# Blockquotes in html convertion Execute (Copy Wiki's Resources): Log "Start: Copy Resources" call CopyResources() Given (Void): Execute (Edit TestHtml Wiki): edit $HOME/testwiki/TestHtml.wiki AssertEqual $HOME . '/testwiki/TestHtml.wiki', expand('%') AssertEqual 'default', vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('syntax') AssertEqual 0, vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr') Do (Markdown with arrow blockquotes): :edit $HOME/testwiki/TestHtml.wiki\ ggdGi first paragraph\\ > block\ > quote\\ last paragraph\\ :write\ Execute (Save and Convert to html): edit $HOME/testwiki/TestHtml.wiki Vimwiki2HTML Given (Void): Do (Get Html body): :read $HOME/html/default/TestHtml.html\ # Goto body gg/\ # Copy in b "bdat # Delete All ggdG # Paste body "bP # Remove last line Gdd # Save (Not necessary) :write Expect (Plain Html): # the whole default html file should be here as a base + the modifications # from "Given"

first paragraph

block quote

last paragraph

# vim: sw=2:foldlevel=30:foldmethod=indent: