# Non regression tests for issues, see changelog # In reverse chronological order # # Thanks to all contributors with issues and pull request on github # Include: vader_includes/vader_setup.vader Execute (Log): Log '#949 create link bug with Chinese characters' Given vimwiki (Madarin with vimwiki Yeeepy): 你 你好 你们好 你们好啊 你们好啊啊 你们好啊aaaaa aaaaa你们好啊 Do (Enter in all): \j \j \j \j \j \j \j Expect (all WORDS are links): [你](你) [你好](你好) [你们好](你们好) [你们好啊](你们好啊) [你们好啊啊](你们好啊啊) [你们好啊aaaaa](你们好啊aaaaa) [aaaaa你们好啊](aaaaa你们好啊) Execute (Log): Log '#735 Fix off-by-one error in get_next_line and get_prev_line' Given vimwiki (P#735 -> I#407): 1. item1 2. item2 ``` echo "hello world" ``` 3. item3 Do (o): o Expect (Renumber all): 1. item1 2. 3. item2 ``` echo "hello world" ``` 4. item3 Execute (Log): Log '#899 conceallevel is setted globally when editing a wiki file (PR #900)' Given vimwiki (Void): Execute (conceal): set conceallevel=1 let g:vimwiki_global_vars['conceallevel']=2 Log ' ConcealLevel is set to vimwiki for a .md' call SetSyntax('markdown') file main.md edit AssertEqual &ft, 'vimwiki' AssertEqual @%, 'main.md' if exists('+conceallevel') AssertEqual &conceallevel, 2 endif Log ' ConcealLevel is set to vim for a no_ext' edit no_ext AssertEqual &ft, '' if exists('+conceallevel') AssertEqual &conceallevel, 1 endif Log ' Again ConcealLevel is set to vimwiki for a .md (just for fun)' let g:vimwiki_global_vars['conceallevel']=0 edit new.md AssertEqual &ft, 'vimwiki' AssertEqual @%, 'new.md' if exists('+conceallevel') AssertEqual &conceallevel, 0 endif Execute (Log): Log 'PR #528: Add option |g:vimwiki_create_link| to prevent link creation' Given vimwiki (Link): Link Do (Enter): \ # TODO should be Link.md, revise the test Expect (Link): [Link](Link) Do (): \\ :AssertEqual expand('%:t'), 'Link.md'\ Given vimwiki (Link): Link Do (No link: ): :call vimwiki#vars#set_global('markdown_create_link', 0) \\ :AssertEqual expand('%:t'), 'main.md'\ Include: vader_includes/vader_teardown.vader