# What did I use? Firstly, I must thank https://github.com/xavery/ I use so much your work. Thank You! @xavery # Simple My schadule is in the http://yorune.pl/rozklad/ # Instalation ```sh git clone https://github.com/linux923344/rozklad-mpk.git ``` In the `start.sh` you must change varable `HTML` , because your schadule will be on the `your-page.pl/rozklad`. For example if you change it for `test123` You will have `your-page.pl/test123` Also you can change the varable `lines`. I added my favourites line like `KORN42 MURA42 OPL01 ORZE42 RKAP73 SOB42 UAMB01`. # Starting script If you want to start the script you can run ```sh ./start.sh ``` # Tree files after instalation ```sh . ├── index.php ├── lines │   ├── KORN42.php │   ├── MURA42.php │   ├── OPL01.php │   ├── ORZE42.php │   ├── RKAP73.php │   ├── SOB42.php │   └── UAMB01.php ├── schedule └── start ``` # Contact with me You can write e-mail to me y0rune@aol.com