2020-05-31 07:16:56 -04:00

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# mutt-wizard
Get this great stuff without effort:
- A full-featured and autoconfigured email client on the terminal with neomutt
- Mail stored offline so you can view and write email while you're away from internet and keep backups
Specifically, this wizard:
- Determines your email server's IMAP and SMTP servers and ports
- Creates dotfiles for `neomutt`, `isync`, and `msmtp` appropriate for your email address
- Encrypts and locally stores your password for easy remote access, accessible only by your GPG key
- Handles as many as nine separate email accounts automatically
- Auto-creates bindings to switch between accounts or between mailboxes
- Can automatically set mail updates as often as you want to sync your mail and update you when new mail arrives
- Provides sensible defaults and an attractive appearance for the neomutt email client
- If mutt-wizard doesn't know your server's IMAP/SMTP info by default, it will prompt you for them and will put them in all the right places.
## Install and Use
git clone
cd mutt-wizard
sudo make install
User of Arch-based distros can also install mutt-wizard from the AUR as [mutt-wizard-git](
The mutt-wizard is run with the command `mw`. It also installs the `mailsync` command. Once everything is setup, you'll use `neomutt` to access your mail.
- `mw add` -- add a new email account
- `mw ls` -- list existing accounts
- `mw pass` -- revise an account's password
- `mw delete` -- delete an added account
- `mw purge` -- delete all accounts and settings
- `mw cron` -- toggle/configure a cronjob to sync mail
## Dependencies
- `neomutt` - the email client.
- `isync` - downloads and syncs the mail. (required at install)
- `msmtp` - sends the email.
- `pass` - safely encrypts passwords (required at install)
There's a chance of errors if you use a slow-release distro like Ubuntu, Debian or Mint. If you get errors in `neomutt`, install the most recent version manually or manually remove the offending lines in the config in `/usr/share/mutt-wizard/mutt-wizard.muttrc`.
### Optional
- `lynx` - view HTML email in neomutt.
- `notmuch` - index and search mail. Install it and run `notmuch setup`, tell it that your mail is in `~/.local/share/mail/` (although `mw` will do this automatically if you haven't set notmuch up before). You can run it in mutt with `ctrl-f`. Run `notmuch new` to process new mail, although the included `mailsync` script does this for you.
- `libnotify`/`libnotify-bin` - allows notifications when syncing mail with `mailsync`
- `abook` - a terminal-based address book. Pressing tab while typing an address to send mail to will suggest contacts that are in your abook.
- A cron manager - if you want to enable the auto-sync feature.
- `pam-gnupg` - this is a more general program that I use. It automatically logs you into your GPG key on login so you will never need to input your password once logged on to your system. Check the repo and directions out [here](
- `urlview` - outputs urls in mail to browser.
## Neomutt user interface
To give you an example of the interface, here's an idea:
- `m` - send mail (uses your default `$EDITOR` to write)
- `j`/`k` and `d`/`u` - vim-like bindings to go down and up (or `d`/`u` to go down/up a page).
- `l` - open mail, or attachment page or attachment
- `h` - the opposite of `l`
- `r`/`R` - reply/reply all to highlighted mail
- `s` - save selected mail or selected attachment
- `gs`,`gi`,`ga`,`gd`,`gS` - Press `g` followed by another letter to change mailbox: `s`ent, `i`nbox, `a`rchive, `d`rafts, `S`pam, etc.
- `M` and `C` - For `M`ove and `C`opy: follow them with one of the mailbox letters above, i.e. `MS` means "move to Spam".
- `i#` - Press `i` followed by a number 1-9 to go to a different account. If you add 9 accounts via mutt-wizard, they will each be assigned a number.
- `a` to add address/person to abook and `Tab` while typing address to complete one from book.
- `?` - see all keyboard shortcuts
- `ctrl-j`/`ctrl-k` - move up and down in sidebar, `ctrl-o` opens mailbox.
- `ctrl-b` - open a menu to select a url you want to open in you browser.
## New stuff and improvements since the original release
- `isync`/`mbsync` has replaced `offlineimap` as the backend. Offlineimap was error-prone, bloated, used obsolete Python 2 modules and required separate steps to install the system.
- `mw` is now an installed program instead of just a script needed to be kept in your mutt folder.
- `dialog` is no longer used (le bloat) and the interface is simply text commands.
- More autogenerated shortcuts that allow quickly moving and copying mail between boxes.
- More elegant attachment handling. Image/video/pdf attachments without relying on the neomutt instance.
- abook integration by default.
- The messy template files and other directories have been moved or removed, leaving a clean config folder.
- msmtp configs moved to `~/.config/` and mail default location moved to `~/.local/share/mail/`, reducing mess in `~`.
- `pass` is used as a password manager instead of separately saving passwords.
- Script is POSIX sh compliant.
- Error handling for the many people who don't read or follow directions. Less errors generally.
- Addition of a manual `man mw`
## Help the Project!
- Try mutt-wizard out on weird machines and weird email addresses and report any errors.
- Open a PR to add new server information into `domains.csv` so their users can more easily use mutt-wizard.
- If nothing else, [Donate!](
See Luke's website [here]( Email him at [](
mutt-wizard is free/libre software, licensed under the GPLv3.
## Details for Tinkerers
- The critical `mutt`/`neomutt` files are in `~/.config/mutt/`.
- Put whatever global settings you want in `muttrc`. mutt-wizard will add some lines to this file which you shouldn't remove unless you know what you're doing, but you can move them up/down over your personal config lines if you need to. If you get binding conflict errors in mutt, you might need to do this.
- Each of the accounts that mutt-wizard generates will have custom settings set in a separate file in `accounts/`. You can edit these freely if you want to tinker with settings specific to an account.
- In `/usr/share/mutt-wizard` are several global config files, including `mutt-wizard`'s default settings. You can overwride this in your `muttrc` if you wish.
## Watch out for these things:
- Gmail accounts can now create 'App Password' to use with """less secure""" applications. This password is single use (ie. for setup) and will be stored and encrypted locally. Enabling third-party applications requires turning off two-factor authentication and this will circumvent that. You might also need to manually "Enable IMAP" in the settings.
- Protonmail accounts will require you to set up "Protonmail Bridge" to access PM's IMAP and SMTP servers. Configure that before running mutt-wizard. Note that when mutt-wizard asks for a password, you should put in your [bridge password](, not your account password.
- Protonmail bridge is prone to timing out. Watch out for this while adding an account. If the bridge times out, try again. It might help to [increase the timeout]( in your `mbsyncrc`.
- If you have a university email, or enterprise-hosted email for work, there might be other hurdles or two-factor authentication you have to jump through. Some, for example, will want you to create a separate IMAP password, etc.
- `isync` is not fully UTF-8 compatible, so non-Latin characters may be garbled (although sync should succeed). `mw` will also not autocreate mailbox shortcuts since it is looking for English mailbox names. I strongly recommend you to set your email language to English on your mail server to avoid these problems.
## To-do
- Add ~~Mac OS~~/~~BSD~~ compatibility (the script is confirmed to work for Mac OS and FreeBSD now)
- ~~Out-of-the-box compatibility with Protonmail Bridge~~ (I believe this is done, but more bug-testing is welcome since I don't have PM)