diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim
deleted file mode 160000
index 309d6fe..0000000
--- a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Subproject commit 309d6fe45859f2d30d0e8fe8016ca69f03b9f7d6
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/README b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83ccee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/README
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=365
+Write BASH-scripts by inserting comments, statements, tests, variables, builtins, etc..
+Speed up writing new scripts considerably.
+Write code und comments with a professional appearance from the beginning.
+Here are some screen shots : http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-bash/screenshots-en.html
+The help file online : http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-bash/bashsupport.html
+The key mappings of this plugin (PDF) : http://lug.fh-swf.de/vim/vim-bash/bash-hotkeys.pdf
+This plugin comes with a help file (bashsupport.txt).
+Read it with
+ :h bashsupport
+Editing actions differ for different modes!
+There are a lot of features which can be configured or customized to match your needs.
+The installation explained: http://www.thegeekstuff.com article
+"Make Vim as Your Bash-IDE Using bash-support Plugin"
+Plugin featured in the linux.com article 'Turn Vim into a bash IDE' : http://www.linux.com/articles/114359
+Bash Support is on GitHub:
+ https://github.com/WolfgangMehner/vim-plugins
+(Please help us keep track of all the issues and name your report/request "Bash-Support:
+You can subscribe to the vim-plugins-list mailing list to post your questions or
+suggestions for improvement or to report bugs. The list will also be used to
+announce new releases ( c.vim / bash-support / perl-support / doxygen-support ).
+Visit the following page for subscribing to the mailing list:
+ http://lug.fh-swf.de/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/vim-plugins-list
+The vim-plugins-list list is very low on traffic.
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/autoload/mmtemplates/core.vim b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/autoload/mmtemplates/core.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..249228a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/autoload/mmtemplates/core.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,3883 @@
+" File: mmtemplates#core.vim
+" Description: Template engine: Core.
+" Maps & Menus - Template Engine
+" VIM Version: 7.0+
+" Author: Wolfgang Mehner, wolfgang-mehner@web.de
+" Organization:
+" Version: see variable g:Templates_Version below
+" Created: 30.08.2011
+" Revision: 28.03.2014
+" License: Copyright (c) 2012-2013, Wolfgang Mehner
+" This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+" published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 of the
+" License.
+" This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
+" useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
+" See the GNU General Public License version 2 for more details.
+" === Basic Checks === {{{1
+" need at least 7.0
+if v:version < 700
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echo 'The plugin templates.vim needs Vim version >= 7.'
+ echohl None
+ finish
+" prevent duplicate loading
+" need compatible
+if &cp || ( exists('g:Templates_Version') && g:Templates_Version != 'searching' && ! exists('g:Templates_DevelopmentOverwrite') )
+ finish
+let s:Templates_Version = '0.9.3' " version number of this script; do not change
+" --- Find Newest Version --- {{{2
+if exists('g:Templates_DevelopmentOverwrite')
+ " skip ahead
+elseif exists('g:Templates_VersionUse')
+ "
+ " not the newest one: abort
+ if s:Templates_Version != g:Templates_VersionUse
+ finish
+ endif
+ "
+ " otherwise: skip ahead
+ "
+elseif exists('g:Templates_VersionSearch')
+ "
+ " add own version number to the list
+ call add ( g:Templates_VersionSearch, s:Templates_Version )
+ "
+ finish
+ "
+ "
+ "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ " s:VersionComp : Compare two version numbers. {{{3
+ "
+ " Parameters:
+ " op1 - first version number (string)
+ " op2 - second version number (string)
+ " Returns:
+ " result - -1, 0 or 1, to the specifications of sort() (integer)
+ "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ function! s:VersionComp ( op1, op2 )
+ "
+ let l1 = split ( a:op1, '[.-]' )
+ let l2 = split ( a:op2, '[.-]' )
+ "
+ for i in range( 0, max( [ len( l1 ), len( l2 ) ] ) - 1 )
+ " until now, all fields where equal
+ if len ( l2 ) <= i
+ return -1 " op1 has more fields -> sorts first
+ elseif len( l1 ) <= i
+ return 1 " op2 has more fields -> sorts first
+ elseif str2nr ( l1[i] ) > str2nr ( l2[i] )
+ return -1 " op1 is larger here -> sorts first
+ elseif str2nr ( l2[i] ) > str2nr ( l1[i] )
+ return 1 " op2 is larger here -> sorts first
+ endif
+ endfor
+ "
+ return 0 " same amount of fields, all equal
+ endfunction " ---------- end of function s:VersionComp ----------
+ " }}}3
+ "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ "
+ try
+ "
+ " collect all available version
+ let g:Templates_Version = 'searching'
+ let g:Templates_VersionSearch = []
+ "
+ runtime! autoload/mmtemplates/core.vim
+ "
+ " select the newest one
+ call sort ( g:Templates_VersionSearch, 's:VersionComp' )
+ "
+ let g:Templates_VersionUse = g:Templates_VersionSearch[ 0 ]
+ "
+ " run all scripts again, the newest one will be used
+ runtime! autoload/mmtemplates/core.vim
+ "
+ unlet g:Templates_VersionSearch
+ unlet g:Templates_VersionUse
+ "
+ finish
+ "
+ catch /.*/
+ "
+ " an error occurred, skip ahead
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg 'Search for the newest version number failed.'
+ echomsg 'Using this version ('.s:Templates_Version.').'
+ echohl None
+ endtry
+ "
+" }}}2
+let g:Templates_Version = s:Templates_Version " version number of this script; do not change
+" === Modul Setup === {{{1
+let s:DebugGlobalOverwrite = 0
+let s:DebugLevel = s:DebugGlobalOverwrite
+if ! exists ( 'g:Templates_MapInUseWarn' )
+ let g:Templates_MapInUseWarn = 1
+let s:StateStackStyleTop = -2
+let s:StateStackFile = -1
+let s:StateStackLength = 2
+let s:Flagactions = {
+ \ ':i' : '',
+ \ ':l' : ' (-> lowercase)',
+ \ ':u' : ' (-> uppercase)',
+ \ ':c' : ' (-> capitalize)',
+ \ ':L' : ' (-> legalize name)',
+ \ }
+let s:StandardPriority = 500
+let g:CheckedFiletypes = {}
+" s:StandardMacros : The standard macros. {{{2
+let s:StandardMacros = {
+ \ 'BASENAME' : '',
+ \ 'DATE' : '%x',
+ \ 'FILENAME' : '',
+ \ 'PATH' : '',
+ \ 'SUFFIX' : '',
+ \ 'TIME' : '%X',
+ \ 'YEAR' : '%Y',
+ \ }
+" s:StandardProperties : The standard properties. {{{2
+let s:StandardProperties = {
+ \ 'Templates::EditTemplates::Map' : 're',
+ \ 'Templates::RereadTemplates::Map' : 'rr',
+ \ 'Templates::ChooseStyle::Map' : 'rs',
+ \
+ \ 'Templates::EditTemplates::Shortcut' : 'e',
+ \ 'Templates::RereadTemplates::Shortcut' : 'r',
+ \ 'Templates::ChooseStyle::Shortcut' : 's',
+ \
+ \ 'Templates::Mapleader' : '\',
+ \ }
+" s:TypeNames : Name of types as characters. {{{2
+let s:TypeNames = [ ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ' ]
+let s:TypeNames[ type(0) ] = 'i' " integer
+let s:TypeNames[ type("") ] = 's' " string
+let s:TypeNames[ type([]) ] = 'l' " list
+let s:TypeNames[ type({}) ] = 'd' " dict
+"let s:TypeNames[ type(0.0) ] = 'n' " number
+" TODO: why does float not work in some cases?
+" not important right now.
+" === Syntax: Regular Expressions === {{{1
+let s:RegexSettings = {
+ \ 'MacroName' : '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*',
+ \ 'MacroList' : '\%([a-zA-Z_]\|[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_ \t,]*[a-zA-Z0-9_]\)',
+ \ 'TemplateName' : '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_+\-\., ]*[a-zA-Z0-9_+\-\.,]',
+ \ 'TextOpt' : '[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_+\-: \t,]*[a-zA-Z0-9_+\-]',
+ \ 'Mapping' : '[a-zA-Z0-9+\-]\+',
+ \
+ \ 'CommentStart' : '\$',
+ \ 'BlockDelimiter' : '==',
+ \
+ \ 'CommentHint' : '$',
+ \ 'CommandHint' : '[A-Z]',
+ \ 'DelimHint' : '=',
+ \ 'MacroHint' : '|',
+ \
+ \ 'MacroStart' : '|',
+ \ 'MacroEnd' : '|',
+ \ 'EditTagStart' : '<',
+ \ 'EditTagEnd' : '>',
+ \ 'JumpTag1Start' : '{',
+ \ 'JumpTag1End' : '}',
+ \ 'JumpTag2Start' : '<',
+ \ 'JumpTag2End' : '>',
+ \ }
+" s:UpdateFileReadRegex : Update the regular expressions. {{{2
+function! s:UpdateFileReadRegex ( regex, settings )
+ "
+ let quote = '\(["'']\?\)'
+ "
+ " Basics
+ let a:regex.MacroName = a:settings.MacroName
+ let a:regex.MacroNameC = '\('.a:settings.MacroName.'\)'
+ let a:regex.TemplateNameC = '\('.a:settings.TemplateName.'\)'
+ let a:regex.Mapping = a:settings.Mapping
+ let a:regex.AbsolutePath = '^[\~/]' " TODO: Is that right and/or complete?
+ "
+ " Syntax Categories
+ let a:regex.EmptyLine = '^\s*$'
+ let a:regex.CommentLine = '^'.a:settings.CommentStart
+ let a:regex.FunctionCall = '^\s*'.a:regex.MacroNameC.'\s*(\(.*\))\s*$'
+ let a:regex.MacroAssign = '^\s*'.a:settings.MacroStart.a:regex.MacroNameC.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ \ .'\s*=\s*'.quote.'\(.\{-}\)'.'\2'.'\s*$' " deprecated
+ "
+ " Blocks
+ let delim = a:settings.BlockDelimiter
+ let a:regex.Styles1Start = '^'.delim.'\s*IF\s\+|STYLE|\s\+IS\s\+'.a:regex.MacroNameC.'\s*'.delim
+ let a:regex.Styles1End = '^'.delim.'\s*ENDIF\s*'.delim
+ let a:regex.Styles2Start = '^'.delim.'\s*USE\s\+STYLES\s*:'
+ \ .'\s*\('.a:settings.MacroList.'\)'.'\s*'.delim
+ let a:regex.Styles2End = '^'.delim.'\s*ENDSTYLES\s*'.delim
+ "
+ " Texts
+ let a:regex.TemplateStart = '^'.delim.'\s*\%(TEMPLATE:\)\?\s*'.a:regex.TemplateNameC.'\s*'.delim
+ \ .'\s*\%(\('.a:settings.TextOpt.'\)\s*'.delim.'\)\?'
+ let a:regex.TemplateEnd = '^'.delim.'\s*ENDTEMPLATE\s*'.delim
+ "
+ let a:regex.HelpStart = '^'.delim.'\s*HELP:\s*'.a:regex.TemplateNameC.'\s*'.delim
+ \ .'\s*\%(\('.a:settings.TextOpt.'\)\s*'.delim.'\)\?'
+ "let a:regex.HelpEnd = '^'.delim.'\s*ENDHELP\s*'.delim
+ "
+ let a:regex.MenuSep = '^'.delim.'\s*SEP:\s*'.a:regex.TemplateNameC.'\s*'.delim
+ "
+ let a:regex.ListStart = '^'.delim.'\s*LIST:\s*'.a:regex.MacroNameC.'\s*'.delim
+ \ .'\s*\%(\('.a:settings.TextOpt.'\)\s*'.delim.'\)\?'
+ let a:regex.ListEnd = '^'.delim.'\s*ENDLIST\s*'.delim
+ "
+ " Special Hints
+ let a:regex.CommentHint = a:settings.CommentHint
+ let a:regex.CommandHint = a:settings.CommandHint
+ let a:regex.DelimHint = a:settings.DelimHint
+ let a:regex.MacroHint = a:settings.MacroHint
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:UpdateFileReadRegex ----------
+" s:UpdateTemplateRegex : Update the regular expressions. {{{2
+function! s:UpdateTemplateRegex ( regex, settings )
+ "
+ let quote = '["'']'
+ "
+ " Function Arguments
+ let a:regex.RemoveQuote = '^\s*'.quote.'\zs.*\ze'.quote.'\s*$'
+ "
+ " Basics
+ let a:regex.MacroStart = a:settings.MacroStart
+ let a:regex.MacroEnd = a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.MacroName = a:settings.MacroName
+ let a:regex.MacroNameC = '\('.a:settings.MacroName.'\)'
+ let a:regex.MacroMatch = '^'.a:settings.MacroStart.a:settings.MacroName.a:settings.MacroEnd.'$'
+ "
+ " Syntax Categories
+ let a:regex.FunctionLine = '^'.a:settings.MacroStart.'\('.a:regex.MacroNameC.'(\(.*\))\)'.a:settings.MacroEnd.'\s*\n'
+ let a:regex.FunctionChecked = '^'.a:regex.MacroNameC.'(\(.*\))$'
+ let a:regex.FunctionList = '^LIST(\(.\{-}\))$'
+ let a:regex.FunctionComment = a:settings.MacroStart.'\(C\|Comment\)'.'(\(.\{-}\))'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.FunctionInsert = a:settings.MacroStart.'\(Insert\|InsertLine\)'.'(\(.\{-}\))'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.MacroRequest = a:settings.MacroStart.'?'.a:regex.MacroNameC.'\%(:\(\a\)\)\?'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.MacroInsert = a:settings.MacroStart.''.a:regex.MacroNameC.'\%(:\(\a\)\)\?'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.MacroNoCapture = a:settings.MacroStart.a:settings.MacroName.'\%(:\a\)\?'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ let a:regex.ListItem = a:settings.MacroStart.''.a:regex.MacroNameC.':ENTRY_*'.a:settings.MacroEnd
+ "
+ let a:regex.TextBlockFunctions = '^\%(C\|Comment\|Insert\|InsertLine\)$'
+ "
+ " Jump Tags
+ let a:regex.JumpTagBoth = '<-\w*->\|{-\w*-}\|<+\w*+>\|{+\w*+}'
+ let a:regex.JumpTagType2 = '<-\w*->\|{-\w*-}'
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:UpdateTemplateRegex ----------
+" }}}2
+" === Script: Auxiliary Functions === {{{1
+" s:ParameterTypes : Get the types of the arguments. {{{2
+" Returns a string with one character per argument, denoting the type.
+" Uses the codebook 's:TypeNames'.
+" Examples:
+" - s:ParameterTypes ( 1, "string", [] ) -> "isl"
+" - s:ParameterTypes ( 1, 'string', {} ) -> "isd"
+" - s:ParameterTypes ( 1, 1.0 ) -> "in"
+function! s:ParameterTypes ( ... )
+ return join( map( copy( a:000 ), 's:TypeNames[ type ( v:val ) ]' ), '' )
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:ParameterTypes ----------
+" s:FunctionCheck : Check the syntax, name and parameter types. {{{2
+" Throw a 'Template:Check:*' exception whenever:
+" - The syntax of the call "name( params )" is wrong.
+" - The function name 'name' is not a key in 'namespace'.
+" - The parameter string (as produced by s:ParameterTypes) does not match
+" the regular expression found in "namespace[name]".
+function! s:FunctionCheck ( name, param, namespace )
+ "
+ " check the syntax and get the parameter string
+ try
+ exe 'let param_s = s:ParameterTypes( '.a:param.' )'
+ catch /^Vim(let):E\d\+:/
+ throw 'Template:Check:function call "'.a:name.'('.a:param.')": '.matchstr ( v:exception, '^Vim(let):E\d\+:\zs.*' )
+ endtry
+ "
+ " check the function and the parameters
+ if ! has_key ( a:namespace, a:name )
+ throw 'Template:Check:unknown function: "'.a:name.'"'
+ elseif param_s !~ '^'.a:namespace[ a:name ].'$'
+ throw 'Template:Check:wrong parameter types: "'.a:name.'"'
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:FunctionCheck ----------
+" s:LiteralReplacement : Substitute without using regular expressions. {{{2
+function! s:LiteralReplacement ( text, remove, insert, flag )
+ return substitute( a:text,
+ \ '\V'.escape( a:remove, '\' ),
+ \ escape( a:insert, '\&~' ), a:flag )
+" \ '\='.string( a:insert ), a:flag )
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:LiteralReplacement ----------
+" s:ConcatNormalizedFilename : Concatenate and normalize a filename. {{{2
+function! s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( ... )
+ if a:0 == 1
+ let filename = ( a:1 )
+ elseif a:0 == 2
+ let filename = ( a:1 ).'/'.( a:2 )
+ endif
+ return fnamemodify( filename, ':p' )
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ----------
+" s:GetNormalizedPath : Split and normalize a path. {{{2
+function! s:GetNormalizedPath ( filename )
+ return fnamemodify( a:filename, ':p:h' )
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:GetNormalizedPath ----------
+" s:UserInput : Input after a highlighted prompt. {{{2
+" 3. argument : optional completion
+" 4. argument : optional list, if the 3. argument is 'customlist'
+" Throws an exception 'Template:UserInputAborted' if the obtained input is empty,
+" so use it like this:
+" try
+" let style = s:UserInput( 'prompt', '', ... )
+" catch /Template:UserInputAborted/
+" return
+" endtry
+function! s:UserInput ( prompt, text, ... )
+ "
+ echohl Search " highlight prompt
+ call inputsave() " preserve typeahead
+ if a:0 == 0 || a:1 == ''
+ let retval = input( a:prompt, a:text )
+ elseif a:1 == 'customlist'
+ let s:UserInputList = a:2
+ let retval = input( a:prompt, a:text, 'customlist,mmtemplates#core#UserInputEx' )
+ let s:UserInputList = []
+ else
+ let retval = input( a:prompt, a:text, a:1 )
+ endif
+ call inputrestore() " restore typeahead
+ echohl None " reset highlighting
+ "
+ if empty( retval )
+ throw 'Template:UserInputAborted'
+ endif
+ "
+ let retval = substitute( retval, '^\s\+', "", "" ) " remove leading whitespaces
+ let retval = substitute( retval, '\s\+$', "", "" ) " remove trailing whitespaces
+ "
+ return retval
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:UserInput ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#UserInputEx : ex-command for s:UserInput. {{{3
+function! mmtemplates#core#UserInputEx ( ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos )
+ if empty( a:ArgLead )
+ return copy( s:UserInputList )
+ endif
+ return filter( copy( s:UserInputList ), 'v:val =~ ''\V\<'.escape(a:ArgLead,'\').'\w\*''' )
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#UserInputEx ----------
+" }}}3
+let s:UserInputList = []
+" s:ErrorMsg : Print an error message. {{{2
+function! s:ErrorMsg ( ... )
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ for line in a:000
+ echomsg line
+ endfor
+ echohl None
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:ErrorMsg ----------
+" s:DebugMsg : Print debug information. {{{2
+function! s:DebugMsg ( msg, ... )
+ if s:DebugLevel
+ if a:0 == 0 || ( a:1 <= s:DebugLevel )
+ echo a:msg
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:DebugMsg ----------
+" s:OpenFold : Open fold and go to the first or last line of this fold. {{{2
+function! s:OpenFold ( mode )
+ if foldclosed(".") < 0
+ return
+ endif
+ " we are on a closed fold:
+ " get end position, open fold,
+ " jump to the last line of the previously closed fold
+ let foldstart = foldclosed(".")
+ let foldend = foldclosedend(".")
+ normal! zv
+ if a:mode == 'below'
+ exe ":".foldend
+ elseif a:mode == 'start'
+ exe ":".foldstart
+ endif
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:OpenFold ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#NewLibrary : Create a new template library. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#NewLibrary ( ... )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] == 'debug' && i+1 <= a:0 && ! s:DebugGlobalOverwrite
+ let s:DebugLevel = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " data
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " library
+ let library = {
+ \ 'macros' : {},
+ \ 'properties' : {},
+ \ 'resources' : {},
+ \ 'templates' : {},
+ \
+ \ 'menu_order' : [],
+ \
+ \ 'styles' : [ 'default' ],
+ \ 'current_style' : 'default',
+ \
+ \ 'menu_shortcuts' : {},
+ \ 'menu_existing' : { 'base' : 0 },
+ \
+ \ 'regex_settings' : ( copy ( s:RegexSettings ) ),
+ \ 'regex_file' : {},
+ \ 'regex_template' : {},
+ \
+ \ 'library_files' : [],
+ \ }
+ " entry used by maps: 'map_commands'
+ "
+ call extend ( library.macros, s:StandardMacros, 'keep' )
+ call extend ( library.properties, s:StandardProperties, 'keep' )
+ "
+ call s:UpdateFileReadRegex ( library.regex_file, library.regex_settings )
+ call s:UpdateTemplateRegex ( library.regex_template, library.regex_settings )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let s:DebugLevel = s:DebugGlobalOverwrite " reset debug
+ "
+ return library " return the new library
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#NewLibrary ----------
+" === Read Templates: Auxiliary Functions === {{{1
+" s:TemplateTypeNames : Readable type names for templates. {{{2
+let s:TemplateTypeNames = {
+ \ 'help' : 'help',
+ \ 'sep' : 'separator',
+ \ 't' : 'template',
+ \ }
+" s:AddText : Add a text. {{{2
+function! s:AddText ( type, name, settings, lines )
+ "
+ if a:type == 'help'
+ call s:AddTemplate ( 'help', a:name, a:settings, a:lines )
+ elseif a:type == 'list'
+ call s:AddList ( 'list', a:name, a:settings, a:lines )
+ elseif a:type == 'template'
+ call s:AddTemplate ( 't', a:name, a:settings, a:lines )
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:AddText ----------
+" s:AddList : Add a list. {{{2
+function! s:AddList ( type, name, settings, lines )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " checks
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " Error: empty name
+ if empty ( a:name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'List name can not be empty.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " Warning: empty list
+ if empty ( a:lines )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Empty list: "'.a:name.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " Warning: already existing
+ if s:t_runtime.overwrite_warning && has_key ( s:library.resources, 'list!'.a:name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Overwriting list "'.a:name.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " settings
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let type = 'list'
+ let bare = 0
+ "
+ for s in a:settings
+ "
+ if s == 'list'
+ let type = 'list'
+ elseif s == 'hash' || s == 'dict' || s == 'dictionary'
+ let type = 'dict'
+ elseif s == 'bare'
+ let bare = 1
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Unknown setting in list "'.a:name.'": "'.s.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ if type == 'list'
+ if bare
+ let lines = escape( a:lines, '"' )
+ let lines = substitute( lines, '^\s*', '"', '' )
+ let lines = substitute( lines, '\s*\n$', '"', '' )
+ let lines = substitute( lines, '\s*\n\s*', '", "', 'g' )
+ exe 'let list = [ '.lines.' ]'
+ else
+ exe 'let list = [ '.substitute( a:lines, '\n', ' ', 'g' ).' ]'
+ end
+ call sort ( list )
+ elseif type == 'dict'
+ if bare
+ s:ErrorMsg ( 'bare hash: to be implemented' )
+ else
+ exe 'let list = { '.substitute( a:lines, '\n', ' ', 'g' ).' }'
+ end
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.resources[ 'list!'.a:name ] = list
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:AddList ----------
+" s:AddTemplate : Add a template. {{{2
+function! s:AddTemplate ( type, name, settings, lines )
+ "
+ let name = a:name
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " checks
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " Error: empty name
+ if empty ( name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Template name can not be empty.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " Warning: empty template
+ if empty ( a:lines )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Empty template: "'.name.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " new template
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!!type' )
+ let my_type = a:type
+ let other_type = split ( s:library.templates[ name.'!!type' ], ',' )[0]
+ "
+ if my_type != other_type
+ if my_type == 't'
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Template "'.name.'" can not overwrite an object of the same name of type "'.s:TemplateTypeNames[other_type].'".' )
+ elseif my_type == 'help'
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Help template "'.name.'" can not overwrite an object of the same name of type "'.s:TemplateTypeNames[other_type].'".' )
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " new template
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ let type = a:type
+ let placement = 'below'
+ let indentation = '1'
+ "
+ let visual = -1 != stridx ( a:lines, '' )
+ let mp = ''
+ let entry = 1
+ let sc = ''
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " settings
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ for s in a:settings
+ "
+ if s == 'start' || s == 'above' || s == 'below' || s == 'append' || s == 'insert'
+ let placement = s
+ " indentation
+ elseif s == 'indent'
+ let indentation = '1'
+ elseif s == 'noindent'
+ let indentation = '0'
+ " special insertion in visual mode:
+ elseif s == 'visual'
+ let visual = 1
+ elseif s == 'novisual'
+ let visual = 0
+ " map:
+ elseif s =~ '^map\s*:'
+ let mp = matchstr ( s, '^map\s*:\s*\zs'.s:library.regex_file.Mapping )
+ " entry and shortcut:
+ elseif s == 'nomenu'
+ let entry = 0
+ elseif s == 'expandmenu'
+ let entry = 2
+ elseif s =~ '^sc\s*:' || s =~ '^shortcut\s*:'
+ let sc = matchstr ( s, '^\w\+\s*:\s*\zs'.s:library.regex_file.Mapping )
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Unknown setting in template "'.name.'": "'.s.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ " TODO: review this
+ if a:type == 'help'
+ let placement = 'help'
+ endif
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " new template
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!!type' ] = type.','.placement.','.indentation
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!!menu' ] = visual.",".string(mp).",".entry.",'',".string(sc)
+ "
+ call add ( s:library.menu_order, name )
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " text
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " the styles
+ if a:type == 'help'
+ " Warning: overwriting a style
+ if s:t_runtime.overwrite_warning && has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!default' )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Overwriting a help template: "'.name.'"' )
+ endif
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!default' ] = a:lines
+ return
+ elseif empty ( s:t_runtime.use_styles )
+ let styles = [ 'default' ]
+ else
+ let styles = s:t_runtime.use_styles
+ endif
+ "
+ " save the lines
+ for s in styles
+ "
+ " Warning: overwriting a style
+ if s:t_runtime.overwrite_warning && has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!'.s )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Warning: Overwriting style in template "'.name.'": "'.s.'"' )
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!'.s ] = a:lines
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:AddTemplate ----------
+" s:AddSeparator : Add a menu separator. {{{2
+function! s:AddSeparator ( type, name, settings )
+ "
+ let name = a:name
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " checks
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " Error: empty name
+ if empty ( name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Separator name can not be empty.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " new separator
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!!type' )
+ "
+ let my_type = a:type
+ let other_type = split ( s:library.templates[ name.'!!type' ], ',' )[0]
+ "
+ if my_type != other_type
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Separator "'.name.'" can not overwrite an object of the same name of type "'.s:TemplateTypeNames[other_type].'".' )
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ "
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!!type' ] = 'sep,,0'
+ let s:library.templates[ name.'!!menu' ] = "0,'',11,'',''"
+ "
+ call add ( s:library.menu_order, name )
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:AddSeparator ----------
+" s:AddStyles : Add styles to the list. {{{2
+function! s:AddStyles ( styles )
+ "
+ " TODO: check for valid name
+ " add the styles to the list
+ for s in a:styles
+ if -1 == index ( s:library.styles, s )
+ call add ( s:library.styles, s )
+ endif
+ endfor
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:AddStyles ----------
+" s:UseStyles : Set the styles. {{{2
+function! s:UseStyles ( styles )
+ "
+ " 'use_styles' empty? -> we may have new styles
+ " otherwise -> must be a subset, so no new styles
+ if empty ( s:t_runtime.use_styles )
+ " add the styles to the list
+ call s:AddStyles ( a:styles )
+ else
+ " are the styles a sub-set of the currently used styles?
+ for s in a:styles
+ if -1 == index ( s:t_runtime.use_styles, s )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Style "'.s.'" currently not in use.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "
+ " push the new style and use it as the current style
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.styles_stack, a:styles )
+ let s:t_runtime.use_styles = a:styles
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:UseStyles ----------
+" s:RevertStyles : Revert the styles. {{{2
+function! s:RevertStyles ( times )
+ "
+ " get the current top, and check whether any more styles can be removed
+ let state_lim = s:t_runtime.state_stack[ s:StateStackStyleTop ]
+ let state_top = len( s:t_runtime.styles_stack )
+ "
+ if state_lim > ( state_top - a:times )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Can not close any more style sections.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " remove the top
+ call remove ( s:t_runtime.styles_stack, -1 * a:times, -1 )
+ "
+ " reset the current style
+ if state_top > a:times
+ let s:t_runtime.use_styles = s:t_runtime.styles_stack[ -1 ]
+ else
+ let s:t_runtime.use_styles = []
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:RevertStyles ----------
+" === Read Templates: Template File Namespace === {{{1
+" s:FileReadNameSpace : The set of functions a template file can call. {{{2
+let s:FileReadNameSpace = {
+ \ 'IncludeFile' : 'ss\?',
+ \ 'SetFormat' : 'ss',
+ \ 'SetMacro' : 'ss',
+ \ 'SetPath' : 'ss',
+ \ 'SetProperty' : 'ss',
+ \ 'SetStyle' : 's',
+ \
+ \ 'MenuShortcut' : 'ss',
+ \ }
+" \ 'SetMap' : 'ss',
+" \ 'SetShortcut' : 'ss',
+" s:SetFormat : Set the format of |DATE|, ... (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetFormat ( name, replacement )
+ "
+ " check for valid name
+ if a:name !~ 'TIME\|DATE\|YEAR'
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Can not set the format of: '.a:name )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.macros[ a:name ] = a:replacement
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetFormat ----------
+" s:SetMacro : Set a replacement (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetMacro ( name, replacement )
+ "
+ " check for valid name
+ if a:name !~ s:library.regex_file.MacroName
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Macro name must be a valid identifier: '.a:name )
+ return
+ elseif has_key ( s:StandardMacros, a:name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'The special macro "'.a:name.'" can not be replaced via SetMacro.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.macros[ a:name ] = a:replacement
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetMacro ----------
+" s:SetStyle : Set the current style (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetStyle ( name )
+ "
+ " check for valid name
+ if a:name !~ s:library.regex_file.MacroName
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Style name must be a valid identifier: '.a:name )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.current_style = a:name
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetStyle ----------
+" s:SetPath : Set a path-resource (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetPath ( name, value )
+ "
+ " check for valid name
+ if a:name !~ s:library.regex_file.MacroName
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Path name must be a valid identifier: '.a:name )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let s:library.resources[ 'path!'.a:name ] = a:value
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetPath ----------
+" s:MenuShortcut : Set a shortcut for a sub-menu (template function). {{{2
+function! s:MenuShortcut ( name, shortcut )
+ "
+ " check for valid shortcut
+ if len ( a:shortcut ) > 1
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'The shortcut for "'.a:name.'" must be a single character.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ let name = substitute( a:name, '\.$', '', '' )
+ "
+ let s:library.menu_shortcuts[ name ] = a:shortcut
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:MenuShortcut ----------
+" s:SetMap : TODO (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetMap ( name, map )
+ "
+ echo 'SetMap: TO BE IMPLEMENTED'
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetMap ----------
+" s:SetProperty : Set an existing property. {{{2
+function! s:SetProperty ( name, value )
+ "
+ let [ _, err ] = mmtemplates#core#Resource ( s:library, 'set', 'property', a:name , a:value )
+ "
+ if err != ''
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Can not set the property "'.a:name.'".' )
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetProperty ----------
+" s:SetShortcut : TODO (template function). {{{2
+function! s:SetShortcut ( name, shortcut )
+ "
+ " check for valid shortcut
+ if len ( a:shortcut ) > 1
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'The shortcut for "'.a:name.'" must be a single character.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ echo 'SetShortcut: TO BE IMPLEMENTED'
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:SetShortcut ----------
+" s:IncludeFile : Read a template file (template function). {{{2
+function! s:IncludeFile ( templatefile, ... )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_file
+ "
+ let read_abs = 0
+ if a:0 >= 1 && a:1 == 'abs'
+ let read_abs = 1
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " checks
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " Expand ~, $HOME, ... and check for absolute path
+ let templatefile = expand( a:templatefile )
+ "
+" if templatefile =~ regex.AbsolutePath
+" let templatefile = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( templatefile )
+" else
+" let templatefile = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( s:t_runtime.state_stack[ s:StateStackFile ], templatefile )
+" endif
+ if read_abs
+ let templatefile = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( templatefile )
+ else
+ let templatefile = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( s:t_runtime.state_stack[ s:StateStackFile ], templatefile )
+ endif
+ "
+ " file does not exists or was already visited?
+ if !filereadable( templatefile )
+ throw 'Template:Check:file "'.templatefile.'" does not exist or is not readable'
+ elseif has_key ( s:t_runtime.files_visited, templatefile )
+ throw 'Template:Check:file "'.templatefile.'" already read'
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " add to the state stack
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.state_stack, len( s:t_runtime.styles_stack ) ) " length of styles_stack
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.state_stack, s:GetNormalizedPath ( templatefile ) ) " current path
+ "
+ " mark file as read
+ let s:t_runtime.files_visited[templatefile] = 1
+ "
+ " debug:
+ call s:DebugMsg ( 'Reading '.templatefile.' ...', 2 )
+ "
+ let state = 'command'
+ let t_start = 0
+ let last_styles = ''
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " go trough the file
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let filelines = readfile( templatefile )
+ "
+ for line in filelines
+ "
+ let firstchar = line[0]
+ "
+ " which state
+ if state == 'command'
+ " ==================================================
+ " state: command
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " empty line?
+ if empty ( line )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " comment?
+ if firstchar == regex.CommentHint
+ if line =~ regex.CommentLine
+ continue
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ " macro line? --- |MACRO| = something
+ if firstchar == regex.MacroHint
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( line, regex.MacroAssign )
+ if ! empty ( mlist )
+ " STYLE, includefile or general macro
+ if mlist[1] == 'STYLE'
+ call s:SetStyle ( mlist[3] )
+ elseif mlist[1] == 'includefile'
+ try
+ call s:IncludeFile ( mlist[3], 'old' )
+ catch /Template:Check:.*/
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:Check:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'While loading "'.templatefile.'":', msg )
+ endtry
+ else
+ call s:SetMacro ( mlist[1], mlist[3] )
+ endif
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " function call? --- Function( param_list )
+ if firstchar =~ regex.CommandHint
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( line, regex.FunctionCall )
+ if ! empty ( mlist )
+ let [ name, param ] = mlist[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ try
+ " check the call
+ call s:FunctionCheck ( name, param, s:FileReadNameSpace )
+ " try to call
+ exe 'call s:'.name.' ( '.param.' ) '
+ catch /Template:Check:.*/
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:Check:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'While loading "'.templatefile.'":', msg )
+ catch //
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'While calling "'.name.'" in "'.templatefile.'":', v:exception )
+ endtry
+ "
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " section or text?
+ if firstchar == regex.DelimHint
+ "
+ " switch styles?
+ let mlist = matchlist ( line, regex.Styles1Start )
+ if ! empty ( mlist )
+ call s:UseStyles ( [ mlist[1] ] )
+ let last_styles = mlist[0]
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " switch styles?
+ if line =~ regex.Styles1End
+ call s:RevertStyles ( 1 )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " switch styles?
+ let mlist = matchlist ( line, regex.Styles2Start )
+ if ! empty ( mlist )
+ call s:UseStyles ( split( mlist[1], '\s*,\s*' ) )
+ let last_styles = mlist[0]
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " switch styles?
+ if line =~ regex.Styles2End
+ call s:RevertStyles ( 1 )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " separator?
+ let mlist = matchlist ( line, regex.MenuSep )
+ if ! empty ( mlist )
+ call s:AddSeparator ( 'sep', mlist[1], '' )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " start of text?
+ let mlist_template = matchlist ( line, regex.TemplateStart )
+ let mlist_help = matchlist ( line, regex.HelpStart )
+ let mlist_list = matchlist ( line, regex.ListStart )
+ if ! empty ( mlist_template )
+ let state = 'text'
+ let t_type = 'template'
+ let t_start = 1
+ elseif ! empty ( mlist_help )
+ let state = 'text'
+ let t_type = 'help'
+ let t_start = 1
+ elseif ! empty ( mlist_list )
+ let state = 'text'
+ let t_type = 'list'
+ let t_start = 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " empty line?
+ if line =~ regex.EmptyLine
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ elseif state == 'text'
+ " ==================================================
+ " state: text
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if firstchar == regex.CommentHint || firstchar == regex.DelimHint
+ "
+ " comment or end of template?
+ if line =~ regex.CommentLine
+ \ || line =~ regex.TemplateEnd
+ \ || line =~ regex.ListEnd
+ let state = 'command'
+ call s:AddText ( t_type, t_name, t_settings, t_lines )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " start of new text?
+ let mlist_template = matchlist ( line, regex.TemplateStart )
+ let mlist_help = matchlist ( line, regex.HelpStart )
+ let mlist_list = matchlist ( line, regex.ListStart )
+ if ! empty ( mlist_template )
+ call s:AddText ( t_type, t_name, t_settings, t_lines )
+ let t_type = 'template'
+ let t_start = 1
+ elseif ! empty ( mlist_help )
+ call s:AddText ( t_type, t_name, t_settings, t_lines )
+ let t_type = 'help'
+ let t_start = 1
+ elseif ! empty ( mlist_list )
+ call s:AddText ( t_type, t_name, t_settings, t_lines )
+ let t_type = 'list'
+ let t_start = 1
+ else
+ let t_lines .= line."\n" " read the line
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ else
+ let t_lines .= line."\n" " read the line
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " start of template?
+ if t_start
+ if t_type == 'template'
+ let t_name = mlist_template[1]
+ let t_settings = split( mlist_template[2], '\s*,\s*' )
+ elseif t_type == 'list'
+ let t_name = mlist_list[1]
+ let t_settings = split( mlist_list[2], '\s*,\s*' )
+ elseif t_type == 'help'
+ let t_name = mlist_help[1]
+ let t_settings = split( mlist_help[2], '\s*,\s*' )
+ endif
+ let t_lines = ''
+ let t_start = 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Failed to read line: '.line )
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if state == 'text'
+ call s:AddText ( t_type, t_name, t_settings, t_lines )
+ endif
+ "
+ " all style sections closed?
+ let state_lim = s:t_runtime.state_stack[ s:StateStackStyleTop ]
+ let state_top = len( s:t_runtime.styles_stack )
+ if state_lim < state_top
+ call s:RevertStyles ( state_top - state_lim )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Styles section has not been closed: '.last_styles )
+ endif
+ "
+ " debug:
+ call s:DebugMsg ( '... '.templatefile.' done.', 2 )
+ "
+ " restore the previous state
+ call remove ( s:t_runtime.state_stack, -1 * s:StateStackLength, -1 )
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:IncludeFile ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#ReadTemplates : Read a template file. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#ReadTemplates ( library, ... )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " library and runtime information
+ let s:library = t_lib
+ let s:t_runtime = {
+ \ 'state_stack' : [],
+ \ 'use_styles' : [],
+ \ 'styles_stack' : [],
+ \ 'files_visited' : {},
+ \
+ \ 'overwrite_warning' : 0,
+ \ }
+ "
+ let mode = ''
+ let file = ''
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] == 'load' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let mode = 'load'
+ let file = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'reload' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let mode = 'reload'
+ let file = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'overwrite_warning'
+ let s:t_runtime.overwrite_warning = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'debug' && i+1 <= a:0 && ! s:DebugGlobalOverwrite
+ let s:DebugLevel = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " files
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let templatefiles = []
+ "
+ if mode == 'load'
+ "
+ " check the type
+ if type( file ) != type( '' )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "filename" must be given as a string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " expand ~, $HOME, ... and normalize
+ let file = expand ( file )
+ call add ( templatefiles, s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( file ) )
+ "
+ " add to library
+ call add ( t_lib.library_files, s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( file ) )
+ "
+ elseif mode == 'reload'
+ "
+ if type( file ) == type( 0 )
+ call add ( templatefiles, t_lib.library_files[ file ] )
+ elseif type( file ) == type( '' )
+ " load all or a specific file
+ if file == 'all'
+ call extend ( templatefiles, t_lib.library_files )
+ else
+ "
+ " check and add the file
+ let file = expand ( file )
+ let file = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( file )
+ "
+ if ! filereadable ( file )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The file "'.file.'" does not exist.' )
+ elseif index ( t_lib.library_files, file ) == -1
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The file "'.file.'" is not part of the template library.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ call add ( templatefiles, file )
+ "
+ endif
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "fileid" must be given as an integer or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " remove old maps
+ if has_key ( t_lib, 'map_commands' )
+ call remove ( t_lib, 'map_commands' )
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " read the library
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " debug:
+ if s:DebugLevel > 0
+ let time_start = reltime()
+ endif
+ "
+ for f in templatefiles
+ "
+ " file exists?
+ if !filereadable ( f )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Template library "'.f.'" does not exist or is not readable.' )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " runtime information:
+ " - set up the state stack: length of styles_stack + current path
+ " - reset the current styles
+ let s:t_runtime.state_stack = [ 0, s:GetNormalizedPath ( f ) ]
+ let s:t_runtime.use_styles = []
+ let s:t_runtime.styles_stack = []
+ "
+ " read the top-level file
+ call s:IncludeFile ( f, 'abs' )
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ call sort ( s:library.styles ) " sort the styles
+ "
+ " debug:
+ if s:DebugLevel > 0
+ echo 'Loading library: '.reltimestr( reltime( time_start ) )
+ endif
+ "
+ if mode == 'reload'
+ echo 'Reloaded the template library.'
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ unlet s:library " remove script variables
+ unlet s:t_runtime " ...
+ "
+ let s:DebugLevel = s:DebugGlobalOverwrite " reset debug
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#ReadTemplates ----------
+" === Templates === {{{1
+" s:ApplyFlag : Modify a text according to 'flag'. {{{2
+function! s:ApplyFlag ( text, flag )
+ "
+ if a:flag == '' || a:flag == 'i' " i : identity
+ return a:text
+ elseif a:flag == 'l' " l : lowercase
+ return tolower(a:text)
+ elseif a:flag == 'u' " u : uppercase
+ return toupper(a:text)
+ elseif a:flag == 'c' " c : capitalize
+ return toupper(a:text[0]).a:text[1:]
+ elseif a:flag == 'L' " L : legalized name
+ let text = substitute( a:text, '\s\+', '_', 'g' ) " multiple whitespaces
+ let text = substitute( text, '\W\+', '_', 'g' ) " multiple non-word characters
+ let text = substitute( text, '_\+', '_', 'g' ) " multiple underscores
+ return text
+ else " flag not valid
+ return a:text
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:ApplyFlag ----------
+" s:ReplaceMacros : Replace all the macros in a text. {{{2
+function! s:ReplaceMacros ( text, m_local )
+ "
+ let text1 = ''
+ let text2 = a:text
+ "
+ let regex = '\(\_.\{-}\)'.s:library.regex_template.MacroInsert.'\(\_.*\)'
+ "
+ while 1
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text2, regex )
+ "
+ " no more macros?
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ " check for recursion
+ if -1 != index ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, mlist[2] )
+ let m_text = ''
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, mlist[2] )
+ throw 'Template:MacroRecursion'
+ elseif has_key ( a:m_local, mlist[2] )
+ let m_text = get ( a:m_local, mlist[2] )
+ else
+ let m_text = get ( s:library.macros, mlist[2], '' )
+ end
+ "
+ if m_text =~ s:library.regex_template.MacroNoCapture
+ "
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, mlist[2] )
+ "
+ let m_text = s:ReplaceMacros ( m_text, a:m_local )
+ "
+ call remove ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, -1 )
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " apply flag?
+ if ! empty ( mlist[3] )
+ let m_text = s:ApplyFlag ( m_text, mlist[3] )
+ endif
+ "
+ let text1 .= mlist[1].m_text
+ let text2 = mlist[4]
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ return text1.text2
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:ReplaceMacros ----------
+" s:CheckHelp : Check a template (help). {{{2
+let s:NamespaceHelp = {
+ \ 'Word' : 's',
+ \ 'Pattern' : 's', 'Default' : 's',
+ \ 'Substitute' : 'sss', 'LiteralSub' : 'sss',
+ \ 'System' : 's', 'Vim' : 's',
+ \ }
+function! s:CheckHelp ( cmds, text, calls )
+ return [ a:cmds, a:text ]
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CheckHelp ----------
+" "----------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:CheckStdTempl : Check a template (standard). {{{2
+let s:NamespaceStdTempl = {
+ \ 'DefaultMacro' : 's[sl]',
+ \ 'PickFile' : 'ss',
+ \ 'PickList' : 's[sld]',
+ \ 'Prompt' : 'ss',
+ \ 'SurroundWith' : 's[sl]*',
+ \ }
+let s:NamespaceStdTemplInsert = {
+ \ 'Comment' : 's\?',
+ \ 'Insert' : 's[sl]*',
+ \ 'InsertLine' : 's[sl]*',
+ \ }
+function! s:CheckStdTempl ( cmds, text, calls )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ let ms = regex.MacroStart
+ let me = regex.MacroEnd
+ "
+ let cmds = a:cmds
+ let text = a:text
+ "
+ let prompted = {}
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " replacements
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ while 1
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, regex.MacroRequest )
+ "
+ " no more macros?
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let m_name = mlist[1]
+ let m_flag = mlist[2]
+ "
+ " not a special macro and not already done?
+ if has_key ( s:StandardMacros, m_name )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'The special macro "'.m_name.'" can not be replaced via |?'.m_name.'|.' )
+ elseif ! has_key ( prompted, m_name )
+ let cmds .= "Prompt(".string(m_name).",".string(m_flag).")\n"
+ let prompted[ m_name ] = 1
+ endif
+ "
+ if ! empty ( m_flag ) | let m_flag = ':'.m_flag | endif
+ "
+ " insert a normal macro
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text,
+ \ mlist[0], ms.m_name.m_flag.me, 'g' )
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " lists
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ let list_items = [ 'EMPTY', 'SINGLE', 'FIRST', 'LAST' ] " + 'ENTRY'
+ "
+ while 1
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, regex.ListItem )
+ "
+ " no more macros?
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let l_name = mlist[1]
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text,
+ \ '\([^'."\n".']*\)'.ms.l_name.':ENTRY_*'.me.'\([^'."\n".']*\)\n' )
+ "
+ let cmds .= "LIST(".string(l_name).","
+ \ .string(mlist[1]).",".string(mlist[2]).")\n"
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text,
+ \ mlist[0], ms.l_name.':LIST'.me."\n", '' )
+ "
+ for item in list_items
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text,
+ \ '\([^'."\n".']*\)'.ms.l_name.':'.item.'_*'.me.'\([^'."\n".']*\)\n' )
+ "
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ let cmds .= "\n"
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ let cmds .= "[".string(mlist[1]).",".string(mlist[2])."]\n"
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text, mlist[0], '', '' )
+ endfor
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " comments
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ while 1
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, regex.FunctionComment )
+ "
+ " no more comments?
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = mlist[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ " check the call
+ call s:FunctionCheck ( 'Comment', f_param, s:NamespaceStdTemplInsert )
+ "
+ exe 'let flist = ['.f_param.']'
+ "
+ if empty ( flist ) | let flag = 'eol'
+ else | let flag = flist[0] | endif
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, regex.FunctionComment.'\s*\([^'."\n".']*\)' )
+ "
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text, mlist[0],
+ \ ms.'InsertLine("Comments.end-of-line","|CONTENT|",'.string( mlist[3] ).')'.me, '' )
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ return [ cmds, text ]
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CheckStdTempl ----------
+" s:CheckTemplate : Check a template. {{{2
+" Get the command and text block.
+function! s:CheckTemplate ( template, type )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ let cmds = ''
+ let text = ''
+ let calls = []
+ "
+ " the known functions
+ if a:type == 't'
+ let namespace = s:NamespaceStdTempl
+" " TODO: remove this code:
+" elseif a:type == 'pick-file'
+" let namespace = s:NamespacePickFile
+" elseif a:type == 'pick-list'
+" let namespace = s:NamespacePickList
+ elseif a:type == 'help'
+ let namespace = s:NamespaceHelp
+ endif
+ "
+ " go trough the lines
+ let idx = 0
+ while idx < len ( a:template )
+ "
+ let idx_n = stridx ( a:template, "\n", idx )
+ let mlist = matchlist ( a:template[ idx : idx_n ], regex.FunctionLine )
+ "
+ " no match or 'Comment' or 'Insert' function?
+ if empty ( mlist ) || mlist[ 2 ] =~ regex.TextBlockFunctions
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = mlist[ 2 : 3 ]
+ "
+ " check the call
+ call s:FunctionCheck ( f_name, f_param, namespace )
+ "
+ call add ( calls, [ f_name, f_param ] )
+ "
+ let cmds .= mlist[1]."\n"
+ let idx += len ( mlist[0] )
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ let text = a:template[ idx : -1 ]
+ "
+ " checks depending on the type
+ if a:type == 't'
+ return s:CheckStdTempl( cmds, text, calls )
+" " TODO: remove this code:
+" elseif a:type == 'pick-file'
+" return s:CheckPickFile( cmds, text, calls )
+" elseif a:type == 'pick-list'
+" return s:CheckPickList( cmds, text, calls )
+ elseif a:type == 'help'
+ return s:CheckHelp( cmds, text, calls )
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CheckTemplate ----------
+" s:GetTemplate : Get a template. {{{2
+function! s:GetTemplate ( name, style )
+ "
+ let name = a:name
+ let style = a:style
+ "
+ " check the template
+ if has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!!type' )
+ let info = s:library.templates[ a:name.'!!type' ]
+ let [ type, placement, indentation ] = split ( info, ',' )
+ else
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:template does not exist'
+ endif
+ "
+ if style == '!any'
+ for s in s:library.styles
+ if has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!'.s )
+ let template = get ( s:library.templates, name.'!'.s )
+ let style = s
+ endif
+ endfor
+ else
+ " check the style
+ if has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!'.style )
+ let template = get ( s:library.templates, name.'!'.style )
+ elseif has_key ( s:library.templates, name.'!default' )
+ let template = get ( s:library.templates, name.'!default' )
+ let style = 'default'
+ elseif style == 'default'
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:template does not have the default style'
+ else
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:template has neither the style "'.style.'" nor the default style'
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ " check the text
+ let head = template[ 0 : 5 ]
+ "
+ if head == "|P()|\n" " plain text
+ " TODO: special type for plain
+ let cmds = ''
+ let text = template[ 6 : -1 ]
+ elseif head == "|T()|\n" " only text (contains only macros without '?')
+ let cmds = ''
+ let text = template[ 6 : -1 ]
+ elseif head == "|C()|\n" " command and text block
+ let splt = stridx ( template, "|T()|\n" ) - 1
+ let cmds = template[ 6 : splt ]
+ let text = template[ splt+7 : -1 ]
+ else
+ "
+ " do checks
+ let [ cmds, text ] = s:CheckTemplate ( template, type )
+ "
+ " save the result
+ if empty ( cmds )
+ let template = "|T()|\n".text
+ else
+ let template = "|C()|\n".cmds."|T()|\n".text
+ end
+ let s:library.templates[ a:name.'!'.style ] = template
+ "
+ end
+ "
+ return [ cmds, text, type, placement, indentation ]
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:GetTemplate ----------
+" s:GetPickList : Get the list used in a template. {{{2
+function! s:GetPickList ( name )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ " get the template
+ let [ cmds, text, type, placement, indentation ] = s:GetTemplate ( a:name, '!any' )
+ "
+ if type == 't'
+ "
+ for line in split( cmds, "\n" )
+ " the line will match and it will be a valid function
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = matchlist ( line, regex.FunctionChecked )[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ if f_name == 'PickList'
+ "
+ exe 'let [ _, listarg ] = [ '.f_param.' ]'
+ "
+ let entry = ''
+ "
+ if type ( listarg ) == type ( '' )
+ if ! has_key ( s:library.resources, 'list!'.listarg )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'List "'.listarg.'" does not exist.' )
+ return []
+ endif
+ let list = s:library.resources[ 'list!'.listarg ]
+ else
+ let list = listarg
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ endfor
+ "
+" " TODO: remove this code:
+" elseif type == 'pick-list'
+" "
+" for line in split( cmds, "\n" )
+" " the line will match and it will be a valid function
+" let [ f_name, f_param ] = matchlist ( line, regex.FunctionChecked )[ 1 : 2 ]
+" "
+" if f_name == 'List'
+" exe 'let list = '.f_param
+" elseif f_name == 'GetList'
+" "
+" let listname = matchstr ( f_param, regex.RemoveQuote )
+" if ! has_key ( s:library.resources, 'list!'.listname )
+" call s:ErrorMsg ( 'List "'.listname.'" does not exist.' )
+" return []
+" endif
+" let list = s:library.resources[ 'list!'.listname ]
+" "
+" endif
+" endfor
+" "
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Template "'.a:name.'" is not a list picker.' )
+ return []
+ endif
+ "
+ if type ( list ) == type ( [] )
+ return list
+ else
+ return sort ( keys ( list ) )
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:GetPickList ----------
+" s:PrepareHelp : Prepare a template (help). {{{2
+function! s:PrepareHelp ( cmds, text )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ let pick = ''
+ let default = ''
+ let method = ''
+ let call = ''
+ "
+ let buf_line = getline('.')
+ let buf_pos = col('.') - 1
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " command block
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ for line in split( a:cmds, "\n" )
+ "
+ " the line will match and it will be a valid function
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = matchlist ( line, regex.FunctionChecked )[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ if f_name == 'C'
+ " ignore
+ elseif f_name == 'Word'
+ exe 'let switch = '.f_param | " TODO: works differently than 'Pattern': picks up word behind the cursor, too
+ if switch == 'W' | let pick = expand('')
+ else | let pick = expand('') | endif
+ elseif f_name == 'Pattern'
+ exe 'let pattern = '.f_param
+ let cnt = 1
+ while 1
+ let m_end = matchend ( buf_line, pattern, 0, cnt ) - 1
+ if m_end < 0
+ let pick = ''
+ break
+ elseif m_end >= buf_pos
+ let m_start = match ( buf_line, pattern, 0, cnt )
+ if m_start <= buf_pos | let pick = buf_line[ m_start : m_end ]
+ else | let pick = '' | endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let cnt += 1
+ endwhile
+ elseif f_name == 'Default'
+ exe 'let default = '.f_param
+ elseif f_name == 'LiteralSub'
+ exe 'let [ p, r, f ] = ['.f_param.']'
+ let pick = s:LiteralReplacement ( pick, p, r, f )
+ elseif f_name == 'Substitute'
+ exe 'let [ p, r, f ] = ['.f_param.']'
+ let pick = substitute ( pick, p, r, f )
+ elseif f_name == 'System' || f_name == 'Vim'
+ let method = f_name
+ exe 'let call = '.f_param
+ endif
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " call for help
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if empty ( pick ) && empty ( default )
+ \ || empty ( method )
+ return ''
+ endif
+ "
+ let m_local = copy ( s:t_runtime.macros )
+ "
+ if ! empty ( pick )
+ let m_local.PICK = pick
+ let call = s:ReplaceMacros ( call, m_local )
+ else
+ let call = s:ReplaceMacros ( default, m_local )
+ endif
+ "
+ if method == 'System'
+ echo 'call system ( '.string ( call ).' )' | " debug
+ exe 'call system ( '.string ( call ).' )'
+ elseif method == 'Vim'
+ echo call | " debug
+ exe call
+ endif
+ "
+ return ''
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:PrepareHelp ----------
+" "----------------------------------------------------------------------
+" s:PrepareStdTempl : Prepare a template (standard). {{{2
+function! s:PrepareStdTempl ( cmds, text )
+ "
+ " TODO: revert must work like a stack, first set, last reverted
+ " TODO: revert in case of PickList and PickFile
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ let ms = regex.MacroStart
+ let me = regex.MacroEnd
+ "
+ let m_local = s:t_runtime.macros
+ let m_global = s:library.macros
+ let prompted = s:t_runtime.prompted
+ "
+ let text = a:text
+ let surround = ''
+ let revert = ''
+ "
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " command block
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let cmds = split( a:cmds, "\n" )
+ let i_cmds = 0
+ let n_cmds = len( cmds )
+ "
+ while i_cmds < n_cmds
+ "
+ " the line will match and it will be a valid function
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = matchlist ( cmds[ i_cmds ], regex.FunctionChecked )[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ if f_name == 'C'
+ " ignore
+ elseif f_name == 'SurroundWith'
+ let surround = f_param
+ elseif f_name == 'DefaultMacro'
+ "
+ let [ m_name, m_text ] = eval ( '[ '.f_param.' ]' )
+ "
+ if ! has_key ( m_local, m_name )
+ let revert = 'call remove ( m_local, "'.m_name.'" ) | '.revert
+ let m_local[ m_name ] = m_text
+ endif
+ "
+ elseif f_name == 'PickFile'
+ "
+ let [ p_prompt, p_path ] = eval ( '[ '.f_param.' ]' )
+ "
+ if p_path =~ regex.MacroName
+ if ! has_key ( s:library.resources, 'path!'.p_path )
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:the resources "'.p_path.'" does not exist'
+ endif
+ let p_path = s:library.resources[ 'path!'.p_path ]
+ endif
+ "
+ let p_path = expand ( p_path )
+ let file = s:UserInput ( p_prompt.' : ', p_path, 'file' )
+ "
+ let m_local.PICK_COMPL = file
+ let m_local.PATH_COMPL = fnamemodify ( file, ':h' )
+ "
+ let file = substitute ( file, '\V\^'.p_path, '', '' )
+ "
+ let m_local.PICK = file
+ let m_local.PATH = fnamemodify ( file, ':h' )
+ let m_local.FILENAME = fnamemodify ( file, ':t' )
+ let m_local.BASENAME = fnamemodify ( file, ':t:r' )
+ let m_local.SUFFIX = fnamemodify ( file, ':e' )
+ "
+ elseif f_name == 'PickEntry'
+ "
+ let [ p_which, p_entry ] = eval ( '[ '.f_param.' ]' )
+ "
+ let l:pick_entry = p_entry
+ "
+ elseif f_name == 'PickList'
+ "
+ let [ p_prompt, p_list ] = eval ( '[ '.f_param.' ]' )
+ "
+ if type ( p_list ) == type ( '' )
+ if ! has_key ( s:library.resources, 'list!'.p_list )
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:the resources "'.p_list.'" does not exist'
+ endif
+ let list = s:library.resources[ 'list!'.p_list ]
+ else
+ let list = p_list
+ end
+ "
+ if type ( list ) == type ( [] )
+ let type = 'list'
+ let input_list = list
+ else
+ let type = 'dict'
+ let input_list = sort ( keys ( list ) )
+ endif
+ "
+ if exists ( 'l:pick_entry' )
+ let entry = l:pick_entry
+ else
+ let entry = s:UserInput ( p_prompt.' : ', '', 'customlist', input_list )
+ endif
+ "
+ let m_local.KEY = entry
+ "
+ if type == 'dict'
+ if ! has_key ( list, entry )
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:the entry "'.entry.'" does not exist'
+ endif
+ let entry = list[ entry ]
+ endif
+ "
+ let m_local.VALUE = entry
+ let m_local.PICK = entry
+ "
+ elseif f_name == 'Prompt'
+ "
+ let [ m_name, m_flag ] = eval ( '[ '.f_param.' ]' )
+ "
+ " not already done and not a local macro?
+ if ! has_key ( prompted, m_name )
+ \ && ! has_key ( m_local, m_name )
+ let m_text = get ( m_global, m_name, '' )
+ "
+ " prompt user for replacement
+ let flagaction = get ( s:Flagactions, m_flag, '' ) " notify flag action, if any
+ let m_text = s:UserInput ( m_name.flagaction.' : ', m_text )
+ let m_text = s:ApplyFlag ( m_text, m_flag )
+ "
+ " save the result
+ let m_global[ m_name ] = m_text
+ let prompted[ m_name ] = 1
+ endif
+ else
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let i_cmds += 1
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " lists
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ "
+ while i_cmds < n_cmds
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( cmds[ i_cmds ], regex.FunctionList )
+ "
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ exe 'let [ l_name, head_def, tail_def ] = ['.mlist[1].']'
+ let l_text = ''
+ if ! has_key ( m_local, l_name )
+ let l_len = 0
+ elseif type ( m_local[ l_name ] ) == type ( '' )
+ let l_list = [ m_local[ l_name ] ]
+ let l_len = 1
+ else
+ let l_list = m_local[ l_name ]
+ let l_len = len ( l_list )
+ endif
+ "
+ if l_len == 0
+ if ! empty ( cmds[ i_cmds+1 ] )
+ exe 'let [ head, tail ] = '.cmds[ i_cmds+1 ]
+ let l_text = head.tail."\n"
+ endif
+ elseif l_len == 1
+ if ! empty ( cmds[ i_cmds+2 ] )
+ exe 'let [ head, tail ] = '.cmds[ i_cmds+2 ]
+ let l_text = head.l_list[0].tail."\n"
+ elseif ! empty ( cmds[ i_cmds+3 ] )
+ exe 'let [ head, tail ] = '.cmds[ i_cmds+3 ]
+ let l_text = head.l_list[0].tail."\n"
+ else
+ let l_text = head_def.l_list[0].tail_def."\n"
+ end
+ else " l_len >= 2
+ "
+ if ! empty ( cmds[ i_cmds+3 ] )
+ exe 'let [ head, tail ] = '.cmds[ i_cmds+3 ]
+ let l_text .= head.l_list[0].tail."\n"
+ else
+ let l_text .= head_def.l_list[0].tail_def."\n"
+ endif
+ "
+ for idx in range ( 1, l_len-2 )
+ let l_text .= head_def.l_list[idx].tail_def."\n"
+ endfor
+ "
+ if ! empty ( cmds[ i_cmds+4 ] )
+ exe 'let [ head, tail ] = '.cmds[ i_cmds+4 ]
+ let l_text .= head.l_list[-1].tail."\n"
+ else
+ let l_text .= head_def.l_list[-1].tail_def."\n"
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text, ms.l_name.':LIST'.me."\n", l_text, '' )
+ "
+ let i_cmds += 5
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " text block: macros and templates
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " insert other templates
+ while 1
+ "
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, regex.FunctionInsert )
+ "
+ " no more inserts?
+ if empty ( mlist )
+ break
+ endif
+ "
+ let [ f_name, f_param ] = mlist[ 1 : 2 ]
+ "
+ " check the call
+ call s:FunctionCheck ( f_name, f_param, s:NamespaceStdTemplInsert )
+ "
+ if f_name == 'InsertLine'
+ " get the replacement
+ exe 'let m_text = s:PrepareTemplate ( '.f_param.' )[0]'
+ let m_text = m_text[ 0 : -2 ]
+ " check
+ if m_text =~ "\n"
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:inserts more than a single line: "'.mlist[0].'"'
+ endif
+ elseif f_name == 'Insert'
+ " get the replacement
+ exe 'let m_text = s:PrepareTemplate ( '.f_param.' )[0]'
+ let m_text = m_text[ 0 : -2 ]
+ " prepare
+ let mlist = matchlist ( text, '\([^'."\n".']*\)'.regex.FunctionInsert.'\([^'."\n".']*\)' )
+ let head = mlist[1]
+ let tail = mlist[4]
+ let m_text = head.substitute( m_text, "\n", tail."\n".head, 'g' ).tail
+ else
+ throw 'Template:Check:the function "'.f_name.'" does not exist'
+ endif
+ "
+ " insert
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( text, mlist[0], m_text, '' )
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " insert the replacements
+ let text = s:ReplaceMacros ( text, m_local )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " surround the template
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if ! empty ( surround )
+ " get the replacement
+ exe 'let [ s_text, s_place ] = s:PrepareTemplate ( '.surround.', "do_surround" )'
+ "
+ if s_place == 'CONTENT'
+ if -1 == match( s_text, '' )
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:surround template: missing'
+ endif
+ "
+ let mcontext = matchlist ( s_text, '\([^'."\n".']*\)'.''.'\([^'."\n".']*\)' )
+ let head = mcontext[1]
+ let tail = mcontext[2]
+ " insert
+ let text = text[ 0: -2 ] " remove trailing '\n'
+ let text = head.substitute( text, "\n", tail."\n".head, 'g' ).tail
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement ( s_text, mcontext[0], text, '' )
+ elseif s_place == 'SPLIT'
+ if -1 == match( s_text, '' )
+ throw 'Template:Prepare:surround template: missing'
+ endif
+ "
+ if match( s_text, '\s*\n' ) >= 0
+ let part = split ( s_text, '\s*\s*\n', 1 )
+ else
+ let part = split ( s_text, '', 1 )
+ endif
+ let text = part[0].text.part[1]
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ exe revert
+ "
+ return text
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:PrepareStdTempl ----------
+" s:PrepareTemplate : Prepare a template for insertion. {{{2
+function! s:PrepareTemplate ( name, ... )
+ "
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup and checks
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " check for recursion
+ if -1 != index ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack, a:name )
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack, a:name )
+ throw 'Template:Recursion'
+ endif
+ "
+ call add ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack, a:name )
+ "
+ " current style
+ let style = s:library.current_style
+ "
+ " get the template
+ let [ cmds, text, type, placement, indentation ] = s:GetTemplate ( a:name, style )
+ "
+ " current macros
+ let m_local = s:t_runtime.macros
+ let prompted = s:t_runtime.prompted
+ "
+ let remove_cursor = 1
+ let remove_split = 1
+ let use_surround = 0
+ let use_split = 0
+ "
+ let revert = ''
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] =~ regex.MacroMatch && i+1 <= a:0
+ let m_name = matchlist ( a:[i], regex.MacroNameC )[1]
+ if has_key ( m_local, m_name )
+ let revert = 'let m_local["'.m_name.'"] = '.string( m_local[ m_name ] ).' | '.revert
+ else
+ let revert = 'call remove ( m_local, "'.m_name.'" ) | '.revert
+ endif
+ let m_local[ m_name ] = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == ''
+ let remove_cursor = 0
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == ''
+ let remove_split = 0
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_surround'
+ let use_surround = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'use_split'
+ let use_split = 1
+ let remove_split = 0
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'pick' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let cmds = "PickEntry( '', ".string(a:[i+1])." )\n".cmds
+ let i += 2
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " prepare
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type == 't'
+ let text = s:PrepareStdTempl( cmds, text )
+" " TODO: remove this code:
+" elseif type == 'pick-file'
+" let text = s:PreparePickFile( cmds, text )
+" elseif type == 'pick-list'
+" let text = s:PreparePickList( cmds, text )
+ elseif type == 'help'
+ let text = s:PrepareHelp( cmds, text )
+ endif
+ "
+ if remove_cursor
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement( text, '', '', 'g' )
+ endif
+ if remove_split
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement( text, '', '', 'g' )
+ endif
+ if ! use_surround || use_split
+ let text = s:LiteralReplacement( text, '', '', 'g' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ exe revert
+ "
+ call remove ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack, -1 )
+ "
+ if use_split
+ return [ text, 'SPLIT' ]
+ elseif use_surround
+ return [ text, 'CONTENT' ]
+ else
+ return [ text, placement, indentation ]
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:PrepareTemplate ----------
+" === Insert Templates: Auxiliary Functions === {{{1
+" s:InsertIntoBuffer : Insert a text into the buffer. {{{2
+" (thanks to Fritz Mehner)
+function! s:InsertIntoBuffer ( text, placement, indentation, flag_mode )
+ "
+ " TODO: syntax
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ let placement = a:placement
+ let indentation = a:indentation == '1'
+ "
+ if a:flag_mode != 'v'
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " command and insert mode
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ "
+ " remove the split point
+ let text = substitute( a:text, '\V'.'', '', 'g' )
+ "
+ if placement == 'below'
+ "
+ exe ':'.s:t_runtime.range[1]
+ call s:OpenFold('below')
+ let pos1 = line(".")+1
+ silent put = text
+ let pos2 = line(".")
+ "
+ elseif placement == 'above'
+ "
+ exe ':'.s:t_runtime.range[0]
+ let pos1 = line(".")
+ silent put! = text
+ let pos2 = line(".")
+ "
+ elseif placement == 'start'
+ "
+ exe ':1'
+ call s:OpenFold('start')
+ let pos1 = 1
+ silent put! = text
+ let pos2 = line(".")
+ "
+ elseif placement == 'append' || placement == 'insert'
+ "
+ if &foldenable && foldclosed(".") >= 0
+ throw 'Template:Insert:insertion not available for a closed fold'
+ elseif placement == 'append'
+ let pos1 = line(".")
+ silent put = text
+ let pos2 = line(".")-1
+ exe ":".pos1
+ :join!
+ let indentation = 0
+ elseif placement == 'insert'
+ let text = text[ 0: -2 ] " remove trailing '\n'
+ let currentline = getline( "." )
+ let pos1 = line(".")
+ let pos2 = pos1 + count( split(text,'\zs'), "\n" )
+ if a:flag_mode == 'i'
+ exe 'normal! gi'.text
+ else
+ exe 'normal! a'.text
+ endif
+ " reformat only multi-line inserts and previously empty lines
+ if pos1 == pos2 && currentline != ''
+ let indentation = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ else
+ throw 'Template:Insert:unknown placement "'.placement.'"'
+ endif
+ "
+ elseif a:flag_mode == 'v'
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ " visual mode
+ " --------------------------------------------------
+ "
+ " remove the jump targets (2nd type)
+ let text = substitute( a:text, regex.JumpTagType2, '', 'g' )
+ "
+ " TODO: Is the behaviour well-defined?
+ " Suggestion: The line might include a cursor and a split and nothing else.
+ if match( text, '' ) >= 0
+ if match( text, '\s*\n' ) >= 0
+ let part = split ( text, '\s*\s*\n', 1 )
+ else
+ let part = split ( text, '', 1 )
+ endif
+ let part[1] = part[1][ 0: -2 ] " remove trailing '\n'
+ else
+ let part = [ "", text[ 0: -2 ] ] " remove trailing '\n'
+ echomsg 'tag missing in template.'
+ endif
+ "
+ " 'visual' and placement 'insert':
+ "
+ " part0 and part1 can consist of several lines
+ "
+ " 'visual' and placement 'below':
+ "
+ "
+ "
+ " part0 and part1 can consist of several lines
+ "
+ if placement == 'insert'
+ " windows: register @* does not work
+ " solution: recover area of the visual mode and yank,
+ " puts the selected area into the buffer @"
+ let pos1 = line("'<")
+ let pos2 = line("'>") + len(split( text, '\n' )) - 1
+ normal! gvy
+ let repl = escape ( part[0].@".part[1], '\&~' )
+ " substitute the selected area (using the '< and '> marks)
+ exe ':s/\%''<.*\%''>./'.repl.'/'
+ let indentation = 0
+ elseif placement == 'below'
+ silent 'put = part[1]
+ let pos1 = line("'<") - len(split( part[0], '\n' ))
+ let pos2 = line("'>") + len(split( part[1], '\n' ))
+ elseif placement =~ '^\%(start\|above\|append\)$'
+ throw 'Template:Insert:usage in split mode not allowed for placement "'.placement.'"'
+ else
+ throw 'Template:Insert:unknown placement "'.placement.'"'
+ endif
+ "
+ endif
+ "
+ " proper indenting
+ if indentation
+ silent exe ":".pos1
+ silent exe "normal! ".( pos2-pos1+1 )."=="
+ endif
+ "
+ return [ pos1, pos2 ]
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:InsertIntoBuffer ----------
+" s:PositionCursor : Position the cursor. {{{2
+" (thanks to Fritz Mehner)
+function! s:PositionCursor ( placement, flag_mode, pos1, pos2 )
+ "
+ " :TODO:12.08.2013 11:03:WM: changeable syntax?
+ " :TODO:12.08.2013 12:00:WM: change behavior?
+ "
+ call setpos ( '.', [ bufnr('%'), a:pos1, 1, 0 ] )
+ let mtch = search( '\m\|{CURSOR}', 'c', a:pos2 )
+ if mtch != 0
+ " tag found (and cursor moved, we are now at the position of the match)
+ let line = getline(mtch)
+ if line =~ '$\|{CURSOR}$'
+ " the tag is at the end of the line
+ call setline( mtch, substitute( line, '\|{CURSOR}', '', '' ) )
+ if a:flag_mode == 'v' && getline('.') =~ '^\s*$'
+ "if a:flag_mode == 'v' && getline('.') =~ '^\s*\%(\|{CURSOR}\)\s*$'
+ " the line contains nothing but the tag: remove and join without
+ " changing the second line
+ normal! J
+ "call setline( mtch, '' )
+ "normal! gJ
+ else
+ " the line contains other characters: remove the tag and start appending
+ "call setline( mtch, substitute( line, '\|{CURSOR}', '', '' ) )
+ startinsert!
+ endif
+ else
+ " the line contains other characters: remove the tag and start inserting
+ call setline( mtch, substitute( line, '\|{CURSOR}', '', '' ) )
+ startinsert
+ endif
+ else
+ " no tag found (and cursor not moved)
+ if a:placement == 'below'
+ " to the end of the block, needed for repeated inserts
+ exe ":".a:pos2
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:PositionCursor ----------
+" s:HighlightJumpTargets : Highlight the jump targets. {{{2
+function! s:HighlightJumpTargets ( regex )
+ exe 'match Search /'.a:regex.'/'
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:HighlightJumpTargets ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate : Insert a template. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate ( library, t_name, ... ) range
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:t_name ) != type( '' )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "template_name" must be given as a string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " library and runtime information
+ let s:library = t_lib
+ let s:t_runtime = {
+ \ 'obj_stack' : [],
+ \ 'macro_stack' : [],
+ \ 'macros' : {},
+ \ 'prompted' : {},
+ \
+ \ 'placement' : '',
+ \ 'range' : [ a:firstline, a:lastline ],
+ \ }
+ let regex = s:library.regex_template
+ "
+ " renew the predefined macros
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'BASENAME' ] = expand( '%:t:r' )
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'FILENAME' ] = expand( '%:t' )
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'PATH' ] = expand( '%:p:h' )
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'SUFFIX' ] = expand( '%:e' )
+ "
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'DATE' ] = strftime( s:library.macros[ 'DATE' ] )
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'TIME' ] = strftime( s:library.macros[ 'TIME' ] )
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ 'YEAR' ] = strftime( s:library.macros[ 'YEAR' ] )
+ "
+ " handle folds internally (and save the state)
+ if &foldenable
+ let foldmethod_save = &foldmethod
+ set foldmethod=manual
+ endif
+ " use internal formatting to avoid conflicts when using == below
+ " (and save the state)
+ let equalprg_save = &equalprg
+ set equalprg=
+ "
+ let flag_mode = 'n'
+ let options = []
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] == 'i' || a:[i] == 'insert'
+ let flag_mode = 'i'
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'v' || a:[i] == 'visual'
+ let flag_mode = 'v'
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'placement' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let s:t_runtime.placement = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'range' && i+2 <= a:0
+ let s:t_runtime.range[0] = a:[i+1]
+ let s:t_runtime.range[1] = a:[i+2]
+ let i += 3
+ elseif a:[i] =~ regex.MacroMatch && i+1 <= a:0
+ let name = matchlist ( a:[i], regex.MacroNameC )[1]
+ let s:t_runtime.macros[ name ] = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'pick' && i+1 <= a:0
+ call add ( options, 'pick' )
+ call add ( options, a:[i+1] )
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'debug' && i+1 <= a:0 && ! s:DebugGlobalOverwrite
+ let s:DebugLevel = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " do the job
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ try
+ "
+ " prepare the template for insertion
+ if empty ( options )
+ let [ text, placement, indentation ] = s:PrepareTemplate ( a:t_name, '', '' )
+ else
+ let [ text, placement, indentation ] = call ( 's:PrepareTemplate', [ a:t_name, '', '' ] + options )
+ endif
+ "
+ if placement == 'help'
+ " job already done, TODO: review this
+ else
+ "
+ if ! empty ( s:t_runtime.placement )
+ let placement = s:t_runtime.placement
+ endif
+ "
+ " insert the text into the buffer
+ let [ pos1, pos2 ] = s:InsertIntoBuffer ( text, placement, indentation, flag_mode )
+ "
+ " position the cursor
+ call s:PositionCursor ( placement, flag_mode, pos1, pos2 )
+ "
+ " highlight jump targets
+ call s:HighlightJumpTargets ( regex.JumpTagBoth )
+ endif
+ "
+ catch /Template:UserInputAborted/
+ " noop
+ catch /Template:Check:.*/
+ "
+ let templ = s:t_runtime.obj_stack[ -1 ]
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:Check:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Checking "'.templ.'":', msg )
+ "
+ catch /Template:Prepare:.*/
+ "
+ let templ = s:t_runtime.obj_stack[ -1 ]
+ let incld = len ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack ) == 1 ? '' : '(included by: "'.s:t_runtime.obj_stack[ -2 ].'")'
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:Prepare:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Preparing "'.templ.'":', incld, msg )
+ "
+ catch /Template:Recursion/
+ "
+ let templ = s:t_runtime.obj_stack[ -1 ]
+ let idx1 = index ( s:t_runtime.obj_stack, templ )
+ let cont = idx1 == 0 ? [] : [ '...' ]
+ call call ( 's:ErrorMsg', [ 'Recursion detected while including the template/s:' ] + cont +
+ \ s:t_runtime.obj_stack[ idx1 : -1 ] )
+ "
+ catch /Template:MacroRecursion/
+ "
+ let macro = s:t_runtime.macro_stack[ -1 ]
+ let idx1 = index ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, macro )
+ let cont = idx1 == 0 ? [] : [ '...' ]
+ call call ( 's:ErrorMsg', [ 'Recursion detected while replacing the macro/s:' ] + cont +
+ \ s:t_runtime.macro_stack[ idx1 : -1 ] )
+ "
+ catch /Template:Insert:.*/
+ "
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:Insert:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Inserting "'.a:t_name.'":', msg )
+ "
+ catch /Template:.*/
+ "
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( msg )
+ "
+ finally
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " restore the state: folding and formatter program
+ if &foldenable
+ exe "set foldmethod=".foldmethod_save
+ normal! zv
+ endif
+ let &equalprg = equalprg_save
+ "
+ unlet s:library " remove script variables
+ unlet s:t_runtime " ...
+ "
+ let s:DebugLevel = s:DebugGlobalOverwrite " reset debug
+ "
+ endtry
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#CreateMaps : Create maps for a template library. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#CreateMaps ( library, localleader, ... )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:localleader ) != type( '' )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "localleader" must be given as a string.' )
+ return
+ elseif ! empty ( a:localleader )
+ if exists ( 'g:maplocalleader' )
+ let ll_save = g:maplocalleader
+ endif
+ let g:maplocalleader = a:localleader
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " reuse previous commands
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if has_key ( t_lib, 'map_commands' )
+ "let TimeStart = reltime()
+ exe t_lib.map_commands
+ if ! empty ( a:localleader )
+ if exists ( 'll_save' )
+ let g:maplocalleader = ll_save
+ else
+ unlet g:maplocalleader
+ endif
+ endif
+ "echo 'Executing maps: '.reltimestr( reltime( TimeStart ) )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " options
+ let options = ' '
+ let leader = ''
+ let sep = "\n"
+ "
+ let do_jump_map = 0
+ let do_special_maps = 0
+ "
+ let cmd = ''
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] == 'do_jump_map'
+ let do_jump_map = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_special_maps'
+ let do_special_maps = 1
+ let i += 1
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ "let TimeStart = reltime()
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " generate new commands
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if has_key ( g:CheckedFiletypes, &filetype )
+ let echo_warning = 0
+ else
+ let g:CheckedFiletypes[ &filetype ] = 1
+ let echo_warning = g:Templates_MapInUseWarn != 0
+ endif
+ "
+ " go through all the templates
+ for t_name in t_lib.menu_order
+ "
+ exe 'let [ visual, mp ] = ['.t_lib.templates[ t_name.'!!menu' ].'][0:1]'
+ "
+ " no map?
+ " separators have an empty string "map", so they are skipped here
+ if empty ( mp )
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ for mode in [ 'n', 'v', 'i' ]
+ "
+ " map already existing?
+ if ! empty ( maparg( leader.mp, mode ) )
+ if echo_warning
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Mapping already in use: "'.leader.mp.'", mode "'.mode.'"' )
+ endif
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " insert and visual mode: insert ''
+ if mode == 'n' | let esc = ''
+ else | let esc = '' | endif
+ "
+ " insert mode, flag 'i':
+ " change behavior of templates with placement 'insert'
+ " visual mode, flag 'v':
+ " template contains a split tag, or the mode is forced
+ if mode == 'i' | let flag = ',"i"'
+ elseif mode == 'v' && visual == 1 | let flag = ',"v"'
+ else | let flag = '' | endif
+ "
+ " assemble the command to create the maps
+ let cmd .= mode.'noremap '.options.' '.leader.mp.' '.esc.':call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:library.',"'.t_name.'"'.flag.')'.sep
+ endfor
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+ " jump map
+ if do_jump_map
+ let jump_key = '' " TODO: configurable
+ if ! empty ( maparg( jump_key ) )
+ if echo_warning
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Mapping already in use: "'.jump_key.'"' )
+ endif
+ else
+ let jump_regex = string ( escape ( t_lib.regex_template.JumpTagBoth, '|' ) )
+ let cmd .= 'nnoremap '.options.' '.jump_key.' i=mmtemplates#core#JumpToTag('.jump_regex.')'.sep
+ let cmd .= 'inoremap '.options.' '.jump_key.' =mmtemplates#core#JumpToTag('.jump_regex.')'.sep
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ " special maps
+ " TODO: configuration of maps
+ " TODO: edit template
+ if do_special_maps
+ let special_maps = {
+ \ t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::EditTemplates::Map' ] : ':call mmtemplates#core#EditTemplateFiles('.a:library.',-1)',
+ \ t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::RereadTemplates::Map' ] : ':call mmtemplates#core#ReadTemplates('.a:library.',"reload","all")',
+ \ t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::ChooseStyle::Map' ] : ':call mmtemplates#core#ChooseStyle('.a:library.',"!pick")',
+ \ }
+ "
+ for [ mp, action ] in items ( special_maps )
+ if ! empty ( maparg( leader.mp ) )
+ if echo_warning
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Mapping already in use: "'.leader.mp.'"' )
+ endif
+ else
+ let cmd .= ' noremap '.options.' '.leader.mp.' '.action.sep
+ let cmd .= 'inoremap '.options.' '.leader.mp.' '.action.sep
+ endif
+ endfor
+ endif
+ "
+ let t_lib.map_commands = cmd
+ exe cmd
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if ! empty ( a:localleader )
+ if exists ( 'll_save' )
+ let g:maplocalleader = ll_save
+ else
+ unlet g:maplocalleader
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ "echo 'Generating maps: '.reltimestr( reltime( TimeStart ) )
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#CreateMaps ----------
+" === Create Menus: Auxiliary Functions === {{{1
+" s:InsertShortcut : Insert a shortcut into a menu entry. {{{2
+" Inserts the shortcut by prefixing the appropriate character with '&',
+" or by appending " ()". If escaped is true, the appended string is
+" correctly escaped.
+function! s:InsertShortcut ( entry, shortcut, escaped )
+ if empty ( a:shortcut )
+ return a:entry
+ else
+ let entry = a:entry
+ let sc = a:shortcut
+ if stridx ( tolower( entry ), tolower( sc ) ) == -1
+ if a:escaped | return entry.'\ (&'.sc.')'
+ else | return entry.' (&'.sc.')'
+ endif
+ else
+ return substitute( entry, '\V\c'.sc, '\&&', '' )
+ endif
+ endif
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:InsertShortcut ----------
+" s:CreateSubmenu : Create sub-menus, given they do not already exists. {{{2
+" The menu 'menu' can contain '&' and a trailing '.'. Both are ignored.
+function! s:CreateSubmenu ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, menu, priority )
+ "
+ " split point:
+ " a point, preceded by an even number of backslashes
+ " in turn, the backslashes must be preceded by a different character, or the
+ " beginning of the string
+ let level = len( split( a:root_menu, '\%(\_^\|[^\\]\)\%(\\\\\)*\zs\.' ) )
+ let parts = split( a:menu, '\%(\_^\|[^\\]\)\%(\\\\\)*\zs\.' )
+ let n_parts = len( parts )
+ let level += n_parts
+ "
+ let priority_str = ''
+ "
+ " go through the menu, clean up and check for new menus
+ let submenu = ''
+ for i in range( 1, len( parts ) )
+ "
+ let part = parts[ i-1 ]
+ "
+ if i == n_parts
+ let priority_str = repeat( '.', level-1 ).a:priority.'. '
+ endif
+ "
+ let clean = substitute( part, '&', '', 'g' )
+ if ! has_key ( a:t_lib.menu_existing, submenu.clean )
+ " a new menu!
+ let a:t_lib.menu_existing[ submenu.clean ] = 0
+ "
+ " shortcut and menu entry
+ if has_key ( a:t_lib.menu_shortcuts, submenu.clean )
+ let shortcut = a:t_lib.menu_shortcuts[ submenu.clean ]
+ if stridx ( tolower( clean ), tolower( shortcut ) ) == -1
+ let assemble = submenu.clean.' (&'.shortcut.')'
+ else
+ let assemble = submenu.substitute( clean, '\c'.shortcut, '\&&', '' )
+ endif
+ else
+ let assemble = submenu.part
+ endif
+ "
+ let assemble .= '.'
+ "
+ if -1 != stridx ( clean, '' )
+ exe 'anoremenu '.priority_str.a:root_menu.escape( assemble.clean, ' ' ).' :echo "This is a menu header."'
+ else
+ exe 'anoremenu '.priority_str.a:root_menu.escape( assemble.clean, ' ' ).''.escape( a:global_name, ' .' ).' :echo "This is a menu header."'
+ endif
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.escape( assemble, ' ' ).'-TSep00- '
+ endif
+ let submenu .= clean.'.'
+ endfor
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CreateSubmenu ----------
+" s:CreateTemplateMenus : Create menus for the templates. {{{2
+function! s:CreateTemplateMenus ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, t_lib_name )
+ "
+ let map_ldr = mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::Mapleader' ], 'right' )
+ "
+ " go through all the templates
+ for t_name in a:t_lib.menu_order
+ "
+ exe 'let [ visual, mp, entry, _, shortcut ] = ['.a:t_lib.templates[ t_name.'!!menu' ].']'
+ "
+ " no menu entry?
+ if entry == 0
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " get the sub-menu and the entry
+ let [ t_menu, t_last ] = matchlist ( t_name, '^\(.*\.\)\?\([^\.]\+\)$' )[1:2]
+ "
+ " menu does not exist?
+ if ! empty ( t_menu ) && ! has_key ( a:t_lib.menu_existing, t_menu[ 0 : -2 ] )
+ call s:CreateSubmenu ( a:t_lib, a:root_menu, a:global_name, t_menu[ 0 : -2 ], s:StandardPriority )
+ endif
+ "
+ if entry == 11
+ let m_key = t_menu[ 0 : -2 ]
+ if empty ( m_key )
+ let m_key = '!base'
+ endif
+ "
+ let sep_nr = a:t_lib.menu_existing[ m_key ] + 1
+ let a:t_lib.menu_existing[ m_key ] = sep_nr
+ "
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.escape( t_menu, ' ' ).'-TSep'.sep_nr.'- :'
+ "
+ continue
+ endif
+ "
+ " shortcut and menu entry
+ if ! empty ( shortcut )
+ if stridx ( tolower( t_last ), tolower( shortcut ) ) == -1
+ let t_last .= ' (&'.shortcut.')'
+ else
+ let t_last = substitute( t_last, '\c'.shortcut, '\&&', '' )
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ " assemble the entry, including the map, TODO: escape the map
+ let compl_entry = escape( t_menu.t_last, ' ' )
+ if empty ( mp )
+ let map_entry = ''
+ else
+ let map_entry = ''.map_ldr.mp
+ end
+ "
+ if entry == 1
+ " prevents problems in insert mode
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.compl_entry.map_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'")'
+ exe 'inoremenu '.a:root_menu.compl_entry.map_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","i")'
+ if visual == 1
+ exe 'vnoremenu '.a:root_menu.compl_entry.map_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","v")'
+ endif
+ elseif entry == 2
+ call s:CreateSubmenu ( a:t_lib, a:root_menu, a:global_name, t_menu.t_last.map_entry, s:StandardPriority )
+ "
+ for item in s:GetPickList ( t_name )
+ let item_entry = compl_entry.'.'.substitute ( substitute ( escape ( item, ' .' ), '&', '\&\&', 'g' ), '\w', '\&&', '' )
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.item_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","pick",'.string(item).')'
+ exe 'inoremenu '.a:root_menu.item_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","i","pick",'.string(item).')'
+ if visual == 1
+ exe 'vnoremenu '.a:root_menu.item_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","v","pick",'.string(item).')'
+ endif
+ endfor
+ "
+" exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.compl_entry.'.-\ choose\ -'.map_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'")'
+" if visual == 1
+" exe 'vnoremenu '.a:root_menu.compl_entry.'.-\ choose\ -'.map_entry.' :call mmtemplates#core#InsertTemplate('.a:t_lib_name.',"'.t_name.'","v")'
+" endif
+ endif
+ "
+ endfor
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CreateTemplateMenus ----------
+" s:CreateSpecialsMenus : Create menus for a template library. {{{2
+function! s:CreateSpecialsMenus ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, t_lib_name, specials_menu, styles_only )
+ "
+ " remove trailing point
+ let specials_menu = substitute( a:specials_menu, '\.$', '', '' )
+ "
+ let map_ldr = mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::Mapleader' ], 'right' )
+ let map_edit = map_ldr.mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::EditTemplates::Map' ], 'right' )
+ let map_read = map_ldr.mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::RereadTemplates::Map' ], 'right' )
+ let map_style = map_ldr.mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::ChooseStyle::Map' ], 'right' )
+ let sc_edit = mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::EditTemplates::Shortcut' ], 'right' )
+ let sc_read = mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::RereadTemplates::Shortcut' ], 'right' )
+ let sc_style = mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( a:t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::ChooseStyle::Shortcut' ], 'right' )
+ "
+ " create the specials menu
+ call s:CreateSubmenu ( a:t_lib, a:root_menu, a:global_name, specials_menu, s:StandardPriority )
+ "
+ if ! a:styles_only
+ " create edit and reread templates
+ let entry_edit = s:InsertShortcut ( '.edit\ templates', sc_edit, 1 ).''.map_edit
+ let entry_read = s:InsertShortcut ( '.reread\ templates', sc_read, 1 ).''.map_read
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.specials_menu.entry_edit
+ \ .' :call mmtemplates#core#EditTemplateFiles('.a:t_lib_name.',-1)'
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.specials_menu.entry_read
+ \ .' :call mmtemplates#core#ReadTemplates('.a:t_lib_name.',"reload","all")'
+ endif
+ "
+ " create a menu for all the styles
+ if sc_style == 's' | let entry_styles = '.choose &style'.map_style
+ else | let entry_styles = s:InsertShortcut ( '.choose style', sc_style, 0 ).''.map_style
+ endif
+ call s:CreateSubmenu ( a:t_lib, a:root_menu, a:global_name, specials_menu.entry_styles, s:StandardPriority )
+ "
+ for s in a:t_lib.styles
+ exe 'anoremenu '.a:root_menu.specials_menu.'.choose\ style.&'.s
+ \ .' :call mmtemplates#core#ChooseStyle('.a:t_lib_name.','.string(s).')'
+ endfor
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function s:CreateSpecialsMenus ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#CreateMenus : Create menus for a template library. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#CreateMenus ( library, root_menu, ... )
+ "
+ " check for feature
+ if ! has ( 'menu' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ let s:library = t_lib
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a string.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:root_menu ) != type( '' )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "root_menu" must be given as a string.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " options
+ let root_menu = substitute( a:root_menu, '&', '', 'g' )
+ let global_name = substitute( root_menu, '\.$', '', '' )
+ let root_menu = global_name.'.'
+ let specials_menu = '&Run'
+ let priority = s:StandardPriority
+ let existing = []
+ "
+ " jobs
+ let do_reset = 0
+ let do_templates = 0
+ let do_specials = 0 " no specials
+ let submenus = []
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let i = 1
+ while i <= a:0
+ "
+ if a:[i] == 'global_name' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let global_name = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'existing_menu' && i+1 <= a:0
+ if type ( a:[i+1] ) == type ( '' ) | call add ( existing, a:[i+1] )
+ else | call extend ( existing, a:[i+1] ) | endif
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'sub_menu' && i+1 <= a:0
+ if type ( a:[i+1] ) == type ( '' ) | call add ( submenus, a:[i+1] )
+ else | call extend ( submenus, a:[i+1] ) | endif
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'specials_menu' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let specials_menu = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'priority' && i+1 <= a:0
+ let priority = a:[i+1]
+ let i += 2
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_all'
+ let do_reset = 1
+ let do_templates = 1
+ let do_specials = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_reset'
+ let do_reset = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_templates'
+ let do_templates = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_specials'
+ let do_specials = 1
+ let i += 1
+ elseif a:[i] == 'do_styles'
+ let do_specials = 2
+ let i += 1
+ else
+ if type ( a:[i] ) == type ( '' ) | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option: "'.a:[i].'"' )
+ else | call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown option at position '.i.'.' ) | endif
+ let i += 1
+ endif
+ "
+ endwhile
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " do the jobs
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " reset
+ if do_reset
+ let t_lib.menu_existing = { '!base' : 0 }
+ endif
+ "
+ " existing menus
+ for name in existing
+ let name = substitute( name, '&', '', 'g' )
+ let name = substitute( name, '\.$', '', '' )
+ let t_lib.menu_existing[ name ] = 0
+ endfor
+ "
+ " sub-menus
+ for name in submenus
+ call s:CreateSubmenu ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, name, priority )
+ endfor
+ "
+ " templates
+ if do_templates
+ call s:CreateTemplateMenus ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, a:library )
+ endif
+ "
+ " specials
+ if do_specials == 1
+ " all specials
+ call s:CreateSpecialsMenus ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, a:library, specials_menu, 0 )
+ elseif do_specials == 2
+ " styles only
+ call s:CreateSpecialsMenus ( t_lib, root_menu, global_name, a:library, specials_menu, 1 )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ unlet s:library " remove script variable
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#CreateMenus ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu : Escape a string so it can be used as a menu item. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ( str, ... )
+ "
+ let mode = 'entry'
+ "
+ if a:0 > 0
+ if type( a:1 ) != type( '' )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "mode" must be given as a string.' )
+ elseif a:1 == 'menu'
+ let mode = 'menu'
+ elseif a:1 == 'entry'
+ let mode = 'entry'
+ elseif a:1 == 'right'
+ let mode = 'right'
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown mode: '.a:1 )
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ " whole menu: do not escape '.'
+ if mode == 'menu'
+ let str = escape ( a:str, ' \|' )
+ else
+ let str = escape ( a:str, ' \|.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " right-aligned text: do not escape '&'
+ if mode != 'right'
+ let str = substitute ( str, '&', '\&\&', 'g' )
+ endif
+ "
+ return str
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#ChooseStyle : Choose a style. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#ChooseStyle ( library, style )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:style ) != type( '' )
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "style" must be given as a string.' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " change the style
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " pick the style
+ if a:style == '!pick'
+ try
+ let style = s:UserInput( 'Style (currently '.t_lib.current_style.') : ', '',
+ \ 'customlist', t_lib.styles )
+ catch /Template:UserInputAborted/
+ return
+ endtry
+ else
+ let style = a:style
+ endif
+ "
+ " check and set the new style
+ if style == ''
+ " noop
+ elseif -1 != index ( t_lib.styles, style )
+ if t_lib.current_style != style
+ let t_lib.current_style = style
+ echo 'Changed style to "'.style.'".'
+ elseif a:style == '!pick'
+ echo 'Style stayed "'.style.'".'
+ endif
+ else
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( 'Style was not changed. Style "'.style.'" is not available.' )
+ end
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#ChooseStyle ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#Resource : Access to various resources. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#Resource ( library, mode, ... )
+ "
+ " TODO mode 'special' for |DATE|, |TIME| and |year|
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return [ '', 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' ]
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:mode ) != type( '' )
+ return [ '', 'Argument "mode" must be given as a string.' ]
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " special inquiries
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if a:mode == 'add' || a:mode == 'get' || a:mode == 'set'
+ " continue below
+ elseif a:mode == 'escaped_mapleader'
+ return [ mmtemplates#core#EscapeMenu( t_lib.properties[ 'Templates::Mapleader' ], 'right' ), '' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'jumptag'
+ return [ t_lib.regex_template.JumpTagBoth, '' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'style'
+ return [ t_lib.current_style, '' ]
+ else
+ return [ '', 'Mode "'.a:mode.'" is unknown.' ]
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " options
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " type of 'resource'
+ let types = { 'list' : '[ld]', 'macro' : 's', 'path' : 's', 'property' : 's' }
+ "
+ if a:mode == 'add' && a:0 != 3
+ return [ '', 'Mode "add" requires three additional arguments.' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'get' && a:0 != 2
+ return [ '', 'Mode "get" requires two additional arguments.' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'set' && a:0 != 3
+ return [ '', 'Mode "set" requires three additional arguments.' ]
+ elseif type( a:1 ) != type( '' )
+ return [ '', 'Argument "resource" must be given as a string.' ]
+ elseif type( a:2 ) != type( '' )
+ return [ '', 'Argument "key" must be given as a string.' ]
+ elseif ! has_key ( types, a:1 )
+ return [ '', 'Resource "'.a:1.'" does not exist.' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'add' && a:1 != 'property'
+ return [ '', 'Can not execute add for resource of type "'.a:1.'".' ]
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " add, get or set
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let resource = a:1
+ let key = a:2
+ "
+ if a:mode == 'add'
+ "
+ let value = a:3
+ "
+ " add (property only)
+ if type( value ) != type( '' )
+ return [ '', 'Argument "value" must be given as a string.' ]
+ else
+ let t_lib.properties[ key ] = value
+ return [ '', '' ]
+ endif
+ "
+ return [ '', '' ]
+ elseif a:mode == 'get'
+ "
+ " get
+ if resource == 'list'
+ return [ get( t_lib.resources, 'list!'.key ), '' ]
+ elseif resource == 'macro'
+ return [ get( t_lib.macros, key ), '' ]
+ elseif resource == 'path'
+ return [ get( t_lib.resources, 'path!'.key ), '' ]
+ elseif resource == 'property'
+ if has_key ( t_lib.properties, key )
+ return [ t_lib.properties[ key ], '' ]
+ else
+ return [ '', 'Property "'.key.'" does not exist.' ]
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ elseif a:mode == 'set'
+ "
+ let value = a:3
+ "
+ " check type and set
+ if s:TypeNames[ type( value ) ] !~ types[ resource ]
+ return [ '', 'Argument "value" has the wrong type.' ]
+ elseif resource == 'list'
+ let t_lib.resources[ 'list!'.key ] = value
+ elseif resource == 'macro'
+ let t_lib.macros[ key ] = value
+ elseif resource == 'path'
+ let t_lib.resources[ 'path!'.key ] = value
+ elseif resource == 'property'
+ if has_key ( t_lib.properties, key )
+ let t_lib.properties[ key ] = value
+ return [ '', '' ]
+ else
+ return [ '', 'Property "'.key.'" does not exist.' ]
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+ return [ '', '' ]
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#Resource ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#ChangeSyntax : Change the syntax of the templates. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#ChangeSyntax ( library, category, ... )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:category ) != type( '' )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "category" must be given as an integer or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " set the syntax
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if a:category == 'comment'
+ "
+ if a:0 < 1
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Not enough arguments for '.a:category.'.' )
+ elseif a:0 == 1
+ let t_lib.regex_settings.CommentStart = a:1
+ let t_lib.regex_settings.CommentHint = a:1[0]
+ elseif a:0 == 2
+ let t_lib.regex_settings.CommentStart = a:1
+ let t_lib.regex_settings.CommentHint = a:2[0]
+ endif
+ "
+ call s:UpdateFileReadRegex ( t_lib.regex_file, t_lib.regex_settings )
+ "
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Unknown category: '.a:category )
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#ChangeSyntax ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#ExpandText : Expand the macros in a text. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#ExpandText ( library, text )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:text ) != type( '' )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "text" must be given as a string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " setup
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " library and runtime information
+ let s:library = t_lib
+ let s:t_runtime = {
+ \ 'macro_stack' : [],
+ \ }
+ "
+ " renew the predefined macros
+ let m_local = {}
+ let m_local[ 'BASENAME' ] = expand( '%:t:r' )
+ let m_local[ 'FILENAME' ] = expand( '%:t' )
+ let m_local[ 'PATH' ] = expand( '%:p:h' )
+ let m_local[ 'SUFFIX' ] = expand( '%:e' )
+ "
+ let m_local[ 'DATE' ] = strftime( t_lib.macros[ 'DATE' ] )
+ let m_local[ 'TIME' ] = strftime( t_lib.macros[ 'TIME' ] )
+ let m_local[ 'YEAR' ] = strftime( t_lib.macros[ 'YEAR' ] )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " do the job
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ let res = ''
+ "
+ try
+ "
+ let res = s:ReplaceMacros ( a:text, m_local )
+ "
+ catch /Template:MacroRecursion/
+ "
+ let macro = s:t_runtime.macro_stack[ -1 ]
+ let idx1 = index ( s:t_runtime.macro_stack, macro )
+ let cont = idx1 == 0 ? [] : [ '...' ]
+ call call ( 's:ErrorMsg', [ 'Recursion detected while replacing the macro/s:' ] + cont +
+ \ s:t_runtime.macro_stack[ idx1 : -1 ] )
+ "
+ catch /Template:.*/
+ "
+ let msg = v:exception[ len( 'Template:') : -1 ]
+ call s:ErrorMsg ( msg )
+ "
+ finally
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " wrap up
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ unlet s:library " remove script variables
+ unlet s:t_runtime " ...
+ "
+ endtry
+ "
+ return res
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#ExpandText ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#EditTemplateFiles : Choose and edit a template file. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#EditTemplateFiles ( library, file )
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " parameters
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ if type( a:library ) == type( '' )
+ exe 'let t_lib = '.a:library
+ elseif type( a:library ) == type( {} )
+ let t_lib = a:library
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "library" must be given as a dict or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ if type( a:file ) == type( 0 )
+ if get( t_lib.library_files, a:file, '' ) == ''
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'No template file with index '.a:file.'.' )
+ endif
+ let file = t_lib.library_files[ a:file ]
+ elseif type( a:file ) == type( '' )
+ "
+ let file = expand ( a:file )
+ let file = s:ConcatNormalizedFilename ( file )
+ "
+ if ! filereadable ( file )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The file "'.file.'" does not exist.' )
+ elseif index ( t_lib.library_files, file ) == -1
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The file "'.file.'" is not part of the template library.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ else
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'Argument "file" must be given as an integer or string.' )
+ endif
+ "
+ " ==================================================
+ " do the job
+ " ==================================================
+ "
+ " get the directory
+ let dir = fnamemodify ( file, ':h' )
+ "
+ " TODO: method configurable
+ let method = 'explore'
+ let templatefile = ''
+ "
+ if ! filereadable ( file )
+ return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The directory "'.dir.'" does not exist.' )
+ elseif method == 'explore'
+ " open a file explorer
+ if ! exists ( 'g:loaded_netrwPlugin' ) | return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The plugin "netrw" is not available.' ) | endif
+ exe 'update! | split | Explore '.dir
+ elseif method == 'browse'
+ " open a file browser
+ if ! has ( 'browse' ) | return s:ErrorMsg ( 'The command "browse" is not available.' ) | endif
+ let templatefile = browse ( 0, 'edit a template file', dir, '' )
+ " returns an empty string if "Cancel" is pressed
+ endif
+ "
+ " open a buffer and start editing
+ if ! empty ( templatefile )
+ exe 'update! | split | edit '.templatefile
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#EditTemplateFiles ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#JumpToTag : Jump to the next tag. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#JumpToTag ( regex )
+ "
+ let match = search( '\m'.a:regex, 'c' )
+ if match > 0
+ " remove the target
+ call setline( match, substitute( getline('.'), a:regex, '', '' ) )
+ endif
+ "
+ return ''
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#JumpToTag ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#SetMapleader : Set the local mapleader. {{{1
+" list of lists: [ "", "" ]
+let s:mapleader_stack = []
+function! mmtemplates#core#SetMapleader ( localleader )
+ "
+ if empty ( a:localleader )
+ call add ( s:mapleader_stack, [] )
+ else
+ if exists ( 'g:maplocalleader' )
+ call add ( s:mapleader_stack, [ a:localleader, g:maplocalleader ] )
+ else
+ call add ( s:mapleader_stack, [ a:localleader ] )
+ endif
+ let g:maplocalleader = a:localleader
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#SetMapleader ----------
+" mmtemplates#core#ResetMapleader : Reset the local mapleader. {{{1
+function! mmtemplates#core#ResetMapleader ()
+ "
+ let ll_save = remove ( s:mapleader_stack, -1 )
+ "
+ if ! empty ( ll_save )
+ if len ( ll_save ) > 1
+ let g:maplocalleader = ll_save[1]
+ else
+ unlet g:maplocalleader
+ endif
+ endif
+ "
+endfunction " ---------- end of function mmtemplates#core#ResetMapleader ----------
+" }}}1
+" =====================================================================================
+" vim: foldmethod=marker
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/README.bashsupport b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/README.bashsupport
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db0c00a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/README.bashsupport
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+README for bash-support.vim (Version 4.2.1) / March 25 2014
+Bash Support implements a bash-IDE for Vim/gVim. It is written to considerably
+speed up writing code in a consistent style. This is done by inserting
+complete statements, comments, idioms, and code snippets. Syntax checking,
+running a script, starting a debugger can be done with a keystroke. There are
+many additional hints and options which can improve speed and comfort when
+writing shell scripts.
+(1) LINUX
+The subdirectories in the zip archive bash-support.zip mirror the directory
+structure which is needed below the local installation directory $HOME/.vim/
+(find the value of $HOME with ":echo $HOME" from inside Vim).
+(1.0) Save the template files in '$HOME/.vim/bash-support/templates/Templates' if
+ you have changed any of them.
+(1.1) Copy the zip archive bash-support.zip to $HOME/.vim and run
+ unzip bash-support.zip
+(1.2) Loading of plugin files must be enabled. If not use
+ :filetype plugin on
+ This is the minimal content of the file '$HOME/.vimrc'. Create one if there
+ is none or use the files in $HOME/.vim/bash-support/rc as a starting point.
+(1.3) Set at least some personal details in the file
+ '$HOME/.vim/bash-support/templates/Templates'
+ Here is the minimal personalization (my settings as an example):
+ SetMacro( 'AUTHOR', 'Dr. Fritz Mehner' )
+ SetMacro( 'AUTHORREF', 'fgm' )
+ SetMacro( 'EMAIL', 'mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de' )
+ SetMacro( 'ORGANIZATION','FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn' )
+ SetMacro( 'COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR|' )
+ (Read more about the template system in the plugin documentation)
+(1.4) Make the plugin help accessable by typing the following command on the
+ Vim command line:
+ :helptags $HOME/.vim/doc/
+(1.5) Consider additional settings in the file '$HOME/.vimrc'. The files
+ customization.vimrc and customization.gvimrc are replacements or extensions
+ for your .vimrc and .gvimrc. You may want to use parts of them. The files
+ are documented.
+The subdirectories in the zip archive bash-support.zip mirror the directory
+structure which is needed below the local installation directory
+$HOME/vimfiles/ (find the value of $HOME with ":echo $HOME" from inside Vim).
+(2.0) Save the template files in '$HOME/vimfiles/bash-support/templates/Templates'
+ if you have changed any of them.
+(2.1) Copy the zip archive bash-support.zip to $HOME/vimfiles and run
+ unzip bash-support.zip
+(2.2) Loading of plugin files must be enabled. If not use
+ :filetype plugin on
+ This is the minimal content of the file '$HOME/_vimrc'. Create one if there
+ is none or use the files in $HOME/vimfiles/bash-support/rc as a starting point.
+(2.3) Set at least some personal details in the file
+ '$HOME/vimfiles/bash-support/templates/Templates'
+ Here is the minimal personalization (my settings as an example):
+ SetMacro( 'AUTHOR', 'Dr. Fritz Mehner' )
+ SetMacro( 'AUTHORREF', 'fgm' )
+ SetMacro( 'EMAIL', 'mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de' )
+ SetMacro( 'ORGANIZATION','FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn' )
+ SetMacro( 'COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR|' )
+ (Read more about the template system in the plugin documentation)
+(2.4) Make the plugin help accessable by typing the following command on the
+ Vim command line:
+ :helptags $HOME\vimfiles\doc\
+(2.5) Consider additional settings in the file '$HOME/_vimrc'. The files
+ customization.vimrc and customization.gvimrc are replacements or extensions
+ for your _vimrc and _gvimrc. You may want to use parts of them. The files
+ are documented.
+There are a lot of features and options which can be used and influenced:
+ * use of template files and tags
+ * using and managing personal code snippets
+ * bash dictionary for keyword completion
+ * removing the root menu
+ * using additional plugins
+Look at the bashsupport help with
+ :help bashsupport
+ +-----------------------------------------------+
+ | +-------------------------------------------+ |
+ | | ** Please read the documentation ** | |
+ | | Actions differ for different modes! | |
+ | +-------------------------------------------+ |
+ +-----------------------------------------------+
+- Bugfix: Setup of local templates in case of global installation.
+- Help: Bash and utility manuals wrapped on window width.
+- Bugfix: \hm and \hh work wrong in insert mode.
+- Bugfix: Better compatibility with custom mappings
+ (use "normal!" and "noremap" consistently).
+- Added 'Bash_SetMapLeader' and 'Bash_ResetMapLeader'.
+- Minor corrections and improvements.
+ OLDER RELEASE NOTES : see file 'ChangeLog'
+README.bashsupport This file.
+ftplugin/sh.vim The bash filetype plugin.
+plugin/bash-support.vim The bash plugin for Vim/gVim.
+bash-support/scripts/wrapper.sh A wrapper script for the use of an xterm.
+doc/bashsupport.txt The help file for the local online help.
+bash-support/codesnippets/* Some code snippets as a starting point.
+bash-support/templates/* bash template files (see bashsupport.txt).
+bash-support/wordlists/* Additional word lists (dictionaries).
+----------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
+----------------------- The following files and extensions are for convenience only.
+ bash-support.vim will work without them.
+ -------------------------------------------------------------
+bash-support/rc/customization.bashrc Additional settings I use in .bashrc:
+ set the prompt P2, P3, P4 (for debugging).
+bash-support/rc/customization.vimrc Additional settings I use in .vimrc: incremental
+ search, tabstop, hot keys, font, use of dictionaries,
+ ... The file is commented. Append it to your .vimrc
+ if you like.
+bash-support/rc/customization.gvimrc Additional settings I use in .gvimrc: hot keys,
+ mouse settings, ... The file is commented.
+ Append it to your .gvimrc if you like.
+bash-support/doc/* Hotkey reference card (PDF), changelog.
+(1) gvim. Toggle 'insert mode' <--> 'normal mode' with the right mouse button
+ (see mapping in file customization.gvimrc).
+(2) gvim. Use tear off menus and
+(3) try 'Focus under mouse' as window behavior (No mouse click when the mouse
+ pointer is back from the menu entry).
+(4) Use Emulate3Buttons "on" (X11) even for a 3-button mouse. Pressing left and
+ right button simultaneously without moving your fingers is faster then
+ moving a finger to the middle button (often a wheel).
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_DEBUG b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_DEBUG
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8fa284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_DEBUG
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _trap_DEBUG
+# DESCRIPTION: Trap code for the pseudo-signal DEBUG. Generate a message.
+# The DEBUG trap is not inherited by functions.
+# Use 'set -o functrace'
+# PARAMETERS: 1) identification (e.g. line number $LINENO)
+# 2) variable name(s) to be tracked
+function _trap_DEBUG ()
+ declare identification=$1;
+ while [ ${#} -gt 1 ]; do
+ shift
+ echo -e "DEBUG [$identification] ${1} = '${!1}'"
+ done
+} # ---------- end of function _trap_DEBUG ----------
+trap '_trap_DEBUG $LINENO <-variable names->' DEBUG # trap DEBUG
+#trap - DEBUG # reset the DEBUG trap
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_ERR b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_ERR
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b747463
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_ERR
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _trap_ERROR
+# DESCRIPTION: Trap code for the pseudo-signal ERR (A command returning a
+# non-zero exit status). Generates an error message.
+# PARAMETERS: The current line number given by $LINENO .
+function _trap_ERROR ()
+ echo -e "\nERROR line ${1}: Command exited with status ${?}"
+} # ---------- end of function _trap_ERROR ----------
+trap '_trap_ERROR $LINENO' ERR # trap ERR
+#trap - ERR # reset the ERR trap
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_EXIT b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_EXIT
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfbab3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_EXIT
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _trap_EXIT
+# DESCRIPTION: Trap code for the pseudo-signal EXIT. Generates an message.
+# PARAMETERS: The current line number given by $LINENO .
+function _trap_EXIT ()
+ echo -e "\nEXIT line ${1}: Script exited with status ${?}"
+} # ---------- end of function ----------
+trap '_trap_EXIT $LINENO' EXIT # trap EXIT
+#trap - EXIT # reset the EXIT trap
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_RETURN b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_RETURN
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19b494e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/_trap_RETURN
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _trap_RETURN
+# DESCRIPTION: Trap code for the pseudo-signal RETURN. Generates a message.
+# The RETURN trap is not inherited by functions.
+# Use 'set -o functrace'
+# PARAMETERS: The current line number given by $LINENO .
+# variable(s) to be tracked
+function _trap_RETURN ()
+ echo -e "\nRETURN line ${1}: "
+} # ---------- end of functionn _trap_RETURN ----------
+trap '_trap_RETURN $LINENO' RETURN # trap RETURN
+#trap - RETURN # reset the RETURN trap
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/basename+pathname b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/basename+pathname
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1bbc6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/basename+pathname
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-signed-integer b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-signed-integer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8921d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-signed-integer
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [[ $number =~ ^[+-]?[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+ echo -e "match found : (signed) integer\n"
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-unsigned-integer b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-unsigned-integer
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98a0e79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-for-unsigned-integer
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+if [[ $number =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] ; then
+ echo -e "match found : integer\n"
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-number-of-command-line-arguments b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-number-of-command-line-arguments
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1db75cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/check-number-of-command-line-arguments
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Check number of command line arguments
+[ $# -lt 1 ] && { echo -e "\n\tUsage: ${0##/*/} File\n"; exit 1; }
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26e50a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+TMPFILE=$( mktemp /tmp/example.XXXXXXXXXX ) || exit 1
+rm --force $TMPFILE
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-in-secure-manner b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-in-secure-manner
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..880b30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-in-secure-manner
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} # defaults to /tmp if unset
+# Creates a particular temporary directory inside $TMPDIR.
+ { echo "ERROR creating a temporary file"; exit 1; }
+# When the program exits, it tries to remove the temporary folder.
+# This code is executed even if the process receives a signal 1,2,3 or 15.
+trap '[ "$TEMPORARY_DIR" ] && rm --recursive --force "$TEMPORARY_DIR"' 0
+touch $TEMPORARY_DIR/tempfile # new tempfile inside folder
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-with-trap b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-with-trap
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f81867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/create-tempfile-with-trap
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# cleanup temporary file in case of a keyboard interrupt (SIGINT)
+# or a termination signal (SIGTERM)
+function cleanup_temp
+ [ -e $tmpfile ] && rm --force $tmpfile
+ exit 0
+tmpfile=$(mktemp) || { echo "$0: creation of temporary file failed!"; exit 1; }
+# use tmpfile ...
+rm --force $tmpfile
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_PS4 b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_PS4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fbf5c57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_PS4
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# PS4 : timestamp; the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
+PS4='+[\t] '
+# PS4 : timestamp; 'seconds.nanoseconds' since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UT
+PS4='+[$(date "+%s.%N")] '
+# PS4 : position, line number, function name
+# The following line avoids error messages due to an unset FUNCNAME[0] :
+# set +o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
+PS4='+|${BASH_SOURCE##*/} ${LINENO}${FUNCNAME[0]:+ ${FUNCNAME[0]}}| '
+# PS4 : position, line number, function name, subshell information
+# The following line avoids error messages due to an unset FUNCNAME[0] :
+# set +o nounset # Treat unset variables as an error
+PS4='+(${BASH_SOURCE##*/}: ${LINENO}) : ${FUNCNAME[0]} - [level ${SHLVL}, '
+PS4=$PS4'subshell ${BASH_SUBSHELL}, return code $?]\n '
+# PS4 : default prompt
+PS4='+ '
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_assert b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_assert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5a4618
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_assert
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _assert
+# DESCRIPTION: Abort the script if assertion is false.
+# PARAMETERS: 1) expression used as test inside brackets
+# 2) optional information, e.g. $LINENO
+# RETURNS: 0 / 99 assertion is true / false
+function _assert ()
+ if [ ! $1 ]; then
+ echo "${0##*/}${2:+:$2}: assertion '$1' failed."
+ exit 99
+ fi
+ return 0
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_function.noindent b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_function.noindent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a8281f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_function.noindent
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} # 0 = no debug output, 1 = show debug output,
+ # or enable debug with: DEBUG=1 script.sh
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _debug
+# DESCRIPTION: echo debug output controlled by a global variable
+# PARAMETERS: list, e.g.; "$LINENO: x=$x"
+# RETURNS: always 0
+_debug ()
+ [ ${DEBUG} -ne 0 ] && echo -e "${@}"
+ return 0
+} # ---------- end of function _debug ----------
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_print_pos_param b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_print_pos_param
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4114a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_print_pos_param
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# print the positional parameters
+printf "'%b'\n" "$0" "$@" | nl -v0 -s': '
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_timestamp.noindent b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_timestamp.noindent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01ce833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/debugging/_debug_timestamp.noindent
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+DEBUG=${DEBUG:-0} # 0 = no debug output, 1 = show debug output,
+ # or enable debug with: DEBUG=1 script.sh
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: _debug_timestamp
+# DESCRIPTION: timestamp + optional information
+# timestamp: {seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00}.{nanoseconds}
+# PARAMETERS: identification, e.g. $LINENO (optional)
+# RETURNS: always 0
+_debug_timestamp ()
+ [ ${DEBUG} -ne 0 ] && echo -e "[ $(date "+%s.%N") ]${@:+ -- ${@}}"
+ return 0
+} # ---------- end of function _debug_timestamp ----------
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/free-software-comment b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/free-software-comment
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98c752d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/free-software-comment
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/timestamp b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/timestamp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe89064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/timestamp
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+timestamp=$(date +"%Y%m%d-%H%M%S") # generate timestamp : YYYYMMDD-hhmmss
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/usage-and-command-line-arguments.noindent b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/usage-and-command-line-arguments.noindent
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..519debc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/usage-and-command-line-arguments.noindent
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#=== FUNCTION ================================================================
+# NAME: usage
+# DESCRIPTION: Display usage information.
+function usage ()
+ cat <<- EOT
+ Usage : ${0##/*/} [options] [--]
+ Options:
+ -h|help Display this message
+ -v|version Display script version
+} # ---------- end of function usage ----------
+# Handle command line arguments
+while getopts ":hv" opt
+ case $opt in
+ h|help ) usage; exit 0 ;;
+ v|version ) echo "$0 -- Version $ScriptVersion"; exit 0 ;;
+ \? ) echo -e "\n Option does not exist : $OPTARG\n"
+ usage; exit 1 ;;
+ esac # --- end of case ---
+shift $(($OPTIND-1))
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-read b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-read
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb8183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-read
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+infilename="" # input filename
+exec 3<"$infilename"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo -e "Could not link file descriptor with file '$infilename'\n"
+ exit 1
+while read line <&3 ; do
+ echo -e "$line"
+exec 3<&- # close file descriptor
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-write b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-write
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a660ae7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/use-file-descriptor-write
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+outfilename="" # output filename
+exec 4>"$outfilename"
+if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo -e "Could not link file descriptor with file '$outfilename'\n"
+ exit 1
+echo -e "text" >&4
+exec 4>&- # close file descriptor
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/well-behaved-script b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/well-behaved-script
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3d72af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/codesnippets/well-behaved-script
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+set -o nounset # treat unset variables as errors
+declare -rx SCRIPT=${0##*/} # the name of this script
+declare -rx mkdir='/bin/mkdir' # the mkdir(1) command
+if [ -z "$BASH" ] ; then
+ printf "$SCRIPT:$LINENO: run this script with the BASH shell\n" >&2
+ exit 192
+if [ ! -x "$mkdir" ] ; then
+ printf "$SCRIPT:$LINENO: command '$mkdir' not available - aborting\n" >&2
+ exit 192
+exit 0
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.bashrc b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.bashrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d592b0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.bashrc
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# set Bash prompts
+# PS4 shows the function name when execution is inside a function and
+# the xtrace option is set.
+export PS2='continue> '
+export PS3='choose: '
+export PS4='|${BASH_SOURCE} ${LINENO}${FUNCNAME[0]:+ ${FUNCNAME[0]}()}| '
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.gvimrc b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.gvimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a5b62f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.gvimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+" File: customization.gvimrc
+" Description: suggestion for a personal configuration file ~/.gvimrc
+" VIM Version: 7.0+
+" Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (fgm), mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de
+" Organization: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
+" Version: 1.0
+" Created: 18.05.2013 21:58
+" Revision: ---
+" License: Copyright (c) 2013, Dr. Fritz Mehner
+set cmdheight=2 " Make command line two lines high
+set mousehide " Hide the mouse when typing text
+highlight Normal guibg=grey90
+highlight Cursor guibg=Blue guifg=NONE
+highlight lCursor guibg=Cyan guifg=NONE
+highlight NonText guibg=grey80
+highlight Constant gui=NONE guibg=grey95
+highlight Special gui=NONE guibg=grey95
+let c_comment_strings=1 " highlight strings inside C comments
+" Moving cursor to other windows
+" shift down : change window focus to lower one (cyclic)
+" shift up : change window focus to upper one (cyclic)
+" shift left : change window focus to one on left
+" shift right : change window focus to one on right
+nnoremap w
+nnoremap W
+nnoremap h
+nnoremap l
+" some additional hot keys
+" S-F3 - call gvim file browser
+ noremap :silent browse confirm e
+inoremap :silent browse confirm e
+" toggle insert mode <--> 'normal mode with the -key
+" use font with clearly distinguishable brackets : ()[]{}
+"set guifont=Luxi\ Mono\ 14
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.vimrc b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.vimrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a56a20c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/customization.vimrc
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+" File: customization.vimrc
+" Description: suggestion for a personal configuration file ~/.vimrc
+" VIM Version: 7.0+
+" Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (fgm), mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de
+" Organization: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
+" Version: 1.0
+" Created: 18.05.2013 21:59
+" Revision: ---
+" License: Copyright (c) 2013, Dr. Fritz Mehner
+" Use Vim settings, rather then Vi settings.
+" This must be first, because it changes other options as a side effect.
+set nocompatible
+" Enable file type detection. Use the default filetype settings.
+" Also load indent files, to automatically do language-dependent indenting.
+filetype plugin on
+filetype indent on
+" Switch syntax highlighting on.
+syntax on
+" Platform specific items:
+" - central backup directory (has to be created)
+" - default dictionary
+" Uncomment your choice.
+if has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") ||
+ \ has("win95") || has("win32unix")
+ "
+" runtime mswin.vim
+" set backupdir =$VIM\vimfiles\backupdir
+" set dictionary=$VIM\vimfiles\wordlists/german.list
+" set backupdir =$HOME/.vim.backupdir
+" set dictionary=$HOME/.vim/wordlists/german.list
+" Using a backupdir under UNIX/Linux: you may want to include a line similar to
+" find $HOME/.vim.backupdir -name "*" -type f -mtime +60 -exec rm -f {} \;
+" in one of your shell startup files (e.g. $HOME/.profile)
+" Various settings
+set autoindent " copy indent from current line
+set autoread " read open files again when changed outside Vim
+set autowrite " write a modified buffer on each :next , ...
+set backspace=indent,eol,start " backspacing over everything in insert mode
+set backup " keep a backup file
+set browsedir=current " which directory to use for the file browser
+set complete+=k " scan the files given with the 'dictionary' option
+set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history
+set hlsearch " highlight the last used search pattern
+set incsearch " do incremental searching
+set listchars=tab:>.,eol:\$ " strings to use in 'list' mode
+set mouse=a " enable the use of the mouse
+set nowrap " do not wrap lines
+set popt=left:8pc,right:3pc " print options
+set ruler " show the cursor position all the time
+set shiftwidth=2 " number of spaces to use for each step of indent
+set showcmd " display incomplete commands
+set smartindent " smart autoindenting when starting a new line
+set tabstop=2 " number of spaces that a counts for
+set visualbell " visual bell instead of beeping
+set wildignore=*.bak,*.o,*.e,*~ " wildmenu: ignore these extensions
+set wildmenu " command-line completion in an enhanced mode
+" The current directory is the directory of the file in the current window.
+if has("autocmd")
+ autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * :lchdir %:p:h
+" close window (conflicts with the KDE setting for calling the process manager)
+ noremap :close
+inoremap :close
+" Fast switching between buffers
+" The current buffer will be saved before switching to the next one.
+" Choose :bprevious or :bnext
+ noremap :if &modifiable && !&readonly &&
+ \ &modified :write :endif:bprevious
+inoremap :if &modifiable && !&readonly &&
+ \ &modified :write :endif:bprevious
+" Leave the editor with Ctrl-q (KDE): Write all changed buffers and exit Vim
+nnoremap :wqall
+" When editing a file, always jump to the last known cursor position.
+" Don't do it when the position is invalid or when inside an event handler
+" (happens when dropping a file on gvim).
+if has("autocmd")
+ autocmd BufReadPost *
+ \ if line("'\"") > 0 && line("'\"") <= line("$") |
+ \ exe "normal! g`\"" |
+ \ endif
+endif " has("autocmd")
+" some additional hot keys
+" F2 - write file without confirmation
+" F3 - call file explorer Ex
+" F4 - show tag under curser in the preview window (tagfile must exist!)
+" F5 - open quickfix error window
+" F6 - close quickfix error window
+" F7 - display previous error
+" F8 - display next error
+noremap :write
+noremap :Explore
+nnoremap :exe ":ptag ".expand("")
+noremap :copen
+noremap :cclose
+noremap :cp
+noremap :cn
+inoremap :write
+inoremap :Explore
+inoremap :exe ":ptag ".expand("")
+inoremap :copen
+inoremap :cclose
+inoremap :cp
+inoremap :cn
+" autocomplete parenthesis, brackets and braces
+inoremap ( ()
+inoremap [ []
+inoremap { {}
+vnoremap ( s()P
+vnoremap [ s[]P
+vnoremap { s{}P
+" autocomplete quotes
+vnoremap ' s''P
+vnoremap " s""P
+vnoremap ` s``P
+inoremap ' ':call QuoteInsertionWrapper("'")a
+inoremap " ":call QuoteInsertionWrapper('"')a
+inoremap ` `:call QuoteInsertionWrapper('`')a
+" function QuoteInsertionWrapper {{{3
+" Add a second quote only if the left and the right character are not keyword
+" characters and the right character is not the same quote.
+function! QuoteInsertionWrapper (quote)
+ let col = col('.')
+ let line = getline('.')
+ if ( line[col-2] =~ '\k' )
+ \ || ( line[col ] =~ '\k' )
+ \ || ( line[col-2] =~ a:quote )
+ \ || ( line[col ] =~ a:quote )
+ return a:quote
+ else
+ return a:quote.a:quote."\"
+ endif
+" plugin bash-support.vim
+" --empty --
+" taglist.vim : toggle the taglist window
+ noremap :Tlist
+inoremap :Tlist
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sample_template_file b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sample_template_file
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a77343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sample_template_file
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+§ =============================================================
+§ User Macros
+§ =============================================================
+SetMacro( 'AUTHOR', 'YOUR NAME' )
+SetMacro( 'AUTHORREF', '' )
+SetMacro( 'COMPANY', '' )
+SetMacro( 'COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright (c) |YEAR|, |AUTHOR|' )
+SetMacro( 'EMAIL', '' )
+SetMacro( 'LICENSE', 'GNU General Public License' )
+SetMacro( 'ORGANIZATION','' )
+§ =============================================================
+§ File Includes and Shortcuts
+§ =============================================================
diff --git a/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sh.vim b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sh.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eef7a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/nvim/plugged/bash-support.vim/bash-support/rc/sh.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+" File: sh.vim
+" Description: Additonal maps for bash-support (version 4.0+)
+" VIM Version: 7.0+
+" Author: Dr. Fritz Mehner (fgm), mehner.fritz@fh-swf.de
+" Organization: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
+" Version: 1.0
+" Created: 20.05.2013 17:20
+" Revision: ---
+" License: Copyright (c) 2013, Dr. Fritz Mehner
+" additional mapping : single quotes around a Word (non-whitespaces)
+" masks the normal mode command '' (jump to the position
+" before the latest jump)
+" additional mapping : double quotes around a Word (non-whitespaces)
+nnoremap '' ciW''P
+nnoremap "" ciW""P
+" generate tests
+" additional mapping : \t1 expands to [ - ]
+" additional mapping : \t2 expands to [ - ]
+nnoremap t1 a[ - ]
+inoremap t1 [ - ]
+nnoremap t2 a[ - ]