
293 lines
8.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

import os.path
import time
import rrdtool
import pylab
2012-05-05 10:09:27 +02:00
from django.db.models import F
from django.conf import settings
from djeuscan.models import Package
CHARTS_ROOT = os.path.join(settings.EUSCAN_ROOT, 'var', 'charts')
CHARTS_URL = os.path.join(settings.EUSCAN_ROOT, 'var', 'charts')
CHARTS_TTL = (24 * 60 * 60)
pylab.rcParams['font.size'] = 10.0
pylab.rcParams['axes.titlesize'] = 10.0
pylab.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 8.0
pylab.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 8.0
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def chart_alive(name):
path = os.path.join(CHARTS_ROOT, name)
if not os.path.exists(path):
return False
if os.path.getmtime(__file__) > os.path.getmtime(path):
return False
if os.path.getmtime(path) + CHARTS_TTL < time.time():
return False
return True
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def rrd_name(**kwargs):
name = ""
if 'category' in kwargs and kwargs['category']:
name = 'category-%s' % kwargs['category']
elif 'herd' in kwargs and kwargs['herd']:
name = 'herd-%d' % kwargs['herd'].id
elif 'maintainer' in kwargs and kwargs['maintainer']:
name = 'maintainer-%d' % kwargs['maintainer'].id
name = 'world'
return name
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def chart_name(name, **kwargs):
name = name.replace('_', '-')
if 'category' in kwargs and kwargs['category']:
name += '-%s' % kwargs['category']
if 'herd' in kwargs and kwargs['herd']:
name += '-h-%d' % kwargs['herd'].id
if 'maintainer' in kwargs and kwargs['maintainer']:
name += '-m-%d' % kwargs['maintainer'].id
for kw in ('-small', '-weekly', '-monthly', '-yearly'):
if kw in kwargs:
name += kw
return name + ".png"
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def getpackages(**kwargs):
pkgs = Package.objects
if 'category' in kwargs and kwargs['category']:
pkgs = Package.objects.for_category(kwargs['category'])
if 'herd' in kwargs and kwargs['herd']:
pkgs = Package.objects.for_herd(kwargs['herd'])
if 'maintainer' in kwargs and kwargs['maintainer']:
pkgs = Package.objects.for_maintainer(kwargs['maintainer'])
return pkgs
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def cached_pylab_chart(f):
def new_f(*args, **kwds):
name = chart_name(f.func_name, **kwds)
if not chart_alive(name):
f(*args, **kwds)
pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHARTS_ROOT, name))
return name
new_f.func_name = f.func_name
return new_f
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def pie_versions(**kwargs):
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
gpk = getpackages(**kwargs)
2012-05-05 10:09:27 +02:00
n_packaged = gpk.n_packaged()
n_overlay = gpk.n_overlay()
n_upstream = gpk.n_upstream()
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
pylab.figure(1, figsize=(3.5, 3.5))
if n_overlay:
labels = 'Gentoo', 'Overlays', 'Upstream'
fracs = [n_packaged, n_overlay, n_upstream]
colors = '#008000', '#0B17FD', '#FF0000'
labels = 'Gentoo', 'Upstream'
fracs = [n_packaged, n_upstream]
colors = '#008000', '#FF0000'
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
pylab.pie(fracs, labels=labels, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%',
pylab.title('Versions', bbox={'facecolor': '0.8', 'pad': 5})
def pie_packages(**kwargs):
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
gpk = getpackages(**kwargs)
n_packages = gpk.count()
n_packages_uptodate_main = gpk.filter(n_versions=F('n_packaged')).count()
n_packages_uptodate_all = gpk.filter(n_versions=F('n_packaged') + \
n_packages_outdated = n_packages - n_packages_uptodate_all
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
n_packages_uptodate_ovl = n_packages_uptodate_all - \
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
pylab.figure(1, figsize=(3.5, 3.5))
if n_packages_uptodate_ovl:
labels = 'Ok (gentoo)', 'Ok (overlays)', 'Outdated'
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
fracs = [n_packages_uptodate_main, n_packages_uptodate_ovl,
colors = '#008000', '#0B17FD', '#FF0000'
labels = 'Ok (gentoo)', 'Outdated'
fracs = [n_packages_uptodate_main, n_packages_outdated]
colors = '#008000', '#FF0000'
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
pylab.pie(fracs, labels=labels, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%',
pylab.title('Packages', bbox={'facecolor': '0.8', 'pad': 5})
def rrd_path(name):
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
res = str(os.path.join(settings.RRD_ROOT, name))
if res.endswith(".rrd"):
return res
return res + ".rrd"
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
def rrd_create(name, start=None):
if start is None:
start = int(time.time())
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
path = rrd_path(name)
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
if not os.path.exists(path):
rrdtool.create(path, '--step', '86400',
'--start', '%s' % int(start - 10),
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def rrd_update(name, datetime, values):
now = time.mktime(datetime.timetuple())
rrd_create(name, now)
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
'%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d:%d' % \
(now, values.n_packages_gentoo, values.n_packages_overlay,
values.n_packages_outdated, values.n_versions_gentoo,
values.n_versions_overlay, values.n_versions_upstream)
[-s|--start time] [-e|--end time] [-S|--step seconds]
[-t|--title string] [-v|--vertical-label string]
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
[-w|--width pixels] [-h|--height pixels] [-j|--only-graph]
[-D|--full-size-mode][-u|--upper-limit value] [-l|--lower-limit value]
[-u|--upper-limit value] [-l|--lower-limit value] [-r|--rigid]
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def cached_rrd_chart(f):
def new_f(*args, **kwds):
if 'period' not in kwds:
kwds['period'] = '-yearly'
name = chart_name(f.func_name, **kwds)
path = os.path.join(CHARTS_ROOT, name)
if not chart_alive(name):
kwds['title'] = '%s (%s)' % (f.func_name, kwds['period'])
kwds['steps'] = kwds['period']
kwds['vertical-label'] = f.func_name
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
kwds['rrd'] = rrd_path(rrd_name(**kwds))
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
rrd_create(kwds['rrd']) # create the rrd file if it's not present
kwds['path'] = path
kwds['end'] = 'now'
if kwds['period'] == '-weekly':
kwds['start'] = 'now-4weeks'
elif kwds['period'] == '-monthly':
kwds['start'] = 'now-12months'
kwds['start'] = 'now-4years'
if '-small' in kwds and kwds['-small']:
kwds['width'] = '100'
kwds['height'] = '30'
kwds['graph-mode'] = '--only-graph'
kwds['width'] = '500'
kwds['height'] = '170'
kwds['graph-mode'] = '--full-size-mode'
f(*args, **kwds)
return name
new_f.func_name = f.func_name
return new_f
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def packages(**kwargs):
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
path = str(kwargs['path'])
rrd = kwargs['rrd']
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
'--imgformat', 'PNG',
'--width', kwargs['width'],
'--height', kwargs['height'],
'--color', 'CANVAS#FFFFFF00',
'--color', 'BACK#FFFFFF00',
'--start', kwargs['start'],
'--end', kwargs['end'],
'--vertical-label', kwargs['vertical-label'],
'--title', kwargs['title'],
'--lower-limit', '0',
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
'DEF:n_packages_gentoo=%s:n_packages_gentoo:AVERAGE' % rrd,
'DEF:n_packages_overlay=%s:n_packages_overlay:AVERAGE' % rrd,
'DEF:n_packages_outdated=%s:n_packages_outdated:AVERAGE' % rrd,
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
def versions(**kwargs):
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
path = str(kwargs['path'])
rrd = kwargs['rrd']
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00
'--imgformat', 'PNG',
'--width', kwargs['width'],
'--height', kwargs['height'],
'--color', 'CANVAS#FFFFFF00',
'--color', 'BACK#FFFFFF00',
'--start', kwargs['start'],
'--end', kwargs['end'],
'--vertical-label', kwargs['vertical-label'],
'--title', kwargs['title'],
'--lower-limit', '0',
2012-05-07 19:09:08 +02:00
'DEF:n_versions_gentoo=%s:n_versions_gentoo:AVERAGE' % rrd,
'DEF:n_versions_overlay=%s:n_versions_overlay:AVERAGE' % rrd,
'DEF:n_versions_outdated=%s:n_versions_upstream:AVERAGE' % rrd,
2012-04-28 18:16:05 +02:00