Version 0.6
* NEW: Header and footer templates. See g:vimwiki_html_header and g:vimwiki_html_footer in help. * FIX: :Vimwiki2HTML does not recognize ~ as part of a valid path.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
autoload/vimwiki.vim [[[1
" VimWiki plugin file
" Language: Wiki
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 19.01.2009 23:43
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 04.02.2009 12:30
" Version: 0.6
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_auto") || &cp
@ -401,7 +400,7 @@ function! vimwiki#WikiAll2HTML(path) "{{{
call vimwiki#Wiki2HTML(a:path, wikifile)
call s:WikiCreateDefaultCSS(g:vimwiki_home_html)
echomsg 'Wikifiles converted.'
echomsg 'Done!'
let &more = setting_more
endfunction "}}}
@ -432,24 +431,53 @@ function! vimwiki#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:HTMLHeader(title, charset) "{{{
let lines=[]
call add(lines, "")
call add(lines, '<html>')
call add(lines, '<head>')
call add(lines, '<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />')
call add(lines, '<title>'.a:title.'</title>')
call add(lines, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.a:charset.'" />')
call add(lines, '</head>')
call add(lines, '<body>')
return lines
let lines=[]
" globals are bad, but...
if g:vimwiki_html_header != ""
let lines = readfile(g:vimwiki_html_header)
call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "%title%", "'. a:title .'", "g")')
return lines
catch /E484/
call s:msg("Header template ". g:vimwiki_html_header. " does not exist!")
" if no g:vimwiki_html_header set up or error while reading template
" file -- use default header.
call add(lines, "")
call add(lines, '<html>')
call add(lines, '<head>')
call add(lines, '<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />')
call add(lines, '<title>'.a:title.'</title>')
call add(lines, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.a:charset.'" />')
call add(lines, '</head>')
call add(lines, '<body>')
return lines
endfunction "}}}
function! s:HTMLFooter() "{{{
let lines=[]
call add(lines, "")
call add(lines, '</body>')
call add(lines, '</html>')
return lines
let lines=[]
" globals are bad, but...
if g:vimwiki_html_footer != ""
let lines = readfile(g:vimwiki_html_footer)
return lines
catch /E484/
call s:msg("Footer template ". g:vimwiki_html_footer. " does not exist!")
" if no g:vimwiki_html_footer set up or error while reading template
" file -- use default footer.
call add(lines, "")
call add(lines, '</body>')
call add(lines, '</html>')
return lines
endfunction "}}}
function! s:closeCode(code, ldest) "{{{
@ -483,7 +511,6 @@ function! vimwiki#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
endfunction! "}}}
" TODO: сделать так, чтобы {{{WikiWord}}} нормально отрабатывал
function! s:processCode(line, code) "{{{
let lines = []
let code = a:code
@ -936,7 +963,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
" 2}}}
doc/vimwiki.txt [[[1
*vimwiki.txt* A Personal Wiki for Vim
__ __ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ~
@ -950,7 +977,7 @@ doc/vimwiki.txt [[[1
Let the help begins ...~
Version: 0.5.3 ~
Version: 0.6 ~
CONTENTS *vimwiki-contents*
@ -1002,7 +1029,7 @@ Notice that ProjectGutenberg, MyUrgentTasks, MusicILike and MusicIHate
highlighted as errors. These WikiWords (WikiWord or WikiPage --
capitalized word connected with other capitalized words) do not exist yet.
Place cursor on ProjectGutenberg and press Enter. Now you are in
Place cursor on ProjectGutenberg and press Enter. Now you are in
ProjectGutenberg. Edit and save it, then press Backspace to return
to previous WikiPage. You should see the difference in highlighting now.
@ -1031,7 +1058,7 @@ There are global and local mappings in vimwiki.
Open vimwiki's main file.
To redefine: >
:map <Leader>w <Plug>VimwikiGoHome
See also|:VimwikiGoHome|
<Leader>wt or <Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome
@ -1070,7 +1097,7 @@ Normal mode (Keyboard):~
<S-Tab> Find previous WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiPrevWord|.
<Leader>wd Delete WikiWord you are in.
<Leader>wd Delete WikiWord you are in.
Maps to|:VimwikiDeleteWord|.
<Leader>wr Rename WikiWord you are in.
@ -1305,6 +1332,38 @@ Values: path
Set up directory for wiki files converted to HTML: >
let g:vimwiki_home_html = '~/my wiki/html/'
Default: "" *g:vimwiki_html_header*
Values: path to a header template
Set up file name for html header template: >
let g:vimwiki_html_header = '~/my wiki/html/header.html'
This header.html could look like: >
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<div class="contents">
where %title% is replaced by a wiki page name.
Default: "" *g:vimwiki_html_footer*
Values: path to a footer template
Set up file name for html header template: >
let g:vimwiki_html_footer = '~/my wiki/html/footer.html'
This footer.html could look like: >
Default: "index" *g:vimwiki_index*
Values: filename without extension
@ -1438,100 +1497,106 @@ Vim plugins website:
9. Changelog *vimwiki-changelog*
* [new] Header and footer templates. See|g:vimwiki_html_header| and
* [fix] |:Vimwiki2HTML| does not recognize ~ as part of a valid path.
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Error when g:vimwiki_home had
whitespaces in path.
* [fix] |:VimwikiSplitWord| and |:VimwikiVSplitWord| didn't work.
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Error when g:vimwiki_home had
whitespaces in path.
* [fix] |:VimwikiSplitWord| and |:VimwikiVSplitWord| didn't work.
* [new] Added |:VimwikiGoHome|, |:VimwikiTabGoHome| and
|:VimwikiExploreHome| commands.
* [new] Added <Leader>wt mapping to open vimwiki index file in a new tab.
* [new] Added g:vimwiki_gohome option that controls how|:VimwikiGoHome|
works when current buffer is changed. (Thanks Timur Zaripov)
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Very bad behaviour when autochdir isn't
set up.
* [fix] Fixed commands :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to be available only for
vimwiki buffers.
* [fix] Renamed :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to |:Vimwiki2HTML| and
|:VimwikiAll2HTML| commands.
* [fix] Help file corrections.
* [new] Added |:VimwikiGoHome|, |:VimwikiTabGoHome| and
|:VimwikiExploreHome| commands.
* [new] Added <Leader>wt mapping to open vimwiki index file in a new tab.
* [new] Added g:vimwiki_gohome option that controls how|:VimwikiGoHome|
works when current buffer is changed. (Thanks Timur Zaripov)
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Very bad behaviour when autochdir
isn't set up.
* [fix] Fixed commands :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to be available only
for vimwiki buffers.
* [fix] Renamed :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to |:Vimwiki2HTML| and
|:VimwikiAll2HTML| commands.
* [fix] Help file corrections.
* [new] This help is created.
* [new] Now you can fold headers.
* [new] <Plug>VimwikiGoHome and <Plug>VimwikiExploreHome were added.
* [fix] Bug with {{{HelloWikiWord}}} export to HTML is fixed.
* [del] Sync option removed from: Syntax highlighting for preformatted text
{{{ }}}.
* [new] This help is created.
* [new] Now you can fold headers.
* [new] <Plug>VimwikiGoHome and <Plug>VimwikiExploreHome were added.
* [fix] Bug with {{{HelloWikiWord}}} export to HTML is fixed.
* [del] Sync option removed from: Syntax highlighting for preformatted
text {{{ }}}.
* [new] vimwiki default markup to HTML conversion improved.
* [new] Added basic GoogleWiki and MediaWiki markup languages.
* [new] Chinese [[complex wiki words]].
* [new] vimwiki default markup to HTML conversion improved.
* [new] Added basic GoogleWiki and MediaWiki markup languages.
* [new] Chinese [[complex wiki words]].
* [new] vimwiki=>HTML converter in plain Vim language.
* [new] Plugin autoload.
* [new] vimwiki=>HTML converter in plain Vim language.
* [new] Plugin autoload.
* [fix] Backup files (.wiki~) caused a bunch of errors while opening wiki
* [fix] Backup files (.wiki~) caused a bunch of errors while opening wiki
* FIXED: [[wiki word with dots at the end...]] didn't work.
* [new] Added error handling for delete wiki word function.
* [new] Added keybindings o and O for list items when g:vimwiki_smartCR=1.
* [new] Added keybinding <Leader>wh to visit wiki home directory.
* FIXED: [[wiki word with dots at the end...]] didn't work.
* [new] Added error handling for delete wiki word function.
* [new] Added keybindings o and O for list items when g:vimwiki_smartCR=1.
* [new] Added keybinding <Leader>wh to visit wiki home directory.
* [fix] Renaming -- error if complex wiki word contains %.
* [fix] Syntax highlighting for preformatted text {{{ }}}. Sync option
* [fix] smartCR bug fix.
* [fix] Renaming -- error if complex wiki word contains %.
* [fix] Syntax highlighting for preformatted text {{{ }}}. Sync option
* [fix] smartCR bug fix.
* [fix] Renaming -- [[hello world?]] to [[hello? world]] links are not
* [fix] Buffers menu is a bit awkward after renaming.
* [new] Use mouse to follow links. Left double-click to follow WikiWord,
Rightclick then Leftclick to go back.
* [fix] Renaming -- [[hello world?]] to [[hello? world]] links are not
* [fix] Buffers menu is a bit awkward after renaming.
* [new] Use mouse to follow links. Left double-click to follow WikiWord,
Rightclick then Leftclick to go back.
* [new] Highlight non-existent WikiWords.
* [new] Delete current WikiWord (<Leader>wd).
* [new] g:vimwiki_smartCR=2 => use Vim comments (see :h comments :h
formatoptions) feature to deal with list items. (thx -- Dmitry Alexandrov)
* [new] Highlight TODO:, DONE:, FIXED:, FIXME:.
* [new] Rename current WikiWord -- be careful on Windows you cannot rename
wikiword to WikiWord. After renaming update all links to that renamed
* [fix] Bug -- do not duplicate WikiWords in wiki history.
* [fix] after renaming [[wiki word]] twice buffers are not deleted.
* [fix] when renaming from [[wiki word]] to WikiWord result is [[WikiWord]]
* [fix] more than one complex words on one line is bugging each other when
try go to one of them. [[bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo]] becomes
bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo.
* [new] Highlight non-existent WikiWords.
* [new] Delete current WikiWord (<Leader>wd).
* [new] g:vimwiki_smartCR=2 => use Vim comments (see :h comments :h
formatoptions) feature to deal with list items. (thx -- Dmitry
* [new] Highlight TODO:, DONE:, FIXED:, FIXME:.
* [new] Rename current WikiWord -- be careful on Windows you cannot rename
wikiword to WikiWord. After renaming update all links to that renamed
* [fix] Bug -- do not duplicate WikiWords in wiki history.
* [fix] After renaming [[wiki word]] twice buffers are not deleted.
* [fix] Renaming from [[wiki word]] to WikiWord result is [[WikiWord]]
* [fix] More than one complex words on one line is bugging each other when
try go to one of them. [[bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo]] becomes
bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo.
* [new] Added keybinding <S-CR> -- split WikiWord
* [new] Added keybinding <C-CR> -- vertical split WikiWord
* [new] Added keybinding <S-CR> -- split WikiWord
* [new] Added keybinding <C-CR> -- vertical split WikiWord
* [new] Install on Linux now works.
* [new] Install on Linux now works.
* [new] Added part of Google's Wiki syntax.
* [new] Added auto insert # with ENTER.
* [new] On/Off auto insert bullet with ENTER.
* [new] Strip [[complex wiki name]] from symbols that cannot be used in file
* [new] Links to non-wiki files. Non wiki files are files with extensions ie
[[hello world.txt]] or [[my homesite.html]]
* [new] Added part of Google's Wiki syntax.
* [new] Added auto insert # with ENTER.
* [new] On/Off auto insert bullet with ENTER.
* [new] Strip [[complex wiki name]] from symbols that cannot be used in
file names.
* [new] Links to non-wiki files. Non wiki files are files with extensions
ie [[hello world.txt]] or [[my homesite.html]]
* First public version.
* First public version.
10. License *vimwiki-license*
@ -1545,15 +1610,14 @@ it's free enough to suit your needs.
ftplugin/vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vim filetype plugin file
" Language: Wiki
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:21
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 29.01.2009 22:43
" Version: 0.6
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
@ -1588,8 +1652,8 @@ setlocal fdm=syntax
setlocal commentstring=<!--%s-->
"" commands {{{2
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTML call vimwiki#Wiki2HTML(g:vimwiki_home_html, expand('%'))
command! -buffer VimwikiAll2HTML call vimwiki#WikiAll2HTML(g:vimwiki_home_html)
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTML call vimwiki#Wiki2HTML(expand(g:vimwiki_home_html), expand('%'))
command! -buffer VimwikiAll2HTML call vimwiki#WikiAll2HTML(expand(g:vimwiki_home_html))
command! -buffer VimwikiNextWord call vimwiki#WikiNextWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiPrevWord call vimwiki#WikiPrevWord()
@ -1645,15 +1709,14 @@ if g:vimwiki_smartCR==1
" keybindings }}}
plugin/vimwiki.vim [[[1
" VimWiki plugin file
" Language: Wiki
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:22
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 04.02.2009 12:26
" Version: 0.6
if exists("loaded_vimwiki") || &cp
@ -1679,13 +1742,18 @@ call s:default('other','0-9_')
call s:default('maxhi','1')
call s:default('stripsym','_')
call s:default('smartCR',1)
call s:default('home_html',g:vimwiki_home."html/")
call s:default('syntax','default')
call s:default('gohome','split')
call s:default('home_html',g:vimwiki_home."html/")
call s:default('html_header',"")
call s:default('html_footer',"")
call s:default('history',[])
let g:vimwiki_home = expand(g:vimwiki_home)
let g:vimwiki_home_html = expand(g:vimwiki_home_html)
let g:vimwiki_html_header = expand(g:vimwiki_html_header)
let g:vimwiki_html_footer = expand(g:vimwiki_html_footer)
let upp = g:vimwiki_upper
let low = g:vimwiki_lower
@ -1722,15 +1790,14 @@ endif
noremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiExploreHome :VimwikiExploreHome<CR>
syntax/vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Wiki
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:22
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 29.01.2009 10:27
" Version: 0.6
" Quit if syntax file is already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
@ -1834,7 +1901,7 @@ hi def link wikiNoExistsWord Error
hi def link wikiPre PreProc
hi def link wikiLink Underlined
hi def link wikiList Type
hi def link wikiList Operator
hi def link wikiTable PreProc
hi def link wikiEmoticons Constant
hi def link wikiDelText Comment
@ -1846,15 +1913,14 @@ hi def link wikiTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax="vimwiki"
syntax/vimwiki_default.vim [[[1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Wiki (vimwiki default)
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:22
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 19:47
" Version: 0.6
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\*[^*`]\+\*\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
@ -1914,15 +1980,14 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxFoldHeadingEnd = '\n\+\ze!'
" vim:tw=0:
syntax/vimwiki_google.vim [[[1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Wiki
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:22
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 19:47
" Version: 0.6
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\*[^*`]\+\*\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
@ -1981,15 +2046,14 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxFoldHeadingEnd = '\n\ze=\+[^=]\+='
" vim:tw=0:
syntax/vimwiki_media.vim [[[1
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Wiki (MediaWiki)
" Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com)
" Home:
" Filenames: *.wiki
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 11:22
" Version: 0.5.3
" Last Change: 20.01.2009 19:47
" Version: 0.6
" text: '''strong'''
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = "'''[^']\\+'''"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user