"=============================================================================== " " File: sh.vim " " Description: Additonal maps for bash-support (version 4.0+) " " VIM Version: 7.0+ " Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (fgm), mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de " Organization: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn " Version: 1.0 " Created: 20.05.2013 17:20 " Revision: --- " License: Copyright (c) 2013, Dr. Fritz Mehner "=============================================================================== " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " additional mapping : single quotes around a Word (non-whitespaces) " masks the normal mode command '' (jump to the position " before the latest jump) " additional mapping : double quotes around a Word (non-whitespaces) "------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nnoremap '' ciW''P nnoremap "" ciW""P " "------------------------------------------------------------------------------- " generate tests " additional mapping : \t1 expands to [ - ] " additional mapping : \t2 expands to [ - ] "------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nnoremap t1 a[ - ] inoremap t1 [ - ] " nnoremap t2 a[ - ] inoremap t2 [ - ] "