Revert 89d28a7

This was committed by accident. Since 53745e8 had to be done by machine
this it not a real revert, but a redo of 53745e8. Due to the matter of
53745e8 it's slightly different.
This commit is contained in:
Michael F. Schönitzer 2018-04-04 03:31:54 +02:00
parent 53745e89e0
commit 5ad702cce6

View File

@ -1401,8 +1401,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:cr_on_empty_list_item(lnum, behavior) "{{{
if a:behavior == 1
"just make a new list item
normal! gi

normal! gi
call s:clone_marker_from_to(a:lnum, a:lnum+1)
@ -1458,8 +1457,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:cr_on_empty_line(lnum, behavior) "{{{
"inserting and deleting the x is necessary
"because otherwise the indent is lost
normal! gi
normal! gix
if a:behavior == 2 || a:behavior == 3
call s:create_marker(a:lnum+1)
@ -1468,8 +1466,7 @@ endfunction "}}}
function! s:cr_on_list_item(lnum, insert_new_marker, not_at_eol) "{{{
if a:insert_new_marker
"the ultimate feature of this script: make new marker on <CR>
normal! gi

normal! gi
call s:clone_marker_from_to(a:lnum, a:lnum+1)
"tiny sweet extra feature: indent next line if current line ends with :
if !a:not_at_eol && getline(a:lnum) =~# ':$'
@ -1478,8 +1475,7 @@ function! s:cr_on_list_item(lnum, insert_new_marker, not_at_eol) "{{{
" || (cur_item.lnum < s:get_last_line_of_item(cur_item))
"indent this line so that it becomes the continuation of the line above
normal! gi

normal! gi
let prev_line = s:get_corresponding_item(s:get_prev_line(a:lnum+1))
call s:indent_multiline(prev_line, a:lnum+1)
@ -1568,58 +1564,6 @@ endfunction "}}}
"handle keys }}}
"misc stuff {{{
function! vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos() "{{{
let l:bullet_types=g:vimwiki_bullet_types
if exists("g:vimwiki_additional_bullet_types")
call extend(l:bullet_types, g:vimwiki_additional_bullet_types)
let s:rx_bullet_chars = '['.join(keys(l:bullet_types), '').']\+'
let s:multiple_bullet_chars = []
for i in keys(l:bullet_types)
if l:bullet_types[i] == 1
call add(s:multiple_bullet_chars, i)
let s:number_kinds = []
let s:number_divisors = ""
for i in g:vimwiki_number_types
call add(s:number_kinds, i[0])
let s:number_divisors .= vimwiki#u#escape(i[1])
let s:char_to_rx = {'1': '\d\+', 'i': '[ivxlcdm]\+', 'I': '[IVXLCDM]\+',
\ 'a': '\l\{1,2}', 'A': '\u\{1,2}'}
"create regexp for bulleted list items
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = join( map(keys(l:bullet_types),
\'vimwiki#u#escape(v:val).repeat("\\+", l:bullet_types[v:val])'
\ ) , '\|')
"create regex for numbered list items
if !empty(g:vimwiki_number_types)
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '\C\%('
for type in g:vimwiki_number_types[:-2]
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[type[0]] .
\ vimwiki#u#escape(type[1]) . '\|'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][0]].
\ vimwiki#u#escape(g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][1]) . '\)'
"regex that matches nothing
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '$^'
"the user can set the listsyms as string, but vimwiki needs a list
let g:vimwiki_listsyms_list = split(g:vimwiki_listsyms, '\zs')
if match(g:vimwiki_listsyms, g:vimwiki_listsym_rejected) != -1
echomsg "Warning: g:vimwiki_listsyms and g:vimwiki_listsym_rejected overlap"
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(inner, visual) "{{{
let lnum = prevnonblank('.')
let item = s:get_corresponding_item(lnum)