Feature: Markdown anchor normalize and unormalize (Issue #664)
Add normalize anchor and unnormalize to get markdown anchor github compliant. For respectively follow_link and VimwikiTOC TODO: Treat the potential -12 suffix in anchor-links: ex: [got to second link](same-link-2)
This commit is contained in:
@ -688,8 +688,88 @@ function! vimwiki#base#get_anchors(filename, syntax) abort
" Jump to anchor
" Called by edit_file
" Helper to mutualize
" Called: normalize and unnormalize anchor
function! s:get_punctuaction_regex() abort
" From: https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099#gistcomment-2563127
return '[^0-9a-zA-Z\u4e00-\u9fff_ \-]'
" :param: anchor <string> <= Heading line
" Return: anchor <string> => link in TOC
function! s:normalize_anchor(anchor) abort
" Note: See unormalize
" 0 Get in
let anchor = a:anchor
" A Trim space
let anchor = vimwiki#u#trim(anchor)
" 1 Downcase the string
let anchor = tolower(anchor)
" 2 Remove anything that is not a letter, number, CJK character, hyphen or space
" TODO mutualize punctuation_rx with above
let punctuation_rx = s:get_punctuaction_regex()
let anchor = substitute(anchor, punctuation_rx, '', 'g')
" 3 Change any space to a hyphen
let anchor = substitute(anchor, ' ', '-', 'g')
" 4.2 TODO anchor: If that is not unique, add '-1', '-2', '-3',... to make it unique
return anchor
" :param: anchor <string> <= link
" Return: anchor <regex> to look for
function! s:unnormalize_anchor(anchor) abort
" Note:
" -- Pandoc keep the '_' in anchor
" -- Done after: Add spaces leading and trailing => Later with the template
" Link: Inspired from https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099
" Issue: #664 => Points to all others
let anchor = a:anchor
let punctuation_rx = s:get_punctuaction_regex() . '*'
" 4 Add '-1', '-2', '-3',... to make it unique if not unique
" -- Save the trailing -12
let sufix = substitute(anchor, '^.*-\(\d\+\)$', '\1', '')
if sufix !=# ''
let sufix = '[ \-]' . sufix
" -- Remove it
let anchor = substitute(anchor, '\(-\d\+\)$', '', '')
" For each char
let anchor_r = ''
for char in split(anchor, '\zs')
" 3 Change any space to a hyphen
if char ==# '-'
let anchor_r .= '[ \-]'
" 2 Remove anything that is not a letter, number, CJK character, hyphen or space
" -- So add puncutation regex at each char
let anchor_r .= char . punctuation_rx
let anchor = punctuation_rx . anchor_r
" 1 Downcase the string
let anchor = '\c' . anchor
" 4.bis Add the optional suffix
let anchor = anchor . '\(' . sufix . '\)\?'
return anchor
" Jump to anchor, doing the oposite of normalize_anchor
" Called: edit_file
" TODO treat the sufix: -2 -> Go to second anchor
function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
let oldpos = getpos('.')
call cursor(1, 1)
@ -699,13 +779,9 @@ function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
let segments = split(anchor, '#', 0)
for segment in segments
" Craft segment pattern so that it is case insensitive and also matches dashes
" in anchor link with spaces in heading
" Ignore case
let segment = substitute(segment, '\<\(.\)', '\\c\1', 'g')
" Treat - as [- or space]
let segment = substitute(segment , '-', '[ -]', 'g')
let segment = s:unnormalize_anchor(segment)
let anchor_header = s:safesubstitute(
\ vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('header_match'),
@ -2184,13 +2260,15 @@ function! vimwiki#base#table_of_contents(create) abort
" copy all local variables into dict (add a: if arguments are needed)
let GeneratorTOC = copy(l:)
function! GeneratorTOC.f() abort
" Gather heading informations
let numbering = vimwiki#vars#get_global('html_header_numbering')
" TODO numbering not used !
let headers_levels = [['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0], ['', 0]]
let complete_header_infos = []
for header in self.headers
let h_text = header[2]
let h_level = header[1]
" don't include the TOC's header itself
" Don't include the TOC's header itself
if h_text ==# self.toc_header_text
@ -2198,7 +2276,9 @@ function! vimwiki#base#table_of_contents(create) abort
for idx in range(h_level, 5) | let headers_levels[idx] = ['', 0] | endfor
let h_complete_id = ''
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('toc_link_format') == 0
" Add description to the link if toc_link_format == 1 => extended
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('toc_link_format') == 1
for l in range(h_level-1)
if headers_levels[l][0] !=? ''
let h_complete_id .= headers_levels[l][0].'#'
@ -2210,20 +2290,27 @@ function! vimwiki#base#table_of_contents(create) abort
call add(complete_header_infos, [h_level, h_complete_id, h_text])
" Insert the information in the Link Template
" -- and create line list
let lines = []
let startindent = repeat(' ', vimwiki#lst#get_list_margin())
let indentstring = repeat(' ', vimwiki#u#sw())
let bullet = vimwiki#lst#default_symbol().' '
for [lvl, link, desc] in complete_header_infos
for [lvl, anchor, desc] in complete_header_infos
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax') ==# 'markdown'
let link_tpl = vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('Weblink2Template')
elseif vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('toc_link_format') == 0
elseif vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('toc_link_format') == 1
let link_tpl = vimwiki#vars#get_global('WikiLinkTemplate2')
let link_tpl = vimwiki#vars#get_global('WikiLinkTemplate1')
" Normalize anchor
let anchor = s:normalize_anchor(anchor)
" Insert link in template
let link = s:safesubstitute(link_tpl, '__LinkUrl__',
\ '#'.link, '')
\ '#'.anchor, '')
let link = s:safesubstitute(link, '__LinkDescription__', desc, '')
call add(lines, startindent.repeat(indentstring, lvl-1).bullet.link)
@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ function! vimwiki#u#count_exe(cmd) abort
" Trim spaces: leading and trailing
function! vimwiki#u#sort_len(list) abort
function! s:len_compare(s1, s2) abort
let i1 = len(a:s1)
@ -72,6 +71,9 @@ function! vimwiki#u#sort_len(list) abort
" Trim spaces: leading and trailing
" :param: string in
" :param: (1) <string> optional list of character to trim
function! vimwiki#u#trim(string, ...) abort
let chars = ''
if a:0 > 0
@ -2788,10 +2788,10 @@ The format of the links in the Table of Contents (see |vimwiki-toc|).
Value Description~
0 Extended: The link contains the description and URL. URL
references all levels.
1 Brief: The link contains only the URL. URL references only
0 Brief: The link contains only the URL. URL references only
the immediate level.
1 Extended: The link contains the description and URL. URL
references all levels.
Default: 0
@ -3718,19 +3718,27 @@ https://github.com/vimwiki-backup/vimwiki/issues.
* PR #967: Add multiline comment support via %%+ and +%%
* Issue #942: Fixing wrong html link conversion in windows
* PR #946: Add option |g:vimwiki_commentstring| to customize commentstring
* Issue #940: Render table header inside thead element and rest under
tbody element if table header specified in wiki
* PR #811: Feature: Added handling of absolute path to vimwiki (with //)
* PR #919: Fix duplicate helptag
* PR #907: Cycle bullets
* PR #900: conceallevel is now setted locally for vimwiki buffers
* PR #901: adds multiparagraph blockquotes using email style syntax
* PR #934: RSS feed generation for diary with :VimwikiRss.
* PR #959: Fix :VimwikiNextTask
* PR #963: Replace VimwikiListChangeLevel references in doc with
* |g:vimwiki_toc_link_format| == 0 (default) means old behavior: short links
* PR #963: Doc: Replace VimwikiListChangeLevel references in doc with
VimwikiListChangeLvl as defined by command
* PR #900: conceallevel is now setted locally for vimwiki buffers
* Issue #942: Fixing wrong html link conversion in windows
* PR #919: Fix duplicate helptag
* PR #959: Fix :VimwikiNextTask
2.5 (2020-05-26)~
@ -1,8 +1,51 @@
# VimwikiTOC
# VimwikiTOC {{{1
# TODO (10min) test if g:vimwiki_to_header well readen
# TODO (10min) test vimviki_toc_link_format
# TODO (1h) test if really wiki dependant (for 2 diffrent wikis)
# Doc: from #664:
# -- 1. It downcases the string => OK: from previous big collection
# -- 2. remove anything that is not a letter, number, space or hyphen (see the source for how Unicode is handled) => from 'bad characters'
# -- 3. changes any space to a hyphen => OK: from previous big
# -- 4. If that is not unique, add "-1", "-2", "-3",... to make it unique => TODO not implemented
# Start {{{1
"Given vimwiki (Two same heading {{{1):
" # One
" ## two
" ## Two
"Execute (Set syntax markdown && Set sw=8):
" call SetSyntax('markdown')
" set sw=8
" VimwikiTOC
"Expect (Suffix -1 and -2):
Given vimwiki (Heading with many bad caracters {{{1):
# One !@#@#(!%#&$^(!@
## Two !!~!!:"@!>@!>?<
Execute (Set syntax markdown && VimwikiTOC):
call SetSyntax('markdown')
set sw=8
Expect (Bad characters are removed):
# Contents
- [One !@#@#(!%#&$^(!@](#one-)
- [Two !!~!!:"@!>@!>?<](#two-)
# One !@#@#(!%#&$^(!@
## Two !!~!!:"@!>@!>?<
# Large previous tests {{{1
Execute (Reset TOC header to default):
call vimwiki#vars#set_wikilocal('toc_header', 'Contents')
@ -28,11 +71,11 @@ Execute (VimwikiTOC):
Expect (With a TOC sw=8):
# Contents
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -51,11 +94,11 @@ Execute (Set sw=4 && VimwikiTOC):
Expect (With a TOC sw=4):
# Contents
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -79,11 +122,11 @@ Execute (VimwikiTOC):
Expect (Brand new TOC):
# Contents
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -103,11 +146,11 @@ Execute (Let toc_header = Sommaire && VimwikiTOC):
Expect (Append a Sommaire && Leave Contents alone):
# Sommaire
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -131,11 +174,11 @@ Execute (VimwikiTOC):
Expect (Brand new TOC with sommaire):
# Sommaire
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -157,11 +200,11 @@ Execute (call vimwiki#vars#set_global('toc_header_level', 6):
Expect (Content prepended):
###### Sommaire
- [Header 1](#Header 1)
- [Header 1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1)
- [Header 1.1.1](#Header 1#Header 1.1#Header 1.1.1)
- [Header 2](#Header 2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#Header 2#Header 2.1.1)
- [Header 1](#header-1)
- [Header 1.1](#header-11)
- [Header 1.1.1](#header-111)
- [Header 2](#header-2)
- [Header 2.1.1](#header-211)
# Header 1
random text
@ -173,4 +216,4 @@ Expect (Content prepended):
# Header 2
### Header 2.1.1
" vim: sw=2 foldmethod=indent foldlevel=30 foldignore=#
" vim: sw=2 foldmethod=marker foldlevel=30 foldignore=#
Reference in New Issue
Block a user