Tinmarino 2332dc1514 Refactor: Test & Doc: Remove test/vader_include and move DesignNotes to doc
- vader_include is declareing functions -> faster to load (parse) once in
- DesignNotes is doc so goes to doc
2020-07-29 23:29:03 -04:00

63 lines
2.5 KiB

Execute (Setup search testing wrapper):
function! TestSearch(search_command, test_name)
" Note: after each search, the location list of the current window (0)
" will contain the search results. A non-empty list indicates success.
" Search for a single word (a pattern with no spaces)
redir => output
silent execute a:search_command
redir END
Assert !empty(getloclist(0)), a:test_name.": no location list result"
Assert match(output, '\d of \d') > -1, a:test_name.": no result message"
" Tests that VimwikiSearch is quoting the pattern correctly.
" If not, Vim will see anything after the first space in the pattern
" as a file name and attempt to open it.
Assert match(output, 'Cannot open file') == -1, "'open file': unquoted pattern?"
return output
Execute (Search test wiki):
" Open test wiki
edit test/resources/testwiki/
" Make sure we opened the test wiki successfully by checking the
" title (first line) and filetype.
AssertEqual "= Test Wiki =", getline(1)
AssertEqual "vimwiki", &filetype
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch foo', 'pattern with no spaces')
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch foo bar', 'pattern with spaces')
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch foo\bar', 'pattern with ''\''')
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch baz{13}', 'pattern with literal {}')
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch /\vbuz{5}/', 'proper regex')
call TestSearch('VWS foo bar', 'use VWS abbreviation')
Execute (Search space path wiki):
" Open wiki with spaces in path to test fname escaping
edit test/resources/testwiki\ space/
" Make sure we opened the space path wiki successfully
AssertEqual "= Space Path Wiki =", getline(1)
call TestSearch('VimwikiSearch foo', 'simple search in space path wiki')
Execute (Search failure message):
" Important note: No search tests will succeed after this.
" The failed search will cause a Vim error to be thrown and
" any search with lvimgrep within Vader will result in an
" empty location list and empty messages queue. It is
" difficult to tell if the search itself is failing or if it
" is just an inability to view the results.
" Open test wiki again
edit test/resources/testwiki/
" Now test a negative search and make sure we are returning
" the expected VimWiki error.
redir => output
silent VimwikiSearch not_exist
redir END
Assert match(output, 'VimwikiSearch: No match found.') > -1, "expected custom error"