Maxim Kim 84297c9051 Version 1.2
= Note =
Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir.

= Changelog =
* Issue 70: Table spanning cell support.
* Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML|
  converts only changed wiki files.
* Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page.
* Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are
  highlighted in HTML.
* Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See
  |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight|
  commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>|
  and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|.
* Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file.
* Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in
  vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex'
* Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory
  doesn't work as intended.
* Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an
  unexpected place in HTML.
* Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added.
* Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad
  symbols from filenames.
* Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly
  highlighted when open wiki files.
* Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension.
* Issue 148: There are no mailto links.
* Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch
  command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext
* Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after
* Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with
* Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See
  |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are
  no longer exist.
* Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave
* Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths.
* Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url.
* Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested
* Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases.
* Issue 195: Page renaming issue.
* Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work.
* Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid.
* Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status
  the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!;
  may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems.
* Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code
  block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead.
* Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many
  colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use
  |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or
  custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting.
* Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are
  changed, use %% to comment out entire line.
* Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header.
* Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed.
* Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See
  |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh)
* NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00
2011-06-23 15:26:36 -07:00

This is a mirror of

A Personal Wiki For Vim Plugin
Screenshots are available on 
There are also zipped vimwiki files there in case you do not like vimball archives.

Vimwiki quick reference card

Make sure you have these settings in your vimrc file: 

set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
syntax on

Without them Vimwiki will not work properly.

Vimwiki is a personal wiki for Vim -- a number of linked text files that have
their own syntax highlighting.

With vimwiki you can
    - organize notes and ideas
    - manage todo-lists
    - write documentation

To do a quick start press <Leader>ww (this is usually \ww) to go to your index
wiki file. By default it is located in:

Feed it with the following example:

= My knowledge base =
    * MyUrgentTasks -- things to be done _yesterday_!!!
    * ProjectGutenberg -- good books are power.
    * ScratchPad -- various temporary stuff.

Notice that !ProjectGutenberg, !MyUrgentTasks and !ScratchPad curly underlined. 
These are links in CamelCase form that do not exists yet. (CamelCase
form -- capitalized word connected with other capitalized words)

Place cursor on ProjectGutenberg and press <Enter>. Now you are in
ProjectGutenberg. Edit and save it, then press Backspace to return to parent
wiki page. You should see the difference now -- ProjectGutenberg is
highlighted as a link.

For the various options see :h vimwiki-options.

Basic Markup
see :h vimwiki-syntax

*bold* -- bold 
_italic_ -- italic 
WikiWord -- link to WikiWord 
[[wiki link]] -- link with spaces
[[wiki link][description]] -- link with description
[[wiki link|description]] -- link with description

* bullet list item 1
    - bullet list item 2
    - bullet list item 3
        * bullet list item 4
        * bullet list item 5
* bullet list item 6
* bullet list item 7
    - bullet list item 8
    - bullet list item 9

# numbered list item 1
# numbered list item 2
    # numbered list item 3
    # numbered list item 4

= Header1 =
== Header2 ==
=== Header3 ===

Key bindings
see :h vimwiki-mappings

normal mode: 
<Leader>ww -- Open default wiki index file.
<Leader>wt -- Open default wiki index file in a new tab.
<Leader>ws -- Select and open wiki index file.
<Leader>wd -- Delete wiki file you are in.
<Leader>wr -- Rename wiki file you are in.
<Enter> -- Folow/Create wiki link
<Shift-Enter> -- Split and folow/create wiki link
<Ctrl-Enter> -- Vertical split and folow/create wiki link
<Backspace> -- Go back to parent(previous) wiki link
<Tab> -- Find next wiki link
<Shift-Tab> -- Find previous wiki link

:Vimwiki2HTML -- Convert current wiki link to HTML
:VimwikiAll2HTML -- Convert all your wiki links to HTML

No description provided
Readme 6 MiB
MediaWiki 61.5%
Vim script 36.9%
Shell 0.8%
CSS 0.7%