-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#startpre(class)
- if a:class !~ '^\s*$'
- return ''
- else
- return ''
- endif
-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#endpre(string)
- let str = substitute(a:string, '\r\s*}}}\s*\r$', '', '')
- let lines = split(str, '\r')
- let result = []
- for line in lines
- if line =~ '^'.s:current_indent
- call add(result, substitute(line, '^'.s:current_indent, '', ''))
- else
- call add(result, substitute(line, '^\s*', '', ''))
- endif
- endfor
- return join(result, '\n').'
-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#startmathblock(environment)
- if a:environment =~ '^\s*%.*%\s*$'
- "the current environment is saved in a variable for the close function
- "this is safe, because mathblocks can't be nested
- let s:cur_env = substitute(a:environment, '^\s*%\s*\(.*\)%$', '\1', '')
- return '\begin{' . s:cur_env . '}'
- else
- let s:cur_env = ''
- return '\['
- endif
-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#endmathblock(string)
- let str = substitute(a:string, '\r\s*}}$\s*\r$', '', '')
- if s:cur_env != ''
- return str . '\end{' . s:cur_env . '}'
- else
- return str . '\]'
- endif
-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#process_line(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxWikiLink . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let url = matchstr(list[2], g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkMatchUrl)
- let descr = matchstr(list[2], g:vimwiki_rxWikiLinkMatchDescr)
- let descr = (substitute(descr,'^\s*\(.*\)\s*$','\1','') != '' ? descr : url)
- let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] = vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(url, 1)
- let link = vimwiki#html#linkify_link(url, descr)
- return vimwiki#vw2html#process_line(list[1]) . link . s:process_wikiincl(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_wikiincl(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_wikiincl(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxWikiIncl . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = list[2]
- " custom transclusions
- let line = VimwikiWikiIncludeHandler(str)
- " otherwise, assume image transclusion
- if line == ''
- let url_0 = matchstr(str, g:vimwiki_rxWikiInclMatchUrl)
- let descr = matchstr(str, vimwiki#html#incl_match_arg(1))
- let verbatim_str = matchstr(str, vimwiki#html#incl_match_arg(2))
- " resolve url
- let [idx, scheme, path, subdir, lnk, ext, url] =
- \ vimwiki#base#resolve_scheme(url_0, 1)
- " Issue 343: Image transclusions: schemeless links have .html appended.
- " If link is schemeless pass it as it is
- if scheme == ''
- let url = lnk
- endif
- let url = escape(url, '#')
- let line = vimwiki#html#linkify_image(url, descr, verbatim_str)
- endif
- return s:process_wikiincl(list[1]) . line . s:process_weblink(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_weblink(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_weblink(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxWeblink . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = list[2]
- let url = matchstr(str, g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchUrl)
- let descr = matchstr(str, g:vimwiki_rxWeblinkMatchDescr)
- let line = vimwiki#html#linkify_link(url, descr)
- return s:process_weblink(list[1]) . line . s:process_code(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_code(a:string)
- endif
-function! s:mid(value, cnt) "{{{
- return strpart(a:value, a:cnt, len(a:value) - 2 * a:cnt)
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:safe_html_tags(line) "{{{
- let line = substitute(a:line,'<','\<', 'g')
- let line = substitute(line,'>','\>', 'g')
- return line
-endfunction "}}}
-fu! s:process_code(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxCode . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:safe_html_tags(s:mid(list[2], 1)).'
- return s:process_code(list[1]) . str . s:process_eqin(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_eqin(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_eqin(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxEqIn . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- " mathJAX wants \( \) for inline maths
- let str = '\('.s:mid(list[2], 1).'\)'
- return s:process_eqin(list[1]) . str . s:process_italic(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_italic(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_italic(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxItalic . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:mid(list[2], 1).''
- return s:process_italic(list[1]) . str . s:process_bold(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_bold(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_bold(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxBold . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:mid(list[2], 1).''
- return s:process_bold(list[1]) . str . s:process_todo(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_todo(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_todo(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxTodo . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.list[2].''
- return s:process_todo(list[1]) . str . s:process_deltext(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_deltext(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_deltext(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxDelText . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:mid(list[2], 2).''
- return s:process_deltext(list[1]) . str . s:process_super(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_super(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_super(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxSuperScript . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:mid(list[2], 1).''
- return s:process_super(list[1]) . str . s:process_sub(list[3])
- else
- return s:process_sub(a:string)
- endif
-fu! s:process_sub(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '\(.*\)\(' . g:vimwiki_rxSubScript . '\)\(.*\)')
- if !empty(list)
- let str = ''.s:mid(list[2], 2).''
- return s:process_sub(list[1]) . str . list[3]
- else
- return a:string
- endif
-function! vimwiki#vw2html#processplaceholder(string)
- let list = matchlist(a:string, '%\(\w\+\)\W*\(.*\)\r')
- let placeholder = list[1]
- let rest = list[2]
- if placeholder == 'title'
- let s:title = rest
- elseif placeholder == 'toc'
- let s:toc = rest
- elseif placeholder == 'template'
- let s:template = rest
- elseif placeholder == 'nohtml'
- echon "\r"."%nohtml placeholder found"
- call peggi#peggi#abort()
- endif
- return ''
-fu! vimwiki#vw2html#make_table(cells)
- function! s:makespaninfolist(length)
- let list = []
- for i in range(a:length)
- call add(list, [1,1])
- endfor
- return list
- endfunction
- let header_list = a:cells[0]
- let matrix_body = reverse(a:cells[1])
- let result = ['']
- let spaninfo = s:makespaninfolist(len(matrix_body[0]))
- for line in matrix_body
- let old_spaninfo = spaninfo
- let spaninfo = s:makespaninfolist(len(line))
- for idx in range(len(spaninfo))
- let spaninfo[idx][0] = len(old_spaninfo) > idx ? old_spaninfo[idx][0] : 1
- endfor
- call add(result, '')
- for idx in range(len(line)-1, 0, -1)
- let cell = line[idx]
- if cell =~ '^\s*>\s*'
- if idx > 0
- let spaninfo[idx-1][1] = spaninfo[idx][1] + 1
- else
- call add(result, ' | ')
- endif
- elseif cell =~ '^\s*\\\/\s*'
- let spaninfo[idx][0] += 1
- else
- let htmlspaninfo = ''
- if spaninfo[idx][1] > 1
- let htmlspaninfo .= ' colspan="' . spaninfo[idx][1] . '"'
- endif
- if spaninfo[idx][0] > 1
- let htmlspaninfo .= ' rowspan="' . spaninfo[idx][0] . '"'
- let spaninfo[idx][0] = 1
- endif
- call add(result, ''.vimwiki#vw2html#process_line(cell).' | ')
- endif
- endfor
- call add(result, '')
- endfor
- call add(result, '')
- return join(reverse(result), '')
-unlet! s:grammar
-let s:grammar = '
- \ file = ((emptyline | header | hline | paragraph.tag("p"))°).applytemplate()
- \ emptyline = /\s*\r/.skip()
- \ header = /\s*\(=\{1,6}\)[^=][^\r]\{-}[^=]\1\s*\r/.header()
- \ hline = /-----*\r/.replace("
- \ paragraph = (table | list | preformatted_text | math_block | deflist | commentline | placeholder | ordinarytextline)+
- \ ordinarytextline = !emptyline !header !hline &> text
- \ placeholder = /%\(toc\|title\|nohtml\|template\)[^\r]*\r/.processplaceholder()
- \ commentline = /%%[^\r]*\r/.skip()
- \ text = /[^\r]*/.process_line() /\r/.breakorspace()
- \
- \ table = &> &bar (table_header? , table_block).make_table() { [''/[string,…], block] -> string }
- \ table_header = (table_header_line , (/\r/ table_div /\r/).skip()).take("0") { [string, …] }
- \ table_block = (table_line , (/\r/.skip() , table_line).take("1")*).insertfirst() { [[string, …], … ] }
- \ table_div = /|[-|]\+|/ { string }
- \ table_header_line = (bar , (header_cell bar)#).take("1") { [string, …] }
- \ table_line = (bar , (body_cell bar)#).take("1") { [string, …] }
- \ body_cell = /[^\r|]\+/.strip() { string }
- \ header_cell = /[^\r|]\+/.strip() { string }
- \ bar = /|/.skip() { string }
- \
- \ list = &liststart (blist | rlist | Rlist | alist | Alist | nlist)
- \ blist = &bullet ((&> blist_item)+).tag("ul")
- \ rlist = &rstartnumber ((&> rlist_item)+).tag("ol")
- \ Rlist = &Rstartnumber ((&> Rlist_item)+).tag("ol")
- \ alist = &alphanumber ((&> alist_item)+).tag("ol")
- \ Alist = &Alphanumber ((&> Alist_item)+).tag("ol")
- \ nlist = &number ((&> nlist_item)+).tag("ol")
- \ blist_item^ = (bullet , checkbox?).checkbox("-") list_item_content
- \ rlist_item^ = (rnumber , checkbox?).checkbox("i") list_item_content
- \ Rlist_item^ = (Rnumber , checkbox?).checkbox("I") list_item_content
- \ alist_item^ = (alphanumber , checkbox?).checkbox("a") list_item_content
- \ Alist_item^ = (Alphanumber , checkbox?).checkbox("A") list_item_content
- \ nlist_item^ = (number , checkbox?).checkbox("1") list_item_content
- \ bullet = /\s*[-*#•]\s\+/
- \ rstartnumber = /\s*i\{1,3})\s\+/
- \ Rstartnumber = /\s*I\{1,3})\s\+/
- \ rnumber = /\s*[ivxlcdm]\+)\s\+/
- \ Rnumber = /\s*[IVXLCDM]\+)\s\+/
- \ alphanumber = /\s*\l\{1,2})\s\+/
- \ Alphanumber = /\s*\u\{1,2})\s\+/
- \ number = /\s*\d\+[.)]\s\+/
- \ liststart = /\s*\([-*#•]\|\d\+\.\|\d\+)\|[ivxlcdm]\+)\|[IVXLCDM]\+)\|\l\{1,2})\|\u\{1,2})\)\s\+/
- \ checkbox = "[".skip() /[ .oOX]/ /\]\s\+/.skip()
- \ list_item_content = text (&> paragraph)? (emptyline paragraph.tag("p"))°
- \
- \ preformatted_text = &> "{{{".saveindent() /[^\r]*/.startpre() /\r/.skip() /\_.\{-}\r\s*}}}\s*\r/.endpre()
- \ math_block = &> "{{$".skip() /[^\r]*/.startmathblock() /\r/.skip() /\_.\{-}\r\s*}}\$\s*\r/.endmathblock()
- \
- \ deflist = (&> deflist_item+).tag("dl")
- \ deflist_item^ = term (/\s\+/ short_definition)? /\r/.skip() (&>= long_definition)°
- \ term = /[^\r:]*[[:alnum:]][^\r:]*/.tag("dt") "::".skip()
- \ short_definition = /[^\r]\+/.tag("dd")
- \ long_definition^ = /::\s\+/.skip() list_item_content.tag("dd")
- \
- \'
-fu! s:start(input_file, output_dir)
- call vimwiki#base#mkdir(a:output_dir)
- let s:filename_without_ext = fnamemodify(a:input_file, ':t:r')
- let output_path = a:output_dir . '/' . s:filename_without_ext .'.html'
- let g:peggi_debug = 0
- let g:peggi_transformation_prefix = 'vimwiki#vw2html#'
- let s:title = s:filename_without_ext
- let s:toc = 0
- let s:template = ''
- call writefile(split(peggi#peggi#parse_file(s:grammar, a:input_file, 'file'), '\\n'), output_path)
-function! s:use_custom_wiki2html() "{{{
- let custom_wiki2html = VimwikiGet('custom_wiki2html')
- return !empty(custom_wiki2html) && s:file_exists(custom_wiki2html)
-endfunction " }}}
-function! vimwiki#vw2html#CustomWiki2HTML(path, wikifile, force) "{{{
- call vimwiki#base#mkdir(a:path)
- echomsg system(VimwikiGet('custom_wiki2html'). ' '.
- \ a:force. ' '.
- \ VimwikiGet('syntax'). ' '.
- \ strpart(VimwikiGet('ext'), 1). ' '.
- \ shellescape(a:path, 1). ' '.
- \ shellescape(a:wikifile, 1). ' '.
- \ shellescape(s:default_CSS_full_name(a:path), 1). ' '.
- \ (len(VimwikiGet('template_path')) > 1 ? shellescape(expand(VimwikiGet('template_path')), 1) : '-'). ' '.
- \ (len(VimwikiGet('template_default')) > 0 ? VimwikiGet('template_default') : '-'). ' '.
- \ (len(VimwikiGet('template_ext')) > 0 ? VimwikiGet('template_ext') : '-'). ' '.
- \ (len(VimwikiGet('subdir')) > 0 ? shellescape(s:root_path(VimwikiGet('subdir')), 1) : '-'))
-endfunction " }}}
-function! vimwiki#vw2html#Wiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile) "{{{
- if VimwikiGet('syntax') != "default"
- echomsg 'vimwiki: conversion to HTML is not supported for this syntax!'
- return
- endif
- let starttime = reltime()
- let path_html = expand(a:path_html).VimwikiGet('subdir')
- let wikifile = fnamemodify(a:wikifile, ":p")
- if s:use_custom_wiki2html()
- let force = 1
- call vimwiki#html#CustomWiki2HTML(path_html, wikifile, force)
- else
- call s:start(wikifile, path_html)
- endif
- let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(starttime)
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:save_vimwiki_buffer() "{{{
- if &filetype == 'vimwiki'
- silent update
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:syntax_supported() " {{{
- return VimwikiGet('syntax') == "default"
-endfunction " }}}
-function! vimwiki#vw2html#WikiAll2HTML(path_html) "{{{
- if !s:syntax_supported() && !s:use_custom_wiki2html()
- echomsg 'vimwiki: conversion to HTML is not supported for this syntax!'
- return
- endif
- let starttime = reltime()
- echomsg 'Saving vimwiki files...'
- let save_eventignore = &eventignore
- let &eventignore = "all"
- let cur_buf = bufname('%')
- bufdo call s:save_vimwiki_buffer()
- exe 'buffer '.cur_buf
- let &eventignore = save_eventignore
- let path_html = expand(a:path_html)
- call vimwiki#base#mkdir(path_html)
- echomsg 'Deleting non-wiki html files...'
- call s:delete_html_files(path_html)
- echomsg 'Converting wiki to html files...'
- let setting_more = &more
- setlocal nomore
- let wikifiles = split(glob(VimwikiGet('path').'**/*'.VimwikiGet('ext')), '\n')
- for wikifile in wikifiles
- let wikifile = fnamemodify(wikifile, ":p")
- let subdir = vimwiki#base#subdir(VimwikiGet('path'), wikifile)
- echom subdir
- let wikifile = wikifile . subdir
- if !s:is_html_uptodate(wikifile)
- echomsg 'Processing '.wikifile
- call s:start(wikifile, path_html)
- else
- echomsg 'Skipping '.wikifile
- endif
- endfor
- call s:create_default_CSS(path_html)
- echomsg 'Done!'
- let &more = setting_more
- let time1 = vimwiki#u#time(starttime)
- call VimwikiLog_extend('html',[htmlfile,time1])
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:default_CSS_full_name(path) " {{{
- let path = expand(a:path)
- let css_full_name = path.'/'.VimwikiGet('css_name')
- return css_full_name
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:create_default_CSS(path) " {{{
- let css_full_name = s:default_CSS_full_name(a:path)
- if glob(css_full_name) == ""
- call vimwiki#base#mkdir(fnamemodify(css_full_name, ':p:h'))
- let default_css = s:find_autoload_file('style.css')
- if default_css != ''
- let lines = readfile(default_css)
- call writefile(lines, css_full_name)
- echomsg "Default style.css has been created."
- endif
- endif
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:find_autoload_file(name) " {{{
- for path in split(&runtimepath, ',')
- let fname = path.'/autoload/vimwiki/'.a:name
- if glob(fname) != ''
- return fname
- endif
- endfor
- return ''
-endfunction " }}}
-function! s:delete_html_files(path) "{{{
- let htmlfiles = split(glob(a:path.'**/*.html'), '\n')
- for fname in htmlfiles
- " ignore user html files, e.g. search.html,404.html
- if stridx(g:vimwiki_user_htmls, fnamemodify(fname, ":t")) >= 0
- continue
- endif
- " delete if there is no corresponding wiki file
- let subdir = vimwiki#base#subdir(VimwikiGet('path_html'), fname)
- let wikifile = VimwikiGet('path').subdir.
- \fnamemodify(fname, ":t:r").VimwikiGet('ext')
- if filereadable(wikifile)
- continue
- endif
- try
- call delete(fname)
- catch
- echomsg 'vimwiki: Cannot delete '.fname
- endtry
- endfor
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:is_html_uptodate(wikifile) "{{{
- let tpl_time = -1
- let tpl_file = s:get_template('')
- if tpl_file != ''
- let tpl_time = getftime(tpl_file)
- endif
- let wikifile = fnamemodify(a:wikifile, ":p")
- let htmlfile = expand(VimwikiGet('path_html').VimwikiGet('subdir').
- \fnamemodify(wikifile, ":t:r").".html")
- if getftime(wikifile) <= getftime(htmlfile) && tpl_time <= getftime(htmlfile)
- return 1
- endif
- return 0
-endfunction "}}}
-function s:get_template(tpl_from_placeholder) "{{{
- let tpl_in_tplpath =
- \ expand(VimwikiGet('template_path') .
- \ (a:tpl_from_placeholder != '' ? a:tpl_from_placeholder : VimwikiGet('template_default')) .
- \ VimwikiGet('template_ext'))
- return filereadable(tpl_in_tplpath) ? tpl_in_tplpath : s:find_autoload_file('default.tpl')
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:root_path(subdir) "{{{
- return repeat('../', len(split(a:subdir, '[/\\]')))
-endfunction "}}}