Rane Brown 4f674f68b4 Fix the method for changing the Vimwiki syntax for tests.
This change ensures the syntax is properly changed when running multiple
tests by removing the previously created temporary wiki and then
creating a new one.
2019-08-22 05:52:54 -06:00

49 lines
1.6 KiB

Before (Define functions):
" change the syntax using a temporary wiki
function! SetSyntax(vw_syn)
if a:vw_syn ==# 'default'
let ext = 'wiki'
elseif a:vw_syn ==# 'markdown'
let ext = 'md'
elseif a:vw_syn ==# 'media'
let ext = 'mw'
Log 'ERROR: Invalid syntax "' . a:vw_syn . '" in SetSyntax()'
Log 'NOTE: function only accepts "media" for setting mediawiki syntax'
let path = expand('%:p:h')
let new_temp_wiki_settings = {'path': path,
\ 'ext': ext,
\ 'syntax': a:vw_syn,
\ }
" Remove any temporary wikis each time this function is called.
" This is necessary to ensure syntax is properly set when running multiple tests
" NOTE: this assumes there are 3 defined wikis in the vimrc. The last wiki
" contains default settings for temporary wikis (so there are always
" num wikis in vimrc + 1)
let num_wikis = len(g:vimwiki_wikilocal_vars)
while num_wikis > 4
call remove(g:vimwiki_wikilocal_vars, num_wikis - 1)
let num_wikis = num_wikis - 1
" add the new wiki
call vimwiki#vars#add_temporary_wiki(new_temp_wiki_settings)
call vimwiki#vars#set_bufferlocal('wiki_nr', 3)
" verify syntax was set correctly
Assert vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax') ==# a:vw_syn, 'ERROR: Vimwiki syntax not set correctly.'
" reload plugin to change settings
function! ReloadVimwiki()
" clear mappings so plugin can be reloaded
" this is needed if running manually multiple times
unlet g:loaded_vimwiki
source plugin/vimwiki.vim