Maxim Kim c47bf06d92 Version 0.8.1
* [new] Vimwiki's foldmethod changed from syntax to expr. Foldtext is changed to be nicer with folded list items.
  * [new] Fold/outline list items.
  * [new] It is possible now to edit wiki files in arbitrary directories which is not in g:vimwiki_list's paths. New WikiWords are created in the path of the current WikiWord.
  * [new] User can remap Vimwiki's built in mappings.
  * [new] Added g:vimwiki_use_mouse. It is off by default.
  * [fix] Removed <C-h> mapping.
0001-01-01 00:00:00 +00:00

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84 KiB
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" Vimball Archiver by Charles E. Campbell, Jr., Ph.D.
doc\vimwiki.txt [[[1
*vimwiki.txt* A Personal Wiki for Vim
__ __ ______ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ~
/\ \/\ \/\__ _\ /'\_/`\/\ \ __/\ \/\__ _\ /\ \/\ \ /\__ _\ ~
\ \ \ \ \/_/\ \/ /\ \ \ \/\ \ \ \/_/\ \/ \ \ \/'/'\/_/\ \/ ~
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \__\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , < \ \ \ ~
\ \ \_/ \ \_\ \__\ \ \_/\ \ \ \_/ \_\ \ \_\ \__\ \ \\`\ \_\ \__ ~
\ `\___/ /\_____\\ \_\\ \_\ `\___x___/ /\_____\\ \_\ \_\ /\_____\~
`\/__/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/'\/__//__/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/~
Version: 0.8.1 ~
CONTENTS *vimwiki-contents*
1. Quick start .............................|vimwiki|
2. Prerequisites ...........................|vimwiki-prerequisites|
3. Mappings ................................|vimwiki-mappings|
3.1. Global mappings .....................|vimwiki-global-mappings|
3.2. Local mappings ......................|vimwiki-local-mappings|
4. Commands ................................|vimwiki-commands|
4.1. Global commands .....................|vimwiki-global-commands|
4.2. Local commands ......................|vimwiki-local-commands|
5. Wiki syntax .............................|vimwiki-syntax|
5.1. Typefaces ...........................|vimwiki-syntax-typefaces|
5.2. Links ...............................|vimwiki-syntax-links|
5.3. Headers .............................|vimwiki-syntax-headers|
5.4. Paragraphs...........................|vimwiki-syntax-paragraphs|
5.5. Lists ...............................|vimwiki-syntax-lists|
5.6. Tables ..............................|vimwiki-syntax-tables|
5.7. Preformatted text ...................|vimwiki-syntax-preformatted|
6. Folding/Outline .........................|vimwiki-folding|
7. Getting Things Done (GTD)................|vimwiki-gtd|
8. Options .................................|vimwiki-options|
9. Help ....................................|vimwiki-help|
10. Known issues ...........................|vimwiki-issues|
11. Author .................................|vimwiki-author|
12. Changelog ..............................|vimwiki-changelog|
13. License ................................|vimwiki-license|
1. Quick start *vimwiki*
Vimwiki is a personal wiki for Vim. Using it you can organize text files with
hyperlinks. To do a quick start press <Leader>ww (this is usually \ww) to go
to your index wiki file. By default it is located in: >
You do not have to create it manually -- vimwiki can make it for you.
Feed it with the following example (copy&paste without and between ---) :
! My knowledge base
* MyUrgentTasks -- things to be done _yesterday_!!!
* ProjectGutenberg -- good books are power.
* MusicILike, MusicIHate.
Notice that ProjectGutenberg, MyUrgentTasks, MusicILike and MusicIHate
highlighted as errors. These WikiWords (WikiWord or WikiPage --
capitalized word connected with other capitalized words) do not exist yet.
Place cursor on ProjectGutenberg and press Enter. Now you are in
ProjectGutenberg. Edit and save it, then press Backspace to return
to previous WikiPage. You should see the difference in highlighting now.
Now begin to add your own information ...
2. Prerequisites *vimwiki-prerequisites*
Make sure you have these settings in your vimrc file: >
set nocompatible
filetype plugin on
syntax on
Without them Vimwiki will not work properly.
3. Mappings *vimwiki-mappings*
There are global and local mappings in vimwiki.
3.1. Global mappings *vimwiki-global-mappings*
<Leader>ww or <Plug>VimwikiGoHome
Open index file of the [count]'s wiki.
<Leader>ww opens first wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
1<Leader>ww as above opens first wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
2<Leader>ww opens second wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
3<Leader>ww opens third wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>w <Plug>VimwikiGoHome
See also|:VimwikiGoHome|
<Leader>wt or <Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome
Open index file of the [count]'s wiki in a new tab.
<Leader>ww tabopens first wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
1<Leader>ww as above tabopens first wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
2<Leader>ww tabopens second wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
3<Leader>ww tabopens third wiki from |g:vimwiki_list|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>t <Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome
See also|:VimwikiTabGoHome|
<Leader>ws or <Plug>VimwikiUISelect
List and select available wikies.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wq <Plug>VimwikiUISelect
See also|:VimwikiUISelect|
3.1. Local mappings *vimwiki-local-mappings*
Normal mode (Keyboard):~
<CR> Follow/Create WikiWord.
Maps to|:VimwikiFollowWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wf <Plug>VimwikiFollowWord
<S-CR> Split and follow/create WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiSplitWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>we <Plug>VimwikiSplitWord
<C-CR> Vertical split and follow/create WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiVSplitWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wq <Plug>VimwikiVSplitWord
<Backspace> Go back to previous WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiGoBackWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wb <Plug>VimwikiGoBackWord
<Tab> Find next WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiNextWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wn <Plug>VimwikiNextWord
<S-Tab> Find previous WikiWord
Maps to|:VimwikiPrevWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>wp <Plug>VimwikiPrevWord
<Leader>wd Delete WikiWord you are in.
Maps to|:VimwikiDeleteWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>dd <Plug>VimwikiDeleteWord
<Leader>wr Rename WikiWord you are in.
Maps to|:VimwikiRenameWord|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>rr <Plug>VimwikiRenameWord
<C-Space> Toggle list item on/off (checked/unchecked)
Maps to|:VimwikiGTDToggleItem|.
To remap: >
:map <leader>tt <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
See |vimwiki-gtd|.
Normal mode (Mouse): ~
Works only if |g:vimwiki_use_mouse| is set to 1.
<2-LeftMouse> Follow/Create WikiWord
<S-2-LeftMouse> Split and follow/create WikiWord
<C-2-LeftMouse> Vertical split and follow/create WikiWord
<RightMouse><LeftMouse> Go back to previous WikiWord
Note: <2-LeftMouse> is just left double click.
4. Commands *vimwiki-commands*
4.1. Global Commands *vimwiki-global-commands*
Open index file of the current wiki.
Open index file of the current wiki in a new tab.
Open index file of the selected wiki.
4.2. Local commands *vimwiki-local-commands*
Follow/create WikiWord.
Go back to previous WikiWord you come from.
Split and follow/create WikiWord.
Vertical split and follow/create WikiWord.
Find next WikiWord.
Find previous WikiWord.
Delete WikiWord you are in.
Rename WikiWord you are in.
Convert current WikiPage to HTML.
Convert all WikiPages to HTML.
Note that in order 2HTML commands to work you should set up & create html
directory. By default it is g:vimwiki_home/html/ so just go to g:vimwiki_home
and create html directory there.
Toggle list item on/off (checked/unchecked)
See |vimwiki-gtd|.
5. Wiki syntax *vimwiki-syntax*
There are a lot of different wikies out there. Most of them have their own
syntax and vimwiki is not an exception here. Default vimwiki's syntax is quite
similar to what google's wiki has. With the noticeable difference in headings
As for MediaWiki's syntax -- it is not that convenient for non English
(Russian in my case :)) keyboard layouts to emphasize text as it uses a lot
of '''''' to do it. You have to switch layouts every time you want some bold
non English text. This is the answer to "Why not MediaWiki?"
Nevertheless, there is MediaWiki syntax file included in the distribution (it
doesn't have all the fancy stuff original MediaWiki syntax has though). As the
Google's one. See |vimwiki-option-syntax|.
5.1. Typefaces *vimwiki-syntax-typefaces*
There are a few typefaces that gives you a bit of control on how your
text should be decorated: >
*bold text*
_italic text_
~~strikeout text~~
`code (no syntax) text`
5.2. Links *vimwiki-syntax-links*
Internal links:
[[This is a link]]
[[link source|Description of the link]]
External links effects are visible after export to HTML.
Plain link:
Link with description
[ habamax home page]
Image link is the link with one of jpg, png or gif endings.
Plain image link:
Image thumbnail link:
Link to local image:
[[images/pabloymoira.jpg|Pablo y Moira]]
Path to image (ie. images/pabloymoira.jpg) is relative to
5.3. Headers *vimwiki-syntax-headers*
! Header level 1
!! Header level 2
!!! Header level 3
!!!! Header level 4
!!!!! Header level 5
!!!!!! Header level 6
5.4. Paragraphs *vimwiki-syntax-paragraphs*
Every line started from column 0 (zero) is a paragraph if it is not a list,
table or preformatted text.
5.5. Lists *vimwiki-syntax-lists*
Indent lists with at least one space:
* Bulleted list item 1
* Bulleted list item 2
* Bulleted list sub item 1
* Bulleted list sub item 2
* more ...
* and more ...
* ...
* Bulleted list sub item 3
* etc.
The same goes for numbered lists:
# Numbered list item 1
# Numbered list item 2
# Numbered list sub item 1
# Numbered list sub item 2
# more ...
# and more ...
# ...
# Numbered list sub item 3
# etc.
It is possible to mix bulleted and numbered lists.
5.6. Tables *vimwiki-syntax-tables*
Tables are created by entering the content of each cell separated by ||
delimiters. You can insert other inline wiki syntax in table cells, including
typeface formatting and links.
For example:
||*Year*s||*Temperature (low)*||*Temperature (high)*||
||1900 ||-10 ||25 ||
||1910 ||-15 ||30 ||
||1920 ||-10 ||32 ||
||1930 ||_N/A_ ||_N/A_ ||
||1940 ||-2 ||40 ||
5.7. Preformatted text *vimwiki-syntax-preformatted*
If the line started from whitespace and is not a list it is "preformatted" text.
For example: >
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?
Or use {{{ and }}} to define pre:
{{{ >
Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare sieze the fire?
It could be started from column 0.
6. Folding/Outline *vimwiki-folding*
Vimwiki can fold or outline headers and list items.
Enable folding with the following command: >
:set foldenable
! My current task
* [ ] Do stuff 1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2.1
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2.2
* [ ] Do substuff 1.3
* [ ] Do stuff 2
* [ ] Do stuff 3
Hit |zM| :
! My current task [8] --------------------------------------~
Hit |zr| :
! My current task~
* [ ] Do stuff 1 [5] --------------------------------------~
* [ ] Do stuff 2~
* [ ] Do stuff 3~
Hit |zr| one more time:
! My current task~
* [ ] Do stuff 1~
* [ ] Do substuff 1.1~
* [ ] Do substuff 1.2 [2] -------------------------------~
* [ ] Do substuff 1.3~
* [ ] Do stuff 2~
* [ ] Do stuff 3~
NOTE: Whether you use default or google syntax, folding on list items should
work properly only if all of them are indented using current |shiftwidth|.
For MediaWiki * or # should be in the first column.
7. Getting Things Done (GTD) *vimwiki-gtd*
That is not really a GTD :). But vimwiki can handle "projects" that are just
lists of items you can check/uncheck.
Consider the following example:
!!! Toggleable list of items
* [x] Toggle list item on/off.
* [x] Simple toggling between [ ] and [x].
* [x] All list's subitems should be toggled on/off appropriately.
* [x] Toggle child subitems only if current line is list item
* [x] Parent list item should be toggled depending on it's child items.
* [x] Make numbered list items toggleable too
* [x] Add highlighting to list item boxes
* [x] Add [ ] to the next created with o, O and <CR> list item.
Pressing <C-Space> on the first list item will toggle it and all of it's child
8. Options *vimwiki-options*
Default: default wiki *vimwiki-multiple-wikies*
Values: list of options for each wiki.
Each item in g:vimwiki_list is a |Dictionary| that holds all customization
available for a wiki represented by that item. It is in form of >
{'option1': 'value1', 'option2: 'value2', ...}
Consider the following example: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'path_html': '~/public_html/'}]
It gives us one wiki located at ~/my_site/ that could be htmlized to
The next example: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'path_html': '~/public_html/'},
\ {'path': '~/my_docs/', 'ext': '.mdox'}]
gives us 2 wikies, first wiki as in previous example, second one is located in
~/my_docs/ and its files have .mdox extension.
Empty |Dictionary| in the g:vimwiki_list is the wiki with default options: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{},
\ {'path': '~/my_docs/', 'ext': '.mdox'}]
Key Default value~
path ~/vimwiki/
Wiki files location: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/'}]
Key Default value~
path_html ~/vimwiki_html/
HTML files converted from wiki files location: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
\ 'path_html': '~/my_site_html/'}]
If you omit this option path_html would be path - '/' + '_html/': >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/okidoki/'}]
ie, path_html = '~/okidoki_html/'
Key Default value~
index index
Name of wiki index file: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'index': 'main'}]
NOTE: Do not add extension.
Key Default value~
ext .wiki
Extension of wiki files: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
\ 'index': 'main', 'ext': '.document'}]
Key Default value Values~
syntax default default, google, media
Wiki syntax.
You can use different markup languages (currently default vimwiki, google and
MediaWiki) but only vimwiki's default markup could be converted to HTML at the
To use MediaWiki's wiki markup: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'syntax': 'media'}]
To use google's wiki markup: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'syntax': 'google'}]
Key Default value~
Set up file name for html header template: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
\ 'html_header': '~/public_html/header.tpl'}]
This header.tpl could look like: >
<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<div class="contents">
where %title% is replaced by a wiki page name.
Key Default value~
Set up file name for html footer template: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/',
\ 'html_footer': '~/public_html/footer.tpl'}]
This footer.tpl could look like: >
Key Default value Values~
gohome split split, vsplit, tabe
This option controls the way |:VimwikiGoHome| command works.
For instance you have 'No write since last change' buffer. After <Leader>ww
(or :VimwikiGoHome) vimwiki index file will be splitted with it. Or vertically
splitted. Or opened in a new tab.
Ex: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'gohome': 'vsplit'}]
Key Default value Values~
maxhi 1 0, 1
Non-existent WikiWord highlighting could be quite slow and if you don't want
it set maxhi to 0: >
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path': '~/my_site/', 'maxhi': '0'}]
This disables filesystem checks for WikiWords.
Default: "A-ZА-Я" *g:vimwiki_upper*
Values: Upper letters (ranges)
This affects WikiWord detection.
By default WikiWord detection uses English and Russian letters.
You can set up your own: >
let g:vimwiki_upper="A-Z"
Default: "a-zа-я" *g:vimwiki_lower*
Values: Lower letters ranges
See |g:vimwiki_upper|: >
let g:vimwiki_lower="a-z"
Default: "_" *g:vimwiki_stripsym*
Values: symbol
Change strip symbol -- in Windows you cannot use /*?<>:" in file names so
vimwiki replaces them with symbol given below: (_ is default): >
let g:vimwiki_stripsym = '_'
Default: 0 *g:vimwiki_use_mouse*
Values: 0, 1
Use local mouse mappings from|vimwiki-local-mappings|: >
let g:vimwiki_use_mouse = 1
Do not use it: >
let g:vimwiki_use_mouse = 0
9. Help *vimwiki-help*
As you could see I am not native English speaker (not a writer as well).
Please send me correct phrases instead of that incorrect stuff I have used
Any help is really appreciated!
10. Known issues *vimwiki-issues*
Opening your wikifiles makes them changed although there were no changes at
all. It happens only if you have .wiki extension which is used by FlexWiki
ftplugin in the first place to make its own set up. Which is successfully
overriden by vimwiki. But.
FlexWiki ftplugin has 'setlocal bomb' that makes your wikifiles sort of
1. Open $VIMRUNTIME/filetype.vim, find FlexWiki and comment it out: >
" au BufNewFile,BufRead *.wiki setf flexwiki
2. Or use other than .wiki extension with vimwiki. See |vimwiki-option-ext|.
11. Author *vimwiki-author*
I live in Moscow and you may believe me -- there are no polar bears (no brown
too) here in the streets.
I do not do programming for a living. So don't blame me for an ugly
ineffective code. Send me a better one instead. :)
Many thanks to all of you for voting vimwiki up on I do vimwiki
in my spare time I could use to dance argentine tango with beautiful women.
Your votes are kind of a good replacement. ;)
Sincerely yours,
Maxim Kim <>.
Vimwiki's website:
Vim plugins website:
12. Changelog *vimwiki-changelog*
* [new] Vimwiki's foldmethod changed from syntax to expr. Foldtext is
changed to be nicer with folded list items.
* [new] Fold/outline list items.
* [new] It is possible now to edit wiki files in arbitrary directories which
is not in g:vimwiki_list's paths. New WikiWords are created in the path of
the current WikiWord.
* [new] User can remap Vimwiki's built in mappings.
* [new] Added |g:vimwiki_use_mouse|. It is off by default.
* [fix] Removed <C-h> mapping.
* [new] Multiple wikies support. A lot of options have been changed, see
* [new] Auto create directories.
* [new] Checked list item highlighted as comment.
* [fix] Multiple 'set ft=vimwiki' for each buffer disabled. Vimwiki should
load its buffers a bit faster now.
* [new] <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem added to be able to remap <C-Space> to
anything user prefers more.
* [fix] Toggleable list items do not work with MediaWiki markup.
* [fix] Changing g:vimwiki_home_html to path with ~ while vimwiki is
loaded gives errors for HTML export.
* [del] Command :VimwikiExploreHome.
* [new] GTD stuff -- toggleable list items. See |vimwiki-gtd|.
* [fix] Headers do not fold inner headers. (Thanks Brett Stahlman)
* [fix] Remove last blank lines from preformatted text at the end of file.
* [del] Removed g:vimwiki_smartCR option.
* [new] [[link|description]] is available now.
* [fix] Barebone links (ie: get extra
escaping of ? and friends so they become invalid in HTML.
* [fix] In linux going to [[wiki with whitespaces]] and then pressing BS
to go back to prev wikipage produce error. (Thanks Brendon Bensel for
the fix)
* [fix] Remove setlocal encoding and fileformat from vimwiki ftplugin.
* [fix] Some tweaks on default style.css
* [fix] [blablabla bla] shouldn't be converted to a link.
* [fix] Remove extra annoing empty strings from PRE tag made from
whitespaces in HTML export.
* [fix] Moved functions related to HTML converting to new autoload module
to increase a bit vimwiki startup time.
* [new] Header and footer templates. See|g:vimwiki_html_header| and
* [fix] |:Vimwiki2HTML| does not recognize ~ as part of a valid path.
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Error when g:vimwiki_home had
whitespaces in path.
* [fix] |:VimwikiSplitWord| and |:VimwikiVSplitWord| didn't work.
* [new] Added |:VimwikiGoHome|, |:VimwikiTabGoHome| and
|:VimwikiExploreHome| commands.
* [new] Added <Leader>wt mapping to open vimwiki index file in a new tab.
* [new] Added g:vimwiki_gohome option that controls how|:VimwikiGoHome|
works when current buffer is changed. (Thanks Timur Zaripov)
* [fix] Fixed |:VimwikiRenameWord|. Very bad behaviour when autochdir
isn't set up.
* [fix] Fixed commands :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to be available only
for vimwiki buffers.
* [fix] Renamed :Wiki2HTML and :WikiAll2HTML to |:Vimwiki2HTML| and
|:VimwikiAll2HTML| commands.
* [fix] Help file corrections.
* [new] This help is created.
* [new] Now you can fold headers.
* [new] <Plug>VimwikiGoHome and <Plug>VimwikiExploreHome were added.
* [fix] Bug with {{{HelloWikiWord}}} export to HTML is fixed.
* [del] Sync option removed from: Syntax highlighting for preformatted
text {{{ }}}.
* [new] vimwiki default markup to HTML conversion improved.
* [new] Added basic GoogleWiki and MediaWiki markup languages.
* [new] Chinese [[complex wiki words]].
* [new] vimwiki=>HTML converter in plain Vim language.
* [new] Plugin autoload.
* [fix] Backup files (.wiki~) caused a bunch of errors while opening wiki
* FIXED: [[wiki word with dots at the end...]] didn't work.
* [new] Added error handling for delete wiki word function.
* [new] Added keybindings o and O for list items when g:vimwiki_smartCR=1.
* [new] Added keybinding <Leader>wh to visit wiki home directory.
* [fix] Renaming -- error if complex wiki word contains %.
* [fix] Syntax highlighting for preformatted text {{{ }}}. Sync option
* [fix] smartCR bug fix.
* [fix] Renaming -- [[hello world?]] to [[hello? world]] links are not
* [fix] Buffers menu is a bit awkward after renaming.
* [new] Use mouse to follow links. Left double-click to follow WikiWord,
Rightclick then Leftclick to go back.
* [new] Highlight non-existent WikiWords.
* [new] Delete current WikiWord (<Leader>wd).
* [new] g:vimwiki_smartCR=2 => use Vim comments (see :h comments :h
formatoptions) feature to deal with list items. (thx -- Dmitry
* [new] Highlight TODO:, DONE:, FIXED:, FIXME:.
* [new] Rename current WikiWord -- be careful on Windows you cannot rename
wikiword to WikiWord. After renaming update all links to that renamed
* [fix] Bug -- do not duplicate WikiWords in wiki history.
* [fix] After renaming [[wiki word]] twice buffers are not deleted.
* [fix] Renaming from [[wiki word]] to WikiWord result is [[WikiWord]]
* [fix] More than one complex words on one line is bugging each other when
try go to one of them. [[bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo]] becomes
bla bla bla]] [[dodo dodo dodo.
* [new] Added keybinding <S-CR> -- split WikiWord
* [new] Added keybinding <C-CR> -- vertical split WikiWord
* [new] Install on Linux now works.
* [new] Added part of Google's Wiki syntax.
* [new] Added auto insert # with ENTER.
* [new] On/Off auto insert bullet with ENTER.
* [new] Strip [[complex wiki name]] from symbols that cannot be used in
file names.
* [new] Links to non-wiki files. Non wiki files are files with extensions
ie [[hello world.txt]] or [[my homesite.html]]
* First public version.
13. License *vimwiki-license*
GNU General Public License v2
To be frank I didn't read it myself. It is not that easy reading. But I hope
it's free enough to suit your needs.
syntax\vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki syntax file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" Quit if syntax file is already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
"" use max highlighting - could be quite slow if there are too many wikifiles
if VimwikiGet('maxhi')
" Every WikiWord is nonexistent
execute 'syntax match wikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word1.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/'
" till we find them in vimwiki's path
call vimwiki#WikiHighlightWords()
" A WikiWord (unqualifiedWikiName)
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /'.g:vimwiki_word1.'/'
" A [[bracketed wiki word]]
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/'
let g:vimwiki_rxWeblink = '\("[^"(]\+\((\([^)]\+\))\)\?":\)\?\(https\?\|ftp\|gopher\|telnet\|file\|notes\|ms-help\):\(\(\(//\)\|\(\\\\\)\)\+[A-Za-z0-9:#@%/;$~_?+=.&\\\-]*\)'
execute 'syntax match wikiLink `'.g:vimwiki_rxWeblink.'`'
" Emoticons: must come after the Textilisms, as later rules take precedence
" over earlier ones. This match is an approximation for the ~70 distinct
syntax match wikiEmoticons /\((.)\|:[()|$@]\|:-[DOPS()\]|$@]\|;)\|:'(\)/
let g:vimwiki_rxTodo = '\(TODO:\|DONE:\|FIXME:\|FIXED:\)'
execute 'syntax match wikiTodo /'. g:vimwiki_rxTodo .'/'
" Load concrete Wiki syntax
execute 'runtime! syntax/vimwiki_'.VimwikiGet('syntax').'.vim'
execute 'syntax match wikiBold /'.g:vimwiki_rxBold.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiItalic /'.g:vimwiki_rxItalic.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiBoldItalic /'.g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiDelText /'.g:vimwiki_rxDelText.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiSuperScript /'.g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiSubScript /'.g:vimwiki_rxSubScript.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiCode /'.g:vimwiki_rxCode.'/'
" Aggregate all the regular text highlighting into wikiText
syntax cluster wikiText contains=wikiItalic,wikiBold,wikiCode,wikiDelText,wikiSuperScript,wikiSubScript,wikiWord,wikiEmoticons
" Header levels, 1-6
execute 'syntax match wikiHeader /'.g:vimwiki_rxHeader.'/'
" execute 'syntax match wikiH2 /'.g:vimwiki_rxH2.'/'
" execute 'syntax match wikiH3 /'.g:vimwiki_rxH3.'/'
" execute 'syntax match wikiH4 /'.g:vimwiki_rxH4.'/'
" execute 'syntax match wikiH5 /'.g:vimwiki_rxH5.'/'
" execute 'syntax match wikiH6 /'.g:vimwiki_rxH6.'/'
" <hr> horizontal rule
execute 'syntax match wikiHR /'.g:vimwiki_rxHR.'/'
" Tables
execute 'syntax match wikiTable /'.g:vimwiki_rxTable.'/'
" List items
execute 'syntax match wikiList /'.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'/'
execute 'syntax match wikiList /'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'/'
" Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text.
execute 'syntax match wikiPre /'.g:vimwiki_rxPre1.'/'
execute 'syntax region wikiPre start=/'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart.'/ end=/'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd.'/'
" List item checkbox
syntax match wikiCheckBox /\[.\?\]/
execute 'syntax match wikiCheckBoxDone /'.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\s*\[x\].*$/'
execute 'syntax match wikiCheckBoxDone /'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\s*\[x\].*$/'
hi def link wikiHeader Title
hi def wikiBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold
hi def wikiItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic
hi def wikiBoldItalic term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold,italic
hi def link wikiCode PreProc
hi def link wikiWord Underlined
hi def link wikiNoExistsWord Error
hi def link wikiPre PreProc
hi def link wikiLink Underlined
hi def link wikiList Operator
hi def link wikiCheckBox wikiList
hi def link wikiCheckBoxDone Comment
hi def link wikiTable PreProc
hi def link wikiEmoticons Constant
hi def link wikiDelText Comment
hi def link wikiInsText Constant
hi def link wikiSuperScript Constant
hi def link wikiSubScript Constant
hi def link wikiTodo Todo
let b:current_syntax="vimwiki"
syntax\vimwiki_default.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki syntax file
" Default syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\*[^*`]\+\*\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: _emphasis_
" let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '_[^_]\+_'
let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs_[^_`]\+_\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: *_strong italic_* or _*italic strong*_
let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\(\*_[^*_`]\+_\*\)\|\(_\*[^*_`]\+\*_\)\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: `code`
let g:vimwiki_rxCode = '`[^`]\+`'
" text: ~~deleted text~~
let g:vimwiki_rxDelText = '\~\~[^~`]\+\~\~'
" text: ^superscript^
let g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript = '\^[^^`]\+\^'
" text: ,,subscript,,
let g:vimwiki_rxSubScript = ',,[^,`]\+,,'
" Header levels, 1-6
let g:vimwiki_rxH1 = '^!\{1}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH2 = '^!\{2}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH3 = '^!\{3}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH4 = '^!\{4}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH5 = '^!\{5}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH6 = '^!\{6}.*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH1.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH2.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH3.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH4.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH5.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH6.'\)'
" <hr>, horizontal rule
let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^----.*$'
" Tables. Each line starts and ends with '||'; each cell is separated by '||'
let g:vimwiki_rxTable = '||'
" List items start with whitespace(s) then '*' or '#'
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = '^\s\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '^\s\+#'
" Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text.
let g:vimwiki_rxPre1 = '^\s\+[^[:blank:]*#].*$'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '{{{'
let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '}}}'
" vim:tw=0:
syntax\vimwiki_google.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki syntax file
" GoogleWiki syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" text: *strong*
" let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\*[^*`]\+\*\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: _emphasis_
" let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '_[^_]\+_'
let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs_[^_`]\+_\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: *_strong italic_* or _*italic strong*_
let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = '\(^\|\s\+\|[[:punct:]]\)\zs\(\*_[^*_`]\+_\*\)\|\(_\*[^*_`]\+\*_\)\ze\([[:punct:]]\|\s\+\|$\)'
" text: `code`
let g:vimwiki_rxCode = '`[^`]\+`'
" text: ~~deleted text~~
let g:vimwiki_rxDelText = '\~\~[^~`]\+\~\~'
" text: ^superscript^
let g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript = '\^[^^`]\+\^'
" text: ,,subscript,,
let g:vimwiki_rxSubScript = ',,[^,`]\+,,'
" Header levels, 1-6
let g:vimwiki_rxH1 = '^\s*=\{1}.*=\{1}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH2 = '^\s*=\{2}.*=\{2}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH3 = '^\s*=\{3}.*=\{3}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH4 = '^\s*=\{4}.*=\{4}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH5 = '^\s*=\{5}.*=\{5}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH6 = '^\s*=\{6}.*=\{6}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH1.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH2.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH3.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH4.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH5.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH6.'\)'
" <hr>, horizontal rule
let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^----.*$'
" Tables. Each line starts and ends with '||'; each cell is separated by '||'
let g:vimwiki_rxTable = '||'
" Bulleted list items start with whitespace(s), then '*'
" syntax match wikiList /^\s\+\(\*\|[1-9]\+0*\.\).*$/ contains=@wikiText
" highlight only bullets and digits.
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = '^\s\+\*'
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '^\s\+#'
" Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text.
let g:vimwiki_rxPre1 = '^\s\+[^[:blank:]*#].*$'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '{{{'
let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '}}}'
" vim:tw=0:
syntax\vimwiki_media.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki syntax file
" MediaWiki syntax
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" text: '''strong'''
let g:vimwiki_rxBold = "'''[^']\\+'''"
" text: ''emphasis''
let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = "''[^']\\+''"
" text: '''''strong italic'''''
let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = "'''''[^']\\+'''''"
" text: `code`
let g:vimwiki_rxCode = '`[^`]\+`'
" text: ~~deleted text~~
let g:vimwiki_rxDelText = '\~\~[^~]\+\~\~'
" text: ^superscript^
let g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript = '\^[^^]\+\^'
" text: ,,subscript,,
let g:vimwiki_rxSubScript = ',,[^,]\+,,'
" Header levels, 1-6
let g:vimwiki_rxH1 = '^\s*=\{1}.\+=\{1}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH2 = '^\s*=\{2}.\+=\{2}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH3 = '^\s*=\{3}.\+=\{3}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH4 = '^\s*=\{4}.\+=\{4}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH5 = '^\s*=\{5}.\+=\{5}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxH6 = '^\s*=\{6}.\+=\{6}\s*$'
let g:vimwiki_rxHeader = '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH1.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH2.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH3.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH4.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH5.'\)\|'.
\ '\('.g:vimwiki_rxH6.'\)'
" <hr>, horizontal rule
let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^----.*$'
" Tables. Each line starts and ends with '||'; each cell is separated by '||'
let g:vimwiki_rxTable = '||'
" Bulleted list items start with whitespace(s), then '*'
" highlight only bullets and digits.
let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = '^\s*\*\+\([^*]*$\)\@='
let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '^\s*#\+'
" Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text.
let g:vimwiki_rxPre1 = '^\s\+[^[:blank:]*#].*$'
" Preformatted text
let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '<pre>'
let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '<\/pre>'
" vim:tw=78:
autoload\vimwiki_gtd.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" GTD (Getting Things Done) related stuff here.
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_gtd_auto") || &cp
let g:loaded_vimwiki_gtd_auto = 1
" used in various checks
let s:rx_list_item = '\('.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.
\ '\)'.
\ '\s*\zs\[.\?\]'
let s:rx_li_box = '\[.\?\]'
let s:rx_li_unchecked = '\[\s\?\]'
" used in substitutions
let s:rx_li_check = '\[x\]'
let s:rx_li_uncheck = '\[ \]'
" Set state of the list item on line number "lnum" to [ ] or [x]
function! s:set_state(lnum, on_off)"{{{
let line = getline(a:lnum)
if a:on_off
let state = s:rx_li_check
let state = s:rx_li_uncheck
let line = substitute(line, s:rx_li_box, state, '')
call setline(a:lnum, line)
" Get state of the list item on line number "lnum"
function! s:get_state(lnum)"{{{
let state = 1
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let opt = matchstr(line, s:rx_list_item)
if opt =~ s:rx_li_unchecked
let state = 0
return state
" Returns: 1 if line is list item, 0 otherwise
function! s:is_list_item(lnum)"{{{
return getline(a:lnum) =~ s:rx_list_item
function! s:get_li_pos(lnum)"{{{
return stridx(getline(a:lnum), '[')
" Returns: list of line numbers of parent and all its child items.
function! s:get_child_items(lnum)"{{{
let result = []
let lnum = a:lnum
let parent_pos = s:get_li_pos(lnum)
" add parent
call add(result, lnum)
let lnum += 1
while s:is_list_item(lnum) &&
\ s:get_li_pos(lnum) > parent_pos &&
\ lnum <= line('$')
call add(result, lnum)
let lnum += 1
return result
" Returns: list of line numbers of all items of the same level.
function! s:get_sibling_items(lnum)"{{{
let result = []
let lnum = a:lnum
let ind = s:get_li_pos(lnum)
while s:is_list_item(lnum) &&
\ s:get_li_pos(lnum) >= ind &&
\ lnum <= line('$')
if s:get_li_pos(lnum) == ind
call add(result, lnum)
let lnum += 1
let lnum = a:lnum - 1
while s:is_list_item(lnum) &&
\ s:get_li_pos(lnum) >= ind &&
\ lnum >= 0
if s:get_li_pos(lnum) == ind
call add(result, lnum)
let lnum -= 1
return result
" Returns: line number of the parent of lnum item
function! s:get_parent_item(lnum)"{{{
let lnum = a:lnum
let ind = s:get_li_pos(lnum)
while s:is_list_item(lnum) &&
\ s:get_li_pos(lnum) >= ind &&
\ lnum >= 0
let lnum -= 1
if s:is_list_item(lnum)
return lnum
return a:lnum
" Toggle list item between [ ] and [x]
" Returns: 1 if toggled to [x]
" 0 if toggled to [ ]
function! vimwiki_gtd#GTDToggleItem()"{{{
let current_lnum = line('.')
if !s:is_list_item(current_lnum)
let current_state = s:get_state(current_lnum)
if current_state == 0
for lnum in s:get_child_items(current_lnum)
call s:set_state(lnum, 1)
let new_state = 1
for lnum in s:get_child_items(current_lnum)
call s:set_state(lnum, 0)
let new_state = 0
let c_lnum = current_lnum
while s:is_list_item(c_lnum)
let all_items_checked = 1
for lnum in s:get_sibling_items(c_lnum)
if s:get_state(lnum) != 1
let all_items_checked = 0
let parent_lnum = s:get_parent_item(c_lnum)
if parent_lnum == c_lnum
call s:set_state(parent_lnum, all_items_checked)
let c_lnum = parent_lnum
autoload\vimwiki_html.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Export to HTML
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_html_auto") || &cp
let g:loaded_vimwiki_html_auto = 1
" TODO: move the next 2 functions into vimwiki#msg and
" vimwiki#get_file_name_only.
function! s:msg(message) "{{{
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg 'vimwiki: '.a:message
echohl None
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_file_name_only(filename) "{{{
let word = substitute(a:filename, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let word = substitute(word, '.*[/\\]', "", "g")
return word
endfunction "}}}
function! s:syntax_supported() " {{{
return VimwikiGet('syntax') == "default"
endfunction " }}}
function! s:create_default_CSS(path) " {{{
let path = expand(a:path)
if glob(path.'style.css') == ""
let lines = ['body {margin: 1em 5em 1em 5em; font-size: 100%; line-height: 1.5;}']
call add(lines, 'h1 {font-size: 2.0em;}')
call add(lines, 'h2 {font-size: 1.4em;}')
call add(lines, 'h3 {font-size: 1.0em;}')
call add(lines, 'h4 {font-size: 0.8em;}')
call add(lines, 'h5 {font-size: 0.7em;}')
call add(lines, 'h6 {font-size: 0.6em;}')
call add(lines, 'h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {margin: 1.2em auto 0.6em;}')
call add(lines, 'h1 {border-bottom: 1px solid #3366cc; text-align: left; padding: 0em 1em 0em 0em;}')
call add(lines, 'h3 {background: #e5ecf9; border-top: 1px solid #3366cc; padding: 0em 0.3em 0em 0.5em;}')
call add(lines, 'p, ul, ol, pre {margin: 0.6em auto;}')
call add(lines, 'ul {margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 0.5em;}')
call add(lines, 'img {border: none;}')
call add(lines, 'pre {border-left: 1px solid #ccc; margin-left: 2em; padding-left: 0.5em;}')
call add(lines, 'td {border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 0.3em;}')
call add(lines, 'hr {border: none; border-top: 1px solid #ccc; width: 100%;}')
call add(lines, '.todo {font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; color: #FF0000;}')
call add(lines, '.strike {text-decoration: line-through;}')
call writefile(lines, path.'style.css')
echomsg "Default style.css is created."
endfunction "}}}
function! s:remove_blank_lines(lines) " {{{
while a:lines[-1] =~ '^\s*$'
call remove(a:lines, -1)
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_web_link(lnk) "{{{
if a:lnk =~ '^\(http://\|www.\|ftp://\)'
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_img_link(lnk) "{{{
if a:lnk =~ '\.\(png\|jpg\|gif\|jpeg\)$'
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_non_wiki_link(lnk) "{{{
if a:lnk =~ '.\+\..\+$'
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_html_header(title, charset) "{{{
let lines=[]
" globals are bad, but...
if VimwikiGet('html_header') != ""
let lines = readfile(expand(VimwikiGet('html_header')))
call map(lines, 'substitute(v:val, "%title%", "'. a:title .'", "g")')
return lines
catch /E484/
call s:msg("Header template ". VimwikiGet('html_header'). " does not exist!")
" if no VimwikiGet('html_header') set up or error while reading template
" file -- use default header.
call add(lines, '<html>')
call add(lines, '<head>')
call add(lines, '<link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />')
call add(lines, '<title>'.a:title.'</title>')
call add(lines, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset='.a:charset.'" />')
call add(lines, '</head>')
call add(lines, '<body>')
return lines
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_html_footer() "{{{
let lines=[]
" globals are bad, but...
if VimwikiGet('html_footer') != ""
let lines = readfile(expand(VimwikiGet('html_footer')))
return lines
catch /E484/
call s:msg("Footer template ". VimwikiGet('html_footer'). " does not exist!")
" if no VimwikiGet('html_footer') set up or error while reading template
" file -- use default footer.
call add(lines, "")
call add(lines, '</body>')
call add(lines, '</html>')
return lines
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_code(code, ldest) "{{{
if a:code
call insert(a:ldest, "</pre></code>")
return 0
return a:code
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_pre(pre, ldest) "{{{
if a:pre
call insert(a:ldest, "</pre>")
return 0
return a:pre
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_table(table, ldest) "{{{
if a:table
call insert(a:ldest, "</table>")
return 0
return a:table
endfunction "}}}
function! s:close_tag_list(lists, ldest) "{{{
while len(a:lists)
let item = remove(a:lists, -1)
call insert(a:ldest, item[0])
endfunction! "}}}
function! s:process_tag_code(line, code) "{{{
let lines = []
let code = a:code
let processed = 0
if !code && a:line =~ '^{{{\s*$'
let code = 1
call add(lines, "<code><pre>")
let processed = 1
elseif code && a:line =~ '^}}}\s*$'
let code = 0
call add(lines, "</pre></code>")
let processed = 1
elseif code
let processed = 1
call add(lines, a:line)
return [processed, lines, code]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_pre(line, pre) "{{{
let lines = []
let pre = a:pre
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^\s\+[^[:blank:]*#]'
if !pre
call add(lines, "<pre>")
let pre = 1
let processed = 1
call add(lines, a:line)
elseif pre && a:line =~ '^\s*$'
let processed = 1
call add(lines, a:line)
elseif pre
call add(lines, "</pre>")
let pre = 0
return [processed, lines, pre]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_list(line, lists) "{{{
let lines = []
let lstSym = ''
let lstTagOpen = ''
let lstTagClose = ''
let lstRegExp = ''
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^\s\+\*'
let lstSym = '*'
let lstTagOpen = '<ul>'
let lstTagClose = '</ul>'
let lstRegExp = '^\s\+\*'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^\s\+#'
let lstSym = '#'
let lstTagOpen = '<ol>'
let lstTagClose = '</ol>'
let lstRegExp = '^\s\+#'
let processed = 1
if lstSym != ''
let indent = stridx(a:line, lstSym)
let cnt = len(a:lists)
if !cnt || (cnt && indent > a:lists[-1][1])
call add(a:lists, [lstTagClose, indent])
call add(lines, lstTagOpen)
elseif (cnt && indent < a:lists[-1][1])
while indent < a:lists[-1][1]
let item = remove(a:lists, -1)
call add(lines, item[0])
" apply strikethrough for checked list items
if a:line =~ '^\s\+\(\*\|#\)\s*\[x]'
call add(lines, '<li><span class="strike">'.
\ substitute(a:line, lstRegExp, '', '').
\ '</span></li>')
call add(lines, '<li>'.substitute(a:line, lstRegExp, '', '').'</li>')
while len(a:lists)
let item = remove(a:lists, -1)
call add(lines, item[0])
return [processed, lines]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_p(line) "{{{
let lines = []
if a:line =~ '^\S'
call add(lines, '<p>'.a:line.'</p>')
return [1, lines]
return [0, lines]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_h(line) "{{{
let line = a:line
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^!\{6}.*$'
let line = '<h6>'.strpart(a:line, 6).'</h6>'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^!\{5}.*$'
let line = '<h5>'.strpart(a:line, 5).'</h5>'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^!\{4}.*$'
let line = '<h4>'.strpart(a:line, 4).'</h4>'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^!\{3}.*$'
let line = '<h3>'.strpart(a:line, 3).'</h3>'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^!\{2}.*$'
let line = '<h2>'.strpart(a:line, 2).'</h2>'
let processed = 1
elseif a:line =~ '^!\{1}.*$'
let line = '<h1>'.strpart(a:line, 1).'</h1>'
let processed = 1
return [processed, line]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_hr(line) "{{{
let line = a:line
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^-----*$'
let line = '<hr />'
let processed = 1
return [processed, line]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tag_table(line, table) "{{{
let table = a:table
let lines = []
let processed = 0
if a:line =~ '^||.\+||.*'
if !table
call add(lines, "<table>")
let table = 1
let processed = 1
call add(lines, "<tr>")
let pos1 = 0
let pos2 = 0
let done = 0
while !done
let pos1 = stridx(a:line, '||', pos2)
let pos2 = stridx(a:line, '||', pos1+2)
if pos1==-1 || pos2==-1
let done = 1
let pos2 = len(a:line)
let line = strpart(a:line, pos1+2, pos2-pos1-2)
if line != ''
call add(lines, "<td>".line."</td>")
call add(lines, "</tr>")
elseif table
call add(lines, "</table>")
let table = 0
return [processed, lines, table]
endfunction "}}}
function! s:process_tags(line) "{{{
let line = a:line
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[\[.\{-}\]\]', '', '', 2, 's:make_internal_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, '\[.\{-}\]', '', '', 1, 's:make_external_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxWeblink, '', '', 0, 's:make_barebone_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord, '', '', 0, 's:make_wikiword_link')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxItalic, '<em>', '</em>')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxBold, '<strong>', '</strong>')
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxTodo, '<span class="todo">', '</span>', 0)
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxDelText, '<span class="strike">', '</span>', 2)
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript, '<sup><small>', '</small></sup>', 1)
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxSubScript, '<sub><small>', '</small></sub>', 2)
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxCode, '<code>', '</code>')
" TODO: change make_tag function: delete cSym parameter -- count of symbols
" to strip from 2 sides of tag. Add 2 new instead -- OpenWikiTag length
" and CloseWikiTag length as for preformatted text there could be {{{,}}} and <pre>,</pre>.
let line = s:make_tag(line, g:vimwiki_rxPreStart.'.\+'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd, '<code>', '</code>', 3)
return line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:safe_html(line) "{{{
"" change dangerous html symbols: < > &
let line = substitute(a:line, '&', '\&amp;', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '<', '\&lt;', 'g')
let line = substitute(line, '>', '\&gt;', 'g')
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:make_tag_helper(line, regexp_match, tagOpen, tagClose, cSymRemove, func) " {{{
"" Substitute text found by regexp_match with tagOpen.regexp_subst.tagClose
let pos = 0
let lines = split(a:line, a:regexp_match, 1)
let res_line = ""
for line in lines
let res_line = res_line.line
let matched = matchstr(a:line, a:regexp_match, pos)
if matched != ""
let toReplace = strpart(matched, a:cSymRemove, len(matched)-2*a:cSymRemove)
if a:func!=""
let toReplace = {a:func}(toReplace)
let toReplace = a:tagOpen.toReplace.a:tagClose
let res_line = res_line.toReplace
let pos = matchend(a:line, a:regexp_match, pos)
return res_line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:make_tag(line, regexp_match, tagOpen, tagClose, ...) " {{{
"" Make tags only if not in ` ... `
"" ... should be function that process regexp_match deeper.
"check if additional function exists
let func = ""
let cSym = 1
if a:0 == 2
let cSym = a:1
let func = a:2
elseif a:0 == 1
let cSym = a:1
let patt_splitter = '\(`[^`]\+`\)\|\({{{.\+}}}\)\|\(<a href.\{-}</a>\)\|\(<img src.\{-}/>\)'
if '`[^`]\+`' == a:regexp_match || '{{{.\+}}}' == a:regexp_match
let res_line = s:make_tag_helper(a:line, a:regexp_match, a:tagOpen, a:tagClose, cSym, func)
let pos = 0
" split line with patt_splitter to have parts of line before and after
" href links, preformatted text
" ie:
" hello world `is just a` simple <a href="link.html">type of</a> prg.
" result:
" ['hello world ', ' simple ', 'type of', ' prg']
let lines = split(a:line, patt_splitter, 1)
let res_line = ""
for line in lines
let res_line = res_line.s:make_tag_helper(line, a:regexp_match, a:tagOpen, a:tagClose, cSym, func)
let res_line = res_line.matchstr(a:line, patt_splitter, pos)
let pos = matchend(a:line, patt_splitter, pos)
return res_line
endfunction " }}}
function! s:make_external_link(entag) "{{{
"" Make <a href="link">link desc</a>
"" from [link link desc]
let line = ''
if s:is_web_link(a:entag)
let lnkElements = split(a:entag)
let head = lnkElements[0]
let rest = join(lnkElements[1:])
if rest==""
let rest=head
if s:is_img_link(rest)
if rest!=head
let line = '<a href="'.head.'"><img src="'.rest.'" /></a>'
let line = '<img src="'.rest.'" />'
let line = '<a href="'.head.'">'.rest.'</a>'
elseif s:is_img_link(a:entag)
let line = '<img src="'.a:entag.'" />'
" [alskfj sfsf] shouldn't be a link. So return it as it was --
" enclosed in [...]
let line = '['.a:entag.']'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:make_internal_link(entag) "{{{
"" Make <a href="This is a link">This is a link</a>
"" from [[This is a link]]
"" Make <a href="link">This is a link</a>
"" from [[link|This is a link]]
let line = ''
let link_parts = split(a:entag, "|")
if len(link_parts) > 1
if s:is_img_link(link_parts[0])
let line = '<img src="'.link_parts[0].'" alt="'.join(link_parts[1:], "|").'" />'
elseif s:is_non_wiki_link(link_parts[0])
let line = '<a href="'.link_parts[0].'">'.join(link_parts[1:], "|").'</a>'
let line = '<a href="'.link_parts[0].'.html">'.join(link_parts[1:], "|").'</a>'
if s:is_img_link(a:entag)
let line = '<img src="'.a:entag.'" />'
elseif s:is_non_wiki_link(a:entag)
let line = '<a href="'.a:entag.'">'.a:entag.'</a>'
let line = '<a href="'.a:entag.'.html">'.a:entag.'</a>'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:make_wikiword_link(entag) "{{{
"" Make <a href="WikiWord">WikiWord</a>
"" from WikiWord
let line = '<a href="'.a:entag.'.html">'.a:entag.'</a>'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:make_barebone_link(entag) "{{{
"" Make <a href=""></a>
"" from
if s:is_img_link(a:entag)
let line = '<img src="'.a:entag.'" />'
let line = '<a href="'.a:entag.'">'.a:entag.'</a>'
return line
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_html_from_wiki_line(line, pre, code, table, lists) " {{{
let pre = a:pre
let code = a:code
let table = a:table
let lists = a:lists
let res_lines = []
let line = s:safe_html(a:line)
let processed = 0
"" Code
if !processed
let [processed, lines, code] = s:process_tag_code(line, code)
if processed && len(lists)
call s:close_tag_list(lists, lines)
if processed && table
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, lines)
if processed && pre
let pre = s:close_tag_pre(pre, lines)
call extend(res_lines, lines)
"" Pre
if !processed
let [processed, lines, pre] = s:process_tag_pre(line, pre)
if processed && len(lists)
call s:close_tag_list(lists, lines)
if processed && table
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, lines)
if processed && code
let code = s:close_tag_code(code, lines)
call extend(res_lines, lines)
"" list
if !processed
let [processed, lines] = s:process_tag_list(line, lists)
if processed && pre
let pre = s:close_tag_pre(pre, lines)
if processed && code
let code = s:close_tag_code(code, lines)
if processed && table
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, lines)
call map(lines, 's:process_tags(v:val)')
call extend(res_lines, lines)
"" table
if !processed
let [processed, lines, table] = s:process_tag_table(line, table)
call map(lines, 's:process_tags(v:val)')
call extend(res_lines, lines)
if !processed
let [processed, line] = s:process_tag_h(line)
if processed
call s:close_tag_list(lists, res_lines)
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, res_lines)
let code = s:close_tag_code(code, res_lines)
call add(res_lines, line)
if !processed
let [processed, line] = s:process_tag_hr(line)
if processed
call s:close_tag_list(lists, res_lines)
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, res_lines)
let code = s:close_tag_code(code, res_lines)
call add(res_lines, line)
"" P
if !processed
let line = s:process_tags(line)
let [processed, lines] = s:process_tag_p(line)
if processed && pre
let pre = s:close_tag_pre(pre, res_lines)
if processed && code
let code = s:close_tag_code(code, res_lines)
if processed && table
let table = s:close_tag_table(table, res_lines)
call extend(res_lines, lines)
"" add the rest
if !processed
call add(res_lines, line)
return [res_lines, pre, code, table, lists]
endfunction " }}}
function! vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile) "{{{
if !s:syntax_supported()
call s:msg('Only vimwiki_default syntax supported!!!')
let path = expand(a:path)
call vimwiki#mkdir(path)
let lsource=readfile(a:wikifile)
let ldest = s:get_html_header(s:get_file_name_only(a:wikifile), &encoding)
let pre = 0
let code = 0
let table = 0
let lists = []
for line in lsource
let oldpre = pre
let [lines, pre, code, table, lists] = s:get_html_from_wiki_line(line,
\ pre, code, table, lists)
" A dirty hack: There could be a lot of empty strings before
" s:process_tag_pre find out `pre` is over. So we should delete
" them all. Think of the way to refactor it out.
if (oldpre != pre) && ldest[-1] =~ '^\s*$'
call s:remove_blank_lines(ldest)
call extend(ldest, lines)
call s:remove_blank_lines(ldest)
"" process end of file
"" close opened tags if any
let lines = []
call s:close_tag_pre(pre, lines)
call s:close_tag_code(code, lines)
call s:close_tag_list(lists, lines)
call s:close_tag_table(table, lines)
call extend(ldest, lines)
call extend(ldest, s:get_html_footer())
"" make html file.
let wwFileNameOnly = s:get_file_name_only(a:wikifile)
call writefile(ldest, path.wwFileNameOnly.'.html')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki_html#WikiAll2HTML(path) "{{{
if !s:syntax_supported()
call s:msg('Only vimwiki_default syntax supported!!!')
let path = expand(a:path)
call vimwiki#mkdir(path)
let setting_more = &more
setlocal nomore
let wikifiles = split(glob(VimwikiGet('path').'*'.VimwikiGet('ext')), '\n')
for wikifile in wikifiles
echomsg 'Processing '.wikifile
call vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(path, wikifile)
call s:create_default_CSS(path)
echomsg 'Done!'
let &more = setting_more
endfunction "}}}
autoload\vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki autoload plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_auto") || &cp
let g:loaded_vimwiki_auto = 1
let s:wiki_badsymbols = '[<>|?*/\:"]'
function! s:msg(message) "{{{
echohl WarningMsg
echomsg 'vimwiki: '.a:message
echohl None
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_file_name_only(filename) "{{{
let word = substitute(a:filename, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let word = substitute(word, '.*[/\\]', "", "g")
return word
endfunction "}}}
function! s:edit_file(command, filename) "{{{
let fname = escape(a:filename, '% ')
execute a:command.' '.fname
endfunction "}}}
function! s:search_word(wikiRx, cmd) "{{{
let match_line = search(a:wikiRx, 's'.a:cmd)
if match_line == 0
call s:msg('WikiWord not found')
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_word_at_cursor(wikiRX) "{{{
let col = col('.') - 1
let line = getline('.')
let ebeg = -1
let cont = match(line, a:wikiRX, 0)
while (ebeg >= 0 || (0 <= cont) && (cont <= col))
let contn = matchend(line, a:wikiRX, cont)
if (cont <= col) && (col < contn)
let ebeg = match(line, a:wikiRX, cont)
let elen = contn - ebeg
let cont = match(line, a:wikiRX, contn)
if ebeg >= 0
return strpart(line, ebeg, elen)
return ""
endf "}}}
function! s:strip_word(word, sym) "{{{
function! s:strip_word_helper(word, sym)
return substitute(a:word, s:wiki_badsymbols, a:sym, 'g')
let result = a:word
if strpart(a:word, 0, 2) == "[["
" get rid of [[ and ]]
let w = strpart(a:word, 2, strlen(a:word)-4)
" we want "link" from [[link|link desc]]
let w = split(w, "|")[0]
let result = s:strip_word_helper(w, a:sym)
return result
endfunction "}}}
function! s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(word) "{{{
" Check if word is link to a non-wiki file.
" The easiest way is to check if it has extension like .txt or .html
if a:word =~ '\.\w\{1,4}$'
return 1
return 0
endfunction "}}}
function! s:print_wiki_list() "{{{
let idx = 0
while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list)
if idx == g:vimwiki_current_idx
let sep = ' * '
echohl TablineSel
let sep = ' '
echohl None
echo (idx + 1).sep.VimwikiGet('path', idx)
let idx += 1
echohl None
endfunction "}}}
function! s:wiki_select(wnum)"{{{
if a:wnum < 1 || a:wnum > len(g:vimwiki_list)
let b:vimwiki_idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = a:wnum - 1
" WikiWord history helper functions {{{
" history is [['', 11], ['AnotherWikiWord', 3] ... etc]
" where numbers are column positions we should return to when coming back.
function! s:get_history_word(historyItem)
return get(a:historyItem, 0)
function! s:get_history_column(historyItem)
return get(a:historyItem, 1)
function! vimwiki#mkdir(path) "{{{
" TODO: add exception handling...
let path = expand(a:path)
if !isdirectory(path) && exists("*mkdir")
if path[-1:] == '/' || path[-1:] == '\'
let path = path[:-2]
call mkdir(path, "p")
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiNextWord() "{{{
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord, '')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiPrevWord() "{{{
call s:search_word(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord, 'b')
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiFollowWord(split) "{{{
if a:split == "split"
let cmd = ":split "
elseif a:split == "vsplit"
let cmd = ":vsplit "
let cmd = ":e "
let word = s:strip_word(s:get_word_at_cursor(g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord), g:vimwiki_stripsym)
" insert doesn't work properly inside :if. Check :help :if.
if word == ""
execute "normal! \n"
if s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(word)
call s:edit_file(cmd, word)
call insert(VimwikiGet('history'), [expand('%:p'), col('.')])
call s:edit_file(cmd, VimwikiGet('path').word.VimwikiGet('ext'))
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiGoBackWord() "{{{
if !empty(VimwikiGet('history'))
let word = remove(VimwikiGet('history'), 0)
" go back to saved WikiWord
execute ":e ".substitute(s:get_history_word(word), '\s', '\\\0', 'g')
call cursor(line('.'), s:get_history_column(word))
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiHighlightWords() "{{{
let wikies = glob(VimwikiGet('path').'*')
"" remove .wiki extensions
let wikies = substitute(wikies, '\'.VimwikiGet('ext'), "", "g")
let g:vimwiki_wikiwords = split(wikies, '\n')
"" remove paths
call map(g:vimwiki_wikiwords, 'substitute(v:val, ''.*[/\\]'', "", "g")')
"" remove backup files (.wiki~)
call filter(g:vimwiki_wikiwords, 'v:val !~ ''.*\~$''')
for word in g:vimwiki_wikiwords
if word =~ g:vimwiki_word1 && !s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(word)
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /\<'.word.'\>/'
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /\[\[\<'.substitute(word, g:vimwiki_stripsym, s:wiki_badsymbols, "g").'\>\(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /\[\[\<'.substitute(word, g:vimwiki_stripsym, s:wiki_badsymbols, "g").'\>\(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
execute 'syntax match wikiWord /\[\[.\+\.\(jpg\|png\|gif\)\(|\+.*\)*\]\]/'
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiGoHome(index) "{{{
call s:wiki_select(a:index)
call vimwiki#mkdir(VimwikiGet('path'))
execute ':e '.VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('index').VimwikiGet('ext')
catch /E37/ " catch 'No write since last change' error
" this is really unsecure!!!
execute ':'.VimwikiGet('gohome').' '.VimwikiGet('path').VimwikiGet('index').VimwikiGet('ext')
catch /E325/ " catch 'ATTENTION' error
" TODO: Hmmm, if open already opened there is an error...
" Find out what is the reason and how to avoid it. Is it dangerous?
echomsg "Unknown error!"
call VimwikiSet('history', [])
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiDeleteWord() "{{{
"" file system funcs
"" Delete WikiWord you are in from filesystem
let val = input('Delete ['.expand('%').'] (y/n)? ', "")
if val!='y'
let fname = expand('%:p')
call delete(fname)
catch /.*/
call s:msg('Cannot delete "'.expand('%:r').'"!')
execute "bdelete! ".escape(fname, " ")
" delete from g:vimwiki_history list
call filter (VimwikiGet('history'), 's:get_history_word(v:val) != fname')
" as we got back to previous WikiWord - delete it from history - as much
" as possible
let hword = ""
while !empty(VimwikiGet('history')) &&
\ hword == s:get_history_word(VimwikiGet('history')[0])
let hword = s:get_history_word(remove(VimwikiGet('history'), 0))
" reread buffer => deleted WikiWord should appear as non-existent
execute "e"
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiRenameWord() "{{{
"" Rename WikiWord, update all links to renamed WikiWord
let wwtorename = expand('%:r')
let isOldWordComplex = 0
if wwtorename !~ g:vimwiki_word1
let wwtorename = substitute(wwtorename, g:vimwiki_stripsym, s:wiki_badsymbols, "g")
let isOldWordComplex = 1
" there is no file (new one maybe)
" if glob(g:vimwiki_home.expand('%')) == ''
if glob(expand('%:p')) == ''
call s:msg('Cannot rename "'.expand('%:p').'". It does not exist! (New file? Save it before renaming.)')
let val = input('Rename "'.expand('%:r').'" (y/n)? ', "")
if val!='y'
let newWord = input('Enter new name: ', "")
" check newWord - it should be 'good', not empty
if substitute(newWord, '\s', '', 'g') == ''
call s:msg('Cannot rename to an empty filename!')
if s:is_link_to_non_wiki_file(newWord)
call s:msg('Cannot rename to a filename with extension (ie .txt .html)!')
if newWord !~ g:vimwiki_word1
" if newWord is 'complex wiki word' then add [[]]
let newWord = '[['.newWord.']]'
let newFileName = s:strip_word(newWord, g:vimwiki_stripsym).VimwikiGet('ext')
" do not rename if word with such name exists
let fname = glob(VimwikiGet('path').newFileName)
if fname != ''
call s:msg('Cannot rename to "'.newFileName.'". File with that name exist!')
" rename WikiWord file
echomsg "Renaming ".expand('%')." to ".VimwikiGet('path').newFileName
let res = rename(expand('%:p'), expand(VimwikiGet('path').newFileName))
if res == 0
throw "Cannot rename!"
catch /.*/
call s:msg('Cannot rename "'.expand('%:r').'" to "'.newFileName.'"')
" save open buffers
let openbuffers = []
let bcount = 1
while bcount<=bufnr("$")
if bufexists(bcount)
call add(openbuffers, bufname(bcount))
let bcount = bcount + 1
" update links
echomsg "Updating links to ".newWord."..."
execute ':silent args '.escape(VimwikiGet('path'), " ").'*'.VimwikiGet('ext')
if isOldWordComplex
execute ':silent argdo %sm/\[\['.wwtorename.'\]\]/'.newWord.'/geI | update'
execute ':silent argdo %sm/\<'.wwtorename.'\>/'.newWord.'/geI | update'
execute ':silent argd *'.VimwikiGet('ext')
" restore open buffers
let bcount = 1
while bcount<=bufnr("$")
if bufexists(bcount)
if index(openbuffers, bufname(bcount)) == -1
execute 'silent bdelete '.escape(bufname(bcount), " ")
let bcount = bcount + 1
call s:edit_file('e', VimwikiGet('path').newFileName)
"" DONE: after renaming GUI caption is a bit corrupted?
"" FIXED: buffers menu is also not in the "normal" state, howto Refresh menu?
"" TODO: Localized version of Gvim gives error -- Refresh menu doesn't exist
execute "silent! emenu Buffers.Refresh\ menu"
echomsg wwtorename." is renamed to ".newWord
endfunction "}}}
function! vimwiki#WikiUISelect()"{{{
call s:print_wiki_list()
let r = input("Select Wiki (specify number): ")
call vimwiki#WikiGoHome(r)
ftplugin\vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki filetype plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
let b:did_ftplugin = 1 " Don't load another plugin for this buffer
"" Defaults
" Reset the following options to undo this plugin.
let b:undo_ftplugin = "setlocal textwidth< wrap< linebreak< ".
\ "suffixesadd< isfname< autowriteall< comments< ".
\ "formatoptions< foldtext< ".
\ "foldmethod< foldexpr< commentstring< "
setlocal textwidth=0
setlocal wrap
setlocal linebreak
setlocal autowriteall
" for gf
execute 'setlocal suffixesadd='.VimwikiGet('ext')
setlocal isfname-=[,]
" for list items, and list items with checkboxes
setlocal comments=b:*\ [\ ],b:*[\ ],b:*\ [],b:*[],b:*\ [x],b:*[x]
setlocal comments+=b:#\ [\ ],b:#[\ ],b:#\ [],b:#[],b:#\ [x],b:#[x]
setlocal comments+=n:*,n:#
setlocal formatoptions=ctnqro
" folding for Headers using expr fold method.
setlocal fdm=expr
setlocal foldexpr=VimwikiFoldLevel(v:lnum)
function! VimwikiFoldLevel(lnum) "{{{
let s:rx_list_item = '\('.
\ g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.
\ '\)'
let pline = getline(a:lnum - 1)
let line = getline(a:lnum)
let nline = getline(a:lnum + 1)
" Header folding...
if line =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
return s:count_first_sym(line)
if nline =~ g:vimwiki_rxHeader
return '<'.s:count_first_sym(nline)
" List item folding...
let pnum = a:lnum - 1
let nnum = a:lnum + 1
if line =~ s:rx_list_item &&
\ nline =~ s:rx_list_item
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media'
return s:get_level_media(a:lnum, nnum)
return s:get_level(a:lnum, nnum)
elseif line =~ s:rx_list_item
if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media'
return s:get_level_media(a:lnum, pnum)
return s:get_level(a:lnum, pnum)
return -1
endfunction "}}}
function! s:get_level(lnum, nnum) "{{{
let level = ((indent(a:nnum) - indent(a:lnum)) / &sw)
if level > 0
return "a".level
elseif level < 0
return "s".abs(level)
return "="
endfunction "}}}
" Special case: MediaWiki list items level do not use indents.
function! s:get_level_media(lnum, nnum) "{{{
let level = s:count_first_sym(getline(a:nnum)) -
\ s:count_first_sym(getline(a:lnum))
if level > 0
return "a".level
elseif level < 0
return "s".abs(level)
return "="
endfunction "}}}
function! s:count_first_sym(line) "{{{
let idx = 0
while a:line[idx] == a:line[0] && idx < len(a:line)
let idx += 1
return idx
endfunction "}}}
setlocal foldtext=VimwikiFoldText()
function! VimwikiFoldText() "{{{
let line = getline(v:foldstart)
return line.' ['.(v:foldend - v:foldstart).'] '
endfunction "}}}
setlocal commentstring=<!--%s-->
"" commands {{{
command! -buffer Vimwiki2HTML call vimwiki_html#Wiki2HTML(expand(VimwikiGet('path_html')), expand('%'))
command! -buffer VimwikiAll2HTML call vimwiki_html#WikiAll2HTML(expand(VimwikiGet('path_html')))
command! -buffer VimwikiNextWord call vimwiki#WikiNextWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiPrevWord call vimwiki#WikiPrevWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiDeleteWord call vimwiki#WikiDeleteWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiRenameWord call vimwiki#WikiRenameWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiFollowWord call vimwiki#WikiFollowWord('nosplit')
command! -buffer VimwikiGoBackWord call vimwiki#WikiGoBackWord()
command! -buffer VimwikiSplitWord call vimwiki#WikiFollowWord('split')
command! -buffer VimwikiVSplitWord call vimwiki#WikiFollowWord('vsplit')
command! -buffer VimwikiGTDToggleItem call vimwiki_gtd#GTDToggleItem()
"" commands }}}
"" keybindings {{{
nmap <buffer> <Up> gk
nmap <buffer> k gk
vmap <buffer> <Up> gk
vmap <buffer> k gk
nmap <buffer> <Down> gj
nmap <buffer> j gj
vmap <buffer> <Down> gj
vmap <buffer> j gj
if g:vimwiki_use_mouse
nmap <buffer> <S-LeftMouse> <NOP>
nmap <buffer> <C-LeftMouse> <NOP>
noremap <silent><buffer> <2-LeftMouse> :VimwikiFollowWord<CR>
noremap <silent><buffer> <S-2-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>:VimwikiSplitWord<CR>
noremap <silent><buffer> <C-2-LeftMouse> <LeftMouse>:VimwikiVSplitWord<CR>
noremap <silent><buffer> <RightMouse><LeftMouse> :VimwikiGoBackWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiFollowWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <CR> <Plug>VimwikiFollowWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiFollowWord :VimwikiFollowWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiSplitWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <S-CR> <Plug>VimwikiSplitWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiSplitWord :VimwikiSplitWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiVSplitWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <C-CR> <Plug>VimwikiVSplitWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiVSplitWord :VimwikiVSplitWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiGoBackWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <BS> <Plug>VimwikiGoBackWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiGoBackWord :VimwikiGoBackWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiNextWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <TAB> <Plug>VimwikiNextWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiNextWord :VimwikiNextWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiPrevWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <S-TAB> <Plug>VimwikiPrevWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiPrevWord :VimwikiPrevWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiDeleteWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <Leader>wd <Plug>VimwikiDeleteWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiDeleteWord :VimwikiDeleteWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiRenameWord')
nmap <silent><buffer> <Leader>wr <Plug>VimwikiRenameWord
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiRenameWord :VimwikiRenameWord<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem')
nmap <silent><buffer> <C-Space> <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
noremap <silent><script><buffer>
\ <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem :VimwikiGTDToggleItem<CR>
" keybindings }}}
plugin\vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki plugin file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
if exists("loaded_vimwiki") || &cp
let loaded_vimwiki = 1
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
function! s:default(varname, value) "{{{
if !exists('g:vimwiki_'.a:varname)
let g:vimwiki_{a:varname} = a:value
endfunction "}}}
" default parameters for each wiki"{{{
let s:vimwiki_defaults = {}
let s:vimwiki_defaults.path = '~/vimwiki/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.path_html = '~/vimwiki_html/'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.index = 'index'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.ext = '.wiki'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.maxhi = 1
let s:vimwiki_defaults.syntax = 'default'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.gohome = 'split'
let s:vimwiki_defaults.html_header = ''
let s:vimwiki_defaults.html_footer = ''
let s:vimwiki_defaults.history = []
"" default parameters for all wikies"{{{
call s:default('upper', 'A-ZА-Я')
call s:default('lower', 'a-zа-я')
call s:default('other', '0-9')
call s:default('stripsym', '_')
call s:default('use_mouse', 0)
call s:default('current_idx', 0)
call s:default('list', [s:vimwiki_defaults])
" return value of option for current wiki
function! VimwikiGet(option, ...) "{{{
if a:0 == 0
let idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
let idx = a:1
if !has_key(g:vimwiki_list[idx], a:option) &&
\ has_key(s:vimwiki_defaults, a:option)
if a:option == 'path_html'
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] =
\VimwikiGet('path', idx)[:-2].'_html/'
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] =
" if path's ending is not a / or \
" then add it
if a:option == 'path' || a:option == 'path_html'
let p = g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option]
if p !~ '[\/]$'
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = p.'/'
return g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option]
endfunction "}}}
" set option for current wiki
function! VimwikiSet(option, value, ...) "{{{
if a:0 == 0
let idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
let idx = a:1
let g:vimwiki_list[idx][a:option] = a:value
endfunction "}}}
function! s:find_wiki(path) "{{{
let idx = 0
while idx < len(g:vimwiki_list)
let path = expand(VimwikiGet('path', idx))
if path[:-2] == a:path
return idx
let idx += 1
return -1
endfunction "}}}
function! s:setup_buffer_leave()"{{{
if !exists("b:vimwiki_idx")
let b:vimwiki_idx=g:vimwiki_current_idx
function! s:setup_buffer_enter() "{{{
if exists("b:vimwiki_idx")
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = b:vimwiki_idx
" Find what wiki current buffer belongs to.
" If wiki does not exist in g:vimwiki_list -- add new wiki there with
" buffer's path and ext.
" Else set g:vimwiki_current_idx to that wiki index.
let path = expand('%:p:h')
let ext = '.'.expand('%:e')
let idx = s:find_wiki(path)
if idx == -1
call add(g:vimwiki_list, {'path': path, 'ext': ext})
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = len(g:vimwiki_list) - 1
let g:vimwiki_current_idx = idx
let b:vimwiki_idx = g:vimwiki_current_idx
setlocal ft=vimwiki
endfunction "}}}
let upp = g:vimwiki_upper
let low = g:vimwiki_lower
let oth = g:vimwiki_other
let nup = low.oth
let nlo = upp.oth
let any = upp.nup
let g:vimwiki_word1 = '\C\<['.upp.']['.nlo.']*['.low.']['.nup.']*['.upp.']['.any.']*\>'
let g:vimwiki_word2 = '\[\[[^\]]\+\]\]'
let g:vimwiki_rxWikiWord = g:vimwiki_word1.'\|'.g:vimwiki_word2
" Getting all extensions that different wikies could have"{{{
let extensions = {}
for wiki in g:vimwiki_list
if has_key(wiki, 'ext')
let extensions[wiki.ext] = 1
let extensions['.wiki'] = 1
" Set filetype for all known wiki extensions"{{{
for ext in keys(extensions)
execute 'autocmd! BufEnter *'.ext.' call s:setup_buffer_enter()'
execute 'autocmd! BufLeave,BufHidden *'.ext.' call s:setup_buffer_leave()'
" Global commands"{{{
command! VimwikiUISelect call vimwiki#WikiUISelect()
command! -count VimwikiGoHome
\ call vimwiki#WikiGoHome(v:count1)
command! -count VimwikiTabGoHome tabedit <bar>
\ call vimwiki#WikiGoHome(v:count1)
" Global mappings"{{{
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiGoHome')
map <silent><unique> <Leader>ww <Plug>VimwikiGoHome
noremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiGoHome :VimwikiGoHome<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome')
map <silent><unique> <Leader>wt <Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome
noremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiTabGoHome :VimwikiTabGoHome<CR>
if !hasmapto('<Plug>VimwikiUISelect')
map <silent><unique> <Leader>ws <Plug>VimwikiUISelect
noremap <unique><script> <Plug>VimwikiUISelect :VimwikiUISelect<CR>
indent\vimwiki.vim [[[1
" Vimwiki indent file
" Author: Maxim Kim <>
" Home:
" Only load this indent file when no other was loaded.
if exists("b:did_indent")
let b:did_indent = 1
" Some preliminary settings
setlocal nolisp " Make sure lisp indenting doesn't supersede us
setlocal autoindent " indentexpr isn't much help otherwise
setlocal indentexpr=GetVimwikiIndent(v:lnum)
setlocal indentkeys+=<:>
" Only define the function once.
if exists("*GetVimwikiIndent")
" Come here when loading the script the first time.
function GetVimwikiIndent(lnum)
" Search backwards for the previous non-empty line.
let plnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum - 1)
if plnum == 0
" This is the first non-empty line, use zero indent.
return 0
" TODO: use g:vimwiki_rxList here
let lst_indent = len(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), '^\s\+\ze\(\*\|#\)'))
if lst_indent > 0
if lst_indent < &sw
return &sw
let mul = round(lst_indent*1.0/&sw)
let ind = float2nr(mul * &sw)
return ind
return -1
" vim:sw=2