Update documentation for local key mappings.
Original updates from PR #704.
This commit is contained in:
@ -275,339 +275,316 @@ See also |:VimwikiMakeYesterdayDiaryNote|
See also |:VimwikiMakeTomorrowDiaryNote|
3.2. Local mappings
3.2. Local mappings *vimwiki-local-mappings*
To remap one of these keys, either put it in your .vimrc like this >
:nmap <Leader>wc <Plug>Vimwiki2HTML
or, the better way, put it in a file .vim/ftplugin/vimwiki.vim like this >
:nmap <silent><buffer> <Leader>wc <Plug>Vimwiki2HTML
Below is a listing of all local key mappings provided by Vimwiki. As local
settings, they are available when |FileType| is set to "vimwiki". These
mappings may overwrite pre-existing mappings but they can be remapped or
disabled (see |g:vimwiki_key_mappings|).
The latter has the advantage that the mapping is local to Vimwiki buffers in
every case.
To remap commands that begin with <Plug>, you should do the following:
Also note that some keys work in normal mode as well as in visual mode. If you
remap them using :map, they will also run in operator-pending mode. If you
don't want that, use >
:nmap <Leader>tt <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
:vmap <Leader>tt <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
:{mode}map {map} <Plug>{command}
NOTE: if a user mapping or mapping from another plugin uses the same key
sequence as one of the following mappings then Vimwiki will not overwrite it.
For commands that do not begin with <Plug>, do:
:{mode}noremap {map} {command}
NORMAL MODE *vimwiki-local-mappings*
<Leader>wh Convert current wiki page to HTML.
`{mode}` is set to `n` for "normal" mode, `v` for "visual", and `i` for "insert"
`{map}` is the new key sequence of your choosing
`{command}` is the Vimwiki command you are remapping
Examples: >
:nmap <Leader>tl <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
:vmap <Leader>tl <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
:nnoremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo a)<CR>
The first two lines remap "\tl" to the |:VimwikiToggleListItem| command in both
normal and visual modes. |<Leader>| is set to "\" by default. Use `:echo mapleader`
to determine if it is set to another value. The third map listed
above, which does not contain <Plug>, maps directly to an |Ex| mode command.
Note that |map| is needed for commands beginning with <Plug>. This recursive
version of the "map" command is needed to expand the right hand side to retrieve
the <Plug> definition. "noremap" will not work. <Plug> is required and
considered to be part of the command.
It is recommended that you place your local mappings into a file at
ftplugin/vimwiki.vim within your .vim configuration directory. Create this file
if it doesn't already exist. Or, if you prefer, you can set up a FileType
|autocmd| in your vimrc.
Note: it may be desirable to add `<silent> <buffer>` to mapped commands but
this should only be done if the mappings are placed in ftplugin or in
a Filetype based autocommand. See the Vim help for a description of these
<Leader>wh n Convert current wiki page to HTML.
Maps to |:Vimwiki2HTML|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wc <Plug>Vimwiki2HTML
<Leader>whh Convert current wiki page to HTML and open it in the
Remap command: `<Plug>Vimwiki2HTML`
<Leader>whh n Convert current wiki page to HTML and open it in the
Maps to |:Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wcc <Plug>Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse
<Leader>w<Leader>i Update diary section (delete old, insert new)
Remap command: `<Plug>Vimwiki2HTMLBrowse`
<Leader>w<Leader>i n Update diary section (delete old, insert new)
Only works from the diary index.
Maps to |:VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wcr <Plug>VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks
<CR> Follow/create wiki link (create target wiki page if
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDiaryGenerateLinks`
<CR> n Follow/create wiki link (create target wiki page if
Maps to |:VimwikiFollowLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wf <Plug>VimwikiFollowLink
<S-CR> Split and follow (create target wiki page if needed).
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiFollowLink`
<S-CR> n Split and follow (create target wiki page if needed).
May not work in some terminals. Remapping could help.
Maps to |:VimwikiSplitLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>we <Plug>VimwikiSplitLink
<C-CR> Vertical split and follow (create target wiki page if
May not work in some terminals. Remapping could help.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiSplitLink`
<C-CR> n Vertical split and follow (create target wiki page if
needed). May not work in some terminals. Remapping
could help.
Maps to |:VimwikiVSplitLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wq <Plug>VimwikiVSplitLink
*vimwiki_<C-S-CR>* *vimwiki_<D-CR>*
<C-S-CR>, <D-CR> Follow wiki link (create target wiki page if needed),
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiVSplitLink`
*vimwiki_<C-S-CR>* *vimwiki_<D-CR>*
<C-S-CR>, <D-CR> n Follow wiki link (create target wiki page if needed),
opening in a new tab.
May not work in some terminals. Remapping could help.
Maps to |:VimwikiTabnewLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wt <Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink
<Backspace> Go back to previously visited wiki page.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTabnewLink`
<Backspace> n Go back to previously visited wiki page.
Maps to |:VimwikiGoBackLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wb <Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink
<Tab> Find next link in the current page.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoBackLink`
<Tab> n Find next link in the current page.
Maps to |:VimwikiNextLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wn <Plug>VimwikiNextLink
<S-Tab> Find previous link in the current page.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiNextLink`
<S-Tab> n Find previous link in the current page.
Maps to |:VimwikiPrevLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wp <Plug>VimwikiPrevLink
<Leader>wn Goto or create new wiki page.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiPrevLink`
<Leader>wn n Goto or create new wiki page.
Maps to |:VimwikiGoto|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>nn <Plug>VimwikiGoto
<Leader>wd Delete wiki page you are in.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoto`
<Leader>wd n Delete wiki page you are in.
Maps to |:VimwikiDeleteLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>dd <Plug>VimwikiDeleteLink
<Leader>wr Rename wiki page you are in.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDeleteLink`
<Leader>wr n Rename wiki page you are in.
Maps to |:VimwikiRenameLink|.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>rr <Plug>VimwikiRenameLink
= Add header level. Create if needed.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRenameLink`
= n Add header level. Create if needed.
There is nothing to indent with '==' command in
Vimwiki, so it should be ok to use '=' here.
To remap: >
:nmap == <Plug>VimwikiAddHeaderLevel
- Remove header level.
To remap: >
:nmap -- <Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel
[[ Go to the previous header in the buffer.
To remap: >
:nmap <- <Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevHeader
]] Go to the next header in the buffer.
To remap: >
:nmap -> <Plug>VimwikiGoToNextHeader
[= Go to the previous header which has the same level as
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiAddHeaderLevel`
- n Remove header level.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRemoveHeaderLevel`
[[ n Go to the previous header in the buffer.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevHeader`
]] n Go to the next header in the buffer.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoToNextHeader`
[= n Go to the previous header which has the same level as
the header the cursor is currently under.
To remap: >
:nmap <= <Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevSiblingHeader
]= Go to the next header which has the same level as the
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoToPrevSiblingHeader`
]= n Go to the next header which has the same level as the
header the cursor is currently under.
To remap: >
:nmap => <Plug>VimwikiGoToNextSiblingHeader
*vimwiki_]u* *vimwiki_[u*
]u [u Go one level up -- that is, to the parent header of
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoToNextSiblingHeader`
*vimwiki_]u* *vimwiki_[u*
]u [u n Go one level up -- that is, to the parent header of
the header the cursor is currently under.
To remap: >
:nmap -^ <Plug>VimwikiGoToParentHeader
+ Create and/or decorate links. Depending on the
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiGoToParentHeader`
+ n v Create and/or decorate links. Depending on the
context, this command will: convert words into
wikilinks; convert raw URLs into wikilinks; and add
placeholder description text to wiki- or weblinks that
are missing descriptions. Can be activated in normal
mode with the cursor over a word or link, or in visual
mode with the selected text.
To remap: >
:nmap ++ <Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLink
:vmap ++ <Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisual
<C-Space> Toggle checkbox of a list item on/off.
Remap commands:
`<Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLink` (normal mode)
`<Plug>VimwikiNormalizeLinkVisual` (visual mode)
<C-Space> n Toggle checkbox of a list item on/off.
Maps to |:VimwikiToggleListItem|.
See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>tt <Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiToggleListItem`
gnt *vimwiki_gnt*
Find next unfinished task in the current page.
gnt n Find next unfinished task in the current page.
Maps to |:VimwikiNextTask|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>nt <Plug>VimwikiNextTask
*vimwiki_gl<Space>* *vimwiki_gL<Space>*
gl<Space> Remove checkbox from list item.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiNextTask`
*vimwiki_gl<Space>* *vimwiki_gL<Space>*
gl<Space> n Remove checkbox from list item.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRemoveSingleCB`
gL<Space> Remove checkboxes from all sibling list items.
To remap: >
:map <Leader><Space> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveSingleCB
:map <Leader><Space> <Plug>VimwikiRemoveCBInList
*vimwiki_gln* *vimwiki_glp*
gln Increase the "done" status of a list checkbox, i.e.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRemoveCBInList`
*vimwiki_gln* *vimwiki_glp*
gln n v Increase the "done" status of a list checkbox, i.e.
from [ ] to [.] to [o] etc. See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
glp Decrease the "done" status.
To remap: >
:nmap <M-+> <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem
:vmap <M-+> <Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem
:nmap <M--> <Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem
:vmap <M--> <Plug>VimwikiDecrementListItem
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiIncrementListItem`
*vimwiki_gll* *vimwiki_gLl*
gll Increase the level of a list item.
*vimwiki_gll* *vimwiki_gLl*
gll n Increase the level of a list item.
Remap commnad: `<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem`
gLl Increase the level of a list item and all child items.
To remap: >
:map >> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
:map >>> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem
*vimwiki_glh* *vimwiki_gLh*
glh Decrease the level of a list item.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlWholeItem`
*vimwiki_glh* *vimwiki_gLh*
glh n Decrease the level of a list item.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem`
gLh Decrease the level of a list item and all child items.
To remap: >
:map << <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem
:map <<< <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlWholeItem
*vimwiki_glr* *vimwiki_gLr*
glr Renumber list items if the cursor is on a numbered
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlWholeItem`
*vimwiki_glr* *vimwiki_gLr*
glr n Renumber list items if the cursor is on a numbered
list item.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRenumberList`
gLr Renumber list items in all numbered lists in the whole
Also readjust checkboxes.
To remap: >
:nmap <c-r> <Plug>VimwikiRenumberList
:nmap <c-r> <Plug>VimwikiRenumberAllLists
*vimwiki_glstar* *vimwiki_gLstar*
gl* Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
file. Also readjust checkboxes.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiRenumberAllLists`
*vimwiki_glstar* *vimwiki_gLstar*
gl* n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to *.
gL* Change the symbol of the current list to *.
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo *<CR>
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo *<CR>`
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo *<CR>
*vimwiki_gl#* *vimwiki_gL#*
gl# Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
*vimwiki_gl#* *vimwiki_gL#*
gl# n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to #.
gL# Change the symbol of the current list to #.
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo #<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo #<CR>
*vimwiki_gl-* *vimwiki_gL-*
gl- Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo #<CR>`
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo #<CR>`
*vimwiki_gl-* *vimwiki_gL-*
gl- n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to -.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo -<CR>`
gL- Change the symbol of the current list to -.
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo -<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo -<CR>
*vimwiki_gl1* *vimwiki_gL1*
gl1 Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo -<CR>`
*vimwiki_gl1* *vimwiki_gL1*
gl1 n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to 1., the numbering is
adjusted according to the surrounding list items.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo 1.<CR>`
gL1 Change the symbol of the current list to 1. 2. 3. ...
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo 1.<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo 1.<CR>
*vimwiki_gla* *vimwiki_gLa*
gla Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo 1.<CR>`
*vimwiki_gla* *vimwiki_gLa*
gla n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to a), the numbering is
adjusted according to the surrounding list items.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo a)<CR>`
gLa Change the symbol of the current list to a) b) c) ...
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo a)<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo a)<CR>
*vimwiki_glA* *vimwiki_gLA*
glA Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo a)<CR>`
*vimwiki_glA* *vimwiki_gLA*
glA n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to A), the numbering is
adjusted according to the surrounding list items.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo A)<CR>`
gLA Change the symbol of the current list to A) B) C) ...
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo A)<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo A)<CR>
*vimwiki_gli* *vimwiki_gLi*
gli Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo A)<CR>`
*vimwiki_gli* *vimwiki_gLi*
gli n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to i), the numbering is
adjusted according to the surrounding list items.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo i)<CR>`
gLi Change the symbol of the current list to
i) ii) iii) ...
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo i)<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo i)<CR>
*vimwiki_glI* *vimwiki_gLI*
glI Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo i)<CR>`
*vimwiki_glI* *vimwiki_gLI*
glI n Make a list item out of a normal line or change the
symbol of the current item to I), the numbering is
adjusted according to the surrounding list items.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolTo I)<CR>`
gLI Change the symbol of the current list to
I) II) III) ...
To remap: >
noremap glo :VimwikiChangeSymbolTo I)<CR>
noremap glO :VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo I)<CR>
glx Toggle checkbox of a list item disabled/off.
Remap command: `:VimwikiChangeSymbolInListTo I)<CR>`
glx n Toggle checkbox of a list item disabled/off.
Maps to |:VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem|.
See |vimwiki-todo-lists|.
To remap: >
:map <Leader>tx <Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem
*vimwiki_gqq* *vimwiki_gww*
gqq Format table. If you made some changes to a table
or without swapping insert/normal modes this command
gww will reformat it.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>gq <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ
:nmap <Leader>gw <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW
*vimwiki_gq1* *vimwiki_gw1*
gq1 Fast format table. The same as the previous, except
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiToggleRejectedListItem`
*vimwiki_gqq* *vimwiki_gww*
gqq n Reformats table after making changes.
or Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ`
gww Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW`
*vimwiki_gq1* *vimwiki_gw1*
gq1 n Fast format table. The same as the previous, except
or that only a few lines above the current line are
gw1 tested. If the alignment of the current line differs,
tested. If the alignment of the current line differs,
then the whole table gets reformatted.
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>q1 <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ1
:nmap <Leader>w1 <Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW1
<A-Left> Move current table column to the left.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignQ1`
gw1 Remap command:`<Plug>VimwikiTableAlignW1`
<A-Left> n Move current table column to the left.
See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wtl <Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft
<A-Right> Move current table column to the right.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnLeft`
<A-Right> n Move current table column to the right.
See |:VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>wtr <Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight
<C-Up> Open the previous day's diary link if available.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiTableMoveColumnRight`
<C-Up> n Open the previous day's diary link if available.
See |:VimwikiDiaryPrevDay|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>k <Plug>VimwikiDiaryPrevDay
<C-Down> Open the next day's diary link if available.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDiaryPrevDay`
<C-Down> n Open the next day's diary link if available.
See |:VimwikiDiaryNextDay|
To remap: >
:nmap <Leader>j <Plug>VimwikiDiaryNextDay
Mouse mappings *vimwiki_mouse*
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDiaryNextDay`
Mouse mappings *vimwiki_mouse*
These mappings are disabled by default.
See |g:vimwiki_key_mappings| to enable.
@ -626,57 +603,55 @@ Note: <2-LeftMouse> is just left double click.
INSERT MODE *vimwiki-table-mappings*
TABLE MAPPINGS, INSERT MODE *vimwiki-table-mappings*
<CR> Go to the table cell beneath the current one, create
a new row if on the last one.
<Tab> Go to the next table cell, create a new row if on the
last cell.
INSERT MODE *vimwiki-list-mappings*
LIST MAPPINGS, INSERT MODE *vimwiki-list-mappings*
<CR> In a list item, insert a new bullet or number in the
next line, numbers are incremented.
In an empty list item, delete the item symbol. This is
useful to end a list, simply press <CR> twice.
See |vimwiki-lists| for details and for how to
configure the behavior.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiReturn15`
<S-CR> Does not insert a new list item, useful to create
multilined list items.
See |vimwiki-lists| for details and for how to
configure the behavior.
multilined list items. See |vimwiki-lists| for
details and for how to configure the behavior. The
default map may not work in all terminals and may
need to be remapped.
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiReturn22`
<C-T> Increase the level of a list item.
To remap: >
:imap <C-E> <Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiIncreaseLvlSingleItem`
<C-D> Decrease the level of a list item.
To remap: >
:imap <C-E> <Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiDecreaseLvlSingleItem`
<C-L><C-J> Change the symbol of the current list item to the next
available. From - to 1. to * to I) to a).
To remap: >
:imap <C-A> <Plug>VimwikiListNextSymbol
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiListNextSymbol`
<C-L><C-K> Change the symbol of the current list item to the prev
available. From - to a) to I) to * to 1.
To remap: >
:imap <C-S> <Plug>VimwikiListPrevSymbol
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiListPrevSymbol`
<C-L><C-M> Create/remove a symbol from a list item.
To remap: >
:imap <C-K> <Plug>VimwikiListToggle
Remap command: `<Plug>VimwikiListToggle`
3.3. Text objects *vimwiki-text-objects*
Reference in New Issue
Block a user