105 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Maxim Kim
8e53e53ffe Version 1.0
* NEW: Issue 41: Table cell and column text objects. See `vimwiki-text-objects`.
* NEW: Issue 42: Commands to move table columns left and right. See `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft` and `:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`.
* NEW: Issue 44: `<S-Tab>` should move cursor to the previous table cell.
* NEW: Issue 45: It should be possible to indent tables. Indented tables are centered in html.
* NEW: Issue 46: Do not htmlize some wiki pages (blacklist). New placeholder is added: `%nohtml`. See `vimwiki-nohtml`.
* FIX: Issue 47: Lists aren't HTMLized properly.
* FIX: Issue 48: With autochdir it is impossible to have path_html such as `d:\vimwiki\html\`
* FIX: Issue 49: Table is not HTMLized properly at the end of wiki page.
* FIX: Issue 50: Inline formatting is not performed in table cells.
* FIX: Issue 51: Cannot insert '-' (minus) into table cells of the first column.
* FIX: Issue 52: Table cell width is incorrect when double wide characters are used (ie. Chinese). Check `g:vimwiki_CJK_length`.
* NEW: Issue 53: Wiki markup can not nested. (Use links and inline markup in Headers).
* NEW: Issue 54: Highlight for placeholders.
* NEW: Issue 56: Directory indexes. See `g:vimwiki_dir_link` option and `:VimwikiGenerateLinks` command.
* NEW: Issue 58: Html new lines with `<br />`. Could be inserted with `<S-CR>` in insert mode.
* FIX: Issue 59: List item's text can't be started from `*`.
* NEW: Issue 60: Links inside completed gtd-items.
* NEW: Issue 61: Headers numbering. See `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering` and `g:vimwiki_html_header_numbering_sym` options.
* FIX: Issue 63: Table cannot have leading empty cells in html.
* FIX: Issue 65: Table separator is not htmlized right if on top of the table.
* FIX: Issue 66: Table empty cells are very small in html.
* FIX: Issue 67: Wrong html conversion of multilined list item with bold text on the start of next line.
* FIX: Issue 68: auto-indent problem with langmap.
* FIX: Issue 73: Link navigation by Tab. "Escaped" wiki-word should be skipped for navigation with `<tab>`.
* FIX: Issue 75: `code` syntax doesn't display correctly in toc.
* FIX: Issue 77: Diary index only showing link to today's diary entry file for extensions other than '.wiki'.
* FIX: Issue 79: Further calendar.vim integration -- add sign to calendar date if it has corresponding diary page.
* FIX: Issue 80: Debian Lenny GUI Vim 7.2 has problems with toggling inner todo list items.
* FIX: Issue 81: Don't convert `WikiWord` as a link in html when `let g:vimwiki_camel_case = 0`
Maxim Kim
bb1f5b3c46 Version 0.9.9
* NEW: Diary. Help in making daily notes. See ':h vimwiki-diary'. Now you
  can really easy add information into vimwiki that should be sorted out
* NEW: Tables are redesigned. Syntax is changed. Now they are
  auto-formattable. You can navigate them with <tab> and <cr> in insert
  mode. See 'vimwiki-syntax-tables' and 'vimwiki-tables' for more details.
* NEW: Keyword STARTED: is added.
* NEW: Words TODO:, DONE:, STARTED:, XXX:, FIXME:, FIXED: are highlighed
  inside headers.
* FIX: Export to html external links with 'file://' protocol. Ex:
  '[file:///home/user1/book.pdf my book]'.
* FIX: Menu is corrupted if wiki's path contains spaces.
* FIX: Settings 'wrap' and 'linebreak' are removed from ftplugin. Add them
  into your personal settings file '.vim/after/ftplugin/vimwiki.vim' if
* NEW: Headers are highlighted in different colors by default.  See ':h
  g:vimwiki_hl_headers' to turn it off.
* FIX: Issue 40: Links with russian subdirs don't work.
* NEW: It is now possible to generate HTML files automatically on page
  save. See ':h vimwiki-option-auto_export'.
Maxim Kim
3393774904 Version 0.9.8
* NEW: Rename g:vimwiki_fold_empty_lines to g:vimwiki_fold_trailing_empty_lines.
* NEW: One can use - along with * to start unordered list item.
* NEW: List items could be started from the first column.  As a result some
  limitations appeared:
    * a space after *, - or # for a list item is mandatory.
    * g:vimwiki_fold_trailing_empty_lines if set to 0 folds one trailing
      empty line.
* NEW: Folding is off by default. Use g:vimwiki_folding to enable it.
* NEW: Speed up vimwiki's folding a bit. Should lag a bit less in a long todo lists.
* NEW: Centered headers. Start header with at least one space to make it html centered.
* NEW: Change in default css: header's colors.
* NEW: Vimwiki is aware of GetLatestVimScripts now.
* FIX: Use <del> tag instead of custom <span class="strike"> in html.
* FIX: There are no text styling in htmlized quoted text.
* FIX: set default value of g:vimwiki_fold_lists to 0 as written in this help.
* FIX: Issue 33: Folded list items have wrong indentation when 'tabs' are used.
* FIX: Issue 34: vimwiki#subdir got wrong dir when VimwikiGet('path') is a
  symbolic link. Thanks lilydjwg for the patch.
* FIX: Issue 28: todo-list auto-indent enhancement. New item should always be unchecked.
* FIX: Issue 36: Change the name of the :Search command to :VimwikiSearch
  as it conflicts with MultipleSearch. Alias :VWS is also available.
* NEW: You can generate 'Table of contents' of your wiki page. See :h vimwiki-toc for details.
Maxim Kim
cac8365402 Version 0.5
* DONE: vimwiki default markup to HTML conversion improved.
  * DONE: Added basic `GoogleWiki` and `MediaWiki` markup languages.
  * DONE: Chinese `[[complex wiki words]]`.
Maxim Kim
03a25a7975 Version 0.4
* DONE: vimwiki=>HTML converter in plain vim language.
  * DONE: Plugin autoload.