
448 lines
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2020-08-29 15:19:31 +02:00
(load-relative .
[(0 1)
nil "relative file load (within a multi-file Emacs package)" single])
(test-unit .
[(0 1)
nil "Unit Test Framework for Emacs Lisp " single])
(zenburn .
[(1 8)
nil "just some alien fruit salad to keep you in the zone" single])
(multi-project .
[(0 0 1)
nil "Work with multiple projects" single])
(hungry-delete .
[(1 0)
nil "hungry delete minor mode" single])
(Save-visited-files .
[(1 2)
nil "save opened files across sessions" single])
(c-eldoc .
[(0 6)
nil "helpful description of the arguments to C functions" single])
(mv-shell .
[(1 0)
nil "keep buffers in sync with filename throughout 'mv'commands in shell-mode." single])
(diff-git .
[(0 1 1)
nil "Git integration with diff-mode" single])
(html-script-src .
[(0 0 2)
nil "Insert <script src=\"..\"> for popular JavaScript libraries" single])
(rvm .
[(1 1)
nil "Emacs integration for rvm" single])
(elisp-depend .
[(0 4 1)
nil "Parse depend libraries of elisp file." single])
(perspective .
[(1 3)
nil "switch between named \"perspectives\" of the editor" single])
(ruby-electric .
[(1 1)
nil "electric editing commands for ruby files" single])
(yari .
[(0 3)
nil "Yet Another RI interface for Emacs" single])
(smex .
[(1 1 1)
nil "M-x interface with Ido-style fuzzy matching." single])
(drag-stuff .
[(0 0 3)
nil "Drag stuff (lines, words, region, etc...) around" single])
(ruby-test-mode .
[(1 0)
nil "Minor mode for Behaviour and Test Driven" single])
(applescript-mode .
nil "major mode for editing AppleScript source" single])
(mediawiki .
[(1 1)
nil "mediawiki frontend" single])
(wrap-region .
[(0 1 3)
nil "Wrap text with punctation or tag" single])
(twitter .
nil "Simple Emacs-based client for Twitter" single])
(pastie .
nil "Emacs integration for" single])
(textmate .
nil "TextMate minor mode for Emacs" single])
(yaml-mode .
[(0 0 5)
nil "Major mode for editing YAML files" single])
(rspec-mode .
[(0 2)
(1 1)))
"Enhance ruby-mode for RSpec" single])
(htmlize .
[(1 37)
nil "Convert buffer text and decorations to HTML." single])
(swank-clojure .
[(1 1 0)
(1 6)))
"slime adapter for clojure" single])
(slime-repl .
"Read-Eval-Print Loop written in Emacs Lisp" single])
(slime .
nil "Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs" single])
(nterm .
[(0 1)
nil "New TERMinal emulator" single])
(sass-mode .
[(3 0 14)
(3 0 14)))
"Major mode for editing Sass files" single])
(haml-mode .
[(3 0 14)
nil "Major mode for editing Haml files" single])
(smart-tab .
[(0 3)
nil "Intelligent tab completion and indentation." single])
(cssh .
[(0 7)
nil "clusterssh implementation for emacs" single])
(relax .
[(0 2)
(1 2))
(1 99 8)))
"For browsing and interacting with CouchDB" single])
(shellfm .
[(0 1)
nil "Emacs Shell.FM interface" single])
(texdrive .
[(0 3 1)
nil "minor mode for creating png images from TeX formulae " single])
(paredit .
nil "Parenthesis-Editing Minor Mode" single])
(rotate-text .
[(0 1)
nil "cycle through words, symbols and patterns" single])
(full-ack .
[(0 2 1)
nil "a front-end for ack" single])
(recent-addresses .
[(0 1)
nil "store and recall recently used email addresses" single])
(test-case-mode .
[(0 1)
(0 1 1)))
"unit test front-end" single])
(nav .
nil "Emacs mode for IDE-like navigation of directories" single])
(company .
[(0 5)
nil "extensible inline text completion mechanism" tar])
(guess-style .
[(0 1)
nil "automatic setting of code style variables" single])
(clojure-test-mode .
[(1 4)
(1 7)))
"Minor mode for Clojure tests" single])
(clojure-mode .
[(1 7 1)
nil "Major mode for Clojure code" single])
(magit .
[(0 8 1)
nil "control Git from Emacs." single])
(w3 .
[(4 0 46)
nil "A web browser written entirely in Emacs Lisp" tar])
(yasnippet-bundle .
[(0 6 1)
nil "Yet another snippet extension (Auto compiled bundle)" single])
(rinari .
[(2 1)
(1 1))
(2 1))
(0 7))
(2 0)))
"Rinari Is Not A Rails IDE" single])
(jump .
[(2 0)
(0 7))
(1 0)))
"build functions which contextually jump between files" single])
(inflections .
[(1 0)
nil "convert english words between singular and plural" single])
(tumble .
[(1 1)
(1 0)))
"an Emacs mode for Tumblr" single])
(http-post-simple .
[(1 0)
nil "HTTP POST requests using the url library" single])
(findr .
[(0 7)
nil "Breadth-first file-finding facility for (X)Emacs" single])
(ruby-compilation .
[(0 7)
(1 1))
(2 1)))
"run a ruby process in a compilation buffer" single])
(gist .
[(0 5)
nil "Emacs integration for" single])
(confluence .
[(1 4)
(1 6 4)))
"Emacs mode for interacting with confluence wikis" single])
(epresent .
[(0 1)
nil "Simple presentation mode for Emacs" single])
(inf-ruby .
[(2 1)
(1 1)))
"Run a ruby process in a buffer" single])
(ruby-mode .
[(1 1)
nil "Major mode for editing Ruby files" single])
(idle-highlight .
[(1 0)
nil "highlight the word the point is on" single])
(find-file-in-project .
[(2 0)
(0 2)))
"Find files in a project quickly." single])
(project-local-variables .
[(0 2)
nil "set project-local variables from a file" single])
(lusty-explorer .
[(2 4)
nil "Dynamic filesystem explorer and buffer switcher" single])
(tempo-snippets .
[(0 1 5)
nil "visual insertion of tempo templates" single])
(highlight-80+ .
[(1 0)
nil "highlight characters beyond column 80" single])
(echo-pick .
[(0 1)
nil "filter for echo area status messages" single])
(fringe-helper .
[(0 1 1)
nil "helper functions for fringe bitmaps" single])
(elk-test .
[(0 3 2)
(0 1 1)))
"Emacs Lisp testing framework" single])
(compile-bookmarks .
[(0 2)
nil "bookmarks for compilation commands" single])
(pov-mode .
[(3 2)
nil "Major mode for editing POV-Ray scene files." tar])
(js2-mode .
nil "an improved JavaScript editing mode" single])
(ert .
[(0 1)
nil "Emacs Lisp Regression Testing" single])
(jtags .
[(0 96)
nil "enhanced tags functionality for Java development" single])
(eproject .
[(0 4)
nil "project workspaces for emacs" tar])
(log4j-mode .
[(1 3)
nil "major mode for viewing log files" single])
(nxml-mode .
nil "Major mode for editing XML documents." tar])
(columnify .
[(1 0)
nil "arrange lines into columns" single])
(gdb-mi .
[(0 6 1 0)
nil "User Interface for running GDB" single])
(asciidoc .
[(0 1)
nil "asciidoc text file development support" single])
(shell-current-directory .
[(0 1)
nil "create new shell based on buffer directory" single])
(facebook .
[(0 0 1)
"Access the Facebook API from emacs" single])
(json .
[(1 2)
nil "JavaScript Object Notation parser / generator" single])
(pick-backup .
[(0 8)
nil "easy access to versioned backup files" single])
(idle-require .
[(1 0)
nil "load elisp libraries while Emacs is idle" single])
(highlight-symbol .
[(1 1)
nil "automatic and manual symbol highlighting" single])
(auto-dictionary .
[(1 0 1)
nil "automatic dictionary switcher for flyspell" single])
(dictionary .
[(1 8 7)
nil "an interface to an RFC 2229 dictionary server" tar])
(muse .
[(3 20)
nil "Authoring and publishing tool" tar])
(jimb-patch .
[(1 5)
nil "clean a patch for submission via email" single])
(lisppaste .
[(1 8)
(1 6 7)))
"Interact with the lisppaste pastebot via XML-RPC." single])
(weblogger .
[(1 4 3)
(1 6 5)))
"Weblog maintenance via XML-RPC APIs" single])
(xml-rpc .
[(1 6 7)
nil "An elisp implementation of clientside XML-RPC" single])
(iresize .
[(0 2)
nil "Interactively resize a window" single])
(sgftree .
[(0 1)
nil "Read an sgf file and represent it as a tree" single])
(chess .
[(1 96)
nil "Play chess in Emacs" tar])
(etags-select .
[(1 11)
nil "Select from multiple tags" single])
(less .
[(0 2)
nil "less style view mode" single])
(smart-operator .
[(0 9)
nil "Insert operators packed with whitespaces smartly" single])
(dired-isearch .
[(0 3)
nil "isearch in Dired" single])
(cal-china-x .
[(0 6)
nil "Chinese calendar extras" single])
(wajig .
[(0 53)
nil "an interface for wajig" single])
(erc .
[(5 3)
nil "An Emacs Internet Relay Chat client" tar])
(emms .
[(3 0)
nil "The Emacs Multimedia System" tar])
(archive-downloader .
[(1 1)
nil "Download files from" single])
(package .
[(0 9)
nil "Simple package system for Emacs" single])
(highlight-parentheses .
[(1 0 1)
nil "highlight surrounding parentheses" single])
(kill-ring-search .
[(1 1)
nil "incremental search for the kill ring" single])
(tex-math-preview .
nil "preview TeX math expressions." single])
(gtk-look .
nil "lookup Gtk and Gnome documentation." single])
(xtide .
nil "XTide display in Emacs" single])
(compilation-recenter-end .
nil "compilation-mode window recentre" single])
(gdb-shell .
[(0 4)
nil "minor mode to add gdb features to shell" single])
(highline .
[(4 2)
nil "minor mode to highlight current line in buffer" single])
(lua-mode .
nil "a major-mode for editing Lua scripts" single])
(css-mode .
[(1 0)
nil "Major mode for editing Cascading Style Sheets" single])
(javascript .
[(2 2 1)
nil "Major mode for editing JavaScript source text" single])
(light-symbol .
[(0 1)
nil "Minor mode to highlight symbol under point" single])
(worklog .
[(2 4 2)
nil "time tracking mode" single])
(abacus .
[(1 0 2)
nil "Abacus Calculator" single])
(sudoku .
[(0 3)
nil "Simple sudoku game, can download puzzles from the web." single])
(caps-mode .
[(1 0)
nil "(minor mode) letters are inserted capitalized" single])
(lambdacalc .
[(1 0)
nil "Interpret lambda calculus expressions" single])
(wtf .
[(2 0)
nil "Look up conversational and computing acronyms" single])
(blank-mode .
[(6 6)
nil "Minor mode to visualize blanks" single])
(bubbles .
[(0 5)
nil "Puzzle game for Emacs." single])
(newsticker .
[(1 10)
nil "Headline news ticker" tar])
(changelog-url .
[(0 1)
nil "ChangeLog bugzilla buttonizer" tar]))