
# Marcin Wozniak
# y0rune@aol.com
# That script is for easier getting a Meraki network list
# shellcheck disable=1091,2048

set -e

function timestamp() {
    echo "[+] $(date +'%F %T') [INFO] $*"

function err() {
    echo "[-] $(date +'%F %T') [ERROR] $*" >&2

function command_start() {
    timestamp "Command $* has been started."
    if ! $*; then
        err "Command $* went wrong."
    timestamp "Command $* has been ended."

function main() {
    [ -z "$MERAKI_API_KEY" ] && err "Meraki Key is not set up. Please set it via export MERAKI_API_KEY=<XXXXX>"
    [ -z "$MERAKI_ORG_ID" ] && err "Meraki Organization ID is not set up. Please set it via export MERAKI_ORG_ID=<XXXXX>"

    timestamp "Getting a list of the network"
    curl --silent \
        -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        -H 'X-Cisco-Meraki-API-Key: '"$MERAKI_API_KEY"'' \
        https://api.meraki.com/api/v1/organizations/"$MERAKI_ORG_ID"/networks |
        jq -M '.[] | .id + " " + .name'

main "$@"