" vim:tabstop=2:shiftwidth=2:expandtab:foldmethod=marker:textwidth=79 " Vimwiki autoload plugin file " Everything concerning bulleted and numbered lists and checkboxes " Author: Daniel Schemala " Home: http://code.google.com/p/vimwiki/ if exists("g:loaded_vimwiki_list_auto") || &cp finish endif let g:loaded_vimwiki_list_auto = 1 "incrementation functions for the various kinds of numbers {{{ function! s:increment_1(value) "{{{ return eval(a:value) + 1 endfunction "}}} function! s:increment_A(value) "{{{ let list_of_chars = split(a:value, '.\zs') let done = 0 for idx in reverse(range(len(list_of_chars))) let cur_num = char2nr(list_of_chars[idx]) if cur_num < 90 let list_of_chars[idx] = nr2char(cur_num + 1) let done = 1 break else let list_of_chars[idx] = 'A' endif endfor if !done call insert(list_of_chars, 'A') endif return join(list_of_chars, '') endfunction "}}} function! s:increment_a(value) "{{{ let list_of_chars = split(a:value, '.\zs') let done = 0 for idx in reverse(range(len(list_of_chars))) let cur_num = char2nr(list_of_chars[idx]) if cur_num < 122 let list_of_chars[idx] = nr2char(cur_num + 1) let done = 1 break else let list_of_chars[idx] = 'a' endif endfor if !done call insert(list_of_chars, 'a') endif return join(list_of_chars, '') endfunction "}}} function! s:increment_I(value) "{{{ let subst_list = [ ['XLVIII$', 'IL'], ['VIII$', 'IX'], ['III$', 'IV'], \ ['DCCCXCIX$', 'CM'], ['CCCXCIX$', 'CD'], ['LXXXIX$', 'XC'], \ ['XXXIX$', 'XL'], ['\(I\{1,2\}\)$', '\1I'], ['CDXCIX$', 'D'], \ ['CMXCIX$', 'M'], ['XCIX$', 'C'], ['I\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1'], \ ['\([VXLCDM]\)$', '\1I'] ] for [regex, subst] in subst_list if a:value =~# regex return substitute(a:value, regex, subst, '') endif endfor return '' endfunction "}}} function! s:increment_i(value) "{{{ let subst_list = [ ['xlviii$', 'il'], ['viii$', 'ix'], ['iii$', 'iv'], \ ['dcccxcix$', 'cm'], ['cccxcix$', 'cd'], ['lxxxix$', 'xc'], \ ['xxxix$', 'xl'], ['\(i\{1,2\}\)$', '\1i'], ['cdxcix$', 'd'], \ ['cmxcix$', 'm'], ['xcix$', 'c'], ['i\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1'], \ ['\([vxlcdm]\)$', '\1i'] ] for [regex, subst] in subst_list if a:value =~# regex return substitute(a:value, regex, subst, '') endif endfor return '' endfunction "}}} "incrementation functions for the various kinds of numbers }}} "utility functions {{{ function! s:substitute_rx_in_line(lnum, pattern, new_string) "{{{ call setline(a:lnum, substitute(getline(a:lnum), a:pattern, a:new_string, \ '')) endfunction "}}} function! s:substitute_string_in_line(lnum, old_string, new_string) "{{{ call s:substitute_rx_in_line(a:lnum, vimwiki#u#escape(a:old_string), \ a:new_string) endfunction "}}} function! s:first_char(string) "{{{ return matchstr(a:string, '^.') endfunction "}}} if exists("*strdisplaywidth") "{{{ function! s:string_length(str) return strdisplaywidth(a:str) endfunction else function! s:string_length(str) return strlen(substitute(a:str, '.', 'x', 'g')) endfunction endif "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#default_symbol() "{{{ return g:vimwiki_list_markers[0] endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#get_list_margin() "{{{ if VimwikiGet('list_margin') < 0 return &sw else return VimwikiGet('list_margin') endif endfunction "}}} "Returns: the column where the text of a line starts (possible list item "markers and checkboxes are skipped) function! s:text_begin(lnum) "{{{ return s:string_length(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), g:vimwiki_rxListItem)) endfunction "}}} "Returns: 2 if there is a marker and text " 1 for a marker and no text " 0 for no marker at all (empty line or only text) function! s:line_has_marker(lnum) "{{{ if getline(a:lnum) =~# g:vimwiki_rxListItem.'\s*$' return 1 elseif getline(a:lnum) =~# g:vimwiki_rxListItem.'\s*\S' return 2 else return 0 endif endfunction "}}} "utility functions }}} "get properties of an item {{{ "Returns: the mainly used data structure in this file "An item represents a single list item and is a dictionary with the keys "lnum - the line number of the list item "type - 1 for bulleted item, 2 for numbered item, 0 for a regular line "mrkr - the concrete marker, e.g. '**' or 'b)' "cb - the char in the checkbox or '' if there is no checkbox function! s:get_item(lnum) "{{{ let item = {'lnum': a:lnum} if a:lnum == 0 || a:lnum > line('$') let item.type = 0 return item endif let matches = matchlist(getline(a:lnum), g:vimwiki_rxListItem) if matches == [] || \ (matches[1] == '' && matches[2] == '') || \ (matches[1] != '' && matches[2] != '') let item.type = 0 return item endif let item.cb = matches[3] if matches[1] != '' let item.type = 1 let item.mrkr = matches[1] else let item.type = 2 let item.mrkr = matches[2] endif return item endfunction "}}} function! s:empty_item() "{{{ return {'type': 0} endfunction "}}} "Returns: level of the line "0 is the 'highest' level function! s:get_level(lnum) "{{{ if getline(a:lnum) =~ '^\s*$' return 0 endif if VimwikiGet('syntax') != 'media' let level = indent(a:lnum) else let level = s:string_length(matchstr(getline(a:lnum), s:rx_bullet_chars))-1 if level < 0 let level = (indent(a:lnum) == 0) ? 0 : 9999 endif endif return level endfunction "}}} "Returns: 1, a, i, A, I or '' "If in doubt if alphanumeric character or romanian "numeral, peek in the previous line function! s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(item) "{{{ if a:item.type != 2 | return '' | endif let number_chars = a:item.mrkr[:-2] let divisor = a:item.mrkr[-1:] if number_chars =~ '\d\+' return '1' endif if number_chars =~# '\l\+' if number_chars !~# '^[ivxlcdm]\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'i') == -1 return 'a' else let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 0) if item_above.type != 0 if index(s:number_kinds, 'a') == -1 || \ (item_above.mrkr[-1:] !=# divisor && number_chars =~# 'i\+') || \ s:increment_i(item_above.mrkr[:-2]) ==# number_chars return 'i' else return 'a' endif else if number_chars =~# 'i\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'a') == -1 return 'i' else return 'a' endif endif endif endif if number_chars =~# '\u\+' if number_chars !~# '^[IVXLCDM]\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'I') == -1 return 'A' else let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 0) if item_above.type != 0 if index(s:number_kinds, 'A') == -1 || \ (item_above.mrkr[-1:] !=# divisor && number_chars =~# 'I\+') || \ s:increment_I(item_above.mrkr[:-2]) ==# number_chars return 'I' else return 'A' endif else if number_chars =~# 'I\+' || index(s:number_kinds, 'A') == -1 return 'I' else return 'A' endif endif endif endif endfunction "}}} function! s:regexp_of_marker(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 1 return vimwiki#u#escape(a:item.mrkr) elseif a:item.type == 2 for ki in ['d', 'u', 'l'] let match = matchstr(a:item.mrkr, '\'.ki.'\+['.s:number_divisors.']') if match != '' return '\'.ki.'\+'.vimwiki#u#escape(match[-1:]) endif endfor else return '' endif endfunction "}}} "get properties of an item }}} "functions for navigating between items {{{ "Returns: the list item after a:item or an empty item "If a:ignore_kind is 1, the markers can differ function! s:get_next_list_item(item, ignore_kind) "{{{ let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum) if !a:ignore_kind let org_regex = s:regexp_of_marker(a:item) endif let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(a:item.lnum) while cur_ln <= line('$') let cur_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln) if cur_lvl <= org_lvl if a:ignore_kind return s:get_any_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl) else return s:get_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl, org_regex) endif endif let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_ln) endwhile return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} "Returns: the list item before a:item or an empty item "If a:ignore_kind is 1, the markers can differ function! s:get_prev_list_item(item, ignore_kind) "{{{ let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum) if !a:ignore_kind let org_regex = s:regexp_of_marker(a:item) endif let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(a:item.lnum) while cur_ln >= 1 let cur_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln) if cur_lvl <= org_lvl if a:ignore_kind return s:get_any_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl) else return s:get_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl, org_regex) endif endif let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(cur_ln) endwhile return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} function! s:get_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl, org_regex) "{{{ let cur_linecontent = getline(a:cur_ln) if a:cur_lvl == a:org_lvl if cur_linecontent =~# '^\s*'.a:org_regex.'\s' return s:get_item(a:cur_ln) else return s:empty_item() endif elseif a:cur_lvl < a:org_lvl return s:empty_item() endif endfunction "}}} function! s:get_any_item_of_level(cur_ln, cur_lvl, org_lvl) "{{{ if a:cur_lvl == a:org_lvl return s:get_item(a:cur_ln) elseif a:cur_lvl < a:org_lvl return s:empty_item() endif endfunction "}}} function! s:get_first_item_in_list(item, ignore_kind) "{{{ let cur_item = a:item while 1 let prev_item = s:get_prev_list_item(cur_item, a:ignore_kind) if prev_item.type == 0 break else let cur_item = prev_item endif endwhile return cur_item endfunction "}}} function! s:get_last_item_in_list(item, ignore_kind) "{{{ let cur_item = a:item while 1 let next_item = s:get_next_list_item(cur_item, a:ignore_kind) if next_item.type == 0 break else let cur_item = next_item endif endwhile return cur_item endfunction "}}} "Returns: lnum+1 in most cases, but skips blank lines and preformatted text "0 in case of nonvalid line "If there is no second argument, 0 is returned at a header, otherwise the "header is skipped function! s:get_next_line(lnum, ...) "{{{ if getline(a:lnum) =~# '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart let cur_ln = a:lnum + 1 while cur_ln <= line('$') && \ getline(cur_ln) !~# '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd.'\s*$' let cur_ln += 1 endwhile let next_line = nextnonblank(cur_ln+1) else let next_line = nextnonblank(a:lnum+1) endif if a:0 > 0 && getline(next_line) =~# g:vimwiki_rxHeader let next_line = s:get_next_line(next_line, 1) endif if next_line < 0 || next_line > line('$') || \ (getline(next_line) =~# g:vimwiki_rxHeader && a:0 == 0) return 0 endif return next_line endfunction "}}} "Returns: lnum-1 in most cases, but skips blank lines and preformatted text "0 in case of nonvalid line and a header, because a header ends every list function! s:get_prev_line(lnum) "{{{ let prev_line = prevnonblank(a:lnum-1) if getline(prev_line) =~# '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreEnd.'\s*$' let cur_ln = a:lnum - 1 while 1 if cur_ln == 0 || getline(cur_ln) =~# '^\s*'.g:vimwiki_rxPreStart break endif let cur_ln -= 1 endwhile let prev_line = cur_ln endif if prev_line < 0 || prev_line > line('$') || \ getline(prev_line) =~# g:vimwiki_rxHeader return 0 endif return prev_line endfunction "}}} function! s:get_first_child(item) "{{{ if a:item.lnum >= line('$') return s:empty_item() endif let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum) let cur_item = s:get_item(s:get_next_line(a:item.lnum)) while 1 if cur_item.type != 0 && s:get_level(cur_item.lnum) > org_lvl return cur_item endif if cur_item.lnum > line('$') || cur_item.lnum <= 0 || \ s:get_level(cur_item.lnum) <= org_lvl return s:empty_item() endif let cur_item = s:get_item(s:get_next_line(cur_item.lnum)) endwhile endfunction "}}} "Returns: the next sibling of a:child, given the parent item "Used for iterating over children "Note: child items do not necessarily have the same indent, i.e. level function! s:get_next_child_item(parent, child) "{{{ if a:parent.type == 0 | return s:empty_item() | endif let parent_lvl = s:get_level(a:parent.lnum) let cur_ln = s:get_last_line_of_item_incl_children(a:child) while 1 let next_line = s:get_next_line(cur_ln) if next_line == 0 || s:get_level(next_line) <= parent_lvl break endif let cur_ln = next_line let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type > 0 return cur_item endif endwhile return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} function! s:get_parent(item) "{{{ let parent_line = 0 let cur_ln = prevnonblank(a:item.lnum) let child_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln) if child_lvl == 0 return s:empty_item() endif while 1 let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(cur_ln) if cur_ln == 0 | break | endif let cur_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln) if cur_lvl < child_lvl let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type == 0 let child_lvl = cur_lvl continue endif let parent_line = cur_ln break endif endwhile return s:get_item(parent_line) endfunction "}}} "Returns: the item above or the item below or an empty item function! s:get_a_neighbor_item(item) "{{{ let prev_item = s:get_prev_list_item(a:item, 1) if prev_item.type != 0 return prev_item else let next_item = s:get_next_list_item(a:item, 1) if next_item.type != 0 return next_item endif endif return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} function! s:get_a_neighbor_item_in_column(lnum, column) "{{{ let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(a:lnum) while cur_ln >= 1 if s:get_level(cur_ln) <= a:column return s:get_corresponding_item(cur_ln) endif let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(cur_ln) endwhile return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} "Returns: the item if there is one in a:lnum "else the multiline item a:lnum belongs to function! s:get_corresponding_item(lnum) "{{{ let item = s:get_item(a:lnum) if item.type != 0 return item endif let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:lnum) let cur_ln = a:lnum while cur_ln > 0 let cur_lvl = s:get_level(cur_ln) let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_lvl < org_lvl && cur_item.type != 0 return cur_item endif if cur_lvl < org_lvl let org_lvl = cur_lvl endif let cur_ln = s:get_prev_line(cur_ln) endwhile return s:empty_item() endfunction "}}} "Returns: the last line of a (possibly multiline) item, including all children function! s:get_last_line_of_item_incl_children(item) "{{{ let cur_ln = a:item.lnum let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum) while 1 let next_line = s:get_next_line(cur_ln) if next_line == 0 || s:get_level(next_line) <= org_lvl return cur_ln endif let cur_ln = next_line endwhile endfunction "}}} "Returns: the last line of a (possibly multiline) item "Note: there can be other list items inbetween the first and last lines function! s:get_last_line_of_item(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 | return 0 | endif let org_lvl = s:get_level(a:item.lnum) let last_corresponding_line = a:item.lnum let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(a:item.lnum) while 1 if cur_ln == 0 || s:get_level(cur_ln) <= org_lvl break endif let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type == 0 let last_corresponding_line = cur_ln let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_ln) else let cur_ln = s:get_next_line( \ s:get_last_line_of_item_incl_children(cur_item)) endif endwhile return last_corresponding_line endfunction "}}} "functions for navigating between items }}} "renumber list items {{{ "Renumbers the current list from a:item on downwards "Returns: the last item that was adjusted function! s:adjust_numbered_list_below(item, recursive) "{{{ if !(a:item.type == 2 || (a:item.type == 1 && a:recursive)) return a:item endif let kind = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(a:item) let cur_item = a:item while 1 if a:recursive call s:adjust_items_recursively(cur_item) endif let next_item = s:get_next_list_item(cur_item, 0) if next_item.type == 0 break endif if cur_item.type == 2 let new_val = s:increment_{kind}(cur_item.mrkr[:-2]) . cur_item.mrkr[-1:] call s:substitute_string_in_line(next_item.lnum, next_item.mrkr, new_val) let next_item.mrkr = new_val endif let cur_item = next_item endwhile return cur_item endfunction "}}} function! s:adjust_items_recursively(parent) "{{{ if a:parent.type == 0 return s:empty_item() end let child_item = s:get_first_child(a:parent) if child_item.type == 0 return child_item endif while 1 let last_item = s:adjust_numbered_list(child_item, 1, 1) let child_item = s:get_next_child_item(a:parent, last_item) if child_item.type == 0 return last_item endif endwhile endfunction "}}} "Renumbers the list a:item is in. "If a:ignore_kind == 0, only the items which have the same kind of marker as "a:item are considered, otherwise all items. "Returns: the last item that was adjusted function! s:adjust_numbered_list(item, ignore_kind, recursive) "{{{ if !(a:item.type == 2 || (a:item.type == 1 && (a:ignore_kind || a:recursive))) return s:empty_item() end let first_item = s:get_first_item_in_list(a:item, a:ignore_kind) while 1 if first_item.type == 2 let new_mrkr = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(first_item) . \ first_item.mrkr[-1:] call s:substitute_string_in_line(first_item.lnum, first_item.mrkr, \ new_mrkr) let first_item.mrkr = new_mrkr endif let last_item = s:adjust_numbered_list_below(first_item, a:recursive) let next_first_item = s:get_next_list_item(last_item, 1) if a:ignore_kind == 0 || next_first_item.type == 0 return last_item endif let first_item = next_first_item endwhile endfunction "}}} "Renumbers the list the cursor is in "also update its parents checkbox state function! vimwiki#lst#adjust_numbered_list() "{{{ let cur_item = s:get_corresponding_item(line('.')) if cur_item.type == 0 | return | endif call s:adjust_numbered_list(cur_item, 1, 0) call s:update_state(s:get_parent(cur_item)) endfunction "}}} "Renumbers all lists of the buffer "of course, this might take some seconds function! vimwiki#lst#adjust_whole_buffer() "{{{ let cur_ln = 1 while 1 let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type != 0 let cur_item = s:adjust_numbered_list(cur_item, 0, 1) endif let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_item.lnum, 1) if cur_ln <= 0 || cur_ln > line('$') return endif endwhile endfunction "}}} "renumber list items }}} "checkbox stuff {{{ "Returns: the rate of checkboxed list item in percent function! s:get_rate(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 || a:item.cb == '' return -1 endif let state = a:item.cb return index(g:vimwiki_listsyms, state) * 25 endfunction "}}} "Set state of the list item to [ ] or [o] or whatever "Returns: 1 if the state changed, 0 otherwise function! s:set_state(item, new_rate) "{{{ let new_state = s:rate_to_state(a:new_rate) let old_state = s:rate_to_state(s:get_rate(a:item)) if new_state !=# old_state call s:substitute_rx_in_line(a:item.lnum, '\[.]', '['.new_state.']') return 1 else return 0 endif endfunction "}}} "Set state of the list item to [ ] or [o] or whatever "Updates the states of its child items function! s:set_state_plus_children(item, new_rate) "{{{ call s:set_state(a:item, a:new_rate) let child_item = s:get_first_child(a:item) while 1 if child_item.type == 0 break endif if child_item.cb != '' call s:set_state_plus_children(child_item, a:new_rate) endif let child_item = s:get_next_child_item(a:item, child_item) endwhile endfunction "}}} "Returns: the appropriate symbol for a given percent rate function! s:rate_to_state(rate) "{{{ let state = '' if a:rate == 100 let state = g:vimwiki_listsyms[4] elseif a:rate == 0 let state = g:vimwiki_listsyms[0] elseif a:rate >= 67 let state = g:vimwiki_listsyms[3] elseif a:rate >= 34 let state = g:vimwiki_listsyms[2] else let state = g:vimwiki_listsyms[1] endif return state endfunction "}}} "updates the symbol of a checkboxed item according to the symbols of its "children function! s:update_state(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 || a:item.cb == '' return endif let sum_children_rate = 0 let count_children_with_cb = 0 let child_item = s:get_first_child(a:item) while 1 if child_item.type == 0 break endif if child_item.cb != '' let count_children_with_cb += 1 let sum_children_rate += s:get_rate(child_item) endif let child_item = s:get_next_child_item(a:item, child_item) endwhile if count_children_with_cb > 0 let new_rate = sum_children_rate / count_children_with_cb call s:set_state_recursively(a:item, new_rate) else let rate = s:get_rate(a:item) if rate > 0 && rate < 100 call s:set_state_recursively(a:item, 0) endif endif endfunction "}}} function! s:set_state_recursively(item, new_rate) "{{{ let state_changed = s:set_state(a:item, a:new_rate) if state_changed call s:update_state(s:get_parent(a:item)) endif endfunction "}}} "Creates checkbox in a list item. "Returns: 1 if successful function! s:create_cb(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 || a:item.cb != '' return 0 endif let new_item = a:item let new_item.cb = g:vimwiki_listsyms[0] call s:substitute_rx_in_line(new_item.lnum, \ vimwiki#u#escape(new_item.mrkr) . '\zs\ze', ' [' . new_item.cb . ']') call s:update_state(new_item) return 1 endfunction "}}} function! s:remove_cb(item) "{{{ let item = a:item if item.type != 0 && item.cb != '' let item.cb = '' call s:substitute_rx_in_line(item.lnum, '\s\+\[.\]', '') endif return item endfunction "}}} "Toggles checkbox between [ ] and [X] or creates one "in the lines of the given range function! vimwiki#lst#toggle_cb(line1, line2) "{{{ let from_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:line1) let to_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:line2) if from_item.type == 0 return endif let parent_items_of_lines = [] if from_item.cb == '' "if line1 has no CB, make a CB in every selected line let parent_items_of_lines = [] for cur_ln in range(from_item.lnum, to_item.lnum) let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) let success = s:create_cb(cur_item) if success let cur_parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item) if index(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) == -1 call insert(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) endif endif endfor else "if line1 has CB, toggle it and set all siblings to the same new state let rate_first_line = s:get_rate(from_item) let new_rate = rate_first_line==100 ? 0 : 100 for cur_ln in range(from_item.lnum, to_item.lnum) let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type != 0 && cur_item.cb != '' call s:set_state_plus_children(cur_item, new_rate) let cur_parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item) if index(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) == -1 call insert(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) endif endif endfor endif for parent_item in parent_items_of_lines call s:update_state(parent_item) endfor endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#remove_cb(first_line, last_line) "{{{ let first_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:first_line) let last_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:last_line) if first_item.type == 0 || last_item.type == 0 return endif let parent_items_of_lines = [] let cur_ln = first_item.lnum while 1 if cur_ln <= 0 || cur_ln > last_item.lnum | break | endif let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if cur_item.type != 0 let cur_item = s:remove_cb(cur_item) let cur_parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item) if index(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) == -1 call insert(parent_items_of_lines, cur_parent_item) endif endif let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_ln) endwhile for parent_item in parent_items_of_lines call s:update_state(parent_item) endfor endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#remove_cb_in_list() "{{{ let first_item = s:get_first_item_in_list( \ s:get_corresponding_item(line('.')), 0) let cur_item = first_item while 1 let next_item = s:get_next_list_item(cur_item, 0) let cur_item = s:remove_cb(cur_item) if next_item.type == 0 break else let cur_item = next_item endif endwhile call s:update_state(s:get_parent(first_item)) endfunction "}}} "checkbox stuff }}} "change the level of list items {{{ function! s:set_indent(lnum, new_indent) "{{{ if &expandtab let indentstring = repeat(' ', a:new_indent) else let indentstring = repeat('\t', a:new_indent / &tabstop) . \ repeat(' ', a:new_indent % &tabstop) endif call s:substitute_rx_in_line(a:lnum, '^\s*', indentstring) endfunction "}}} function! s:decrease_level(item) "{{{ let removed_indent = 0 if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 && \ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1 if s:string_length(a:item.mrkr) >= 2 call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, \ s:first_char(a:item.mrkr), '') let removed_indent = -1 endif else let old_indent = indent(a:item.lnum) if &shiftround let new_indent = (old_indent - 1) / &shiftwidth * &shiftwidth else let new_indent = old_indent - &shiftwidth endif call s:set_indent(a:item.lnum, new_indent) let removed_indent = new_indent - old_indent endif return removed_indent endfunction "}}} function! s:increase_level(item) "{{{ let additional_space = 0 if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && a:item.type == 1 && \ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1 call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, a:item.mrkr, a:item.mrkr . \ s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) let additional_indent = 1 else let old_indent = indent(a:item.lnum) if &shiftround let new_indent = (old_indent / &shiftwidth + 1) * &shiftwidth else let new_indent = old_indent + &shiftwidth endif call s:set_indent(a:item.lnum, new_indent) let additional_indent = new_indent - old_indent endif return additional_indent endfunction "}}} "adds a:indent_by to the current indent "a:indent_by can be negative function! s:indent_line_by(lnum, indent_by) "{{{ let item = s:get_item(a:lnum) if VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' && item.type == 1 && \ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(item.mrkr)) > -1 if a:indent_by > 0 call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:lnum, item.mrkr, \ item.mrkr . s:first_char(item.mrkr)) elseif a:indent_by < 0 call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:lnum, s:first_char(item.mrkr), '') endif else call s:set_indent(a:lnum, indent(a:lnum) + a:indent_by) endif endfunction "}}} "changes lvl of lines in selection function! s:change_level(from_line, to_line, direction, plus_children) "{{{ let from_item = s:get_corresponding_item(a:from_line) if from_item.type == 0 if a:direction == 'increase' && a:from_line == a:to_line && \ empty(getline(a:from_line)) "that's because :> doesn't work on an empty line normal! gi else execute a:from_line.','.a:to_line.(a:direction == 'increase' ? '>' : '<') endif return endif if a:from_line == a:to_line if a:plus_children let to_line = s:get_last_line_of_item_incl_children(from_item) else let to_line = s:get_last_line_of_item(from_item) endif else let to_line = a:to_line endif if from_item.type == 0 || to_line == 0 return endif let to_be_adjusted = s:get_a_neighbor_item(from_item) let old_parent = s:get_parent(from_item) let first_line_level = s:get_level(from_item.lnum) let more_than_one_level_concerned = 0 let first_line_indented_by = \ (a:direction == 'increase') ? \ s:increase_level(from_item) : s:decrease_level(from_item) let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(from_item.lnum) while cur_ln > 0 && cur_ln <= to_line if !more_than_one_level_concerned && \ s:get_level(cur_ln) != first_line_level && \ s:get_item(cur_ln).type != 0 let more_than_one_level_concerned = 1 endif call s:indent_line_by(cur_ln, first_line_indented_by) let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_ln, 1) endwhile if a:from_line == a:to_line call s:adjust_mrkr(from_item) endif call s:update_state(old_parent) let from_item = s:get_item(from_item.lnum) if from_item.cb != '' call s:update_state(from_item) call s:update_state(s:get_parent(from_item)) endif if more_than_one_level_concerned call vimwiki#lst#adjust_whole_buffer() else call s:adjust_numbered_list(from_item, 0, 0) call s:adjust_numbered_list(to_be_adjusted, 0, 0) endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#change_level(from_line, to_line, direction, plus_children) "{{{ let cur_col = col('$') - col('.') call s:change_level(a:from_line, a:to_line, a:direction, a:plus_children) call cursor('.', col('$') - cur_col) endfunction "}}} "indent line a:lnum to be the continuation of a:prev_item function! s:indent_multiline(prev_item, lnum) "{{{ if a:prev_item.type != 0 call s:set_indent(a:lnum, s:text_begin(a:prev_item.lnum)) endif endfunction "}}} "change the level of list items }}} "change markers of list items {{{ "Returns: the position of a marker in g:vimwiki_list_markers function! s:get_idx_list_markers(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 1 let m = s:first_char(a:item.mrkr) else let m = s:guess_kind_of_numbered_item(a:item) . a:item.mrkr[-1:] endif return index(g:vimwiki_list_markers, m) endfunction "}}} "changes the marker of the given item to the next in g:vimwiki_list_markers function! s:get_next_mrkr(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 let new_mrkr = g:vimwiki_list_markers[0] else let idx = s:get_idx_list_markers(a:item) let new_mrkr = g:vimwiki_list_markers[(idx+1) % len(g:vimwiki_list_markers)] endif return new_mrkr endfunction "}}} "changes the marker of the given item to the previous in g:vimwiki_list_markers function! s:get_prev_mrkr(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 return g:vimwiki_list_markers[-1] endif let idx = s:get_idx_list_markers(a:item) if idx == -1 return g:vimwiki_list_markers[-1] else return g:vimwiki_list_markers[(idx - 1 + len(g:vimwiki_list_markers)) % \ len(g:vimwiki_list_markers)] endif endfunction "}}} function! s:set_new_mrkr(item, new_mrkr) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 call s:substitute_rx_in_line(a:item.lnum, '^\s*\zs\ze', a:new_mrkr.' ') if indent(a:item.lnum) == 0 && VimwikiGet('syntax') != 'media' call s:set_indent(a:item.lnum, vimwiki#lst#get_list_margin()) endif else call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, a:item.mrkr, a:new_mrkr) endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#change_marker(line1, line2, new_mrkr, mode) "{{{ let cur_col_from_eol = col("$") - (a:mode == "i" ? col("'^") : col('.')) let new_mrkr = a:new_mrkr let cur_ln = a:line1 while 1 let cur_item = s:get_item(cur_ln) if new_mrkr ==# "next" let new_mrkr = s:get_next_mrkr(cur_item) elseif new_mrkr ==# "prev" let new_mrkr = s:get_prev_mrkr(cur_item) endif "handle markers like *** if index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(new_mrkr)) > -1 "use *** if the item above has *** too let item_above = s:get_prev_list_item(cur_item, 1) if item_above.type == 1 && \ s:first_char(item_above.mrkr) ==s:first_char(new_mrkr) let new_mrkr = item_above.mrkr else "use *** if the item below has *** too let item_below = s:get_next_list_item(cur_item, 1) if item_below.type == 1 && \ s:first_char(item_below.mrkr) == s:first_char(new_mrkr) let new_mrkr = item_below.mrkr else "if the old is ### and the new is * use *** if cur_item.type == 1 && \ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars,s:first_char(cur_item.mrkr))>-1 let new_mrkr = repeat(new_mrkr, s:string_length(cur_item.mrkr)) else "use *** if the parent item has ** let parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item) if parent_item.type == 1 && \ s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr) == s:first_char(new_mrkr) let new_mrkr = repeat(s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr), \ s:string_length(parent_item.mrkr)+1) endif endif endif endif endif call s:set_new_mrkr(cur_item, new_mrkr) call s:adjust_numbered_list(s:get_item(cur_ln), 1, 0) if cur_ln >= a:line2 | break | endif let cur_ln = s:get_next_line(cur_ln, 1) endwhile call cursor('.', col('$') - cur_col_from_eol) endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#change_marker_in_list(new_mrkr) "{{{ let cur_item = s:get_corresponding_item(line('.')) let first_item = s:get_first_item_in_list(cur_item, 0) let last_item = s:get_last_item_in_list(cur_item, 0) if first_item.type == 0 || last_item.type == 0 | return | endif let first_item_line = first_item.lnum let cur_item = first_item while cur_item.type != 0 && cur_item.lnum <= last_item.lnum call s:set_new_mrkr(cur_item, a:new_mrkr) let cur_item = s:get_next_list_item(cur_item, 1) endwhile call s:adjust_numbered_list(s:get_item(first_item_line), 0, 0) endfunction "}}} "sets kind of the item depending on neighbor items and the parent item function! s:adjust_mrkr(item) "{{{ if a:item.type == 0 || VimwikiGet('syntax') == 'media' return endif let new_mrkr = a:item.mrkr let neighbor_item = s:get_a_neighbor_item(a:item) if neighbor_item.type != 0 let new_mrkr = neighbor_item.mrkr endif "if possible, set e.g. *** if parent has ** as marker if neighbor_item.type == 0 && a:item.type == 1 && \ index(s:multiple_bullet_chars, s:first_char(a:item.mrkr)) > -1 let parent_item = s:get_parent(a:item) if parent_item.type == 1 && \ s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr) == s:first_char(a:item.mrkr) let new_mrkr = repeat(s:first_char(parent_item.mrkr), \ s:string_length(parent_item.mrkr)+1) endif endif call s:substitute_string_in_line(a:item.lnum, a:item.mrkr, new_mrkr) call s:adjust_numbered_list(a:item, 0, 1) endfunction "}}} function! s:clone_marker_from_to(from, to) "{{{ let item_from = s:get_item(a:from) if item_from.type == 0 | return | endif let new_mrkr = item_from.mrkr . ' ' call s:substitute_rx_in_line(a:to, '^\s*', new_mrkr) let new_indent = ( VimwikiGet('syntax') != 'media' ? indent(a:from) : 0 ) call s:set_indent(a:to, new_indent) if item_from.cb != '' call s:create_cb(s:get_item(a:to)) call s:update_state(s:get_parent(s:get_item(a:to))) endif if item_from.type == 2 let adjust_from = ( a:from < a:to ? a:from : a:to ) call s:adjust_numbered_list_below(s:get_item(adjust_from), 0) endif endfunction "}}} function! s:remove_mrkr(item) "{{{ let item = a:item if item.cb != '' let item = s:remove_cb(item) let parent_item = s:get_parent(item) else let parent_item = s:empty_item() endif call s:substitute_rx_in_line(item.lnum, vimwiki#u#escape(item.mrkr).'\s*', '') call remove(item, 'mrkr') call remove(item, 'cb') let item.type = 0 call s:update_state(parent_item) return item endfunction "}}} function! s:create_marker(lnum) "{{{ let new_sibling = s:get_corresponding_item(a:lnum) if new_sibling.type == 0 let new_sibling = s:get_a_neighbor_item_in_column(a:lnum, virtcol('.')) endif if new_sibling.type != 0 call s:clone_marker_from_to(new_sibling.lnum, a:lnum) else let cur_item = s:get_item(a:lnum) call s:set_new_mrkr(cur_item, g:vimwiki_list_markers[0]) call s:adjust_numbered_list(cur_item, 0, 0) endif endfunction "}}} "change markers of list items }}} "handle keys {{{ function! vimwiki#lst#kbd_o() "{{{ let fold_end = foldclosedend('.') let lnum = (fold_end == -1) ? line('.') : fold_end let cur_item = s:get_item(lnum) "inserting and deleting the x is necessary "because otherwise the indent is lost normal! ox if cur_item.lnum < s:get_last_line_of_item(cur_item) call s:indent_multiline(cur_item, cur_item.lnum+1) else call s:clone_marker_from_to(cur_item.lnum, cur_item.lnum+1) endif startinsert! endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#kbd_O() "{{{ normal! Ox let cur_ln = line('.') if getline(cur_ln+1) !~ '^\s*$' call s:clone_marker_from_to(cur_ln+1, cur_ln) else call s:clone_marker_from_to(cur_ln-1, cur_ln) endif startinsert! endfunction "}}} function! s:cr_on_empty_list_item(lnum, behavior) "{{{ if a:behavior == 1 "just make a new list item normal! gi  call s:clone_marker_from_to(a:lnum, a:lnum+1) elseif a:behavior == 2 "insert new marker but remove marker in old line call append(a:lnum-1, '') startinsert! return elseif a:behavior == 3 "list is finished, but cursor stays in current line let item = s:get_item(a:lnum) let neighbor_item = s:get_a_neighbor_item(item) let child_item = s:get_first_child(item) let parent_item = (item.cb != '') ? s:get_parent(item) : s:empty_item() normal! "_cc call s:adjust_numbered_list(neighbor_item, 0, 0) call s:adjust_numbered_list(child_item, 0, 0) call s:update_state(parent_item) startinsert return elseif a:behavior == 4 "list is finished, but cursor goes to next line let item = s:get_item(a:lnum) let neighbor_item = s:get_a_neighbor_item(item) let child_item = s:get_first_child(item) let parent_item = (item.cb != '') ? s:get_parent(item) : s:empty_item() normal! "_cc call s:adjust_numbered_list(neighbor_item, 0, 0) call s:adjust_numbered_list(child_item, 0, 0) call s:update_state(parent_item) startinsert return elseif a:behavior == 5 "successively decrease level if s:get_level(a:lnum) > 0 call s:change_level(a:lnum, a:lnum, 'decrease', 0) startinsert! else let item = s:get_item(a:lnum) let neighbor_item = s:get_a_neighbor_item(item) let child_item = s:get_first_child(item) let parent_item = (item.cb != '') ? s:get_parent(item) : s:empty_item() normal! "_cc call s:adjust_numbered_list(neighbor_item, 0, 0) call s:adjust_numbered_list(child_item, 0, 0) call s:update_state(parent_item) startinsert endif return endif endfunction "}}} function! s:cr_on_empty_line(lnum, behavior) "{{{ "inserting and deleting the x is necessary "because otherwise the indent is lost normal! gi x if a:behavior == 2 || a:behavior == 3 call s:create_marker(a:lnum+1) endif endfunction "}}} function! s:cr_on_list_item(lnum, insert_new_marker, not_at_eol) "{{{ if a:insert_new_marker "the ultimate feature of this script: make new marker on normal! gi  call s:clone_marker_from_to(a:lnum, a:lnum+1) "tiny sweet extra feature: indent next line if current line ends with : if !a:not_at_eol && getline(a:lnum) =~ ':$' call s:change_level(a:lnum+1, a:lnum+1, 'increase', 0) endif else " || (cur_item.lnum < s:get_last_line_of_item(cur_item)) "indent this line so that it becomes the continuation of the line above normal! gi  let prev_line = s:get_corresponding_item(s:get_prev_line(a:lnum+1)) call s:indent_multiline(prev_line, a:lnum+1) endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#kbd_cr(normal, just_mrkr) "{{{ let lnum = line('.') let has_bp = s:line_has_marker(lnum) if has_bp != 0 && virtcol('.') < s:text_begin(lnum) call append(lnum-1, '') startinsert! return endif if has_bp == 1 call s:cr_on_empty_list_item(lnum, a:just_mrkr) return endif let insert_new_marker = (a:normal == 1 || a:normal == 3) if getline('.')[col("'^")-1:] =~ '^\s\+$' let cur_col = 0 else let cur_col = col("$") - col("'^") if getline('.')[col("'^")-1] =~ '\s' && exists("*strdisplaywidth") let ws_behind_cursor = \ strdisplaywidth(matchstr(getline('.')[col("'^")-1:], '\s\+'), \ virtcol("'^")-1) let cur_col -= ws_behind_cursor endif if insert_new_marker && cur_col == 0 && getline(lnum) =~ '\s$' let insert_new_marker = 0 endif endif if has_bp == 0 call s:cr_on_empty_line(lnum, a:normal) endif if has_bp == 2 call s:cr_on_list_item(lnum, insert_new_marker, cur_col) endif call cursor(lnum+1, col("$") - cur_col) if cur_col == 0 startinsert! else startinsert endif endfunction "}}} "creates a list item in the current line or removes it function! vimwiki#lst#toggle_list_item() "{{{ let cur_col_from_eol = col("$") - col("'^") let cur_item = s:get_item(line('.')) if cur_item.type == 0 call s:create_marker(cur_item.lnum) else let prev_item = s:get_prev_list_item(cur_item, 1) if prev_item.type == 0 let prev_item = s:get_corresponding_item(s:get_prev_line(cur_item.lnum)) endif let cur_item = s:remove_mrkr(cur_item) let adjust_prev_item = (prev_item.type == 2 && \ s:get_level(cur_item.lnum) <= s:get_level(prev_item.lnum)) ? 1 : 0 call s:indent_multiline(prev_item, cur_item.lnum) if adjust_prev_item call s:adjust_numbered_list_below(prev_item, 0) endif endif "set cursor position s.t. it's on the same char as before let new_cur_col = col("$") - cur_col_from_eol call cursor(cur_item.lnum, new_cur_col >= 1 ? new_cur_col : 1) if cur_col_from_eol == 0 || getline(cur_item.lnum) =~ '^\s*$' startinsert! else startinsert endif endfunction "}}} "handle keys }}} "misc stuff {{{ function! vimwiki#lst#setup_marker_infos() "{{{ let s:rx_bullet_chars = '['.join(keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types), '').']\+' let s:multiple_bullet_chars = [] for i in keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types) if g:vimwiki_bullet_types[i] == 1 call add(s:multiple_bullet_chars, i) endif endfor let s:number_kinds = [] let s:number_divisors = "" for i in g:vimwiki_number_types call add(s:number_kinds, i[0]) let s:number_divisors .= vimwiki#u#escape(i[1]) endfor let s:char_to_rx = {'1': '\d\+', 'i': '[ivxlcdm]\+', 'I': '[IVXLCDM]\+', \ 'a': '\l\{1,2}', 'A': '\u\{1,2}'} "create regexp for bulleted list items let g:vimwiki_rxListBullet = join( map(keys(g:vimwiki_bullet_types), \'vimwiki#u#escape(v:val).repeat("\\+", g:vimwiki_bullet_types[v:val])' \ ) , '\|') "create regex for numbered list items if !empty(g:vimwiki_number_types) let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '\C\%(' for type in g:vimwiki_number_types[:-2] let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[type[0]] . \ vimwiki#u#escape(type[1]) . '\|' endfor let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber .= s:char_to_rx[g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][0]]. \ vimwiki#u#escape(g:vimwiki_number_types[-1][1]) . '\)' else "regex that matches nothing let g:vimwiki_rxListNumber = '$^' endif endfunction "}}} function! vimwiki#lst#TO_list_item(inner, visual) "{{{ let lnum = prevnonblank('.') let item = s:get_corresponding_item(lnum) if item.type == 0 return endif let from_line = item.lnum if a:inner let to_line = s:get_last_line_of_item(item) else let to_line = s:get_last_line_of_item_incl_children(item) endif normal! V call cursor(to_line, 0) normal! o call cursor(from_line, 0) endfunction "}}} fun! vimwiki#lst#fold_level(lnum) "{{{ let cur_item = s:get_item(a:lnum) if cur_item.type != 0 let parent_item = s:get_parent(cur_item) let child_item = s:get_first_child(cur_item) let next_item = s:get_next_child_item(parent_item, cur_item) if child_item.type != 0 return 'a1' elseif next_item.type == 0 return 's1' endif endif return '=' endf "}}} "misc stuff }}}