enter) " The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does* want his wiki " extension(s) to be global -- Add new wiki. if idx == -1 let ext = '.'.expand('%:e') " lookup syntax using g:vimwiki_ext2syntax if has_key(g:vimwiki_ext2syntax, ext) let syn = g:vimwiki_ext2syntax[ext] else let syn = s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax endif call add(g:vimwiki_list, {'path': path, 'ext': ext, 'syntax': syn, 'temp': 1}) let idx = len(g:vimwiki_list) - 1 call Validate_wiki_options(idx) endif " initialize and cache global vars of current state call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx) if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (reset_wiki_state) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif unlet! b:vimwiki_fs_rescan set filetype=vimwiki if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_filetype g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set ft=vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX call VimwikiLog_extend('timing',['plugin:setup_filetype:time1',time1]) endfunction "}}} function! s:setup_buffer_enter() "{{{ if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom "Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif let time0 = reltime() " start the clock "XXX if !vimwiki#base#recall_buffer_state() " Find what wiki current buffer belongs to. " If wiki does not exist in g:vimwiki_list -- add new wiki there with " buffer's path and ext. " Else set g:vimwiki_current_idx to that wiki index. let path = expand('%:p:h') " XXX: find_wiki() does not (yet) take into consideration the ext let idx = s:find_wiki(path) if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." find_idx=".idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif " The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does NOT* want his wiki " extension to be global -- Do not add new wiki. if idx == -1 && g:vimwiki_global_ext == 0 return endif "TODO: refactor (same code in setup_filetype) " The buffer's file is not in the path and user *does* want his wiki " extension(s) to be global -- Add new wiki. if idx == -1 let ext = '.'.expand('%:e') " lookup syntax using g:vimwiki_ext2syntax if has_key(g:vimwiki_ext2syntax, ext) let syn = g:vimwiki_ext2syntax[ext] else let syn = s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax endif call add(g:vimwiki_list, {'path': path, 'ext': ext, 'syntax': syn, 'temp': 1}) let idx = len(g:vimwiki_list) - 1 call Validate_wiki_options(idx) endif " initialize and cache global vars of current state call vimwiki#base#setup_buffer_state(idx) if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (reset_wiki_state) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif endif " If you have " au GUIEnter * VimwikiIndex " Then change it to " au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex if &filetype == '' set filetype=vimwiki if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set ft vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif elseif &syntax == 'vimwiki' " to force a rescan of the filesystem which may have changed " and update VimwikiLinks syntax group that depends on it; " b:vimwiki_fs_rescan indicates that setup_filetype() has not been run if exists("b:vimwiki_fs_rescan") && VimwikiGet('maxhi') set syntax=vimwiki if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_enter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." (set syntax=vimwiki) b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif endif let b:vimwiki_fs_rescan = 1 endif let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX " Settings foldmethod, foldexpr and foldtext are local to window. Thus in a " new tab with the same buffer folding is reset to vim defaults. So we " insist vimwiki folding here. if g:vimwiki_folding == 'expr' setlocal fdm=expr setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldLevel(v:lnum) setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText() elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'list' || g:vimwiki_folding == 'lists' setlocal fdm=expr setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldListLevel(v:lnum) setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText() elseif g:vimwiki_folding == 'syntax' setlocal fdm=syntax setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText() else setlocal fdm=manual exe "normal zE" endif " And conceal level too. if g:vimwiki_conceallevel && exists("+conceallevel") let &conceallevel = g:vimwiki_conceallevel endif " Set up menu if g:vimwiki_menu != "" exe 'nmenu enable '.g:vimwiki_menu.'.Table' endif "let time2 = vimwiki#u#time(time0) "XXX call VimwikiLog_extend('timing',['plugin:setup_buffer_enter:time1',time1]) endfunction "}}} function! s:setup_buffer_reenter() "{{{ if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom "Setup_buffer_reenter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif if !vimwiki#base#recall_buffer_state() " Do not repeat work of s:setup_buffer_enter() and s:setup_filetype() " Once should be enough ... endif if g:vimwiki_debug ==3 echom " Setup_buffer_reenter g:curr_idx=".g:vimwiki_current_idx." b:curr_idx=".s:vimwiki_idx()."" endif if !exists("s:vimwiki_autowriteall") let s:vimwiki_autowriteall = &autowriteall endif let &autowriteall = g:vimwiki_autowriteall endfunction "}}} function! s:setup_cleared_syntax() "{{{ highlight groups that get cleared " on colorscheme change because they are not linked to Vim-predefined groups hi def VimwikiBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold hi def VimwikiItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic hi def VimwikiBoldItalic term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold,italic hi def VimwikiUnderline gui=underline if g:vimwiki_hl_headers == 1 for i in range(1,6) execute 'hi def VimwikiHeader'.i.' guibg=bg guifg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_guifg_{&bg}[i-1].' gui=bold ctermfg='.g:vimwiki_hcolor_ctermfg_{&bg}[i-1].' term=bold cterm=bold' endfor endif endfunction "}}} " OPTION get/set functions {{{ " return complete list of options function! VimwikiGetOptionNames() "{{{ return keys(s:vimwiki_defaults) endfunction "}}} function! VimwikiGetOptions(...) "{{{ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1 let option_dict = {} for kk in keys(s:vimwiki_defaults) let option_dict[kk] = VimwikiGet(kk, idx) endfor return option_dict endfunction "}}} " Return value of option for current wiki or if second parameter exists for " wiki with a given index. " If the option is not found, it is assumed to have been previously cached in a " buffer local dictionary, that acts as a cache. " If the option is not found in the buffer local dictionary, an error is thrown function! VimwikiGet(option, ...) "{{{ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1 if has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option) let val = g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] elseif has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option) let val = s:vimwiki_defaults[a:option] let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = val else let val = b:vimwiki_list[a:option] endif " XXX no call to vimwiki#base here or else the whole autoload/base gets loaded! return val endfunction "}}} " Set option for current wiki or if third parameter exists for " wiki with a given index. " If the option is not found or recognized (i.e. does not exist in " s:vimwiki_defaults), it is saved in a buffer local dictionary, that acts " as a cache. " If the option is not found in the buffer local dictionary, an error is thrown function! VimwikiSet(option, value, ...) "{{{ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1 if has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option) || \ has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option) let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = a:value elseif exists('b:vimwiki_list') let b:vimwiki_list[a:option] = a:value else let b:vimwiki_list = {} let b:vimwiki_list[a:option] = a:value endif endfunction "}}} " Clear option for current wiki or if second parameter exists for " wiki with a given index. " Currently, only works if option was previously saved in the buffer local " dictionary, that acts as a cache. function! VimwikiClear(option, ...) "{{{ let idx = a:0 == 0 ? g:vimwiki_current_idx : a:1 if exists('b:vimwiki_list') && has_key(b:vimwiki_list, a:option) call remove(b:vimwiki_list, a:option) endif endfunction "}}} " }}} " }}} " CALLBACK functions "{{{ " User can redefine it. if !exists("*VimwikiLinkHandler") "{{{ function VimwikiLinkHandler(url) return 0 endfunction endif "}}} if !exists("*VimwikiWikiIncludeHandler") "{{{ function! VimwikiWikiIncludeHandler(value) "{{{ " Return the empty string when unable to process link return '' endfunction "}}} endif "}}} " CALLBACK }}} " DEFAULT wiki {{{ let s:vimwiki_defaults = {} let s:vimwiki_defaults.path = '~/vimwiki/' let s:vimwiki_defaults.path_html = '' " '' is replaced by derived path.'_html/' let s:vimwiki_defaults.css_name = 'style.css' let s:vimwiki_defaults.index = 'index' let s:vimwiki_defaults.ext = '.wiki' let s:vimwiki_defaults.maxhi = 0 let s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax = 'default' let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_path = '' let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_default = '' let s:vimwiki_defaults.template_ext = '' let s:vimwiki_defaults.nested_syntaxes = {} let s:vimwiki_defaults.automatic_nested_syntaxes = 1 let s:vimwiki_defaults.auto_export = 0 let s:vimwiki_defaults.auto_toc = 0 " is wiki temporary -- was added to g:vimwiki_list by opening arbitrary wiki " file. let s:vimwiki_defaults.temp = 0 " diary let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_rel_path = 'diary/' let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_index = 'diary' let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_header = 'Diary' let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_sort = 'desc' " Do not change this! Will wait till vim become more datetime awareable. let s:vimwiki_defaults.diary_link_fmt = '%Y-%m-%d' " NEW! in v2.0 " custom_wiki2html let s:vimwiki_defaults.custom_wiki2html = '' " let s:vimwiki_defaults.list_margin = -1 "}}} " DEFAULT options {{{ call s:default('list', [s:vimwiki_defaults]) call s:default('use_mouse', 0) call s:default('folding', '') call s:default('menu', 'Vimwiki') call s:default('global_ext', 1) call s:default('ext2syntax', {}) " syntax map keyed on extension call s:default('hl_headers', 0) call s:default('hl_cb_checked', 0) call s:default('list_ignore_newline', 1) call s:default('listsyms', ' .oOX') call s:default('use_calendar', 1) call s:default('table_mappings', 1) call s:default('table_auto_fmt', 1) call s:default('w32_dir_enc', '') call s:default('CJK_length', 0) call s:default('dir_link', '') call s:default('valid_html_tags', 'b,i,s,u,sub,sup,kbd,br,hr,div,center,strong,em') call s:default('user_htmls', '') call s:default('autowriteall', 1) call s:default('toc_header', 'Contents') call s:default('html_header_numbering', 0) call s:default('html_header_numbering_sym', '') call s:default('conceallevel', 2) call s:default('url_maxsave', 15) call s:default('debug', 0) call s:default('diary_months', \ { \ 1: 'January', 2: 'February', 3: 'March', \ 4: 'April', 5: 'May', 6: 'June', \ 7: 'July', 8: 'August', 9: 'September', \ 10: 'October', 11: 'November', 12: 'December' \ }) call s:default('map_prefix', 'w') call s:default('current_idx', 0) " Scheme regexes should be defined even if syntax file is not loaded yet " cause users should be able to ww without opening any " vimwiki file first " Scheme regexes {{{ call s:default('schemes', 'wiki\d\+,diary,local') call s:default('web_schemes1', 'http,https,file,ftp,gopher,telnet,nntp,ldap,'. \ 'rsync,imap,pop,irc,ircs,cvs,svn,svn+ssh,git,ssh,fish,sftp') call s:default('web_schemes2', 'mailto,news,xmpp,sip,sips,doi,urn,tel') let s:rxSchemes = '\%('. \ join(split(g:vimwiki_schemes, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'. \ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes1, '\s*,\s*'), '\|').'\|'. \ join(split(g:vimwiki_web_schemes2, '\s*,\s*'), '\|'). \ '\)' call s:default('rxSchemeUrl', s:rxSchemes.':.*') call s:default('rxSchemeUrlMatchScheme', '\zs'.s:rxSchemes.'\ze:.*') call s:default('rxSchemeUrlMatchUrl', s:rxSchemes.':\zs.*\ze') " scheme regexes }}} for s:idx in range(len(g:vimwiki_list)) call Validate_wiki_options(s:idx) endfor "}}} " AUTOCOMMANDS for all known wiki extensions {{{ augroup filetypedetect " clear FlexWiki's stuff au! * *.wiki augroup end augroup vimwiki autocmd! for s:ext in vimwiki#base#get_known_extensions() exe 'autocmd BufEnter *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_reenter()' exe 'autocmd BufWinEnter *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_enter()' exe 'autocmd BufLeave,BufHidden *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_buffer_leave()' exe 'autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead, *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_filetype()' exe 'autocmd ColorScheme *'.s:ext.' call s:setup_cleared_syntax()' " Format tables when exit from insert mode. Do not use textwidth to " autowrap tables. if g:vimwiki_table_auto_fmt exe 'autocmd InsertLeave *'.s:ext.' call vimwiki#tbl#format(line("."))' exe 'autocmd InsertEnter *'.s:ext.' call vimwiki#tbl#reset_tw(line("."))' endif endfor augroup END "}}} " COMMANDS {{{ command! VimwikiUISelect call vimwiki#base#ui_select() " XXX: why not using instead of v:count1? " See Issue 324. command! -count=1 VimwikiIndex \ call vimwiki#base#goto_index(v:count1) command! -count=1 VimwikiTabIndex \ call vimwiki#base#goto_index(v:count1, 1) command! -count=1 VimwikiDiaryIndex \ call vimwiki#diary#goto_diary_index(v:count1) command! -count=1 VimwikiMakeDiaryNote \ call vimwiki#diary#make_note(v:count1) command! -count=1 VimwikiTabMakeDiaryNote \ call vimwiki#diary#make_note(v:count1, 1) command! VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks \ call vimwiki#diary#generate_diary_section() "}}} " MAPPINGS {{{ if !hasmapto('VimwikiIndex') exe 'nmap '.g:vimwiki_map_prefix.'w VimwikiIndex' endif nnoremap