" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79 " Vimwiki syntax file " Default syntax " Author: Maxim Kim " Home: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/ " placeholder for math environments let b:vimwiki_mathEnv = "" " text: $ equation_inline $ let g:vimwiki_rxEqIn = '\$[^$`]\+\$' let g:vimwiki_char_eqin = '\$' " text: *strong* " let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\*[^*]\+\*' let g:vimwiki_rxBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='. \'\*'. \'\%([^*`[:space:]][^*`]*[^*`[:space:]]\|[^*`[:space:]]\)'. \'\*'. \'\%([[:punct:]]\|\s\|$\)\@=' let g:vimwiki_char_bold = '*' " text: _emphasis_ " let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '_[^_]\+_' let g:vimwiki_rxItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='. \'_'. \'\%([^_`[:space:]][^_`]*[^_`[:space:]]\|[^_`[:space:]]\)'. \'_'. \'\%([[:punct:]]\|\s\|$\)\@=' let g:vimwiki_char_italic = '_' " text: *_bold italic_* or _*italic bold*_ let g:vimwiki_rxBoldItalic = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='. \'\*_'. \'\%([^*_`[:space:]][^*_`]*[^*_`[:space:]]\|[^*_`[:space:]]\)'. \'_\*'. \'\%([[:punct:]]\|\s\|$\)\@=' let g:vimwiki_char_bolditalic = '\*_' let g:vimwiki_rxItalicBold = '\%(^\|\s\|[[:punct:]]\)\@<='. \'_\*'. \'\%([^*_`[:space:]][^*_`]*[^*_`[:space:]]\|[^*_`[:space:]]\)'. \'\*_'. \'\%([[:punct:]]\|\s\|$\)\@=' let g:vimwiki_char_italicbold = '_\*' " text: `code` let g:vimwiki_rxCode = '`[^`]\+`' let g:vimwiki_char_code = '`' " text: ~~deleted text~~ let g:vimwiki_rxDelText = '\~\~[^~`]\+\~\~' let g:vimwiki_char_deltext = '\~\~' " text: ^superscript^ let g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript = '\^[^^`]\+\^' let g:vimwiki_char_superscript = '^' " text: ,,subscript,, let g:vimwiki_rxSubScript = ',,[^,`]\+,,' let g:vimwiki_char_subscript = ',,' " generic headers let g:vimwiki_rxH = '=' let g:vimwiki_symH = 1 "
, horizontal rule let g:vimwiki_rxHR = '^-----*$' " Tables. Each line starts and ends with '|'; each cell is separated by '|' let g:vimwiki_rxTableSep = '|' " Lists "1 means multiple bullets, like * ** *** let g:vimwiki_bullet_types = { '-':0, '*':0, '#':0 , '•':0 } let g:vimwiki_number_types = ['1)', '1.', 'i)', 'I)', 'a)', 'A)'] "this should contain at least one element "it is used for i_ among other things let g:vimwiki_list_markers = ['-', '•', '1.', '*', 'I)', 'a)'] let g:vimwiki_rxListDefine = '::\(\s\|$\)' call vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos() let g:vimwiki_rxListItemAndChildren = '^\(\s*\)\%('.g:vimwiki_rxListBullet.'\|'.g:vimwiki_rxListNumber.'\)\s\+\['.g:vimwiki_listsyms[4].'\]\s.*\%(\n\%(\1\s.*\|^$\)\)*' " Preformatted text let g:vimwiki_rxPreStart = '{{{' let g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd = '}}}' " Math block let g:vimwiki_rxMathStart = '{{\$' let g:vimwiki_rxMathEnd = '}}\$' let g:vimwiki_rxComment = '^\s*%%.*$'