#!/usr/bin/env bash if [[ "${FEATURES}" == *ccache* && "${EBUILD_PHASE_FUNC}" == src_* ]] then if [[ "${CCACHE_DIR}" == "${EPREFIX}"/usr/ccache ]] then # Set the ccache dir to whatever CCACHE_DIR is + category + name of the package export CCACHE_DIR="${EPREFIX}"/usr/ccache/${CATEGORY}/${PN} mkdir -p "${CCACHE_DIR}" || die "Failed to create ccache directory" # Copy ccache.conf if it is found in "old" CCACHE_DIR if [ -f "${EPREFIX}"/usr/ccache/ccache.conf ] then cp "${EPREFIX}"/usr/ccache/ccache.conf /usr/ccache/"${CATEGORY}"/"${PN}"/ccache.conf || die "Failed to copy ccache config" fi fi fi # Verbose ebuild phase if [ -n "${EBUILD_PHASE}" ] && [ ! "${EBUILD_PHASE}" = "depend" ] then echo "[ $(date +%H:%M:%S) ] ${EBUILD_PHASE^^} for version ${PV} of ${PN} from ${CATEGORY}" fi