#!/bin/sh # Copyright (c) 2020, XGQT # Licensed under the ISC License # .vir. # ,d$$$$$$b. # &&&&( )&&&b # Q$$$$$$$$$$B # "$$$$$$$P # ,d$$$$$$P" # $$$$$$P # `Q$$P" # gfetch - tiny system info for gentoo # based on: # https://github.com/jschx/ufetch/ # INFO host="$(hostname 2>/dev/null)" cpu="$(uname -p 2>/dev/null)" kernel="$(uname -sr 2>/dev/null)" uptime="$(uptime -p 2>/dev/null | sed 's/up //')" shell="$(basename "${SHELL}" 2>/dev/null)" if [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] then os="$(cut -d \" -f 2 < /etc/lsb-release) $(uname -m)" elif [ -f /etc/os-release ] then os="$(cut -d = -f 2 < /etc/os-release | sed 1q) $(uname -m)" else os="Gentoo $(uname -m)" fi if [ -d "${EPREFIX}"/var/db/pkg ] then packages="All: $(find "${EPREFIX}"/var/db/pkg/*/* -type d | wc -l)" real="Real: $(find "${EPREFIX}"/var/db/pkg/*/* -type d | grep -c -v -E 'acct-group|acct-user|app-eselect|java-virtuals|media-fonts|virtual')" else packages="n/a" real="" fi if [ -f "${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/portage/world ] then world="World: $(wc -l < "${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/portage/world)" else world="" fi if [ -n "${DE}" ] then ui="${DE}" uitype='DE' elif [ -n "${WM}" ] then ui="${WM}" uitype='WM' elif [ -n "${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" ] then ui="${XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP}" uitype='DE' elif [ -n "${DESKTOP_SESSION}" ] then ui="${DESKTOP_SESSION}" uitype='DE' elif [ -f "${HOME}/.xinitrc" ] then ui="$(tail -n 1 "${HOME}/.xinitrc" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" uitype='WM' elif [ -f "${HOME}/.xsession" ] then ui="$(tail -n 1 "${HOME}/.xsession" | cut -d ' ' -f 2)" uitype='WM' else ui='unknown' uitype='UI' fi # Color Definitions if [ -x "$(command -v tput)" ]; then bold="$(tput bold)" # black="$(tput setaf 0)" # red="$(tput setaf 1)" # green="$(tput setaf 2)" # yellow="$(tput setaf 3)" # blue="$(tput setaf 4)" magenta="$(tput setaf 5)" # cyan="$(tput setaf 6)" white="$(tput setaf 7)" reset="$(tput sgr0)" fi # Output color # labels lc="${reset}${bold}${magenta}" # user and hostname nc="${reset}${bold}${magenta}" # info ic="${reset}${bold}${white}" # first color c0="${reset}${bold}${magenta}" # second color c1="${reset}${magenta}" # OUTPUT cat <<EOF ${c0} .vir. ${nc}${USER}${ic}@${nc}${host}${reset} ${c0} ,d\$\$\$\$${c1}\$\$b. ${lc}CPU: ${ic}${cpu}${reset} ${c0} &&&&${c1}( )&&&b ${lc}OS: ${ic}${os}${reset} ${c0} Q\$\$\$\$\$\$\$\$${c1}\$\$B ${lc}KERNEL: ${ic}${kernel}${reset} ${c0} "\$\$\$\$\$${c1}\$\$P ${lc}UP: ${ic}${uptime}${reset} ${c0} ,d\$\$\$\$${c1}\$\$P" ${lc}PKGS: ${ic}${packages} ${world} ${real}${reset} ${c0} \$\$\$\$${c1}\$\$P ${lc}SHELL: ${ic}${shell}${reset} ${c0} \`Q\$\$${c1}P" ${lc}${uitype}: ${ic}${ui}${reset} EOF