* NEW: Rename g:vimwiki_fold_empty_lines to g:vimwiki_fold_trailing_empty_lines. * NEW: One can use - along with * to start unordered list item. * NEW: List items could be started from the first column. As a result some limitations appeared: * a space after *, - or # for a list item is mandatory. * g:vimwiki_fold_trailing_empty_lines if set to 0 folds one trailing empty line. * NEW: Folding is off by default. Use g:vimwiki_folding to enable it. * NEW: Speed up vimwiki's folding a bit. Should lag a bit less in a long todo lists. * NEW: Centered headers. Start header with at least one space to make it html centered. * NEW: Change in default css: header's colors. * NEW: Vimwiki is aware of GetLatestVimScripts now. * FIX: Use <del> tag instead of custom <span class="strike"> in html. * FIX: There are no text styling in htmlized quoted text. * FIX: set default value of g:vimwiki_fold_lists to 0 as written in this help. * FIX: Issue 33: Folded list items have wrong indentation when 'tabs' are used. * FIX: Issue 34: vimwiki#subdir got wrong dir when VimwikiGet('path') is a symbolic link. Thanks lilydjwg for the patch. * FIX: Issue 28: todo-list auto-indent enhancement. New item should always be unchecked. * FIX: Issue 36: Change the name of the :Search command to :VimwikiSearch as it conflicts with MultipleSearch. Alias :VWS is also available. * NEW: You can generate 'Table of contents' of your wiki page. See :h vimwiki-toc for details.