Merge pull request #785 from tinmarino/merge_goto_nested
VimwikiGoto completion works with part of filename and in nested directories
This commit is contained in:
@ -356,25 +356,28 @@ function! vimwiki#base#open_link(cmd, link, ...)
function! vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped() abort
function! vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped(...) abort
let s_arg_lead = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ""
" only get links from the current dir
" change to the directory of the current file
let orig_pwd = getcwd()
lcd! %:h
" all path are relative to the current file's location
let globlinks = glob('*'.vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext'), 1)."\n"
let globlinks = glob('**/*'.vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext'), 1)."\n"
" remove extensions
let globlinks = substitute(globlinks, '\'.vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext').'\ze\n', '', 'g')
" restore the original working directory
exe 'lcd! '.orig_pwd
" convert to a List
let lst = split(globlinks, '\n')
" Filter files whose path matches the user's argument leader
" " use smart case matching
let r_arg = substitute(s_arg_lead, '\u', '[\0\l\0]', 'g')
call filter(lst, '-1 != match(v:val, r_arg)')
" Apply fnameescape() to each item
call map(lst, 'fnameescape(v:val)')
" Convert back to newline-separated list
let globlinks = join(lst, "\n")
" return all escaped links as a single newline-separated string
return globlinks
" Return list (for customlist completion)
return lst
@ -427,9 +430,14 @@ function! vimwiki#base#goto(...)
let key = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : input('Enter name: ')
let anchor = a:0 > 1 ? a:2 : ''
" Save current file pos
let vimwiki_prev_link = [vimwiki#path#current_wiki_file(), getpos('.')]
call vimwiki#base#edit_file(':e',
\ vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path') . key . vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext'),
\ anchor)
\ anchor,
\ vimwiki_prev_link,
\ &ft ==# 'vimwiki')
@ -2279,9 +2287,7 @@ endfunction
function! vimwiki#base#complete_links_escaped(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) abort
" We can safely ignore args if we use -custom=complete option, Vim engine
" will do the job of filtering.
return vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped()
return vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped(a:ArgLead)
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ command! -buffer -nargs=0 VWB call vimwiki#base#backlinks()
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiSearch call vimwiki#base#search(<q-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* VWS call vimwiki#base#search(<q-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=custom,vimwiki#base#complete_links_escaped
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=customlist,vimwiki#base#complete_links_escaped
\ VimwikiGoto call vimwiki#base#goto(<f-args>)
command! -buffer VimwikiCheckLinks call vimwiki#base#check_links()
@ -17,13 +17,48 @@ Do (VimwikiGoto <CR> buzz_bozz && Assert):
:AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', expand('%')\<CR>
Execute (:VimwikiGoto + Completion):
VimwikiIndex 2
AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', expand('%')
let s_complete=vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped()
let s_complete=string(vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped())
Assert -1 != stridx(s_complete, 'buzz_bozz')
Execute (Create dir1/dir2/
call system("mkdir $HOME/testmarkdown/dir1")
call system("mkdir $HOME/testmarkdown/dir1/dir2")
edit $HOME/testmarkdown/dir1/dir2/
call WriteMe()
Execute (:VimwikiGoto + Completion in directory):
" Return to base
VimwikiIndex 2
AssertEqual $HOME . '/testmarkdown/', expand('%')
" Complete without argment
let s_complete1=string(vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped())
Assert -1 != stridx(s_complete1, 'test_goto_file')
" Complete with file argument
let s_complete2=string(vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped('test_goto_file'))
Assert -1 != stridx(s_complete2, 'test_goto_file')
" Complete with start of file argument
let s_complete3=string(vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped('test_got'))
Assert -1 != stridx(s_complete3, 'test_goto_file')
" Complete with (nested) dir2 argument
let s_complete4=string(vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped('dir2'))
Assert -1 != stridx(s_complete4, 'test_goto_file')
" Complete with bad argument
let l_complete5=vimwiki#base#get_globlinks_escaped('this_string_is_nowhere')
let s_complete5=string(l_complete5)
Assert -1 == stridx(s_complete5, 'test_goto_file')
AssertEqual 0, len(l_complete5)
Execute (Clean):
Log "End: Clean"
call system("rm $HOME/testmarkdown/dir1")
Include: vader_includes/vader_teardown.vader
# vim: sw=2 ft=conf foldmethod=indent foldlevel=30 foldignore=
Reference in New Issue
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