This change ensures the syntax is properly changed when running multiple tests by removing the previously created temporary wiki and then creating a new one.
49 lines
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49 lines
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Before (Define functions):
" change the syntax using a temporary wiki
function! SetSyntax(vw_syn)
if a:vw_syn ==# 'default'
let ext = 'wiki'
elseif a:vw_syn ==# 'markdown'
let ext = 'md'
elseif a:vw_syn ==# 'media'
let ext = 'mw'
Log 'ERROR: Invalid syntax "' . a:vw_syn . '" in SetSyntax()'
Log 'NOTE: function only accepts "media" for setting mediawiki syntax'
let path = expand('%:p:h')
let new_temp_wiki_settings = {'path': path,
\ 'ext': ext,
\ 'syntax': a:vw_syn,
\ }
" Remove any temporary wikis each time this function is called.
" This is necessary to ensure syntax is properly set when running multiple tests
" NOTE: this assumes there are 3 defined wikis in the vimrc. The last wiki
" contains default settings for temporary wikis (so there are always
" num wikis in vimrc + 1)
let num_wikis = len(g:vimwiki_wikilocal_vars)
while num_wikis > 4
call remove(g:vimwiki_wikilocal_vars, num_wikis - 1)
let num_wikis = num_wikis - 1
" add the new wiki
call vimwiki#vars#add_temporary_wiki(new_temp_wiki_settings)
call vimwiki#vars#set_bufferlocal('wiki_nr', 3)
" verify syntax was set correctly
Assert vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax') ==# a:vw_syn, 'ERROR: Vimwiki syntax not set correctly.'
" reload plugin to change settings
function! ReloadVimwiki()
" clear mappings so plugin can be reloaded
" this is needed if running manually multiple times
unlet g:loaded_vimwiki
source plugin/vimwiki.vim