#TeamSpeak3 - Updater I use teamspeak server as a service. If you want to have the same setting (i.e when you want stop your teamspeak server you can write: ``` systemctl stop teamspeak ``` If you have not got it. You can easly copy like this: ``` git clone https://github.com/linux923344/ts3-server-updater.git cd ts3-server-updater sudo cp teamspeak.service /usr/lib/systemd/system/ sudo systemctl daemon-reload ``` #Instalation teamspeak.service In the file **teamspeak.service** the default localization is **/opt/teamspeak/** and the default user is **teamspeak**. You can change it for your settings of course. Also in the when you have different localization you **MUST** change it in the ```update``` in the variable ``ts3local``. Now you have ```systemctl``` for stop or start your service. #Updating... If you did not commit my repo, you should do it now. ``` git clone https://github.com/linux923344/ts3-server-updater.git cd ts3-server-updater ``` When you want to run your updater. Check remove in variable link in the file update to newer version. You can check it on the website: https://www.teamspeak.com/en/downloads/#server ``` ./update ``` The update will be do a backup. The file ``backup-remove`` and ``backup`` I use it for cron ``crontab -e`` ! ``` #BACKUP EVERYDAY AT 5AM 0 5 * * * /opt/backup #BACKUP EVERY SUNDAY AT 6AM AND ALSO STAY 2 OF THEM 0 6 * * SUN /opt/backup-remove ``` If You wanna contact with me write to me on private message or yorunepl@xmpp.jp