" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:textwidth=99 " Vimwiki autoload plugin file " Description: Tables " | Easily | manageable | text | tables | ! | " |--------|------------|-------|--------|---------| " | Have | fun! | Drink | tea | Period. | " " Home: https://github.com/vimwiki/vimwiki/ " Clause: Load only once if exists('g:loaded_vimwiki_tbl_auto') || &compatible finish endif let g:loaded_vimwiki_tbl_auto = 1 function! s:rxSep() abort return vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('rxTableSep') endfunction function! s:wide_len(str) abort " vim73 has new function that gives correct string width. if exists('*strdisplaywidth') return strdisplaywidth(a:str) endif " get str display width in vim ver < 7.2 if !vimwiki#vars#get_global('CJK_length') let ret = strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g')) else let savemodified = &modified let save_cursor = getpos('.') exe "norm! o\" call setline(line('.'), a:str) let ret = virtcol('$') - 1 d call setpos('.', save_cursor) let &modified = savemodified endif return ret endfunction function! s:cell_splitter() abort return '\s*'.s:rxSep().'\s*' endfunction function! s:sep_splitter() abort return '-'.s:rxSep().'-' endfunction " Check if param:line is in a table function! s:is_table(line) abort return s:is_separator(a:line) || \ (a:line !~# s:rxSep().s:rxSep() && a:line =~# '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$') endfunction " Check if param:line is a separator (ex: | --- | --- |) function! s:is_separator(line) abort return a:line =~# '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'\(:\=--\+:\='.s:rxSep().'\)\+\s*$' endfunction function! s:is_separator_tail(line) abort return a:line =~# '^\{-1}\%(\s*\|-*\)\%('.s:rxSep().'-\+\)\+'.s:rxSep().'\s*$' endfunction function! s:is_last_column(lnum, cnum) abort let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), a:cnum - 1) return line =~# s:rxSep().'\s*$' && line !~# s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep().'\s*$' endfunction function! s:is_first_column(lnum, cnum) abort let line = strpart(getline(a:lnum), 0, a:cnum - 1) return line =~# '^\s*$' || \ (line =~# '^\s*'.s:rxSep() && line !~# '^\s*'.s:rxSep().'.*'.s:rxSep()) endfunction function! s:count_separators_up(lnum) abort let lnum = a:lnum - 1 while lnum > 1 if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum)) break endif let lnum -= 1 endwhile return (a:lnum-lnum) endfunction function! s:count_separators_down(lnum) abort let lnum = a:lnum + 1 while lnum < line('$') if !s:is_separator(getline(lnum)) break endif let lnum += 1 endwhile return (lnum-a:lnum) endfunction function! s:create_empty_row(cols) abort let row = s:rxSep() let cell = ' '.s:rxSep() for c in range(a:cols) let row .= cell endfor return row endfunction function! s:create_row_sep(cols) abort let row = s:rxSep() let cell = '---'.s:rxSep() for c in range(a:cols) let row .= cell endfor return row endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(line, ...) abort let result = [] let state = 'NONE' let cell_start = 0 let quote_start = 0 let len = strlen(a:line) - 1 " 'Simple' FSM while state !=# 'CELL' if quote_start != 0 && state !=# 'CELL' let state = 'CELL' endif for idx in range(quote_start, len) " The only way I know Vim can do Unicode... let ch = a:line[idx] if state ==# 'NONE' if ch ==# '|' let cell_start = idx + 1 let state = 'CELL' endif elseif state ==# 'CELL' if ch ==# '[' || ch ==# '{' let state = 'BEFORE_QUOTE_START' let quote_start = idx elseif ch ==# '|' let cell = strpart(a:line, cell_start, idx - cell_start) if a:0 && a:1 let cell = substitute(cell, '^ \(.*\) $', '\1', '') else let cell = vimwiki#u#trim(cell) endif call add(result, cell) let cell_start = idx + 1 endif elseif state ==# 'BEFORE_QUOTE_START' if ch ==# '[' || ch ==# '{' let state = 'QUOTE' let quote_start = idx else let state = 'CELL' endif elseif state ==# 'QUOTE' if ch ==# ']' || ch ==# '}' let state = 'BEFORE_QUOTE_END' endif elseif state ==# 'BEFORE_QUOTE_END' if ch ==# ']' || ch ==# '}' let state = 'CELL' endif endif endfor if state ==# 'NONE' break endif endwhile return result endfunction function! s:col_count(lnum) abort return len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(a:lnum))) endfunction function! s:get_indent(lnum, depth) abort if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum)) return endif let indent = 0 let lnum = a:lnum - 1 while lnum > 1 let line = getline(lnum) if !s:is_table(line) let indent = indent(lnum+1) break endif let lnum -= 1 if a:depth > 0 && lnum < a:lnum - a:depth break endif endwhile return indent endfunction function! s:get_rows(lnum, ...) abort if !s:is_table(getline(a:lnum)) return endif let rows = [] let lnum = a:lnum - 1 let depth = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 let ldepth = 0 while lnum >= 1 && (depth == 0 || ldepth < depth) let line = getline(lnum) if s:is_table(line) call insert(rows, [lnum, line]) else break endif let lnum -= 1 let ldepth += 1 endwhile let lnum = a:lnum while lnum <= line('$') let line = getline(lnum) if s:is_table(line) call add(rows, [lnum, line]) else break endif if depth > 0 break endif let lnum += 1 endwhile return rows endfunction function! s:get_cell_aligns(lnum, ...) abort let aligns = {} let depth = a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : 0 for [lnum, row] in s:get_rows(a:lnum, depth) if s:is_separator(row) let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row) for idx in range(len(cells)) let cell = cells[idx] if cell =~# '^--\+:' let aligns[idx] = 'right' elseif cell =~# '^:--\+:' let aligns[idx] = 'center' else let aligns[idx] = 'left' endif endfor else let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row) for idx in range(len(cells)) if !has_key(aligns, idx) let aligns[idx] = 'left' endif endfor endif endfor return aligns endfunction function! s:get_cell_aligns_fast(rows) abort let aligns = {} let clen = 0 for [lnum, row] in a:rows if s:is_separator(row) return s:get_cell_aligns(lnum, 1) endif let cells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row, 1) let clen = len(cells) for idx in range(clen) let cell = cells[idx] if !has_key(aligns, idx) let cs = matchlist(cell, '^\(\s*\)[^[:space:]].\{-}\(\s*\)$') if !empty(cs) let lstart = len(cs[1]) let lend = len(cs[2]) if lstart > 0 && lend > 0 let aligns[idx] = 'center' elseif lend > 0 let aligns[idx] = 'left' elseif lstart > 0 let aligns[idx] = 'right' endif endif endif endfor endfor for idx in range(clen) if !has_key(aligns, idx) return {} endif endfor return aligns endfunction function! s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum, ...) abort let max_lens = {} let rows = a:0 > 2 ? a:3 : s:get_rows(a:lnum) for [lnum, row] in rows if s:is_separator(row) continue endif let cells = a:0 > 1 ? a:1[lnum - a:2] : vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row) for idx in range(len(cells)) let value = cells[idx] if has_key(max_lens, idx) let max_lens[idx] = max([s:wide_len(value), max_lens[idx]]) else let max_lens[idx] = s:wide_len(value) endif endfor endfor return max_lens endfunction function! s:get_aligned_rows(lnum, col1, col2, depth) abort let rows = [] let aligns = {} let startlnum = 0 let cells = [] let max_lens = {} let check_all = 1 if a:depth > 0 let rows = s:get_rows(a:lnum, a:depth) let startlnum = rows[0][0] let lrows = len(rows) if lrows == a:depth + 1 let line = rows[-1][1] if !s:is_separator(line) let lcells = vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(line) let lclen = len(lcells) let lmax_lens = repeat([0], lclen) let laligns = repeat(['left'], lclen) let rows[-1][1] = s:fmt_row(lcells, lmax_lens, laligns, 0, 0) endif let i = 1 for [lnum, row] in rows call add(cells, vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row, i != lrows - 1)) let i += 1 endfor let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum, cells, startlnum, rows) " user option not to expand last call if vimwiki#vars#get_global('table_reduce_last_col') let last_index = keys(max_lens)[-1] let max_lens[last_index] = 1 endif let fst_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum, cells, startlnum, rows[0:0]) let check_all = max_lens != fst_lens let aligns = s:get_cell_aligns_fast(rows[0:-2]) let rows[-1][1] = line endif endif if check_all " all the table must be re-formatted let rows = s:get_rows(a:lnum) let startlnum = rows[0][0] let cells = [] for [lnum, row] in rows call add(cells, vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row)) endfor let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(a:lnum, cells, startlnum, rows) " user option not to expand last call if vimwiki#vars#get_global('table_reduce_last_col') let last_index = keys(max_lens)[-1] let max_lens[last_index] = 1 endif endif if empty(aligns) let aligns = s:get_cell_aligns(a:lnum) endif let result = [] for [lnum, row] in rows if s:is_separator(row) let new_row = s:fmt_sep(max_lens, aligns, a:col1, a:col2) else let new_row = s:fmt_row(cells[lnum - startlnum], max_lens, aligns, a:col1, a:col2) endif call add(result, [lnum, new_row]) endfor return result endfunction " Number of the current column. Starts from 0. function! s:cur_column() abort let line = getline('.') if !s:is_table(line) return -1 endif " TODO: do we need conditional: if s:is_separator(line) let curs_pos = col('.') let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), 0) let col = -1 while mpos < curs_pos && mpos != -1 let mpos = match(line, s:rxSep(), mpos+1) if mpos != -1 let col += 1 endif endwhile return col endfunction function! s:fmt_cell(cell, max_len, align) abort let cell = ' '.a:cell.' ' let diff = a:max_len - s:wide_len(a:cell) if diff == 0 && empty(a:cell) let diff = 1 endif if a:align ==# 'left' let cell .= repeat(' ', diff) elseif a:align ==# 'right' let cell = repeat(' ',diff).cell else let cell = repeat(' ',diff/2).cell.repeat(' ',diff-diff/2) endif return cell endfunction function! s:fmt_row(cells, max_lens, aligns, col1, col2) abort let new_line = s:rxSep() for idx in range(len(a:cells)) if idx == a:col1 let idx = a:col2 elseif idx == a:col2 let idx = a:col1 endif let value = a:cells[idx] let new_line .= s:fmt_cell(value, a:max_lens[idx], a:aligns[idx]).s:rxSep() endfor let idx = len(a:cells) while idx < len(a:max_lens) let new_line .= s:fmt_cell('', a:max_lens[idx], a:aligns[idx]).s:rxSep() let idx += 1 endwhile return new_line endfunction function! s:fmt_cell_sep(max_len, align) abort let cell = '' if a:max_len == 0 let cell .= '-' else let cell .= repeat('-', a:max_len) endif if a:align ==# 'right' return cell.'-:' elseif a:align ==# 'left' return cell.'--' else return ':'.cell.':' endif endfunction function! s:fmt_sep(max_lens, aligns, col1, col2) abort let new_line = s:rxSep() for idx in range(len(a:max_lens)) if idx == a:col1 let idx = a:col2 elseif idx == a:col2 let idx = a:col1 endif let new_line .= s:fmt_cell_sep(a:max_lens[idx], a:aligns[idx]).s:rxSep() endfor return new_line endfunction function! s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, goto_first) abort let cmd = "\o".s:create_empty_row(a:cols) let cmd .= "\:call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), 2)\" let cmd .= "\0" if a:goto_first let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'c', line('.'))\" else let cmd .= (col('.')-1).'l' let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\" endif let cmd .= 'a' return cmd endfunction function! s:kbd_goto_next_row() abort let cmd = "\j" let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\" let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\" let cmd .= 'a' return cmd endfunction function! s:kbd_goto_prev_row() abort let cmd = "\k" let cmd .= ":call search('.\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)', 'c', line('.'))\" let cmd .= ":call search('\\(".s:rxSep()."\\)\\zs', 'bc', line('.'))\" let cmd .= 'a' return cmd endfunction " Used in s:kbd_goto_next_col function! vimwiki#tbl#goto_next_col() abort let curcol = virtcol('.') let lnum = line('.') let depth = 2 let newcol = s:get_indent(lnum, depth) let rows = s:get_rows(lnum, depth) let startlnum = rows[0][0] let cells = [] for [lnum, row] in rows call add(cells, vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(row, 1)) endfor let max_lens = s:get_cell_max_lens(lnum, cells, startlnum, rows) for cell_len in values(max_lens) if newcol >= curcol-1 break endif let newcol += cell_len + 3 " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |... endfor let newcol += 2 " +2 == 1 separator + 1 space |... if newcol + delta > curcol-1 let newcol -= (prev_cell_len + 3) " +3 == 2 spaces + 1 separator |... break elseif newcol + delta == curcol-1 break endif let prev_cell_len = cell_len let newcol += delta endfor let newcol += 2 " +2 == 1 separator + 1 space |" " let cmd .= "a" "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_goto_prev_col> ".cmd return cmd endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_cr() abort let lnum = line('.') if !s:is_table(getline(lnum)) return '' endif if s:is_separator(getline(lnum+1)) || !s:is_table(getline(lnum+1)) let cols = len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(lnum))) return s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, 0) else return s:kbd_goto_next_row() endif endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_tab() abort let lnum = line('.') if !s:is_table(getline(lnum)) return "\" endif let last = s:is_last_column(lnum, col('.')) let is_sep = s:is_separator_tail(getline(lnum)) "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_tab> last=".last.", is_sep=".is_sep if (is_sep || last) && !s:is_table(getline(lnum+1)) let cols = len(vimwiki#tbl#get_cells(getline(lnum))) return s:kbd_create_new_row(cols, 1) endif return s:kbd_goto_next_col(is_sep || last) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#kbd_shift_tab() abort let lnum = line('.') if !s:is_table(getline(lnum)) return "\" endif let first = s:is_first_column(lnum, col('.')) let is_sep = s:is_separator_tail(getline(lnum)) "echomsg "DEBUG kbd_tab> ".first if (is_sep || first) && !s:is_table(getline(lnum-1)) return '' endif return s:kbd_goto_prev_col(is_sep || first) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#format(lnum, ...) abort " Clause in if !vimwiki#u#ft_is_vw() return endif let line = getline(a:lnum) if !s:is_table(line) return endif " Backup textwidth let textwidth = &textwidth let depth = a:0 == 1 ? a:1 : 0 if a:0 == 2 let col1 = a:1 let col2 = a:2 else let col1 = 0 let col2 = 0 endif let indent = s:get_indent(a:lnum, depth) if &expandtab let indentstring = repeat(' ', indent) else execute "let indentstring = repeat('\', indent / &tabstop) . repeat(' ', indent % &tabstop)" endif " getting N = depth last rows is enough for having been formatted tables for [lnum, row] in s:get_aligned_rows(a:lnum, col1, col2, depth) let row = indentstring.row if getline(lnum) != row call setline(lnum, row) endif endfor " Restore user textwidth let &textwidth = textwidth endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#create(...) abort if a:0 > 1 let cols = a:1 let rows = a:2 elseif a:0 == 1 let cols = a:1 let rows = 2 elseif a:0 == 0 let cols = 5 let rows = 2 endif if cols < 1 let cols = 5 endif if rows < 1 let rows = 2 endif let lines = [] let row = s:create_empty_row(cols) call add(lines, row) if rows > 1 call add(lines, s:create_row_sep(cols)) endif for r in range(rows - 1) call add(lines, row) endfor call append(line('.'), lines) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#align_or_cmd(cmd, ...) abort if s:is_table(getline('.')) call call('vimwiki#tbl#format', [line('.')] + a:000) else exe 'normal! '.a:cmd endif endfunction " TODO: move_column_left and move_column_right are good candidates to be refactored. function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_left() abort " Clause in let line = getline('.') if !s:is_table(line) return endif let cur_col = s:cur_column() if cur_col == -1 return endif if cur_col <= 0 return endif call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col-1, cur_col) call cursor(line('.'), 1) let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs' let mpos = -1 let col = -1 while col < cur_col-1 let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1) if mpos != -1 let col += 1 else break endif endwhile endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#move_column_right() abort " Clause in let line = getline('.') if !s:is_table(line) return endif let cur_col = s:cur_column() if cur_col == -1 return endif if cur_col >= s:col_count(line('.'))-1 return endif " Format table && Put cursor on first col call vimwiki#tbl#format(line('.'), cur_col, cur_col+1) call cursor(line('.'), 1) " Change add one to all col let sep = '\('.s:rxSep().'\).\zs' let mpos = -1 let col = -1 while col < cur_col+1 let mpos = match(line, sep, mpos+1) if mpos != -1 let col += 1 else break endif endwhile endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#get_rows(lnum) abort return s:get_rows(a:lnum) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#is_table(line) abort return s:is_table(a:line) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#is_separator(line) abort return s:is_separator(a:line) endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#cell_splitter() abort return s:cell_splitter() endfunction function! vimwiki#tbl#sep_splitter() abort return s:sep_splitter() endfunction