#!/bin/bash BACKUP="/home/yorune/Linux/portage" LOG_FILE="/tmp/update-kernel.log" TMP_KERNEL="/tmp/kernel-config-$(uname -r)" DEFAULT_KERNEL="/usr/src/linux/.config" function starting() { echo -e "\e[93m----------------------COMPILING------------------------------\e[0m" sudo cp -rv $DEFAULT_KERNEL $TMP_KERNEL cp -r $TMP_KERNEL $BACKUP/kernel-config cp -r /etc/portage/* $BACKUP qlist -I | sort -u > $BACKUP/list-of-programs } function selection() { echo -e "\e[93m----------------------SELECTION-----------------------------\e[0m" sudo eselect kernel list echo echo read -p "New kernel is: " KERVER echo echo -e "Your kernel now is \e[91m$(uname -sr)\e[0m" echo -e "Your selected kernel is \e[91m"$KERVER"\e[0m" sudo eselect kernel set $KERVER sudo eselect kernel list | grep "*" echo } function compilation() { read -p "Do you want to accept and compile (Y/N): " agreed echo if [ "$agreed" == "y" ] || [ "$agreed" == "Y" ] then echo -e "\e[91m----------------------\e[5mSTARTING\e[0m\e[91m------------------------------\e[0m" && sleep 10 $NOW > /tmp/compiling-starting NEW_KERNEL="/tmp/new-kernel-config" sudo cp -r $TMP_KERNEL $DEFAULT_KERNEL cd /usr/src/linux; sudo make menuconfig; sleep 2; sudo cp -r $DEFAULT_KERNEL $NEW_KERNEL sudo genkernel all --makeopts=-j$(nproc --all) --kernel-config=$NEW_KERNEL --callback="emerge nvidia-drivers::gentoo" --lvm --btrfs --luks elif [ "$agreed" == "N" ] || [ "$agreed" == "n" ] then exit fi } function ending() { echo echo echo -e "\e[93m----------------------CHECKING-----------------------------\e[0m" checking echo echo echo -e "\e[93m----------------------REMEMBER-----------------------------\e[0m" echo "You can remove:" echo "* /lib/modules/OLD_KERNEL" echo "* /boot/initramfs-genkernel-OLD_KERNEL" echo "* /boot/vmlinuz-OLD_KERNEL" echo "* /boot/System.map-OLD_KERNEL" echo "* /boot/initramfs-OLD_KERNEL" echo "* /usr/src/linux-OLD_KERNEL" echo echo -e "AFTER EVERYTHING YOU MUST WRITE COMMAND \e[91m"sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"\e[0m" } function checking() { KERNEL=$(eselect kernel list \ | awk '{print $2}' \ | grep -Eo '[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+' \ | tail -n1) INITRANFS="initramfs-$KERNEL-gentoo-x86_64.img" SYSTEMMAP="System.map-$KERNEL-gentoo-x86_64" VMLINUZ="vmlinuz-$KERNEL-gentoo-x86_64" ifchecking $INITRANFS ifchecking $SYSTEMMAP ifchecking $VMLINUZ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg } function ifchecking () { FILE=/boot/$1 if test -f "$FILE"; then echo "$FILE exist in the /boot folder ;)" else echo "$FILE NOT exist in the /boot folder ;)" fi } function addgit() { cd ~/Linux/portage || exit git add . git commit -m "Updated: $(date)" git push cd ~ || exit } function main() { clear BEGIN=$(date +"%s") starting addgit selection compilation echo -e "\e[31mI am leaving! Thank You!\e[0m" && sleep 3 TERMIN=$(date +"%s") DIFFTLPS=$(($TERMIN-$BEGIN)) echo -e "\e[93m------------------TIME COMPILATION-------------------------\e[0m" echo -e "\e[93m$(($DIFFTLPS / 60)) minutes and $(($DIFFTLPS % 60)) seconds \e[0m elapsed for Script Execution." && sleep 3 ending exit } main