2020-09-28 14:23:31 +02:00

159 lines
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# Contributing
## How to contribute
src_prepare-overlay is very open to contribution and encourages it.
There are several ways to contribute to this overlay:
#### Submitting an issue
Those that do not have good knowledge in writing ebuilds can
[submit an issue](
so we can create the ebuild and maintain it for the community.
Before submitting an issue, you will have to read the [submitting an issue guidelines](#submitting-an-issue-1).
#### Submitting Merge Requests
Those that want to help us easily maintain an ebuild without making us spend our time creating the ebuild
can create the ebuild and submit a [merge request](
so we can accept and add the ebuild to our overlay and maintain it for you.
Before submitting a merge request, you will have to read the [submitting merge requests guidelines](#submitting-merge-requests-1).
## Contributing guidelines
Before contributing, you will have to read the contributing guidelines as we will **not** accept your request
if you do not respect our community guidelines.
**Before submitting an issue or submitting a Merge Request,
first check if the package you are providing is not in [](/**
#### Submitting an issue
When submitting an issue you will have to provide:
- `category/package` (e.g. `www-client/icecat`)
- the description of the package
- the home page of the package
- OPTIONAL: the direct download link of the package
- the license of the package (e.g. GPLv2)
by submitting the skeleton of the ebuild in quotes:
After this, you can safely submit the issue, and we will take care of it.
#### Submitting Merge Requests
When committing and/or submitting merge requests, you will have to respect our
Committing & Submitting Merge Requests System (CnPMRS)
so we can easily identify the changes:
- Provide us the Manifest file;
- Follow the committing & submitting merge request layout (below).
Each commit will have to be based on this layout:
`category/package: [COMMIT_MESSAGE]`
For example, if the package is called **mail-client/freelook-bin**,
and you have added this package, the commit or merge request should look like this:
`mail-client/freelook-bin: add freelook-bin-[PACKAGE_VERSION]` # e.g. 1.0.0
For example, if the package is called **mail-client/freelook-bin**,
and you have fixed an error, the commit or merge request should look like this:
`mail-client/freelook-bin: fix QA - EROOT missing slash`
**This system also applies on your metadata.xml and Manifest.**
## Development workflow
### Add the overlay to the system
Edit /etc/portage/repos.conf/src_prepare-overlay.conf (as root)
auto-sync = yes
location = /var/db/repos/src_prepare-overlay
sync-git-clone-extra-opts = --depth=999999999 --no-shallow-submodules --no-single-branch --verbose
sync-git-pull-extra-opts = --depth=999999999 --verbose
sync-type = git
sync-uri =
sync-user = <your_user_developer>:portage
If you dont have write access to the cloned branch yet use "sync-uri =" instead.
### Sync the overlay
As root
emaint sync -r src_prepare-overlay
### Add new package
#### Basics
As user
cd /var/db/repos/src_prepare-overlay
mkdir -p category/package-name
cd category/package-name
touch metadata.xml
touch package-name-package-version.ebuild
Now edit the ebuild and metadata files accordingly.
[For ebuild developemnt details look here](
#### Tests
If a package's upstream has tests don't forget to enable them.
If they fail describe why in the comments inside the ebuild
(but please make the descriptions reasonably short).
##### Package testing
Make sure you have FEATURES="test" enabled in the make.conf
echo 'FEATURES="${FEATURES} test"' >> make.conf
And then, as root
echo "category/package-name test" >> /etc/portage/package.use/development-tests
##### Ebuild testing
repoman (app-portage/repoman) and pkgcheck (dev-util/pkgcheck)
will give you a report of what should be fixed.
repoman -Idx full
pkgcheck scan
#### Metadata
metadata.xml should contain at least these lines:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
<remote-id type="githosting">organization-or-user/package</remote-id>
Adjust the "type" and "organization-or-user/package" accordingly.
#### Installation
If the (system wide) repository is set up correctly you should be able to just emerge the package you added right away
emegre --ask --verbose --jobs=1 --quiet-build=n category/package-name
#### Git
Follow the rules described in ["Submitting Merge Requests"](#submitting-merge-requests-1) section.
GPG signing is not required but encouraged. Gentoo Wiki provides a great example [how to create a strong key](