Include: vader_includes/vader_setup.vader Given vimwiki (List with hard wraps): - Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 that is split across multiple lines This is the second line. This is the third line. - Item 4 - Sub item 1 - Sub item split across multiple lines This is the second line. This is the third line. - Item 5 Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 3 5 Execute (Set syntax markdown): call SetSyntax('markdown') Do (Extend list): 4j A\Another item\ 5j A\New sub item\ Expect (Extended list): - Item 1 - Item 2 - Item 3 that is split across multiple lines This is the second line. This is the third line. - Another item - Item 4 - Sub item 1 - Sub item split across multiple lines This is the second line. This is the third line. - New sub item - Item 5 Given vimwiki (List from help file): 1. item --- 1. item continue --- 1. --- 1. --- Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 1 1 Do (List ops): A\\ 4j A\\ 3j A\\ 3j A\\ Expect (List per VimwikiReturn 1 1): 1. item 2. --- 1. item continue --- 1. 2. --- 1. 2. --- Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 2 2 Do (List ops): A\\ 4j A\\ 3j A\\ 3j A\\ Expect (List per VimwikiReturn 2 2): 1. item --- 1. item continue 2. --- 1. --- 1. --- Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 3 3 Do (List ops): A\\ 4j A\\ 3j A\\ 3j A\\ Expect (List per VimwikiReturn 3 3): 1. item 2. --- 1. item continue 2. --- --- --- Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 4 4 Do (List ops): A\\ 4j A\\ 3j A\\ 3j A\\ Expect (List per VimwikiReturn 4 4): 1. item --- 1. item continue --- --- --- Execute (Map CR): inoremap :VimwikiReturn 3 5 Do (List ops): A\\ 4j A\\ 3j A\\ 3j A\\ Expect (List per VimwikiReturn 3 5): 1. item 2. --- 1. item continue 2. --- --- 1. --- Include: vader_includes/vader_teardown.vader