A Personal Wiki For Vim ============================================================================== [中文](README-cn.md) ![screenshot1](doc/screenshot_1.png) ![screenshot2](doc/screenshot_2.png) * Intro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vimwiki is a personal wiki for Vim -- a number of linked text files that have their own syntax highlighting. With Vimwiki you can: * organize notes and ideas * manage todo-lists * write documentation * maintain a diary * export everything to HTML To do a quick start press `ww` (this is usually `\ww`) to go to your index wiki file. By default it is located in `~/vimwiki/index.wiki`. Feed it with the following example: = My knowledge base = * Tasks -- things to be done _yesterday_!!! * Project Gutenberg -- good books are power. * Scratchpad -- various temporary stuff. Place your cursor on `Tasks` and press Enter to create a link. Once pressed, `Tasks` will become `[[Tasks]]` -- a Vimwiki link. Press Enter again to open it. Edit the file, save it, and then press Backspace to jump back to your index. A Vimwiki link can be constructed from more than one word. Just visually select the words to be linked and press Enter. Try it with `Project Gutenberg`. The result should look something like: = My knowledge base = * [[Tasks]] -- things to be done _yesterday_!!! * [[Project Gutenberg]] -- good books are power. * Scratchpad -- various temporary stuff. Basic Markup ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = Header1 = == Header2 == === Header3 === *bold* -- bold text _italic_ -- italic text [[wiki link]] -- wiki link [[wiki link|description]] -- wiki link with description Lists: * bullet list item 1 - bullet list item 2 - bullet list item 3 * bullet list item 4 * bullet list item 5 * bullet list item 6 * bullet list item 7 - bullet list item 8 - bullet list item 9 1. numbered list item 1 2. numbered list item 2 a) numbered list item 3 b) numbered list item 4 For other syntax elements, see `:h vimwiki-syntax` Key bindings ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ normal mode: * `ww` -- Open default wiki index file. * `wt` -- Open default wiki index file in a new tab. * `ws` -- Select and open wiki index file. * `wd` -- Delete wiki file you are in. * `wr` -- Rename wiki file you are in. * `` -- Follow/Create wiki link * `` -- Split and follow/create wiki link * `` -- Vertical split and follow/create wiki link * `` -- Go back to parent(previous) wiki link * `` -- Find next wiki link * `` -- Find previous wiki link For more keys, see `:h vimwiki-mappings` Commands ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * `:Vimwiki2HTML` -- Convert current wiki link to HTML * `:VimwikiAll2HTML` -- Convert all your wiki links to HTML * `:help vimwiki-commands` -- list all commands * `:help vimwiki` -- General vimwiki help docs Changing Wiki Syntax ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vimwiki currently ships with 3 syntaxes: Vimwiki (default), Markdown (markdown), and MediaWiki (media) Prerequisites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Make sure you have these settings in your vimrc file: set nocompatible filetype plugin on syntax on Without them Vimwiki will not work properly. Installation using [Vim packages](http://vimhelp.appspot.com/repeat.txt.html#packages) (since Vim 7.4.1528) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ git clone https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki.git ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/vimwiki Installation using [Pathogen](http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2332) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cd ~/.vim mkdir bundle cd bundle git clone https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki.git Installation using [Vim-Plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Add the following to the plugin-configuration in your vimrc: Plug 'vimwiki/vimwiki' Then run `:PlugInstall`. Installation using [Vundle](https://github.com/VundleVim/Vundle.vim) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Add `Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki'` to your vimrc file and run vim +PluginInstall +qall Or download the [zip archive](https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/archive/master.zip) and extract it in `~/.vim/bundle/` Then launch Vim, run `:Helptags` and then `:help vimwiki` to verify it was installed. Getting help ============================================================================== Have a question? Visit the IRC channel `#vimwiki` on Freenode ([webchat](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#vimwiki)) or post to the [mailing list](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/vimwiki). ---- \* Screenshots made with the [solarized colorscheme](https://github.com/altercation/vim-colors-solarized) and [lightline](https://github.com/itchyny/lightline.vim)