* [new] You can add classes to 'pre' tag -- :h vimwiki-syntax-preformatted. This might be useful for coloring some programming code with external js tools like google syntax highlighter.
* [new] !WikiPage is not highlighted. It is just a plain word WikiPage in HTML, without exclamation mark
* [new] Definition lists, see :h vimwiki-syntax-lists.
* [new] New implementation of :h VimwikiRenameWord. CAUTION: It was tested on 2 computers only, backup your wiki before use it. Email me if it doesn't work for you.
* [new] HTML: convert [ ] to html checkboxes.
* [new] Default CSS: gray out checked items.
* [fix] Less than 3 characters are not highlighted in Bold and Italic.
* [fix] Added vimwiki autocmd group to avoid clashes with user defined autocmds.
* [fix] Pressing ESC while :h :VimwikiUISelect opens current wiki index file. Should cancel wiki selection.
* [new] <C-Space> on a list item creates checkbox.
* [fix] With * in the first column, <CR> shouldn't insert more * (default syntax).
* [fix] With MediaWiki's ** [ ], <CR> should insert it on the next line.
* [fix] HTML export should use 'fileencoding' instead of 'encoding'.
* [fix] Code cleanup.
* [del] Removed google syntax file.
* [new] Default vimwiki syntax is a subset of google's one. Header's has been changed from !Header to =Header=. It is easier to maintain only 2 syntaxes. See :h vimwiki-syntax-headers.
* [new] Multiline paragraphs -- less longlines.
* [new] Comments. See :h vimwiki-syntax-comments.
* [del] Removed setlocal textwidth = 0 from ftplugin.
* [fix] New regexps for bold, italic, bolditalic.
* [fix] The last item in List sometimes fold-in incorrectly.
* [fix] Minor tweaks on default css.
* [new] Vimwiki's foldmethod changed from syntax to expr. Foldtext is changed to be nicer with folded list items.
* [new] Fold/outline list items.
* [new] It is possible now to edit wiki files in arbitrary directories which is not in g:vimwiki_list's paths. New WikiWords are created in the path of the current WikiWord.
* [new] User can remap Vimwiki's built in mappings.
* [new] Added g:vimwiki_use_mouse. It is off by default.
* [fix] Removed <C-h> mapping.
NOTE: g:vimwiki_home is obsolete now!!!
* NEW Multiple wikies support. A lot of options have been changed, see :h vimwiki-options
* NEW Auto create directories.
* NEW Checked list item highlighted as comment.
* FIX Multiple set ft=vimwiki for each buffer disabled. Vimwiki should load its buffers a bit faster now.
* NEW: <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem added to be able to remap <C-Space> to anything user prefers more.
* FIX: Toggleable list items do not work with MediaWiki markup.
* FIX: Changing g:vimwiki_home_html to path with ~ while vimwiki is loaded gives errors for HTML export.
* DEL: Command :VimwikiExploreHome.
* NEW: GTD stuff -- toggleable list items. See h: vimwiki-gtd.
* FIX: Headers do not fold inner headers. (Thanks Brett Stahlman)
* FIX: Remove last blank lines from preformatted text at the end of file (HTML).
* DEL: Removed g:vimwiki_smartCR option.
* NEW: [[link|description]] is available now.
* FIX: Barebone links (ie: http://bla-bla-bla.org/h.pl?id=98) get extra escaping of ? and friends so they become invalid in HTML.
* FIX: In linux going to [[wiki with whitespaces]] and then pressing BS to go back to prev wikipage produce error. (Thanks Brendon Bensel for the fix)
* FIX: Remove setlocal encoding and fileformat from vimwiki ftplugin.
* FIX: Some tweaks on default style.css
* FIX: [blablabla bla] shouldn't be converted to a link.
* FIX: Remove extra annoing empty strings from PRE tag made from
whitespaces in HTML export.
* FIX: Moved functions related to HTML converting to new autoload module
to increase a bit vimwiki startup time.
* NEW: Header and footer templates. See g:vimwiki_html_header and g:vimwiki_html_footer in help.
* FIX: :Vimwiki2HTML does not recognize ~ as part of a valid path.
* NEW: Added :VimwikiGoHome, :VimwikiTabGoHome and :VimwikiExploreHome commands.
* NEW: Added <Leader>wt mapping to open vimwiki index file in a new tab.
* NEW: Added g:vimwiki_gohome option that controls how :VimwikiGoHome works when current buffer is changed. (Thanks Timur Zaripov)
* FIX: Fixed :VimwikiRenameWord. Very bad behaviour when autochdir isn't set up.
* FIX: Fixed commands :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to be available only for vimwiki buffers.
* FIX: Renamed :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to :Vimwiki2HTML and :VimwikiAll2HTML commands.
* FIX: Help file corrections.
* [new] Help is created.
* [new] Now you can fold headers.
* [new] <Plug>VimwikiGoHome and <Plug>VimwikiExploreHome were added.
* [fix] Bug with {{{HelloWikiWord}}} export to HTML is fixed.
* [del] Sync option removed from: Syntax highlighting for preformatted text {{{ }}}.
* DONE: vimwiki default markup to HTML conversion improved.
* DONE: Added basic `GoogleWiki` and `MediaWiki` markup languages.
* DONE: Chinese `[[complex wiki words]]`.
* FIXED: `[[wiki word with dots at the end...]]` didn't work.
* DONE: Added error handling for `delete wiki word` function.
* DONE: Added keybindings `o` and `O` for list items when g:vimwiki_smartCR=1.
* DONE: Added keybinding `<Leader>wh` to visit wiki home directory.
DONE: Use mouse to follow links. Left double-click to follow WikiPage, Rightclick then Leftclick to go back.
FIXED: Renaming - [[hello world?]] to [[hello? world]] links are not updated.
FIXED: Buffers menu after renaming is the same as before renaming.
DONE: - Highlight non-existent WikiWords.
DONE: - delete current WikiWord (<Leader>wd)
DONE: - g:vimwiki_smartCR=2 => use vim comments (see :h comments :h formatoptions) feature to deal with list items. (thx - Dmitry Alexandrov)
DONE: Add highlighting to TODO:, DONE:, FIXED:.
DONE: Rename current WikiWord - be careful on Windows you cannot rename wikiword to WikiWord. After renaming update all links to that renamed WikiWord
FIXED: Bug - do not duplicate WikiWords in wiki history.
FIXED: after renaming [[wiki word]] twice buffers are not deleted
FIXED: when renaming from [[wiki word]] to WikiWord result is [[WikiWord]]
FIXED: more than one complex words on one line is bugging each other when try go to one of them. [[bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo]] becomes bla bla bla ]] [[dodo dodo dodo
* (+) Add part of Google's Wiki syntax.
* (+) Add auto insert # with ENTER.
* (+) On/Off auto insert bullet with ENTER.
* (+) Strip `[[complex wiki name]]` from symbols that cannot be used in file names.
* (+) Links to non-wiki files. Non wiki files are files with extensions ie `[[hello world.txt]]` or `[[my homesite.html]]`