
730 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:textwidth=99
" Vimwiki filetype plugin file
" Home:
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Cause: load only onces per buffer
if exists('b:did_ftplugin')
let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
if vimwiki#vars#get_global('conceallevel') && exists('+conceallevel')
let &l:conceallevel = vimwiki#vars#get_global('conceallevel')
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
" This is for GOTO FILE: gf
execute 'setlocal suffixesadd='.vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext')
setlocal isfname-=[,]
exe 'setlocal tags+=' . escape(vimwiki#tags#metadata_file_path(), ' \|"')
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Help for omnicompletion
function! Complete_wikifiles(findstart, base) abort
if a:findstart == 1
2015-02-09 21:56:28 +01:00
let column = col('.')-2
let line = getline('.')[:column]
2015-02-09 21:56:28 +01:00
let startoflink = match(line, '\[\[\zs[^\\[\]]*$')
if startoflink != -1
let s:line_context = '['
return startoflink
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax') ==? 'markdown'
2015-02-09 21:56:28 +01:00
let startofinlinelink = match(line, '\[.*\](\zs[^)]*$')
if startofinlinelink != -1
let s:line_context = '['
return startofinlinelink
2015-01-05 01:29:42 +03:00
let startoftag = match(line, ':\zs[^:[:space:]]*$')
if startoftag != -1
let s:line_context = ':'
2015-01-05 01:29:42 +03:00
return startoftag
let s:line_context = ''
return -1
" Completion works for wikilinks/anchors, and for tags. s:line_content
2018-04-17 07:13:37 +02:00
" tells us which string came before a:base. There seems to be no easier
" solution, because calling col('.') here returns garbage.
if s:line_context ==? ''
return []
elseif s:line_context ==# ':'
2015-01-05 01:29:42 +03:00
" Tags completion
2015-06-10 22:00:07 +02:00
let tags = vimwiki#tags#get_tags()
if a:base !=? ''
call filter(tags,
\ 'v:val[:' . (len(a:base)-1) . "] == '" . substitute(a:base, "'", "''", '') . "'" )
2015-01-05 01:29:42 +03:00
return tags
elseif a:base !~# '#'
" we look for wiki files
if a:base =~# '\m^wiki\d\+:'
let wikinumber = eval(matchstr(a:base, '\m^wiki\zs\d\+'))
if wikinumber >= vimwiki#vars#number_of_wikis()
return []
let prefix = matchstr(a:base, '\m^wiki\d\+:\zs.*')
let scheme = matchstr(a:base, '\m^wiki\d\+:\ze')
elseif a:base =~# '^diary:'
let wikinumber = -1
let prefix = matchstr(a:base, '^diary:\zs.*')
let scheme = matchstr(a:base, '^diary:\ze')
else " current wiki
let wikinumber = vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr')
let prefix = a:base
let scheme = ''
let links = vimwiki#base#get_wikilinks(wikinumber, 1, '')
let result = []
for wikifile in links
if wikifile =~ '^'.vimwiki#u#escape(prefix)
call add(result, scheme . wikifile)
return result
" we look for anchors in the given wikifile
let segments = split(a:base, '#', 1)
let given_wikifile = segments[0] ==? '' ? expand('%:t:r') : segments[0]
let link_infos = vimwiki#base#resolve_link(given_wikifile.'#')
let wikifile = link_infos.filename
let syntax = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax', link_infos.index)
let anchors = vimwiki#base#get_anchors(wikifile, syntax)
let filtered_anchors = []
let given_anchor = join(segments[1:], '#')
for anchor in anchors
if anchor =~# '^'.vimwiki#u#escape(given_anchor)
call add(filtered_anchors, segments[0].'#'.anchor)
return filtered_anchors
" Set completion
setlocal omnifunc=Complete_wikifiles
if and(vimwiki#vars#get_global('emoji_enable'), 2) != 0
\ && &completefunc ==# ''
set completefunc=vimwiki#emoji#complete
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Declare settings necessary for the automatic formatting of lists
" ------------------------------------------------
setlocal autoindent
setlocal nosmartindent
setlocal nocindent
" Set comments: to insert and format 'comments' or cheat
setlocal comments=
" Used to break blockquote prepending one on each new line (see: #915)
setlocal comments+=n:>
" Set format options (:h fo-table)
setlocal formatoptions-=c
setlocal formatoptions-=r
setlocal formatoptions-=o
setlocal formatoptions-=2
setlocal formatoptions+=n
" Used to join blockquotes (see: #915)
if v:version > 703
setlocal formatoptions+=j
2020-07-30 18:07:50 -04:00
" Set commentstring %%%s
let &l:commentstring = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('commentstring')
let &formatlistpat = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('rxListItem')
" ------------------------------------------------
" Folding stuff
" ------------------------------------------------
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Get fold level for a list
function! VimwikiFoldListLevel(lnum) abort
return vimwiki#lst#fold_level(a:lnum)
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Get fold level for 1. line number
function! VimwikiFoldLevel(lnum) abort
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let line = getline(a:lnum)
" Header/section folding...
if line =~# vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('rxHeader') && !vimwiki#u#is_codeblock(a:lnum)
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
return '>'.vimwiki#u#count_first_sym(line)
" Code block folding...
elseif line =~# vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('rxPreStart')
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
return 'a1'
elseif line =~# vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('rxPreEnd')
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
return 's1'
return '='
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Declare constants used by VimwikiFoldText
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
" use \u2026 and \u21b2 (or \u2424) if enc=utf-8 to save screen space
let s:ellipsis = (&encoding ==? 'utf-8') ? "\u2026" : '...'
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let s:ell_len = strlen(s:ellipsis)
let s:newline = (&encoding ==? 'utf-8') ? "\u21b2 " : ' '
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let s:tolerance = 5
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" unused: too naive
function! s:shorten_text_simple(text, len) abort
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let spare_len = a:len - len(a:text)
return (spare_len>=0) ? [a:text,spare_len] : [a:text[0:a:len].s:ellipsis, -1]
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Shorten text
" Called: by VimwikiFoldText
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
" s:shorten_text(text, len) = [string, spare] with "spare" = len-strlen(string)
" for long enough "text", the string's length is within s:tolerance of "len"
" (so that -s:tolerance <= spare <= s:tolerance, "string" ends with s:ellipsis)
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Return: [string, spare]
function! s:shorten_text(text, len) abort
" strlen() returns lenght in bytes, not in characters, so we'll have to do a
" trick here -- replace all non-spaces with dot, calculate lengths and
" indexes on it, then use original string to break at selected index.
let text_pattern = substitute(a:text, '\m\S', '.', 'g')
let spare_len = a:len - strlen(text_pattern)
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
if (spare_len + s:tolerance >= 0)
return [a:text, spare_len]
" try to break on a space; assumes a:len-s:ell_len >= s:tolerance
let newlen = a:len - s:ell_len
let idx = strridx(text_pattern, ' ', newlen + s:tolerance)
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let break_idx = (idx + s:tolerance >= newlen) ? idx : newlen
return [matchstr(a:text, '\m^.\{'.break_idx.'\}').s:ellipsis, newlen - break_idx]
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Fold text chapter
function! VimwikiFoldText() abort
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let line = getline(v:foldstart)
let main_text = substitute(line, '^\s*', repeat(' ',indent(v:foldstart)), '')
let fold_len = v:foldend - v:foldstart + 1
let len_text = ' ['.fold_len.'] '
if line !~# vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('rxPreStart')
2013-04-18 23:46:58 -04:00
let [main_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(main_text, 50)
return main_text.len_text
" fold-text for code blocks: use one or two of the starting lines
let [main_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(main_text, 24)
let line1 = substitute(getline(v:foldstart+1), '^\s*', ' ', '')
let [content_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(line1, spare_len+20)
if spare_len > s:tolerance && fold_len > 3
let line2 = substitute(getline(v:foldstart+2), '^\s*', s:newline, '')
let [more_text, spare_len] = s:shorten_text(line2, spare_len+12)
let content_text .= more_text
return main_text.len_text.content_text
" ------------------------------------------------
" Commands
" ------------------------------------------------
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTML
\ if filewritable(expand('%')) | silent noautocmd w | endif
\ <bar>
\ let res = vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(expand(vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path_html')),
\ expand('%'))
\ <bar>
2018-02-15 18:38:39 +01:00
\ if res != '' | echo 'Vimwiki: HTML conversion is done, output: '
\ . expand(vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path_html')) | endif
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse
\ if filewritable(expand('%')) | silent noautocmd w | endif
\ <bar>
\ call vimwiki#base#system_open_link(vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(
\ expand(vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path_html')),
\ expand('%')))
2019-05-20 08:22:15 -06:00
command! -buffer -bang VimwikiAll2HTML
\ call vimwiki#html#WikiAll2HTML(expand(vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path_html')), <bang>0)
2020-07-05 17:54:46 +02:00
command! -buffer VimwikiRss call vimwiki#html#diary_rss()
command! -buffer VimwikiTOC call vimwiki#base#table_of_contents(1)
command! -buffer VimwikiNextTask call vimwiki#base#find_next_task()
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer VimwikiNextLink call vimwiki#base#find_next_link()
command! -buffer VimwikiPrevLink call vimwiki#base#find_prev_link()
command! -buffer VimwikiDeleteFile call vimwiki#base#delete_link()
command! -buffer VimwikiDeleteLink
\ call vimwiki#base#deprecate("VimwikiDeleteLink", "VimwikiDeleteFile") |
\ call vimwiki#base#delete_link()
command! -buffer -nargs=? -complete=customlist,vimwiki#base#complete_file
\ VimwikiRenameFile call vimwiki#base#rename_link(<f-args>)
command! -buffer VimwikiRenameLink
\ call vimwiki#base#deprecate("VimwikiRenameLink", "VimwikiRenameFile") |
\ call vimwiki#base#rename_link()
command! -buffer VimwikiFollowLink call vimwiki#base#follow_link('nosplit', 0, 1)
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer VimwikiGoBackLink call vimwiki#base#go_back_link()
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiSplitLink call vimwiki#base#follow_link('hsplit', <f-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiVSplitLink call vimwiki#base#follow_link('vsplit', <f-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=? VimwikiNormalizeLink call vimwiki#base#normalize_link(<f-args>)
command! -buffer VimwikiTabnewLink call vimwiki#base#follow_link('tab', 0, 1)
command! -buffer -nargs=? VimwikiGenerateLinks call vimwiki#base#generate_links(1, <f-args>)
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer -nargs=0 VimwikiBacklinks call vimwiki#base#backlinks()
command! -buffer -nargs=0 VWB call vimwiki#base#backlinks()
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiSearch call vimwiki#base#search(<q-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* VWS call vimwiki#base#search(<q-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=customlist,vimwiki#base#complete_links_escaped
\ VimwikiGoto call vimwiki#base#goto(<f-args>)
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer VimwikiCheckLinks call vimwiki#base#check_links()
" list commands
command! -buffer -nargs=+ VimwikiReturn call <SID>CR(<f-args>)
2018-02-15 18:38:39 +01:00
command! -buffer -range -nargs=1 VimwikiChangeSymbolTo
\ call vimwiki#lst#change_marker(<line1>, <line2>, <f-args>, 'n')
command! -buffer -range -nargs=1 VimwikiListChangeSymbolI
\ call vimwiki#lst#change_marker(<line1>, <line2>, <f-args>, 'i')
command! -buffer -nargs=1 VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo
\ call vimwiki#lst#change_marker_in_list(<f-args>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiToggleListItem call vimwiki#lst#toggle_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
\ call vimwiki#lst#toggle_rejected_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiIncrementListItem call vimwiki#lst#increment_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiDecrementListItem call vimwiki#lst#decrement_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
2018-02-15 18:38:39 +01:00
command! -buffer -range -nargs=+ VimwikiListChangeLvl
\ call vimwiki#lst#change_level(<line1>, <line2>, <f-args>)
command! -buffer -range VimwikiRemoveSingleCB call vimwiki#lst#remove_cb(<line1>, <line2>)
command! -buffer VimwikiRemoveCBInList call vimwiki#lst#remove_cb_in_list()
command! -buffer VimwikiRenumberList call vimwiki#lst#adjust_numbered_list()
command! -buffer VimwikiRenumberAllLists call vimwiki#lst#adjust_whole_buffer()
command! -buffer VimwikiListToggle call vimwiki#lst#toggle_list_item()
command! -buffer -range VimwikiRemoveDone call vimwiki#lst#remove_done(1, "<range>", <line1>, <line2>)
" table commands
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer -nargs=* VimwikiTable call vimwiki#tbl#create(<f-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=? VimwikiTableAlignQ call vimwiki#tbl#align_or_cmd('gqq', <f-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=? VimwikiTableAlignW call vimwiki#tbl#align_or_cmd('gww', <f-args>)
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft call vimwiki#tbl#move_column_left()
command! -buffer VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight call vimwiki#tbl#move_column_right()
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
" diary commands
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
command! -buffer VimwikiDiaryNextDay call vimwiki#diary#goto_next_day()
command! -buffer VimwikiDiaryPrevDay call vimwiki#diary#goto_prev_day()
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
" tags commands
command! -buffer -bang VimwikiRebuildTags call vimwiki#tags#update_tags(1, '<bang>')
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=custom,vimwiki#tags#complete_tags
\ VimwikiSearchTags VimwikiSearch /:<args>:/
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=custom,vimwiki#tags#complete_tags
\ VimwikiGenerateTagLinks call vimwiki#tags#generate_tags(1, <f-args>)
command! -buffer -nargs=* -complete=custom,vimwiki#tags#complete_tags
\ VimwikiGenerateTags
\ call vimwiki#base#deprecate("VimwikiGenerateTags", "VimwikiGenerateTagLinks") |
\ call vimwiki#tags#generate_tags(1, <f-args>)
command! -buffer VimwikiPasteUrl call vimwiki#html#PasteUrl(expand('%:p'))
command! -buffer VimwikiCatUrl call vimwiki#html#CatUrl(expand('%:p'))
" ------------------------------------------------
" Keybindings
" ------------------------------------------------
" mouse mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').mouse)
nmap <buffer> <S-LeftMouse> <NOP>
nmap <buffer> <C-LeftMouse> <NOP>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <2-LeftMouse>
\ :call vimwiki#base#follow_link('nosplit', 0, 1, "\<lt>2-LeftMouse>")<CR>
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <S-2-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>:VimwikiSplitLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <C-2-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>:VimwikiVSplitLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <RightMouse><LeftMouse> :VimwikiGoBackLink<CR>
" <Plug> HTML definitions
nnoremap <script><buffer> <Plug>Vimwiki2HTML :Vimwiki2HTML<CR>
nnoremap <script><buffer> <Plug>Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse :Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse<CR>
" default HTML key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').html)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', vimwiki#vars#get_global('map_prefix').'h', '<Plug>Vimwiki2HTML')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', vimwiki#vars#get_global('map_prefix').'hh', '<Plug>Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse')
" <Plug> links definitions
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiFollowLink
\ :VimwikiFollowLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiSplitLink
\ :VimwikiSplitLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiVSplitLink
\ :VimwikiVSplitLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLink
\ :VimwikiNormalizeLink 0<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisual
\ :<C-U>VimwikiNormalizeLink 1<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisualCR
\ :<C-U>VimwikiNormalizeLink 1<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink
\ :VimwikiTabnewLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink
\ :VimwikiGoBackLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiNextLink
\ :VimwikiNextLink<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiPrevLink
\ :VimwikiPrevLink<CR>
2019-04-15 18:35:44 -05:00
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoto
\ :VimwikiGoto<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDeleteFile
\ :VimwikiDeleteFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRenameFile
\ :VimwikiRenameFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDiaryNextDay
\ :VimwikiDiaryNextDay<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDiaryPrevDay
\ :VimwikiDiaryPrevDay<CR>
" default links key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').links)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiFollowLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<S-CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiSplitLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiVSplitLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '+', '<Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', '+', '<Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisual')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', '<CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisualCR')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<D-CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-S-CR>', '<Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<BS>', '<Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<TAB>', '<Plug>VimwikiNextLink')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<S-TAB>', '<Plug>VimwikiPrevLink')
2019-04-15 18:35:44 -05:00
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', vimwiki#vars#get_global('map_prefix').'n', '<Plug>VimwikiGoto')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', vimwiki#vars#get_global('map_prefix').'d', '<Plug>VimwikiDeleteFile')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', vimwiki#vars#get_global('map_prefix').'r', '<Plug>VimwikiRenameFile')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-Down>', '<Plug>VimwikiDiaryNextDay')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-Up>', '<Plug>VimwikiDiaryPrevDay')
" <Plug> lists definitions
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiNextTask
\ :VimwikiNextTask<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
\ :VimwikiToggleListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
\ :VimwikiToggleListItem<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
\ :VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
\ :VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem
\ :VimwikiIncrementListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem
\ :VimwikiIncrementListItem<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem
\ :VimwikiDecrementListItem<CR>
vnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem
\ :VimwikiDecrementListItem<CR>
inoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem
\ <C-O>:VimwikiListChangeLvl decrease 0<CR>
inoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
\ <C-O>:VimwikiListChangeLvl increase 0<CR>
inoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiListNextSymbol
\ <C-O>:VimwikiListChangeSymbolI next<CR>
inoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiListPrevSymbol
\ <C-O>:VimwikiListChangeSymbolI prev<CR>
inoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiListToggle
\ <Esc>:VimwikiListToggle<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRenumberList
\ :VimwikiRenumberList<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRenumberAllLists
\ :VimwikiRenumberAllLists<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem
\ :VimwikiListChangeLvl decrease 0<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
\ :VimwikiListChangeLvl increase 0<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlWholeItem
\ :VimwikiListChangeLvl decrease 1<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem
\ :VimwikiListChangeLvl increase 1<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveSingleCB
\ :VimwikiRemoveSingleCB<CR>
noremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveCBInList
\ :VimwikiRemoveCBInList<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiListo
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#u#count_exe('call vimwiki#lst#kbd_o()')<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiListO
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#u#count_exe('call vimwiki#lst#kbd_O()')<CR>
" default lists key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').lists)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gnt', '<Plug>VimwikiNextTask')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-Space>', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', '<C-Space>', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem', 1)
if has('unix')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<C-@>', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', '<C-@>', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'glx', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'glx', '<Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gln', '<Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'gln', '<Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'glp', '<Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'glp', '<Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('i', '<C-D>', '<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('i', '<C-T>', '<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'glh', '<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gll', '<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLh', '<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlWholeItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLH', '<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlWholeItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLl', '<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLL', '<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('i', '<C-L><C-J>', '<Plug>VimwikiListNextSymbol')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('i', '<C-L><C-K>', '<Plug>VimwikiListPrevSymbol')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('i', '<C-L><C-M>', '<Plug>VimwikiListToggle')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'glr', '<Plug>VimwikiRenumberList')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLr', '<Plug>VimwikiRenumberAllLists')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gLR', '<Plug>VimwikiRenumberAllLists', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gl', '<Plug>VimwikiRemoveSingleCB')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gL', '<Plug>VimwikiRemoveCBInList')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'o', '<Plug>VimwikiListo')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'O', '<Plug>VimwikiListO')
" Handle case of existing VimwikiReturn mappings outside the <Plug> definition
" Note: Avoid interfering with popup/completion menu if it's active (#813)
if maparg('<CR>', 'i') !~# '.*VimwikiReturn*.'
if has('patch-7.3.489')
" expand iabbrev on enter
inoremap <expr><silent><buffer> <CR> pumvisible() ? '<CR>' : '<C-]><Esc>:VimwikiReturn 1 5<CR>'
inoremap <expr><silent><buffer> <CR> pumvisible() ? '<CR>' : '<Esc>:VimwikiReturn 1 5<CR>'
if maparg('<S-CR>', 'i') !~# '.*VimwikiReturn*.'
inoremap <expr><silent><buffer> <S-CR> pumvisible() ? '<CR>' : '<Esc>:VimwikiReturn 2 2<CR>'
" change symbol for bulleted lists
for s:char in vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('bullet_types')
if !hasmapto(':VimwikiChangeSymbolTo '.s:char.'<CR>')
exe 'noremap <silent><buffer> gl'.s:char.' :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo '.s:char.'<CR>'
if !hasmapto(':VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo '.s:char.'<CR>')
exe 'noremap <silent><buffer> gL'.s:char.' :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo '.s:char.'<CR>'
" change symbol for numbered lists
for s:typ in vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('number_types')
if !hasmapto(':VimwikiChangeSymbolTo '.s:typ.'<CR>')
exe 'noremap <silent><buffer> gl'.s:typ[0].' :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo '.s:typ.'<CR>'
if !hasmapto(':VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo '.s:typ.'<CR>')
exe 'noremap <silent><buffer> gL'.s:typ[0].' :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo '.s:typ.'<CR>'
" insert items in a list using langmap characters (see :h langmap)
if !empty(&langmap)
" Valid only if langmap is a comma separated pairs of chars
let s:l_o = matchstr(&langmap, '\C,\zs.\zeo,')
if s:l_o
exe 'nnoremap <silent><buffer> '.s:l_o.' :call vimwiki#lst#kbd_o()<CR>a'
let s:l_O = matchstr(&langmap, '\C,\zs.\zeO,')
if s:l_O
exe 'nnoremap <silent><buffer> '.s:l_O.' :call vimwiki#lst#kbd_O()<CR>a'
2020-06-04 17:29:26 -04:00
" Not used
function! s:CR(normal, just_mrkr) abort
let res = vimwiki#tbl#kbd_cr()
if res !=? ''
exe 'normal! ' . res . "\<Right>"
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
call vimwiki#lst#kbd_cr(a:normal, a:just_mrkr)
Version 1.1 * NEW: Issue 57: Make it possible to have pre block inside list item. * NEW: Issue 82: Add quick goto command. See |:VimwikiGoto|. * NEW: Issue 83: Quick switch in diary. See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay| and |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay| commands. * FIX: Issue 84: Vimwiki rename removed the WikiWord display name. * FIX: Issue 85: Errors if you have '~' subdirectory in a wiki directory. * FIX: Issue 86: Existed links '[[WikiLink1|Alias1]] | [[WikiLink2]]' are highlighted as a single link. * FIX: Issue 88: Underline text. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags|. * FIX: Issue 92: Wikies in a subdir could be renamed to an empty file. * FIX: Issue 93: Use alias name in html title. See |vimwiki-title|. * FIX: Issue 94: Relative links to PHP files are broken. See |g:vimwiki_file_exts| for details. * FIX: Issue 96: Closing bracket at the end of weblink shouldn't be a part of that link. * FIX: Issue 97: Error opening weblink in a browser if it has # inside. * FIX: Issue 99: Vim is not responing while opening arbitrary wiki file. * FIX: Issue 100: Additional content on diary index page could be corrupted. * NEW: Issue 101: Customized HTML tags. See |g:vimwiki_valid_html_tags| * NEW: Issue 102: Conceal feature usage. See |g:vimwiki_conceallevel|. * FIX: Issue 103: Always highlight links to non-wiki files as existed. * FIX: Issue 104: vimwiki#nested_syntax needs 'keepend' to avoid contained language syntax eat needed '}}}'. * FIX: Issue 105: <i_CR> on a todo list item with [ ] doesn't create new todo list item. * FIX: Issue 106: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a child todo list item produce errors. * FIX: Issue 107: With MediaWiki syntax <C-Space> on a list item creates todo list item without space between * and [ ]. * FIX: Issue 110: Syntax highlighting doesn't work for indented codeblock. * FIX: Issue 115: Nested Perl syntax highlighting differs from regular one. * MISC: Many vimwiki commands were renamed from Vimwiki.*Word to Vimwiki.*Link. VimwikiGoHome is renamed to VimwikiIndex, VimwikiTabGoHome to VimwikiTabIndex. * MISC: vimwiki-option-gohome is removed.
2010-08-24 00:00:00 +00:00
" insert mode table mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').table_mappings)
inoremap <expr><buffer> <Tab> vimwiki#tbl#kbd_tab()
inoremap <expr><buffer> <S-Tab> vimwiki#tbl#kbd_shift_tab()
" <Plug> table formatting definitions
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ
\ :VimwikiTableAlignQ<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ1
\ :VimwikiTableAlignQ 2<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW
\ :VimwikiTableAlignW<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW1
\ :VimwikiTableAlignW 2<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft
\ :VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft<CR>
nnoremap <silent><script><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight
\ :VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight<CR>
" default table formatting key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').table_format)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gqq', '<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gq1', '<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ1')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gww', '<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', 'gw1', '<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW1')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<A-Left>', '<Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '<A-Right>', '<Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight')
" <Plug> text object definitions
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeader
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(0, 0, v:count1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(0, 0, v:count1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderContent
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(1, 0, v:count1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderContentV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(1, 0, v:count1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSub
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(0, 1, v:count1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(0, 1, v:count1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubContent
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(1, 1, v:count1)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubContentV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_header(1, 1, v:count1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCell
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_cell(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_cell(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellInner
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_cell(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellInnerV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_cell(1, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumn
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_col(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_col(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnInner
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_col(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnInnerV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#TO_table_col(1, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjListChildren
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(0, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjListChildrenV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(0, 1)<CR>
onoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjListSingle
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(1, 0)<CR>
vnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiTextObjListSingleV
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(1, 1)<CR>
" default text object key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').text_objs)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'ah', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeader')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'ah', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'ih', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderContent')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'ih', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderContentV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'aH', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSub')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'aH', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'iH', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubContent')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'iH', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjHeaderSubContentV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'a\', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCell')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'a\', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'i\', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellInner')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'i\', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjTableCellInnerV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'ac', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumn')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'ac', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'ic', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnInner')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'ic', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjColumnInnerV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'al', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjListChildren')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'al', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjListChildrenV')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('o', 'il', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjListSingle')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('v', 'il', '<Plug>VimwikiTextObjListSingleV')
" <Plug> header definitions
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiAddHeaderLevel
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#AddHeaderLevel(v:count)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel
\ :<C-U>call vimwiki#base#RemoveHeaderLevel(v:count)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoToParentHeader
\ :<C-u>call vimwiki#base#goto_parent_header()<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoToNextHeader
\ :<C-u>call vimwiki#base#goto_next_header()<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevHeader
\ :<C-u>call vimwiki#base#goto_prev_header()<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoToNextSiblingHeader
\ :<C-u>call vimwiki#base#goto_sibling(+1)<CR>
nnoremap <silent><buffer> <Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevSiblingHeader
\ :<C-u>call vimwiki#base#goto_sibling(-1)<CR>
" default header key mappings
if str2nr(vimwiki#vars#get_global('key_mappings').headers)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '=', '<Plug>VimwikiAddHeaderLevel')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '-', '<Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', ']u', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToParentHeader')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '[u', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToParentHeader', 1)
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', ']]', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToNextHeader')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '[[', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevHeader')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', ']=', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToNextSiblingHeader')
call vimwiki#u#map_key('n', '[=', '<Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevSiblingHeader')
Version 1.2 = Note = Remove previous version of vimwiki before install - files in autoload dir is moved/renamed to autoload/vimwiki dir. = Changelog = * Issue 70: Table spanning cell support. * Issue 72: Do not convert again for unchanged file. |:VimwikiAll2HTML| converts only changed wiki files. * Issue 117: |VimwikiDiaryIndex| command that opens diary index wiki page. * Issue 120: Links in headers are not highlighted in vimwiki but are highlighted in HTML. * Issue 138: Added possibility to remap table-column move bindings. See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft| and |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight| commands. For remap instructions see |vimwiki_<A-Left>| and |vimwiki_<A-Right>|. * Issue 125: Problem with 'o' command given while at the of the file. * Issue 131: FileType is not set up when GUIEnter autocommand is used in vimrc. Use 'nested' in 'au GUIEnter * nested VimwikiIndex' * Issue 132: Link to perl (or any non-wiki) file in vimwiki subdirectory doesn't work as intended. * Issue 135: %title and %toc used together cause TOC to appear in an unexpected place in HTML. * Issue 139: |:VimwikiTabnewLink| command is added. * Fix of g:vimwiki_stripsym = '' (i.e. an empty string) -- it removes bad symbols from filenames. * Issue 145: With modeline 'set ft=vimwiki' links are not correctly highlighted when open wiki files. * Issue 146: Filetype difficulty with ".txt" as a vimwiki extension. * Issue 148: There are no mailto links. * Issue 151: Use location list instead of quickfix list for :VimwikiSearch command result. Use :lopen instead of :copen, :lnext instead of :cnext etc. * Issue 152: Add the list of HTML files that would not be deleted after |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 153: Delete HTML files that has no corresponding wiki ones with |:VimwikiAll2HTML|. * Issue 156: Add multiple HTML templates. See |vimwiki-option-template_path|. Options html_header and html_footer are no longer exist. * Issue 173: When virtualedit=all option is enabled the 'o' command behave strange. * Issue 178: Problem with alike wikie's paths. * Issue 182: Browser command does not quote url. * Issue 183: Spelling error highlighting is not possible with nested syntaxes. * Issue 184: Wrong foldlevel in some cases. * Issue 195: Page renaming issue. * Issue 196: vim: modeline bug -- syn=vim doesn't work. * Issue 199: Generated HTML for sublists is invalid. * Issue 200: Generated HTML for todo lists does not show completion status the fix relies on CSS, thus your old stylesheets need to be updated!; may not work in obsolete browsers or font-deficient systems. * Issue 205: Block code: highlighting differs from processing. Inline code block {{{ ... }}} is removed. Use `...` instead. * Issue 208: Default highlight colors are problematic in many colorschemes. Headers are highlighted as |hl-Title| by default, use |g:vimwiki_hl_headers| to restore previous default Red, Green, Blue or custom header colors. Some other changes in highlighting. * Issue 209: Wild comments slow down html generation. Comments are changed, use %% to comment out entire line. * Issue 210: HTML: para enclose header. * Issue 214: External links containing Chinese characters get trimmed. * Issue 218: Command to generate HTML file and open it in webbrowser. See |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|(bind to <leader>whh) * NEW: Added <Leader>wh mapping to call |:Vimwiki2HTML|
2011-06-11 00:00:00 +00:00
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('auto_export')
" Automatically generate HTML on page write.
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePost <buffer>
\ call vimwiki#html#Wiki2HTML(expand(vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('path_html')),
\ expand('%'))
augroup END
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('auto_toc')
" Automatically update the TOC *before* the file is written
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePre <buffer> call vimwiki#base#table_of_contents(0)
augroup END
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('auto_tags')
" Automatically update tags metadata on page write.
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePre <buffer> call vimwiki#tags#update_tags(0, '')
augroup END
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('auto_generate_links')
" Automatically generate links *before* the file is written
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePre <buffer> call vimwiki#base#generate_links(0)
augroup END
if vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('auto_generate_tags')
" Automatically generate tags *before* the file is written
augroup vimwiki
au BufWritePre <buffer> call vimwiki#tags#generate_tags(0)
augroup END