Cherry-pick the changes from dev -- part7
This commit is contained in:
@ -876,6 +876,8 @@ function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
let n = len(vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('listsyms_list'))
if completion == 0
let st_tag = '<li class="done0">'
elseif completion == -1 && chk[1] == vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected')
let st_tag = '<li class="rejected">'
elseif completion > 0 && completion < n
let completion = float2nr(round(completion / (n-1.0) * 3.0 + 0.5 ))
let st_tag = '<li class="done'.completion.'">'
@ -697,6 +697,9 @@ function! s:get_rate(item) "{{{
return -1
let state = a:item.cb
if state == vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected')
return -1
let n = len(vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('listsyms_list'))
return index(vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('listsyms_list'), state) * 100/(n-1)
endfunction "}}}
@ -740,6 +743,8 @@ function! s:rate_to_state(rate) "{{{
let state = listsyms_list[n-1]
elseif a:rate == 0
let state = listsyms_list[0]
elseif a:rate == -1
let state = vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected')
let index = float2nr(ceil(a:rate/100.0*(n-2)))
let state = listsyms_list[index]
@ -764,8 +769,11 @@ function! s:update_state(item) "{{{
if child_item.cb != ''
let count_children_with_cb += 1
let sum_children_rate += s:get_rate(child_item)
let rate = s:get_rate(child_item)
if rate != -1
let count_children_with_cb += 1
let sum_children_rate += rate
let child_item = s:get_next_child_item(a:item, child_item)
@ -840,6 +848,46 @@ function! s:change_cb(from_line, to_line, new_rate) "{{{
endfunction "}}}
"Toggles checkbox between two states in the lines of the given range,
"creates chceckboxes if there aren't any.
function! s:toggle_create_cb(from_line, to_line, state1, state2) "{{{
let from_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:from_line)
if from_item.type == 0
if from_item.cb == ''
"if from_line has no CB, make a CB in every selected line
let parent_items_of_lines = []
for cur_ln in range(from_item.lnum, a:to_line)
let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln)
let success = s:create_cb(cur_item)
if success
let cur_parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item)
if index(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) == -1
call insert(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item)
for parent_item in parent_items_of_lines
call s:update_state(parent_item)
"if from_line has CB, toggle it and set all siblings to the same new state
let rate_first_line = s:get_rate(from_item)
let new_rate = rate_first_line == a:state1 ? a:state2 : a:state1
call s:change_cb(a:from_line, a:to_line, new_rate)
endfunction "}}}
"Decrement checkbox between [ ] and [X]
"in the lines of the given range
function! vimwiki#lst#decrement_cb(from_line, to_line) "{{{
@ -877,41 +925,13 @@ endfunction "}}}
"Toggles checkbox between [ ] and [X] or creates one
"in the lines of the given range
function! vimwiki#lst#toggle_cb(from_line, to_line) "{{{
let from_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:from_line)
if from_item.type == 0
if from_item.cb == ''
"if from_line has no CB, make a CB in every selected line
let parent_items_of_lines = []
for cur_ln in range(from_item.lnum, a:to_line)
let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln)
let success = s:create_cb(cur_item)
if success
let cur_parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item)
if index(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) == -1
call insert(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item)
for parent_item in parent_items_of_lines
call s:update_state(parent_item)
"if from_line has CB, toggle it and set all siblings to the same new state
let rate_first_line = s:get_rate(from_item)
let new_rate = rate_first_line == 100 ? 0 : 100
call s:change_cb(a:from_line, a:to_line, new_rate)
return s:toggle_create_cb(a:from_line, a:to_line, 100, 0)
endfunction "}}}
"Toggles checkbox between [ ] and [-] or creates one
"in the lines of the given range
function! vimwiki#lst#toggle_rejected_cb(from_line, to_line) "{{{
return s:toggle_create_cb(a:from_line, a:to_line, -1, 0)
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#lst#remove_cb(first_line, last_line) "{{{
@ -27,6 +27,13 @@ del {text-decoration: line-through; color: #777777;}
.tag {background-color: #eeeeee; font-family: monospace; padding: 2px;}
/* classes for items of todo lists */
.rejected {
/* list-style: none; */
background-image: url();
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-position: 0 .2em;
padding-left: 1.5em;
.done0 {
/* list-style: none; */
background-image: url();
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ function! s:populate_global_variables()
\ 'list_ignore_newline': 1,
\ 'text_ignore_newline': 1,
\ 'listsyms': ' .oOX',
\ 'listsym_rejected': '-',
\ 'map_prefix': '<Leader>w',
\ 'menu': 'Vimwiki',
\ 'table_auto_fmt': 1,
@ -376,12 +377,19 @@ function! vimwiki#vars#populate_syntax_vars(syntax)
"the user can set the listsyms as string, but vimwiki needs a list
let g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].listsyms_list =
\ split(vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsyms'), '\zs')
if match(vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsyms'), vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected')) != -1
echomsg 'Vimwiki Warning: the value of g:vimwiki_listsym_rejected ('''
\ . vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected')
\ . ''') must not be a part of g:vimwiki_listsyms (''' .
\ . vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsyms') . ''')'
let g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListItemWithoutCB =
\ '^\s*\%(\('.g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListBullet.'\)\|\('
\ .g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListNumber.'\)\)\s'
let g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListItem =
\ g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListItemWithoutCB
\ . '\+\%(\[\(['.vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsyms').']\)\]\s\)\?'
\ . '\+\%(\[\(['.vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsyms')
\ . vimwiki#vars#get_global('listsym_rejected').']\)\]\s\)\?'
if g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].recurring_bullets
let g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListItemAndChildren =
\ '^\('.g:vimwiki_syntax_variables[a:syntax].rxListBullet.'\)\s\+\['
@ -455,6 +455,13 @@ gLI Change the symbol of the current list to
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo I)<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo I)<CR>
glx Toggle checkbox of a list item disabled/off.
Maps to |:VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem|.
See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>tx <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
*vimwiki_gqq* *vimwiki_gww*
gqq Format table. If you made some changes to a table
@ -656,6 +663,10 @@ Vimwiki file.
Toggle checkbox of a list item on/off.
See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
Toggle checkbox of a list item disabled/off.
See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
*:VimwikiListChangeLevel* CMD
Change the nesting level, or symbol, for a single-line list item.
CMD may be ">>" or "<<" to change the indentation of the item, or
@ -1617,6 +1628,9 @@ Use gl<Space> (see |vimwiki_gl<Space>|) to remove a single checkbox and
gL<Space> (see |vimwiki_gL<Space>|) to remove all checkboxes of the list the
cursor is in.
You can mark an item as rejected ("won't do") with
|vimwiki_glx|. A rejected item will not influence the status of its parents.
9. Tables *vimwiki-tables*
@ -2341,6 +2355,19 @@ You can set it to some more fancy symbols like this:
let g:vimwiki_listsyms = '✗○◐●✓'
Character that is used to show that an item of a todo list will not be done.
Default value is '-'.
The character used here must not be part of |g:vimwiki_listsyms|.
You can set it to a more fancy symbol like this:
let g:vimwiki_listsym_rejected = '✗'
@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ command! -buffer -range -nargs=1 VimwikiListChangeSymbolI
command! -buffer -nargs=1 VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo
\ call vimwiki#lst#change_marker_in_list(<f-args>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiToggleListItem call vimwiki#lst#toggle_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem call vimwiki#lst#toggle_rejected_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiIncrementListItem call vimwiki#lst#increment_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiDecrementListItem call vimwiki#lst#decrement_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range -nargs=+ VimwikiListChangeLvl
@ -437,10 +438,18 @@ if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem')
vmap <silent><buffer> <C-@> <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem')
nmap <silent><buffer> glx <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
vmap <silent><buffer> glx <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem :VimwikiToggleListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem :VimwikiToggleListItem<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem :VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem :VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem')
nmap <silent><buffer> gln <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem
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