Tinmarino 0a9b11fb0f Test: Add local testing (no docker need), working on windows
Problem: User do not want to install docker to test
        and docker is not set for windows already
Solution: Get the script to make the tests locally with current os and

Log of workflow (6h):

Test: cloning only last 10 Vader commits locally [tinwin]
Test: run_bash fix local copies and prettify/robustify [tinwin]
Test: Lint tests and fix err treatment in run_bash [Tinmarino]
Test; Windows: Restore the bug that I appended on Linux OLD-PATH env deps [Tinmarino]
Test: bash script first success on Windows (only the script not the tests) [tinwin]
Test: Dirty Backup [tinwin]
2020-07-26 00:00:23 -04:00

4 lines
296 B

set runtimepath+=/tmp/vader_wiki/home/vimtest/vim,$VIM/vimfiles,$VIMRUNTIME,$VIM/vimfiles/after,/tmp/vader_wiki/home/vimtest/vim/after
execute 'set rtp+='.join(filter(split(expand('/tmp/vader_wiki/home/vimtest/plugins/*')), 'isdirectory(v:val)'), ',')
set runtimepath+=/tmp/vader_wiki/testplugin