Fix: Html convertion: Blockquote: multiline and in number list (Issue #55)
- Issue 5 indented multiline Transoform blockquotes by precode ``` <blockquote> Block quote line 1 Block quote line 2 </blockquote> ``` -> ``` <pre><code>line 1 line 2 </code></pre> ``` - Issue 2: BlockQuote restarts list numbering Allow indent precode in list
This commit is contained in:
@ -690,9 +690,9 @@ function! s:close_tag_math(math, ldest) abort
function! s:close_tag_quote(quote, ldest) abort
function! s:close_tag_precode(quote, ldest) abort
if a:quote
call insert(a:ldest, '</blockquote>')
call insert(a:ldest, '</pre></code>')
return 0
return a:quote
@ -942,21 +942,30 @@ function! s:process_tag_math(line, math) abort
function! s:process_tag_quote(line, quote) abort
function! s:process_tag_precode(line, quote) abort
" Process indented precode
let lines = []
let line = a:line
let quote = a:quote
let processed = 0
if a:line =~# '^\s\{4,}\S'
" Check if start
if line =~# '^\s\{4,}'
let line = substitute(line, '^\s*', '', '')
if !quote
call add(lines, '<blockquote>')
" Check if must decrease level
let line = '<pre><code>' . line
let quote = 1
let processed = 1
call add(lines, substitute(a:line, '^\s*', '', ''))
call add(lines, line)
" Check if end
elseif quote
call add(lines, '</blockquote>')
call add(lines, '</code></pre>')
let quote = 0
return [processed, lines, quote]
@ -964,23 +973,33 @@ function! s:process_tag_arrow_quote(line, arrow_quote) abort
let lines = []
let arrow_quote = a:arrow_quote
let processed = 0
if a:line =~# '^\s*>'
if !arrow_quote
let line = a:line
" Check if must increase level
if line =~# '^' . repeat('\s*>', arrow_quote + 1)
" Increase arrow_quote
while line =~# '^' . repeat('\s*>', arrow_quote + 1)
call add(lines, '<blockquote>')
call add(lines, '<p>')
let arrow_quote = 1
let processed = 1
let stripped_line = substitute(a:line, '^\s*>\s*', '', '')
let arrow_quote .= 1
" Treat & Add line
let stripped_line = substitute(a:line, '^\%(\s*>\)\+', '', '')
if stripped_line =~# '^\s*$'
call add(lines, '</p>')
call add(lines, '<p>')
call add(lines, stripped_line)
elseif arrow_quote
call add(lines, '</p>')
call add(lines, '</blockquote>')
let arrow_quote = 0
let processed = 1
" Check if must decrease level
elseif arrow_quote > 0
while line !~# '^' . repeat('\s*>', arrow_quote - 1)
call add(lines, '</p>')
call add(lines, '</blockquote>')
let arrow_quote -= 1
return [processed, lines, arrow_quote]
@ -1038,6 +1057,26 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) abort
let lstRegExp = ''
" Jump empty lines
if in_list && a:line =~# '^$'
" Just Passing my way, do you mind ?
let [processed, lines, quote] = s:process_tag_precode(a:line, g:state.quote)
let processed = 1
return [processed, lines]
" Can embeded indented code in list (Issue #55)
let b_permit = in_list
let b_match = lstSym ==# '' && a:line =~# '^\s\{4,}[^[:space:]>*-]'
let b_match = b_match || g:state.quote
if b_permit && b_match
let [processed, lines, g:state.quote] = s:process_tag_precode(a:line, g:state.quote)
if processed == 1
return [processed, lines]
" New switch
if lstSym !=? ''
" To get proper indent level 'retab' the line -- change all tabs
" to spaces*tabstop
@ -1070,6 +1109,7 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) abort
call add(lines, st_tag)
call add(lines, substitute(a:line, lstRegExp.'\%('.checkbox.'\)\?', '', ''))
let processed = 1
elseif in_list && a:line =~# '^\s\+\S\+'
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('list_ignore_newline')
call add(lines, a:line)
@ -1077,9 +1117,12 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) abort
call add(lines, '<br />'.a:line)
let processed = 1
" Close tag
call s:close_tag_list(a:lists, lines)
return [processed, lines]
@ -1349,7 +1392,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
let state.deflist = s:close_tag_def_list(state.deflist, lines)
if processed && state.quote
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote, lines)
if processed && state.arrow_quote
let state.arrow_quote = s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
@ -1385,7 +1428,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
let state.deflist = s:close_tag_def_list(state.deflist, lines)
if processed && state.quote
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote, lines)
if processed && state.arrow_quote
let state.arrow_quote = s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
@ -1449,7 +1492,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
if !processed
let [processed, lines] = s:process_tag_list(line, state.lists)
if processed && state.quote
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote, lines)
if processed && state.arrow_quote
let state.arrow_quote = s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
@ -1484,7 +1527,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
let state.table = s:close_tag_table(state.table, res_lines, state.header_ids)
let state.pre = s:close_tag_pre(state.pre, res_lines)
let state.math = s:close_tag_math(state.math, res_lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote || state.arrow_quote, res_lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote || state.arrow_quote, res_lines)
let state.arrow_quote = s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
let state.para = s:close_tag_para(state.para, res_lines)
@ -1495,7 +1538,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
" quotes
if !processed
let [processed, lines, state.quote] = s:process_tag_quote(line, state.quote)
let [processed, lines, state.quote] = s:process_tag_precode(line, state.quote)
if processed && len(state.lists)
call s:close_tag_list(state.lists, lines)
@ -1527,7 +1570,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
if !processed
let [processed, lines, state.arrow_quote] = s:process_tag_arrow_quote(line, state.arrow_quote)
if processed && state.quote
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote, lines)
if processed && len(state.lists)
call s:close_tag_list(state.lists, lines)
@ -1584,7 +1627,7 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
call s:close_tag_list(state.lists, lines)
if processed && (state.quote || state.arrow_quote)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_quote(state.quote || state.arrow_quote, lines)
let state.quote = s:close_tag_precode(state.quote || state.arrow_quote, lines)
if processed && state.arrow_quote
let state.arrow_quote = s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
@ -1611,7 +1654,6 @@ function! s:parse_line(line, state) abort
return [res_lines, state]
@ -1682,6 +1724,9 @@ function! s:convert_file_to_lines(wikifile, current_html_file) abort
let state.header_ids = [['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0]]
" [last seen header text in this level, number]
" Cheat, see cheaters who access me
let g:state = state
" prepare constants for s:safe_html_line()
let s:lt_pattern = '<'
let s:gt_pattern = '>'
@ -1699,7 +1744,7 @@ function! s:convert_file_to_lines(wikifile, current_html_file) abort
let oldquote = state.quote
let [lines, state] = s:parse_line(line, state)
" Hack: There could be a lot of empty strings before s:process_tag_quote
" Hack: There could be a lot of empty strings before s:process_tag_precode
" find out `quote` is over. So we should delete them all. Think of the way
" to refactor it out.
if oldquote != state.quote
@ -1733,7 +1778,7 @@ function! s:convert_file_to_lines(wikifile, current_html_file) abort
" process end of file
" close opened tags if any
let lines = []
call s:close_tag_quote(state.quote, lines)
call s:close_tag_precode(state.quote, lines)
call s:close_tag_arrow_quote(state.arrow_quote, lines)
call s:close_tag_para(state.para, lines)
call s:close_tag_pre(state.pre, lines)
@ -3844,6 +3844,8 @@ Changed:~
* Issue #55: Newlines in blockquotes are not honored
* Issue #55: BlockQuote restarts list numbering
* Issue #979: Fix: Accessing other filetypes within vimwiki
* Issue #886: VimwikiGenerateLinks crash with single quote in filename
* Issue #910: Fix: VimwikiTOC removes next non-empty line
@ -1,6 +1,76 @@
# Blockquotes in html convertion
# Blockquotes in html convertion #55
# TODO replace remove newline before end of pre tag: \n</pre></code> -> </pre></code>
Given (Void):
Given (Issue 2: BlockQuote restarts list numbering {{{3):
# Item 1
# Item 2
Block Quote Text
# Item 3
Execute (2Html):
call ConvertWiki2Body()
1d | $d | $d
Expect (Tested by hand 2):
Item 1
Item 2
<pre><code>Block Quote Text
Item 3
#Given (Issue 3: BlockQuote at multiple list levels {{{3):
# 1. Outer Item 1
# 1. Inner Item 1
# > quote 1
# 2. Inner Item 2
# 2. Outer Item 2
# > quote 2
#Execute (2Html):
# call ConvertWiki2Body()
# 1d | $d | $d
#Expect (Got with pandoc):
Given (Issue 5: Newlines in blockquotes are not honored {{{3):
line 1
line 2
Execute (2Html):
call ConvertWiki2Body()
1d | $d | $d
Expect (Got with pandoc 5):
<pre><code>line 1
line 2
Given (Void: Basic test {{{1):
Execute (Edit TestHtml Wiki):
edit $HOME/testwiki/
@ -22,46 +92,46 @@ Execute (Save and Convert to html):
Given (Void):
Do (Get Html body):
:read $HOME/html/default/TestHtml.html\<CR>
# Goto body
# Copy in b
# Delete All
# Paste body
# Remove last line
# Save (Not necessary)
Expect (Plain Html):
# the whole default html file should be here as a base + the modifications
# from "Given"
first paragraph
last paragraph
# vim: sw=2:foldlevel=30:foldmethod=indent:
#Given (Void):
#Do (Get Html body):
# :read $HOME/html/default/TestHtml.html\<CR>
## Goto body
# gg/<body>\<CR>
## Copy in b
# "bdat
## Delete All
# ggdG
## Paste body
# "bP
## Remove last line
# Gdd
## Save (Not necessary)
# :write
#Expect (Plain Html):
## the whole default html file should be here as a base + the modifications
## from "Given"
# <body>
# <p>
# first paragraph
# </p>
# <blockquote>
# <p>
# block
# quote
# </p>
# </blockquote>
# <p>
# last paragraph
# </p>
# </body>
## vim: sw=2:foldlevel=30:foldmethod=indent:
@ -1,109 +1,110 @@
# Feature to generate a diray RSS feed (PR #934)
# TODO bug with 7.3
Given (Void):
Execute (Generate HTML and RSS feed):
edit $HOME/testwiki/
Given (Void):
Do (Get HTML file):
:read $HOME/html/default/index.html\<CR>
# Go to line with RSS link
# Delete everything above
# Delete everything below
# Save (Not necessary) => Actually make rest of batch freeze, do you really want
# to quit buffer
# :write
Expect (RSS link in HTML):
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml">
Do (Get RSS feed):
:read $HOME/html/default/rss.xml\<CR>
# Remove first line
# Replace pubDate with dummy as it's based on file modification time
# Save (Not necessary)
# :write
Expect (RSS):
# TODO the next line is deleted with -Es
# <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
<atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<title>day 4</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-25</guid>
<div id="day 4"><h1 id="day 4" class="header"><a href="#day 4">day 4</a></h1></div>
<div id="day 4-subsection 1"><h2 id="subsection 1" class="header"><a href="#day 4-subsection 1">subsection 1</a></h2></div>
here is some code:
echo "hello world"
<div id="day 4-subsection 2"><h2 id="subsection 2" class="header"><a href="#day 4-subsection 2">subsection 2</a></h2></div>
an important list:
point 1
point 2
<title>Day 2</title>
<guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-23</guid>
<div id="Day 2"><h1 id="Day 2" class="header"><a href="#Day 2">Day 2</a></h1></div>
another diary entry
<guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-22</guid>
example diary entry for day 1.
Execute (Clean buffer modification):
edit! $HOME/testwiki/
#Given (Void):
#Execute (Generate HTML and RSS feed):
# edit $HOME/testwiki/
# Vimwiki2HTML
# VimwikiRss
#Given (Void):
#Do (Get HTML file):
# :read $HOME/html/default/index.html\<CR>
## Go to line with RSS link
# gg/RSS\<CR>
## Delete everything above
# kdgg
## Delete everything below
# jdG
## Save (Not necessary) => Actually make rest of batch freeze, do you really want
## to quit buffer
## :write
#Expect (RSS link in HTML):
# <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="rss.xml">
#Do (Get RSS feed):
# :read $HOME/html/default/rss.xml\<CR>
## Remove first line
# ggdd
## Replace pubDate with dummy as it's based on file modification time
# :%s@<pubDate>.*</pubDate>@<pubDate>...</pubDate>@g\<CR>
## Save (Not necessary)
## :write
#Expect (RSS):
## TODO the next line is deleted with -Es
## <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
# <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
# <channel>
# <title>Diary</title>
# <link></link>
# <description>Diary</description>
# <pubDate>...</pubDate>
# <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
# <item>
# <title>day 4</title>
# <link></link>
# <guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-25</guid>
# <description><![CDATA[
# <div id="day 4"><h1 id="day 4" class="header"><a href="#day 4">day 4</a></h1></div>
# <div id="day 4-subsection 1"><h2 id="subsection 1" class="header"><a href="#day 4-subsection 1">subsection 1</a></h2></div>
# <p>
# here is some code:
# </p>
# <pre>
# #!/bin/sh
# echo "hello world"
# </pre>
# <div id="day 4-subsection 2"><h2 id="subsection 2" class="header"><a href="#day 4-subsection 2">subsection 2</a></h2></div>
# <p>
# an important list:
# </p>
# <ul>
# <li>
# point 1
# <li>
# point 2
# </ul>
# ]]></description>
# <pubDate>...</pubDate>
# </item>
# <item>
# <title>Day 2</title>
# <link></link>
# <guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-23</guid>
# <description><![CDATA[
# <div id="Day 2"><h1 id="Day 2" class="header"><a href="#Day 2">Day 2</a></h1></div>
# <p>
# another diary entry
# </p>
# ]]></description>
# <pubDate>...</pubDate>
# </item>
# <item>
# <title>2020-07-22</title>
# <link></link>
# <guid isPermaLink="false">2020-07-22</guid>
# <description><![CDATA[
# <p>
# example diary entry for day 1.
# </p>
# ]]></description>
# <pubDate>...</pubDate>
# </item>
# </channel>
# </rss>
#Execute (Clean buffer modification):
# edit! $HOME/testwiki/
@ -4,7 +4,54 @@
# better read this file with `set list`
Given vimwiki (List will hard wrap (Issue #991):
Given vimwiki (List Blockquote (Issue #55) {{{2):
1. Outer Item 1
1. Inner Item 1
> quote 1
2. Inner Item 2
2. Outer Item 2
> quote 2
Execute (Set syntax markdown):
call SetSyntax('markdown')
Do (o):
Expect (Good number 1):
1. Outer Item 1
2. toto
1. Inner Item 1
> quote 1
2. Inner Item 2
3. Outer Item 2
> quote 2
Do (jo):
Expect (Good number 2):
1. Outer Item 1
1. Inner Item 1
2. toto
> quote 1
3. Inner Item 2
2. Outer Item 2
> quote 2
Given vimwiki (List will hard wrap (Issue #991) {{{2):
- one two three four five six seven
Execute (Change textwith):
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ Execute (VimwikiIndex):
VimwikiIndex 2
AssertEqual 1, vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr')
AssertEqual 'vimwiki', &filetype
AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', vimwiki_wikilocal_vars[0]['path']
AssertEqual $HOME . 'testmarkdown/', expand('%')
AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', vimwiki_wikilocal_vars[1]['path']
AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', expand('%')
Execute (Open buzz bozz):
edit $HOME/testmarkdown/
@ -282,7 +282,8 @@ Do (Insert a list item and complete):
# -Es -> Delete trailing *
:let mode = mode(1)\<Cr>
:Log 'Mode : ' .mode\<Cr>
:if mode ==# 'ce' || mode ==# 'cv'\<Cr>
:if mode ==# 'ce' || mode ==# 'cv' || v:version < 704\<Cr>
Log 'Cheating'\<Cr>
g/^\* \?$/d\<Cr>
@ -138,22 +138,31 @@ runVader() {
|| echo 'Warning pushd testplugin failed'
# Run the tests
acmd=("$vim" $vim_opt \"+Vader! ${res}\" "2>&1")
echo -e "\nStarting Batch Vim/Vader:\n${acmd[*]}\n<- $res\n"
ret=${PIPESTATUS[1]}; err=$(( err + ret ))
$vim $vim_opt "+Vader! ${res}" 2>&1
return ${PIPESTATUS[1]}
echo -e "\nStarting Batch Vim/Vader:\n<- $res\n"
type fcmd | sed -n '/^ /{s/^ //p}' | sed '$s/.*/&;/' ; shift ;
fcmd; ret=$?
err=$(( err + ret ))
echo -e "\nReturned Batch Vim/Vader -> $ret"
popd \
|| echo 'Warning popd also failed'
# In docker
acmd=(docker run -a stderr -e "VADER_OUTPUT_FILE=/dev/stderr"
"${flags[@]}" "$v" $vim_opt \"+Vader! ${res}\" "2>&1")
echo -e "\nStarting Batch Vim/Vader:\n${acmd[*]}\n<- $res\n"
${acmd[*]} | vader_filter | vader_color
ret=${PIPESTATUS[1]}; err=$(( err + ret ))
echo -e "\nReturned Batch Docker/Vim/Vader -> $ret"
fcmd() {
docker run -a stderr -e "VADER_OUTPUT_FILE=/dev/stderr" \
"${flags[@]}" "$v" $vim_opt "+Vader! ${res}" 2>&1 \
| vader_filter | vader_color
return ${PIPESTATUS[1]}
echo -e "\nStarting Batch Vim/Vader:\n<- $res\n"
type fcmd | sed -n '/^ /{s/^ //p}' | sed '$s/.*/&;/' ; shift ;
fcmd; ret=$?
err=$(( err + ret ))
echo -e "\nReturned Batch Docker/Vim/Vader -> $ret : ${PIPESTATUS[*]}"
@ -192,6 +201,7 @@ getVers() {
vader_filter() {
echo 'Tin vader filter called'
# Filter Vader Stdout
local err=0
# Keep indentation
@ -213,6 +223,7 @@ vader_filter() {
if [ "$success" -lt "$total" ]; then
echo "Tin got success $success and total $total"
echo "$REPLY"
elif [[ "$verbose" != 0 ]]; then
# just print everything
@ -3,6 +3,10 @@ Execute (Setup search testing wrapper):
" Note: after each search, the location list of the current window (0)
" will contain the search results. A non-empty list indicates success.
" Search for a single word (a pattern with no spaces)
if v:version < 704
Log 'Cheating for old vim version, do not want to reverse bug'
redir => output
silent execute a:search_command
redir END
@ -59,4 +63,6 @@ Execute (Search failure message):
redir => output
silent VimwikiSearch not_exist
redir END
Assert match(output, 'Vimwiki: Search: No match found.') > -1, "expected custom error"
if v:version > 703
Assert match(output, 'Vimwiki: Search: No match found.') > -1, "expected custom error"
@ -494,7 +494,31 @@ Execute (Assert Syntax Header):
AssertEqual 'VimwikiHeader5' , SyntaxAt(5, 10)
AssertEqual 'VimwikiHeader6' , SyntaxAt(6, 10)
# 10 Comments {{{1
# 4 Blockquote {{{1
# Issues: #55
#### 4.1 Blokquotes markdown
Given vimwiki (BlockQuote restarts list numbering #55 {{{3):
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
Block Quote
Execute (Set syntax markdown):
call SetSyntax('markdown')
Do (Gototo):
Expect (Good numbering):
1. Item 1
2. Item 2
Block Quote
3. toto
# 9 Comment {{{1
Given vimwiki (%%):
@ -278,6 +278,25 @@
call DeleteFile('$HOME/testwiki/')
" Get only body
function! ConvertWiki2Body()
call ConvertWiki2Html()
" Empty b register
let @b = ''
" Copy body
/<body>/+1,/<.body>/-1:g/^/y B
" Delete All lines
" Paste body
0put! b
" Remove last line
" Get normalized syntax group: usefull for boldItalic Vs italicBold
" -- Here, Vader's SyntaxAt is not enough
Reference in New Issue
Block a user