Move around and simplify the code for initialization
This commit is contained in:
@ -54,21 +54,31 @@ function! s:increment_a(value) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! s:increment_I(value) "{{{
let subst_list = [ ['XLVIII$', 'IL'], ['VIII$', 'IX'], ['III$', 'IV'], ['DCCCXCIX$', 'CM'], ['CCCXCIX$', 'CD'], ['LXXXIX$', 'XC'], ['XXXIX$', 'XL'], ['\(I\{1,2\}\)$', '\1I'], ['CDXCIX$', 'D'], ['CMXCIX$', 'M'], ['XCIX$', 'C'], ['I\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1'], ['\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1I'] ]
let subst_list = [ ['XLVIII$', 'IL'], ['VIII$', 'IX'], ['III$', 'IV'],
\ ['DCCCXCIX$', 'CM'], ['CCCXCIX$', 'CD'], ['LXXXIX$', 'XC'],
\ ['XXXIX$', 'XL'], ['\(I\{1,2\}\)$', '\1I'], ['CDXCIX$', 'D'],
\ ['CMXCIX$', 'M'], ['XCIX$', 'C'], ['I\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1'],
\ ['\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1I'] ]
for [regex, subst] in subst_list
if a:value =~# regex
return substitute(a:value, regex, subst, '')
return ''
endfunction "}}}
function! s:increment_i(value) "{{{
let subst_list = [ ['xlviii$', 'il'], ['viii$', 'ix'], ['iii$', 'iv'], ['dcccxcix$', 'cm'], ['cccxcix$', 'cd'], ['lxxxix$', 'xc'], ['xxxix$', 'xl'], ['\(i\{1,2\}\)$', '\1i'], ['cdxcix$', 'd'], ['cmxcix$', 'm'], ['xcix$', 'c'], ['i\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1'], ['\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1i'] ]
let subst_list = [ ['xlviii$', 'il'], ['viii$', 'ix'], ['iii$', 'iv'],
\ ['dcccxcix$', 'cm'], ['cccxcix$', 'cd'], ['lxxxix$', 'xc'],
\ ['xxxix$', 'xl'], ['\(i\{1,2\}\)$', '\1i'], ['cdxcix$', 'd'],
\ ['cmxcix$', 'm'], ['xcix$', 'c'], ['i\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1'],
\ ['\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1i'] ]
for [regex, subst] in subst_list
if a:value =~# regex
return substitute(a:value, regex, subst, '')
return ''
endfunction "}}}
" incrementation functions for the various kinds of numbers }}}
@ -93,7 +103,7 @@ function! s:get_item(lnum) "{{{
let item.type = 0
return item
let matches = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1))
let matches = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), g:vimwiki_rxListItem)
if matches == [] || (matches[1] == '' && matches[2] == '') || (matches[1] != '' && matches[2] != '')
let item.type = 0
return item
@ -112,15 +122,13 @@ function! s:get_item(lnum) "{{{
return item
endfunction "}}}
"Returns: level of the line
"0 is the 'highest' level
function! s:get_level(lnum) "{{{
if VimwikiGet('syntax') != 'media'
let level = getline(a:lnum) !~ '^\s*$' ? indent(a:lnum) : 0
let rx_markers = '^[' . vimwiki#u#escape(join(keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_points), "")) . ']\+'
let level = s:string_length(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), rx_markers)) - 1
let level = vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(a:lnum) - 1
if level < 0
let level = (indent(a:lnum) == 0) ? 0 : 9999
@ -128,19 +136,12 @@ function! s:get_level(lnum) "{{{
return level
endfunction "}}}
"XXX does not distinguish between letters and romanian numerals
"Should be no problem as long as the user doesn't mix them
function! s:regexp_of_marker(item) "{{{
if a:item.type == 1
return vimwiki#u#escape(a:item.mrkr)
elseif a:item.type == 2
for ki in ['d', 'u', 'l']
let mats = matchstr(a:item.mrkr, '\'.ki.'\+['.vimwiki#u#escape(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[1]).']')
if mats != ''
let [_, divisor] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(mats)
return '\'.ki.'\+'.vimwiki#u#escape(divisor)
let kind = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(a:item)
return s:char_to_rx[kind] . vimwiki#u#escape(a:item.mrkr[-1:])
return ''
@ -164,14 +165,16 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_next_or_prev_list_item(item, direction, until, all) "{{{
let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum)
let org_regex = s:regexp_of_marker(a:item)
if !a:all
let org_regex = s:regexp_of_marker(a:item)
let cur_ln = s:get_next_prev_line(a:item.lnum, a:direction)
while cur_ln != a:until
let cur_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln)
let cur_linecontent = getline(cur_ln)
if cur_lvl == org_lvl
if a:all == 1 || cur_linecontent =~# '^\s*'.org_regex.'\s'
if a:all || cur_linecontent =~# '^\s*'.org_regex.'\s'
return s:get_item(cur_ln)
return s:empty_item()
@ -189,39 +192,33 @@ function! s:first_char(string) "{{{
return matchstr(a:string, '^.')
endfunction "}}}
"Returns: 'bla)' -> ['bla', ')']
" must be that complicated, because
" 'bla)'[:-2] wouldn't work for multibyte chars
function! s:get_chars_and_divisor(string) "{{{
return matchlist(a:string, '^\(.\+\)\(.\)$')[1:2]
endfunction "}}}
"Returns: 1, a, i, A, I or ''
"If in doubt if alphanumeric character or romanian
"numeral, peek in the previous line
function! s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(item) "{{{
if a:item.type != 2 | return '' | endif
let kinds = split(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[0], '.\zs')
let [chars, divisor] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(a:item.mrkr)
let number_chars = a:item.mrkr[:-2]
let divisor = a:item.mrkr[-1:]
if chars =~ '\d\+'
if number_chars =~ '\d\+'
return '1'
if chars =~# '\l\+'
if chars !~# '^[ivxlcdm]\+' || index(kinds, 'i') == -1
if number_chars =~# '\l\+'
if number_chars !~# '^[ivxlcdm]\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'i') == -1
return 'a'
let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 0)
let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 1)
if item_above.type != 0
let [chars_above, div_above] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(item_above.mrkr)
if index(kinds, 'a') == -1 || (div_above !=# divisor && chars =~# 'i\+') || s:increment_i(chars_above) ==# chars
if index(s:number_kinds, 'a') == -1 ||
\ (item_above.mrkr[-1:] !=# divisor && number_chars =~# 'i\+') ||
\ s:increment_i(item_above.mrkr[:-2]) ==# number_chars
return 'i'
return 'a'
if chars =~# 'i\+' || index(kinds, 'a') == -1
if number_chars =~# 'i\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'a') == -1
return 'i'
return 'a'
@ -230,21 +227,22 @@ function! s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(item) "{{{
if chars =~# '\u\+'
if chars !~# '^[IVXLCDM]\+' || index(kinds, 'I') == -1
if number_chars =~# '\u\+'
if number_chars !~# '^[IVXLCDM]\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'I') == -1
return 'A'
let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 0)
let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 1)
if item_above.type != 0
let [chars_above, div_above] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(item_above.mrkr)
if index(kinds, 'A') == -1 || (div_above !=# divisor && chars =~# 'I\+') || s:increment_i(chars_above) ==# chars
if index(s:number_kinds, 'A') == -1 ||
\ (item_above.mrkr[-1:] !=# divisor && number_chars =~# 'I\+') ||
\ s:increment_i(item_above.mrkr[:-2]) ==# number_chars
return 'I'
return 'A'
if chars =~# 'I\+' || index(kinds, 'A') == -1
if number_chars =~# 'I\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'A') == -1
return 'I'
return 'A'
@ -386,8 +384,7 @@ function! s:adjust_numbered_list_below(item, recursive) "{{{
if cur_item.type == 2
let [chars, divisor] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(cur_item.mrkr)
let new_val = s:increment_{kind}(chars) . divisor
let new_val = s:increment_{kind}(cur_item.mrkr[:-2]) . cur_item.mrkr[-1:]
call s:substitute_string_in_line(next_item.lnum, next_item.mrkr, new_val)
let next_item.mrkr = new_val
@ -429,8 +426,7 @@ function! s:adjust_numbered_list(item, all, recursive) "{{{
while 1
if first_item.type == 2
let [_, divisor] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(first_item.mrkr)
let new_mrkr = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(first_item) . divisor
let new_mrkr = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(first_item) . first_item.mrkr[-1:]
call s:substitute_string_in_line(first_item.lnum, first_item.mrkr, new_mrkr)
let first_item.mrkr = new_mrkr
@ -636,26 +632,26 @@ endfunction "}}}
"Returns: the column where the text of a line starts (possible list item
"markers and checkboxes are skipped)
function! s:text_begin(lnum) "{{{
return s:string_length(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1)))
return s:string_length(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), g:vimwiki_rxListItem))
endfunction "}}}
if exists("*strdisplaywidth")
fu! s:string_length(str)
if exists("*strdisplaywidth") "{{{
function! s:string_length(str)
return strdisplaywidth(a:str)
fu! s:string_length(str)
function! s:string_length(str)
return strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g'))
endif "}}}
"Returns: 2 if there is a marker and text
" 1 for a marker and no text
" 0 for no marker at all (empty line or only text)
function! s:line_has_marker(lnum) "{{{
if getline(a:lnum) =~# vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1).'\s*$'
if getline(a:lnum) =~# g:vimwiki_rxListItem.'\s*$'
return 1
elseif getline(a:lnum) =~# vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1).'\s*\S'
elseif getline(a:lnum) =~# g:vimwiki_rxListItem.'\s*\S'
return 2
return 0
@ -742,8 +738,7 @@ function! s:get_idx_list_markers(item) "{{{
if a:item.type == 1
let m = s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)
let [_, divisor] = s:get_chars_and_divisor(a:item.mrkr)
let m = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(a:item) . divisor
let m = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(a:item) . a:item.mrkr[-1:]
return index(g:vimwiki_list_markers, m)
endfunction "}}}
@ -795,7 +790,7 @@ function! vimwiki#lst#change_marker(line1, line2, new_mrkr) "{{{
"handle markers like ***
if has_key(g:vimwiki_bullet_points, s:first_char(new_mrkr)) && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(new_mrkr)] == 1
if index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(new_mrkr)) > -1
"use *** if the item above has *** too
let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(cur_item, 1)
if item_above.type == 1 && s:first_char(item_above.mrkr) == s:first_char(new_mrkr)
@ -807,7 +802,7 @@ function! vimwiki#lst#change_marker(line1, line2, new_mrkr) "{{{
let new_mrkr = item_below.mrkr
"if the old is ### and the new is * use ***
if cur_item.type == 1 && has_key(g:vimwiki_bullet_points, s:first_char(cur_item.mrkr)) && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(cur_item.mrkr)] == 1
if cur_item.type == 1 && index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(cur_item.mrkr)) > -1
let new_mrkr = repeat(new_mrkr, s:string_length(cur_item.mrkr))
"use *** if the parent item has **
@ -915,7 +910,8 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:decrease_level(item) "{{{
let removed_indent = 0
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)]
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 &&
\ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1
if s:string_length(a:item.mrkr) >= 2
call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr), '')
let removed_indent = -1
@ -935,7 +931,8 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:increase_level(item) "{{{
let additional_space = 0
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)]
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 &&
\ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1
call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, a:item.mrkr, a:item.mrkr . s:first_char(a:item.mrkr))
let additional_indent = 1
@ -955,7 +952,8 @@ endfunction "}}}
"a:indent_by can be negative
function! s:indent_line_by(lnum, indent_by) "{{{
let item = s:get_item(a:lnum)
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && item.type == 1 && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(item.mrkr)]
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && item.type == 1 &&
\ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(item.mrkr)) > -1
if a:indent_by > 0
call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:lnum, item.mrkr, item.mrkr . s:first_char(item.mrkr))
elseif a:indent_by < 0
@ -993,12 +991,13 @@ function! s:adjust_mrkr(item) "{{{
"if possible, set e.g. *** if parent has ** as marker
if neighbor_item.type == 0 && a:item.type == 1 && has_key(g:vimwiki_bullet_points, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) && g:vimwiki_bullet_points[s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)] == 1
if neighbor_item.type == 0 && a:item.type == 1 &&
\ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1
let parent_item = s:get_parent(a:item)
if parent_item.type == 1 && s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr) == s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)
let new_mrkr = repeat(s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr), s:string_length(parent_item.mrkr)+1)
call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, a:item.mrkr, new_mrkr)
call s:adjust_numbered_list(a:item, 0, 1)
@ -1280,12 +1279,36 @@ function! vimwiki#lst#get_list_margin() "{{{
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(with_cb) "{{{
let rx_without_cb = '^\s*\%(\('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\)\|\('.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\)'
if a:with_cb
return rx_without_cb . '\s\+\%(\[\(['.join(g:vimwiki_listsyms, '').']\)\]\s\)\?'
return rx_without_cb . '\s'
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos()
let s:multiple_bullet_chars = []
for i in keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types)
if g:vimwiki_bullet_types[i] == 1
call add(s:multiple_bullet_chars, i)
let s:number_kinds = []
for i in g:vimwiki_number_types
call add(s:number_kinds, i[0])
let s:char_to_rx = {'1': '\d\+', 'i': '[ivxlcdm]\+', 'I': '[IVXLCDM]\+', 'a': '\l\{1,2}', 'A': '\u\{1,2}'}
"create regexp for bulleted list items
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = join( map(keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types),
\ 'vimwiki#u#escape(v:val) . repeat("\\+", g:vimwiki_bullet_types[v:val])') , '\|')
"create regex for numbered list items
if !empty(g:vimwiki_number_types)
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '\C\%('
for type in g:vimwiki_number_types[:-2]
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[type[0]] . vimwiki#u#escape(type[1]) . '\|'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][0]] .
\ vimwiki#u#escape(g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][1]) . '\)'
"regex that matches nothing
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '$^'
@ -327,24 +327,54 @@ glr Renumber list items for the current list.
gLr Renumber list items for the whole buffer.
*vimwiki_glstar* *vimwiki_glstar*
gl* Make a list item out of normal line or change ther marker
for the current item.
gl* Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to *.
gL* Change the marker of the current list to *.
*vimwiki_gl#* *vimwiki_gL#*
gl# Make a list item out of normal line or change ther marker
for the current item.
gl# Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to #.
gL# Change the marker of the current list to #.
*vimwiki_gl-* *vimwiki_gL-*
gl- Make a list item out of normal line or change ther marker
for the current item.
gl- Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to -.
gL- Change the marker of the current list to -.
*vimwiki_gl.* *vimwiki_gL.*
gl. Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to •.
gL. Change the marker of the current list to •.
*vimwiki_gl1* *vimwiki_gL1*
gl1. Make a list item out of normal line or change ther marker
for the current item.
gL1. Change the marker of the current list to 1..
gl1 Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to 1., the numbering is adjusted
according to the surrounding list items.
gL1 Change the marker of the current list to 1. 2. 3. ...
*vimwiki_gla* *vimwiki_gLa*
gla Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to a), the numbering is adjusted
according to the surrounding list items.
gLa Change the marker of the current list to a) b) c) ...
*vimwiki_glA* *vimwiki_gLA*
glA Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to A), the numbering is adjusted
according to the surrounding list items.
gLA Change the marker of the current list to A) B) C) ...
*vimwiki_gli* *vimwiki_gLi*
gli Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to i), the numbering is adjusted
according to the surrounding list items.
gLi Change the marker of the current list to i) ii) iii) ...
*vimwiki_glI* *vimwiki_gLI*
glI Make a list item out of normal line or change the marker
of the current item to I), the numbering is adjusted
according to the surrounding list items.
gLI Change the marker of the current list to I) II) III) ...
*vimwiki_gqq* *vimwiki_gww*
gqq Format table. If you made some changes to a table
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
execute 'runtime! syntax/vimwiki.vim'
" UNDO list {{{
" Reset the following options to undo this plugin.
@ -44,9 +45,8 @@ setlocal formatoptions-=2
setlocal formatoptions+=n
"Create 'formatlistpat'
let &formatlistpat = vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1)
let &formatlistpat = g:vimwiki_rxListItem
if !empty(&langmap)
@ -472,24 +472,14 @@ noremap <silent> <buffer> gl<Space> :VimwikiListRemoveCB<CR>
map <silent> <buffer> gL<Space> :call vimwiki#lst#remove_cb_in_list()<CR>
inoremap <silent> <buffer> <C-L><C-M> <Esc>:call vimwiki#lst#toggle_list_item()<CR>
for s:k in keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_points)
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:k.' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:k.'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:k.' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:k.'<CR>'
for s:k in keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types)
let s:char = (s:k == '•' ? '.' : s:k)
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:char.' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:k.'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:char.' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:k.'<CR>'
for s:a in split(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[0], '.\zs')
let chars = split(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[1], '.\zs')
if len(chars) == 0
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:a.' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:a.'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:a.' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:a.'<CR>'
elseif len(chars) == 1
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:a.' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:a.chars[0].'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:a.' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:a.chars[0].'<CR>'
for s:b in chars
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:a.s:b.' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:a.s:b.'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:a.s:b.' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:a.s:b.'<CR>'
for s:k in g:vimwiki_number_types
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gl'.s:k[0].' :VimwikiListChangeMarker '.s:k.'<CR>'
exe 'noremap <silent> <buffer> gL'.s:k[0].' :VimwikiListChangeMarkerInList '.s:k.'<CR>'
@ -377,28 +377,6 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxTodo = '\C\%(TODO:\|DONE:\|STARTED:\|FIXME:\|FIXED:\|XXX:\)'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiTodo /'. g:vimwiki_rxTodo .'/'
" }}}
" Lists "{{{
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = join( map(keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_points), 'vimwiki#u#escape(v:val) . repeat("\\+", g:vimwiki_bullet_points[v:val])') , '\|')
"create regex for numbered list
if g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[0] == ''
"regex that matches nothing
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '$^'
let s:char_to_rx = {'1': '\d\+', 'i': '[ivxlcdm]\+', 'I': '[IVXLCDM]\+', 'a': '\l\{1,3}', 'A': '\u\{1,3}'}
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '\C\%(' . join( map(split(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[0], '.\zs'), "s:char_to_rx[v:val]"), '\|').'\)'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= '['.vimwiki#u#escape(g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers[1]).']'
" XXX: Should this be in corresponding syntax file?
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'default' || VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'markdown'
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\(\s*\)\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\s.*\|^$\)\)*'
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\).*\|^$\|^\s.*\)\)*'
" main syntax groups {{{
" Tables
@ -422,14 +400,16 @@ syntax match VimwikiCellSeparator
\ /\%(|\)\|\%(-\@<=+\-\@=\)\|\%([|+]\@<=-\+\)/ contained
" List items
execute 'syntax match VimwikiList /'.vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(0).'/'
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemWithoutCB = '^\s*\%(\('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\)\|\('.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\)\s'
let g:vimwiki_rxListItem = g:vimwiki_rxListItemWithoutCB . '\+\%(\[\(['.join(g:vimwiki_listsyms, '').']\)\]\s\)\?'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiList /'.g:vimwiki_rxListItemWithoutCB.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiList /'.g:vimwiki_rxListDefine.'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiListTodo /'.vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(1).'/'
execute 'syntax match VimwikiListTodo /'.g:vimwiki_rxListItem.'/'
if g:vimwiki_hl_cb_checked == 1
execute 'syntax match VimwikiCheckBoxDone /'.vimwiki#lst#get_list_item_rx(0).'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*$/ '.
execute 'syntax match VimwikiCheckBoxDone /'.g:vimwiki_rxListItemWithoutCB.'\s*\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*$/ '.
\ 'contains=VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiLink,@Spell'
elseif g:vimwiki_hl_cb_checked == 2
execute 'syntax match VimwikiCheckBoxDone /'.g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren.'/ contains=VimwikiNoExistsLink,VimwikiLink,@Spell'
@ -551,7 +531,6 @@ hi def link VimwikiLinkT VimwikiLink
hi def link VimwikiList Identifier
hi def link VimwikiListTodo VimwikiList
"hi def link VimwikiCheckBox VimwikiList
hi def link VimwikiCheckBoxDone Comment
hi def link VimwikiEmoticons Character
hi def link VimwikiHR Identifier
@ -74,13 +74,16 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxTableSep = '|'
" Lists
"1 means multiple bullets, like * ** ***
let g:vimwiki_bullet_points = { '-':0, '*':0, '#':0 , '◆':0}
let g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers = ['1iIaA', '.)]']
let g:vimwiki_bullet_types = { '-':0, '*':0, '#':0 , '•':0 }
let g:vimwiki_number_types = ['1)', '1.', 'i)', 'I)', 'a)', 'A)']
"this should contain at least one element
"it is used for i_<C-A> among other things
let g:vimwiki_list_markers = ['-', '#', '◆', '1.', 'i)', 'a)']
"it is used for i_<C-L><C-J> among other things
let g:vimwiki_list_markers = ['-', '•', '1.', '*', 'I)', 'a)']
let g:vimwiki_rxListDefine = '::\(\s\|$\)'
call vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos()
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\(\s*\)\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\s.*\|^$\)\)*'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '{{{'
let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '}}}'
@ -73,10 +73,12 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^-----*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxTableSep = '|'
" Lists
let g:vimwiki_bullet_points = { '-':0, '*':0, '+':0 }
let g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers = ['1', '.']
let g:vimwiki_bullet_types = { '-':0, '*':0, '+':0 }
let g:vimwiki_number_types = ['1.']
let g:vimwiki_list_markers = ['-', '*', '+', '1.']
let g:vimwiki_rxListDefine = '::\%(\s\|$\)'
call vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos()
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\(\s*\)\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\s.*\|^$\)\)*'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '```'
@ -54,10 +54,12 @@ let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^-----*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxTableSep = '|'
" Lists
let g:vimwiki_bullet_points = { '*':1, '#':1 }
let g:vimwiki_bullet_numbers = ['', '']
let g:vimwiki_bullet_types = { '*':1, '#':1 }
let g:vimwiki_number_types = []
let g:vimwiki_list_markers = ['*', '#']
let g:vimwiki_rxListDefine = '^\%(;\|:\)\s'
call vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos()
let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\).*\|^$\|^\s.*\)\)*'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '<pre>'
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