" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79 " Vimwiki autoload plugin file " Desc: Path manipulation functions " Home: https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/ function! vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(str) "{{{ return substitute(a:str, '[/\\]\+$', '', '') endfunction "}}} " Define path-compare function, either case-sensitive or not, depending on OS. "{{{ " function! vimwiki#path#is_equal(p1, p2) if vimwiki#u#is_windows() function! vimwiki#path#is_equal(p1, p2) return a:p1 ==? a:p2 endfunction else function! vimwiki#path#is_equal(p1, p2) return a:p1 ==# a:p2 endfunction endif "}}} " collapse sections like /a/b/../c to /a/c function! vimwiki#path#normalize(path) "{{{ let path = a:path while 1 let result = substitute(path, '/[^/]\+/\.\.', '', '') if result ==# path break endif let path = result endwhile return result endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#path#path_norm(path) "{{{ " /-slashes if a:path !~# '^scp:' let path = substitute(a:path, '\', '/', 'g') " treat multiple consecutive slashes as one path separator let path = substitute(path, '/\+', '/', 'g') " ensure that we are not fooled by a symbolic link return resolve(path) else return a:path endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#path#is_link_to_dir(link) "{{{ " Check if link is to a directory. " It should be ended with \ or /. return a:link =~# '\m[/\\]$' endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#path#abs_path_of_link(link) "{{{ return vimwiki#path#normalize(expand("%:p:h").'/'.a:link) endfunction "}}} " return longest common path prefix of 2 given paths. " '~/home/usrname/wiki', '~/home/usrname/wiki/shmiki' => '~/home/usrname/wiki' function! vimwiki#path#path_common_pfx(path1, path2) "{{{ let p1 = split(a:path1, '[/\\]', 1) let p2 = split(a:path2, '[/\\]', 1) let idx = 0 let minlen = min([len(p1), len(p2)]) while (idx < minlen) && vimwiki#path#is_equal(p1[idx], p2[idx]) let idx = idx + 1 endwhile if idx == 0 return '' else return join(p1[: idx-1], '/') endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#path#wikify_path(path) "{{{ let result = resolve(fnamemodify(a:path, ':p')) if vimwiki#u#is_windows() let result = substitute(result, '\\', '/', 'g') endif let result = vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(result) return result endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#path#current_wiki_file() return vimwiki#path#wikify_path(expand('%:p')) endfunction " Returns: the relative path from a:dir to a:file function! vimwiki#path#relpath(dir, file) "{{{ let result = [] let dir = split(a:dir, '/') let file = split(a:file, '/') while (len(dir) > 0 && len(file) > 0) && vimwiki#path#is_equal(dir[0], file[0]) call remove(dir, 0) call remove(file, 0) endwhile if empty(dir) && empty(file) return './' endif for segment in dir let result += ['..'] endfor for segment in file let result += [segment] endfor let result_path = join(result, '/') if a:file =~ '\m/$' let result_path .= '/' endif return result_path endfunction "}}} " If the optional argument provided and nonzero, " it will ask before creating a directory " Returns: 1 iff directory exists or successfully created function! vimwiki#path#mkdir(path, ...) "{{{ let path = expand(a:path) if path =~# '^scp:' " we can not do much, so let's pretend everything is ok return 1 endif if isdirectory(path) return 1 else if !exists("*mkdir") return 0 endif let path = vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(path) if vimwiki#u#is_windows() && !empty(g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc) let path = iconv(path, &enc, g:vimwiki_w32_dir_enc) endif if a:0 && a:1 && input("Vimwiki: Make new directory: " \ .path."\n [y]es/[N]o? ") !~? '^y' return 0 endif call mkdir(path, "p") return 1 endif endfunction " }}} function! vimwiki#path#is_absolute(path) "{{{ if vimwiki#u#is_windows() return a:path =~? '\m^\a:' else return a:path =~# '\m^/\|\~/' endif endfunction "}}} " Combine a directory and a file into one path, doesn't generate duplicate " path separator in case the directory is also having an ending / or \. This " is because on windows ~\vimwiki//.tags is invalid but ~\vimwiki/.tags is a " valid path. if vimwiki#u#is_windows() function! vimwiki#path#join_path(directory, file) let directory = vimwiki#path#chomp_slash(a:directory) let file = substitute(a:file, '\m^[\\/]\+', '', '') return directory . '/' . file endfunction else function! vimwiki#path#join_path(directory, file) let directory = substitute(a:directory, '\m/\+$', '', '') let file = substitute(a:file, '\m^/\+', '', '') return directory . '/' . file endfunction endif