Feature: Utility function: linkify to extract link title from url (PR #982 from @jeromg)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2828,6 +2828,79 @@ function! vimwiki#base#search(search_pattern) abort
" used by function linkify to extract web page <title>
function! s:get_title(match) abort
" Do not overwrite if g:page_title is already set
" when there are multiple <title> tags, only use the first one
" this is a side effect of the substitute's 'n' flag (count number of
" occurences and evaluate \= for each one
if (g:page_title !=# '')
let l:title = a:match
" cleanup title so it's compatible with vimwiki links
let l:title = substitute(l:title, '\\', '', 'g')
let l:title = substitute(l:title, '\[', '(', 'g')
let l:title = substitute(l:title, '\]', ')', 'g')
" cosmetic cleanup (html entities), maybe more to add
let l:title = substitute(l:title, '<', '<', 'g')
let l:title = substitute(l:title, '>', '>', 'g')
let l:title = substitute(l:title, ' ', ' ', 'g')
" store title in global var
let g:page_title = l:title
" transform the url under the cursor to a wiki link
function! vimwiki#base#linkify() abort
let g:page_title = ''
" save existing value of @u and delete url under the cursor into @u
let l:save_reg = @u
exe 'normal! "udiW'
" create a scratch buffer and switch to it
let current_buf = bufnr('')
let scratch_buf = bufnr('scratch',1)
exe 'sil! ' . scratch_buf . 'buffer'
" load web page into scratch buffer using Nread with mode=2
" FIXME: on Windows, with vim 7/8 (not with nvim), makes the cmd.exe window show up (annoying)
exe 'sil! :2Nread ' . @u
" extract title from html
" Note: if URL cannot be downloaded the buffer is empty or contains a single
" line: 'Not found'
let page_ok=0
if (wordcount().chars !=0 && getline(1) !=? 'Not found')
let page_ok=1
" regex seems to work fine, but may not cover all cases
exe 'sil! :keepp %s/\v\<title.{-}\>((.|\r)+)\<\/title\>/\=s:get_title(submatch(1))/n'
" wipeout scratch buffer and switch to current
exe scratch_buf . 'bwipeout'
exe current_buf . 'buffer'
if (page_ok)
" use template [[URL|DESCRIPTION]]
let template = g:vimwiki_global_vars.WikiLinkTemplate2
let link = substitute(template, '__LinkUrl__', @u, '')
let link = substitute(link, '__LinkDescription__', g:page_title==#'' ? @u : g:page_title, '')
exe 'normal! i' . link
"if URL could not be downloaded, undo and display message
"TODO: other behaviours may be possible (user options?)
exe 'normal! u'
echomsg 'Error downloading URL: ' . @u
" restore initial value of @u
let @u = l:save_reg
" -------------------------------------------------------------------------
" Load syntax-specific Wiki functionality
@ -1189,6 +1189,19 @@ as a wiki page.
To scan the page for new or changed definitions for reference-links, simply
re-open the page ":e<CR>".
Extract title from external links~
It is possible to automagically extract the title of a web page to create a
link. The function #vimwiki#base#linkify() will get the URL under the cursor
and replace the url with a markdown link.
If the URL cannot be retrieved, nothing is changed.
If the <title> html tag cannot be extracted, the url is used as the link
Suggested mapping: >
nnoremap <silent> <leader>uu :call vimwiki#base#linkify()<cr>
5.3. Headers *vimwiki-syntax-headers*
@ -3762,6 +3775,7 @@ Contributors and their Github usernames in roughly chronological order:
- Ryan Winograd
- Birger Niklas (@BirgerNi)
- Chip Senkbeil (@chipsenkbeil)
- Jerome Gay (@jeromg)
@ -3774,6 +3788,8 @@ http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/issues/list. They may be accessible from
* Feature: #837 extract web page <title> from URL under cursor and create
a nice wiki link
* Feature: #922 #928: g:vimwiki_tag_format to change the tag format
* Feature: Support Emoji (Conceal and Complete)
* Issue #209: Feature: Markdown: Support SetExt Heading
Reference in New Issue
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