" Vim syntax file " Language: Wiki " Author: Maxim Kim (habamax at gmail dot com) " Home: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/ " Filenames: *.wiki " Last Change: (14.05.2008 17:25) " Version: 0.3pre " Quit if syntax file is already loaded if version < 600 syntax clear elseif exists("b:current_syntax") finish endif "" use max highlighting - could be quite slow if there are too many wikifiles if g:vimwiki_maxhi " Every WikiWord is nonexistent execute 'syntax match wikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word1.'/' execute 'syntax match wikiNoExistsWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/' " till we find them in g:vimwiki_home call WikiHighlightWords() else " A WikiWord (unqualifiedWikiName) execute 'syntax match wikiWord /'.g:vimwiki_word1.'/' " A [[bracketed wiki word]] execute 'syntax match wikiWord /'.g:vimwiki_word2.'/' endif " text: "this is a link (optional tooltip)":http://www.microsoft.com " TODO: check URL syntax against RFC syntax match wikiLink `\("[^"(]\+\((\([^)]\+\))\)\?":\)\?\(https\?\|ftp\|gopher\|telnet\|file\|notes\|ms-help\):\(\(\(//\)\|\(\\\\\)\)\+[A-Za-z0-9:#@%/;$~_?+-=.&\-\\\\]*\)` " text: *strong* syntax match wikiBold /\(^\|\W\)\zs\*\([^ ].\{-}\)\*/ " text: _emphasis_ syntax match wikiItalic /_.\{-}_/ " text: `code` syntax match wikiCode /`.\{-}`/ " text: ~~deleted text~~ syntax match wikiDelText /\~\{2}.\{-}\~\{2}/ " text: ^superscript^ syntax match wikiSuperScript /\^.\{-}\^/ " text: ,,subscript,, syntax match wikiSubScript /,,.\{-},,/ " Emoticons: must come after the Textilisms, as later rules take precedence " over earlier ones. This match is an approximation for the ~70 distinct " patterns that FlexWiki knows. syntax match wikiEmoticons /\((.)\|:[()|$@]\|:-[DOPS()\]|$@]\|;)\|:'(\)/ " Aggregate all the regular text highlighting into wikiText syntax cluster wikiText contains=wikiItalic,wikiBold,wikiCode,wikiDelText,wikiSuperScript,wikiSubScript,wikiLink,wikiWord,wikiEmoticons " Header levels, 1-6 syntax match wikiH1 /\(^!\{1}.*$\|^\s*=\{1}.*=\{1}\s*$\)/ syntax match wikiH2 /\(^!\{2}.*$\|^\s*=\{2}.*=\{2}\s*$\)/ syntax match wikiH3 /\(^!\{3}.*$\|^\s*=\{3}.*=\{3}\s*$\)/ syntax match wikiH4 /\(^!\{4}.*$\|^\s*=\{4}.*=\{4}\s*$\)/ syntax match wikiH5 /\(^!\{5}.*$\|^\s*=\{5}.*=\{5}\s*$\)/ syntax match wikiH6 /\(^!\{6}.*$\|^\s*=\{6}.*=\{6}\s*$\)/ "
, horizontal rule syntax match wikiHR /^----.*$/ " Tables. Each line starts and ends with '||'; each cell is separated by '||' syntax match wikiTable /||/ " Bulleted list items start with whitespace(s), then '*' " syntax match wikiList /^\s\+\(\*\|[1-9]\+0*\.\).*$/ contains=@wikiText " highlight only bullets and digits. syntax match wikiList /^\s\+\(\*\|[1-9]\+0*\.\|#\)/ syntax match wikiTodo /\(TODO:\|DONE:\|FIXME:\|FIXED:\)/ " Treat all other lines that start with spaces as PRE-formatted text. syntax match wikiPre /^\s\+[^[:blank:]*#].*$/ syntax region wikiPre start=/^{{{\s*$/ end=/^}}}\s*$/ " Link FlexWiki syntax items to colors hi def link wikiH1 Title hi def link wikiH2 wikiH1 hi def link wikiH3 wikiH2 hi def link wikiH4 wikiH3 hi def link wikiH5 wikiH4 hi def link wikiH6 wikiH5 hi def link wikiHR wikiH6 hi def wikiBold term=bold cterm=bold gui=bold hi def wikiItalic term=italic cterm=italic gui=italic hi def link wikiCode PreProc hi def link wikiWord Underlined hi def link wikiNoExistsWord Error hi def link wikiEscape Todo hi def link wikiPre PreProc hi def link wikiLink Underlined hi def link wikiList Type hi def link wikiTable Type hi def link wikiEmoticons Constant hi def link wikiDelText Comment hi def link wikiInsText Constant hi def link wikiSuperScript Constant hi def link wikiSubScript Constant hi def link wikiCitation Constant hi def link wikiTodo Todo let b:current_syntax="vimwiki" " vim:tw=0: