autism backend changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ] && os=".macos"
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ chooseSync() { (cat /var/run/ && testSync) || dialog --msgbox "No cron
testSync() { (crontab -l | grep && removeSync) || addSync ;}
addSync() { min=$(dialog --inputbox "How many minutes should be between mail syncs?" 8 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-)
(crontab -l; echo "*/$min * * * * eval \"export $(egrep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$(pgrep -u $LOGNAME -x i3)/environ)\"; "$muttdir"etc/") | crontab - &&
(crontab -l; echo "*/$min * * * * eval \"export $(egrep -z DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS /proc/$(pgrep -u $LOGNAME -x i3)/environ)\"; "$muttdir"/etc/") | crontab - &&
dialog --msgbox "Cronjob successfully added. Remember you may need to restart or tell systemd/etc. to start your cron manager for this to take effect." 7 60 ;}
removeSync() { ((crontab -l | sed -e '/') | crontab - >/dev/null) && dialog --msgbox "Cronjob successfully removed. To reactivate, select this option again." 6 60 ;}
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ changePassword() { \
dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --passwordbox "Enter the new password for the \"$1\" account." 10 60 2> /tmp/$1
gpg2 -r $gpgemail --encrypt /tmp/$1 || (dialog --title "GPG decryption failed." --msgbox "GPG decryption failed. This is either because you do not have a GPG key pair or because your distro uses GPG1 and you thus need to symlink /usr/bin/gpg2 to /usr/bin/gpg." 7 60 && break)
shred -u /tmp/$1
mv /tmp/$1.gpg "$muttdir"credentials/
mv /tmp/$1.gpg "$muttdir"/credentials/
dialog --title "Finalizing your account." --infobox "The account \"$title\"'s password has been changed. Now attempting to configure mail directories...
This may take several seconds..." 10 70
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ changePassword() { \
detectMailboxes $title
dialog --title "Password changed." --msgbox "Your "$fulladdr" password has been changed. To start the download of your mail, you can manually run \`offlineimap -a $title\` in a terminal. The first sync may take some time depending on the amount of your mail." 8 60 ;}
chooseDetect() { for x in $(cat ~/.offlineimaprc | grep "^accounts =" | sed -e 's/accounts =\( \)//g;s/\(,\) /\n/g;'); do detectMailboxes $x; done && detectSuccess ;}
chooseDetect() { for x in $(grep "^accounts =" ~/.offlineimaprc | sed -e 's/accounts =\( \)//g;s/\(,\) /\n/g;'); do detectMailboxes $x; done && detectSuccess ;}
detectWarning() { \
dialog --title "Mailbox detect requirement" --yesno "In order for the mailbox detection system to work, you must have
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ These shortcuts will only work if your email system does have that particular fo
formatShortcut() { \
while read data; do
echo "macro index,pager g$1 \"<change-folder>$data<enter>\" \"Go to $2.\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$3.muttrc
echo "macro index,pager g$1 \"<change-folder>$data<enter>\" \"Go to $2.\"" >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$3.muttrc
done ;}
gen_delim() { \
@ -75,13 +75,13 @@ gen_delim() { \
detectMailboxes() { \
find ~/.mail/$1 -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d | sed -e "s/.*\///g;s/^/=/g" > /tmp/$1_boxes
sidebar_width=$(sed -n -e '/^set sidebar_width/p' "$muttdir"muttrc | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
sidebar_width=$(sed -n -e '/^set sidebar_width/p' "$muttdir"/muttrc | awk -F'=' '{print $2}')
delim=$(gen_delim $sidebar_width)
oneline=$(cat /tmp/$1_boxes | sed -e "s/^\|$/\"/g" | tr "\n" " ")
oneline=$(sed -e "s/^\|$/\"/g" /tmp/$1_boxes | tr "\n" " ")
oneline="=$1 $delim $oneline"
sed -i "/^mailboxes\|^set record\|^set postponed\|^set trash\|^set spoolfile/d" "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo mailboxes $oneline >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
sed -i "/^macro index,pager g/d" "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
sed -i "/^mailboxes\|^set record\|^set postponed\|^set trash\|^set spoolfile/d" "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
echo mailboxes $oneline >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
sed -i "/^macro index,pager g/d" "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e inbox | sed 1q | formatShortcut i inbox $1
grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | sed 1q | formatShortcut s sent $1
grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | sed 1q | formatShortcut d drafts $1
@ -92,14 +92,14 @@ detectMailboxes() { \
record=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e sent | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q)
postponed=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e draft | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q)
trash=$(grep -i /tmp/$1_boxes -e trash | sed -e 's/=/+/g' | sed 1q)
echo "set spoolfile = \"$spoolfile\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set record = \"$record\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set postponed = \"$postponed\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set trash = \"$trash\"" >> "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc ;}
echo "set spoolfile = \"$spoolfile\"" >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set record = \"$record\"" >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set postponed = \"$postponed\"" >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
echo "set trash = \"$trash\"" >> "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc ;}
# Get all accounts in ~/.offlineimaprc and load into variable `accounts`.
getAccounts() { \
cat ~/.offlineimaprc | grep "^accounts =" | sed -e 's/accounts =\( \)//g;s/\(,\) /\n/g;' | nl --number-format=ln > /tmp/numbered
grep "^accounts =" ~/.offlineimaprc | sed -e 's/accounts =\( \)//g;s/\(,\) /\n/g;' | nl --number-format=ln > /tmp/numbered
while read n s ; do
accounts+=($n "$s" off)
@ -125,10 +125,10 @@ removeAccount() { sed -ie "
" ~/.offlineimaprc
rm "$muttdir"accounts/$1.muttrc
rm "$muttdir"credentials/$1.gpg
rm -rf "$muttdir"accounts/$1
sed -i "/$1.muttrc/d" "$muttdir"personal.muttrc ;}
rm "$muttdir"/accounts/$1.muttrc
rm "$muttdir"/credentials/$1.gpg
rm -rf "$muttdir"/accounts/$1
sed -i "/$1.muttrc/d" "$muttdir"/personal.muttrc ;}
manual() { \
imap=$( dialog --inputbox "Insert the IMAP server for your email provider (excluding the port number)" 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ while ! [[ "${fulladdr}" =~ ${emailre} ]]; do
fulladdr=$(dialog --no-cancel --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP autoconfig" --inputbox "That's not a valid email address. Please input the entire address." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&1)
# Check to see if domain is in domain list
serverinfo=$(cat "$muttdir"autoconf/domains.csv | grep -w ^${fulladdr##*@})
serverinfo=$(grep -w ^${fulladdr##*@} "$muttdir"/autoconf/domains.csv)
if [ -z "$serverinfo" ];
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ replacement="
# Gets the first unused shortcut number in the muttrc and puts it in $idnum.
cat "$muttdir"personal.muttrc | grep i[0-9] | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/i//g' > /tmp/mutt_used
grep i[0-9] "$muttdir"/personal.muttrx | awk '{print $3}' | sed -e 's/i//g' > /tmp/mutt_used
echo -e "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9" > /tmp/mutt_all_possible
idnum=$(diff /tmp/mutt_all_possible /tmp/mutt_used | sed -n 2p | awk '{print $2}')
addAccount \
@ -195,31 +195,31 @@ addAccount() {
dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --passwordbox "Enter the password for the \"$title\" account." 10 60 2> /tmp/$title
gpg2 -r $gpgemail --encrypt /tmp/$title || (dialog --title "GPG decryption failed." --msgbox "GPG decryption failed. This is either because you do not have a GPG key pair or because your distro uses GPG1 and you thus need to symlink /usr/bin/gpg2 to /usr/bin/gpg." 7 60 && break)
shred -u /tmp/$title
mv /tmp/$title.gpg "$muttdir"credentials/
mv /tmp/$title.gpg "$muttdir"/credentials/
# Adding directory structure for cache.
mkdir -p "$muttdir"accounts/$title/cache/bodies
mkdir -p "$muttdir"/accounts/$title/cache/bodies
# Creating the offlineimaprc if it doesn't exist already.
if [ ! -f ~/.offlineimaprc ]; then cp "$muttdir"autoconf/offlineimap_header"$os" ~/.offlineimaprc; fi
cat "$muttdir"autoconf/offlineimap_profile"$os" | sed -e "$replacement" >> ~/.offlineimaprc
if [ ! -f ~/.offlineimaprc ]; then cp "$muttdir"/autoconf/offlineimap_header"$os" ~/.offlineimaprc; fi
sed -e "$replacement" "$muttdir"/autoconf/offlineimap_profile"$os" >> ~/.offlineimaprc
mkdir -p ~/.mail/$title
# Creating msmtprc if it doesn't exist already.
if [ ! -f ~/.msmtprc ]; then cp "$muttdir"autoconf/msmtprc_header ~/.msmtprc; fi
cat "$muttdir"autoconf/msmtprc_profile | sed -e "$replacement" >> ~/.msmtprc
if [ ! -f ~/.msmtprc ]; then cp "$muttdir"/autoconf/msmtprc_header ~/.msmtprc; fi
sed -e "$replacement" "$muttdir"/autoconf/msmtprc_profile >> ~/.msmtprc
# Add the mutt profile.
cat "$muttdir"autoconf/mutt_profile | sed -e "$replacement" > "$muttdir"accounts/$title.muttrc
sed -e "$replacement" "$muttdir"/autoconf/mutt_profile > "$muttdir"/accounts/$title.muttrc
# Add a numbered shortcut in the muttrc
echo "macro index,pager i$idnum '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source "$muttdir"accounts/$title.muttrc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>;<check-stats>'" >> "$muttdir"personal.muttrc
echo "macro index,pager i$idnum '<sync-mailbox><enter-command>source "$muttdir"/accounts/$title.muttrc<enter><change-folder>!<enter>;<check-stats>'" >> "$muttdir"/personal.muttrc
# Add to offlineimaprc sync list.
sed -i.bu "s/^accounts =.*[a-zA-Z]$/&, $title/g;s/^accounts =\s*$/accounts = $title/g" ~/.offlineimaprc && rm ~/.offlineimaprc.bu
# Makes account default if there is no default account.
grep "$muttdir"personal.muttrc -e "^source .*accounts.*" >/dev/null && echo there || \
echo "source ${muttdir}accounts/$title.muttrc" >> "$muttdir"personal.muttrc
grep "$muttdir"/personal.muttrc -e "^source .*accounts.*" >/dev/null && echo there || \
echo "source ${muttdir}/accounts/$title.muttrc" >> "$muttdir"/personal.muttrc
dialog --title "Finalizing your account." --infobox "The account \"$title\" has been added. Now attempting to configure mail directories...
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ addAccount() {
# This is run when a user chooses to add an account.
chooseAdd() { \
mkdir -p "$muttdir"credentials/ "$muttdir"accounts/
mkdir -p "$muttdir"/credentials/ "$muttdir"/accounts/
gpgemail=$( dialog --title "Luke's mutt/offlineIMAP password wizard" --inputbox "Insert the email address with which you originally created your GPG key pair. This is NOT necessarily the email you want to configure." 10 60 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&- )
while : ;
@ -241,8 +241,8 @@ chooseAdd() { \
wipe () { rm $HOME/.offlineimaprc
rm -rf "$muttdir"/accounts
rm -f "$muttdir"credentials/*gpg
rm "$muttdir"personal.muttrc ;}
rm -f "$muttdir"/credentials/*gpg
rm "$muttdir"/personal.muttrc ;}
while : ;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user