This commit untracks personal.muttrc and moves the import of personal.muttrc to the last line of muttrc. I did this for several reasons: 1. I moved the personal.muttrc import to have the possibility to overwrite settings made in muttrc. This makes personalizing mutt easier. 2. Since personal.muttrc is currently empty, but gets automatically filled with the macros to switch between mail accounts, this will always appear as a modified file in `git status`. Also when all mail accounts get deleted via, personal.muttrc gets deleted and therefore might cause inconveniences this way. 3. This makes it virtually impossible to accidentally commit personal mutt configurations, which would be pretty easy if personal.muttrc stays part of this repo as a tracked file. 4. It makes the repo look and feel nicer.
57 lines
1.8 KiB
57 lines
1.8 KiB
# vim: filetype=neomuttrc
# This is the general mutt config which has the settings that all accounts use.
bind index,pager i noop
bind index,pager g noop
bind index \Cf noop
source etc/muttcol
source etc/aliases
set sleep_time = 0
set sort = 'reverse-date'
set editor = vim
#set copy = no
set timeout = "5"
set mail_check = "10"
set mailcap_path = ~/.config/mutt/etc/mailcap
set date_format="%m/%d %I:%M"
set index_format="%2C %Z %D %-15.15F %s (%-4.4c)"
set markers = no
set mark_old = no
auto_view text/html
auto_view application/pdf
alternative_order text/plain text/enriched text/html
# General remappings
bind editor <space> noop
bind index G last-entry
bind index gg first-entry
bind index d half-down
bind index u half-up
bind index D delete-message
bind index U undelete-message
bind index F search
bind index,pager R group-reply
macro index,pager S '<sync-mailbox>
macro index,pager \Cu |urlview\n
# Notmuch searching
macro index \Cf "<enter-command>unset wait_key<enter><shell-escape>read -p 'notmuch query: ' x; echo \$x >~/.cache/mutt_terms<enter><limit>~i \"\`notmuch search --output=messages \$(cat ~/.cache/mutt_terms) | head -n 600 | perl -le '@a=<>;chomp@a;s/\^id:// for@a;$,=\"|\";print@a'\`\"<enter>" "show only messages matching a notmuch pattern"
macro index A "<limit>all\n" "show all messages (undo limit)"
# Sidebar mappings
set sidebar_visible = yes
set sidebar_width = 20
set sidebar_short_path = yes
set sidebar_next_new_wrap = yes
set mail_check_stats
set sidebar_format = '%B%?F? [%F]?%* %?N?%N/?%S'
bind index,pager \Ck sidebar-prev
bind index,pager \Cj sidebar-next
bind index,pager \Co sidebar-open
bind index,pager <F3> sidebar-page-up
bind index,pager <F4> sidebar-page-down
bind index,pager \Cp sidebar-prev-new
bind index,pager \Cn sidebar-next-new
bind index,pager B sidebar-toggle-visible
source personal.muttrc