#!/bin/bash # # This script converts markdown into html, to be used with vimwiki's # "customwiki2html" option. Experiment with the two proposed methods by # commenting / uncommenting the relevant lines below. # # NEW! An alternative converter was developed by Jason6Anderson, and can # be located at https://github.com/vimwiki-backup/vimwiki/issues/384 # # # To use this script, you must have the Discount converter installed. # # http://www.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/Code/discount/ # # To verify your installation, check that the commands markdown and mkd2text, # are on your path. # # Also verify that this file is executable. # # Then, in your .vimrc file, set: # # g:vimwiki_customwiki2html=$HOME.'/.vim/autoload/vimwiki/customwiki2html.sh' # # On your next restart, Vimwiki will run this script instead of using the # internal wiki2html converter. # MARKDOWN=markdown MKD2HTML=mkd2html FORCE="$1" SYNTAX="$2" EXTENSION="$3" OUTPUTDIR="$4" INPUT="$5" CSSFILE="$6" FORCEFLAG= [ $FORCE -eq 0 ] || { FORCEFLAG="-f"; }; [ $SYNTAX = "markdown" ] || { echo "Error: Unsupported syntax"; exit -2; }; OUTPUT="$OUTPUTDIR"/$(basename "$INPUT" .$EXTENSION).html # # Method 1: # # markdown [-d] [-T] [-V] [-b url-base] [-C prefix] [-F bitmap] [-f flags] [-o file] [-s text] [-t text] [textfile] # # URLBASE=http://example.com # $MARKDOWN -T -b $URLBASE -o $OUTPUT $INPUT # Method 2: # mkd2html [-css file] [-header string] [-footer string] [file] $MKD2HTML -css "$CSSFILE" "$INPUT" OUTPUTTMP=$(dirname "$INPUT")/$(basename "$INPUT" ."$EXTENSION").html mv -f "$OUTPUTTMP" "$OUTPUT"