Fix: follow_link (suffix) and VimwikiGenerateTagLinks (__FileExtension__) (Issue #914)
Problem: - follow_link failed with header with number at the end - VimwikiGenerateTagLinks did not replace the __FileExtension__ Solution: - follow_link try first 1 time with suffix number n and then n times without - VimwikiGenerateTagLinks replace the __FileExtension__
This commit is contained in:
@ -729,7 +729,6 @@ function! s:normalize_anchor(anchor, ...) abort
let anchor = tolower(anchor)
" 2 Remove anything that is not a letter, number, CJK character, hyphen or space
" TODO mutualize punctuation_rx with above
let punctuation_rx = s:get_punctuaction_regex()
let anchor = substitute(anchor, punctuation_rx, '', 'g')
@ -753,8 +752,10 @@ endfunction
" :param: anchor <string> <= link
" Return: [anchor_re <regex>, anchor_nb <number>] to look for
" Return: [anchor_re <regex>, anchor_nb <number>, suffix_re <regex>] to look for
" -- with or without suffix
" -- Ex: ['toto", 2] => search for the second occurrence of toto
" Called: jump_to_anchor
function! s:unnormalize_anchor(anchor) abort
" Note:
" -- Pandoc keep the '_' in anchor
@ -773,12 +774,15 @@ function! s:unnormalize_anchor(anchor) abort
" -- Save the trailing -12
let anchor_nb = substitute(anchor, '^.*-\(\d\+\)$', '\1', '')
if anchor_nb ==# '' || anchor_nb == 0
" No Sufix: number = 1
let sufix = ''
" No Suffix: number = 1
let suffix = ''
let anchor_nb = 1
" Yes Sufix: number <- read suffix
let sufix = invisible_rx.'*' . anchor_nb . invisible_rx.'*'
" Yes suffix: number <- read suffix
let suffix = invisible_rx.'*'
for char in split(anchor_nb, '\zs')
let suffix .= char . invisible_rx.'*'
let anchor_nb = str2nr(anchor_nb)
" -- Remove it
@ -813,21 +817,13 @@ function! s:unnormalize_anchor(anchor) abort
" 1 Downcase the string
let anchor = '\c' . anchor
" 4.bis Add the optional suffix
let anchor = anchor . '\%(' . sufix . '\)\?'
return [anchor, anchor_nb]
return [anchor, anchor_nb, suffix]
" Jump to anchor, doing the oposite of normalize_anchor
" Called: edit_file
" TODO treat the sufix: -2 -> Go to second anchor
function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
" Save cursor %% Initialize at top of line
let oldpos = getpos('.')
call cursor(1, 1)
" Get segments <= anchor
let anchor = vimwiki#u#escape(a:anchor)
let segments = split(anchor, '#', 0)
@ -836,34 +832,48 @@ function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
for segment in segments
" Craft segment pattern so that it is case insensitive and also matches dashes
" in anchor link with spaces in heading
let [segment_re, segment_nb] = s:unnormalize_anchor(segment)
let [segment_re, segment_nb, segment_suffix] = s:unnormalize_anchor(segment)
" Try once with suffix (If header ends with number)
let res = s:jump_to_segment(segment_re . segment_suffix, 1)
" Try segment_nb times otherwise
if res != 0
let res = s:jump_to_segment(segment_re, segment_nb)
" Called: jump_to_anchor with suffix and withtou suffix
function! s:jump_to_segment(segment_re, segment_nb) abort
" Save cursor %% Initialize at top of line
let oldpos = getpos('.')
call cursor(1, 1)
let anchor_header = s:safesubstitute(
\ vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('header_match'),
\ '__Header__', segment_re, 'g')
\ '__Header__', a:segment_re, 'g')
let anchor_bold = s:safesubstitute(
\ vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('bold_match'),
\ '__Text__', segment_re, 'g')
\ '__Text__', a:segment_re, 'g')
let anchor_tag = s:safesubstitute(
\ vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('tag_match'),
\ '__Tag__', segment_re, 'g')
\ '__Tag__', a:segment_re, 'g')
" Go: Move cursor: maybe more than onces (see markdown suffix)
let success_nb = 0
let is_last_segment = 0
for i in range(segment_nb)
for i in range(a:segment_nb)
" Search
let pos = 0
let pos = pos != 0 ? pos : search(anchor_tag, 'Wc')
let pos = pos != 0 ? pos : search(anchor_header, 'Wc')
let pos = pos != 0 ? pos : search(anchor_bold, 'Wc')
echom 'Tin pos: ' . pos
" Get the result and reloop or leave
" Succed: Get the result and reloop or leave
if pos != 0
" Avance, one line more to not rematch the same pattern if not last segment_nb
if success_nb < segment_nb-1
if success_nb < a:segment_nb-1
let pos += 1
let is_last_segment = -1
@ -873,12 +883,11 @@ function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
" Break if last line (avoid infinite loop)
" Anyway leave the loop: (Imagine heading # 7271212 at last line)
if pos >= line('$')
let is_last_segment = 1
return 0
" Fail:
" Do not move
" But maybe suffix -2 is not the segment number but the real header suffix
" TODO make this more robust
" If fail at first: do not move
if i == 0
@ -887,19 +896,20 @@ function! s:jump_to_anchor(anchor) abort
" Anyway leave the loop: (Imagine heading # 7271212, you do not want to loop all that)
" Go one line back: if I advanced too much
if is_last_segment == -1 | call cursor(line('.')-1, 1) | endif
let is_last_segment = 1
return 1
" Check if happy
if success_nb == segment_nb || is_last_segment == 1
if success_nb == a:segment_nb
return 0
" Or keep on (i.e more than once segment)
let oldpos = getpos('.')
" Said 'fail' to caller
return 1
@ -363,17 +363,23 @@ function! vimwiki#tags#generate_tags(create, ...) abort
let link_tpl = vimwiki#vars#get_syntaxlocal('Link1')
let entry = s:safesubstitute(link_tpl, '__LinkUrl__', taglink, '')
let entry = s:safesubstitute(entry, '__LinkDescription__', taglink, '')
let file_extension = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext', vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr'))
let entry = s:safesubstitute(entry, '__FileExtension__', file_extension , '')
let link_caption = split(link_infos.anchor, '#', 0)[-1]
let link_text = split(taglink, '#', 1)[0]
let entry = s:safesubstitute(link_tpl, '__LinkUrl__', link_text, '')
let entry = s:safesubstitute(entry, '__LinkAnchor__', link_infos.anchor, '')
let entry = s:safesubstitute(entry, '__LinkDescription__', link_caption, '')
let file_extension = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext', vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr'))
let entry = s:safesubstitute(entry, '__FileExtension__', file_extension , '')
call add(lines, bullet . entry)
let link_tpl = vimwiki#vars#get_global('WikiLinkTemplate1')
let file_extension = vimwiki#vars#get_wikilocal('ext', vimwiki#vars#get_bufferlocal('wiki_nr'))
let link_tpl = s:safesubstitute(link_tpl, '__FileExtension__', file_extension , '')
call add(lines, bullet . substitute(link_tpl, '__LinkUrl__', taglink, ''))
@ -19,6 +19,31 @@ Expect (a):
Given vimwiki (VimwikiTOC with link and number {{{1):
# I [V p](h) (7.415.28)
# I [V p](h) 741.528
Execute (Set syntax markdown):
call SetSyntax('markdown')
Do (Enter link):
# I [V p](h) (7.415.28)__HERE1__
# I [V p](h) 741.528__HERE2__
Given vimwiki (VimwikiTOC is broken against headers with link #182 {{{1):
[A link B](#a-link-b)
@ -34,7 +59,7 @@ Given vimwiki (VimwikiTOC is broken against headers with link #182 {{{1):
#### [link]() (333)
Execute (VimwikiTOC: Set syntax markdown && Set sw=8):
Execute (Set syntax markdown):
call SetSyntax('markdown')
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