Adds tests for the commands:
VimwikiTOC, VimwikiGenerateLinks, VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks,
VimwikiRebuildTags, VimwikiGenerateTags, VimwikiGoto
Add syntax tests, key mapping tests and table auto format tests.
New helper function in vader setup file.
The default wikis setup in the test vimrc are now mapped to the Docker
containers test user's home directory. The test user does not have
access to write to other locations.
A Vader issue causes problems with the test results when using the
location list. Because of this the tests were modified to run 1 test
file per vim instance instead of running all tests in a single vim
instance. This resulted in signficant slow down in test execution time.
To speed up execution time only specific tests are run individually now.